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It has been almost 2 weeks after the first U.N meeting and everyone is resting during a peaceful night.

Just after midnight Donald is attacked by Russian special forces, Donald defends himself disabling every member of the special forces.

The battle alerts everyone Kat, Ethan, Tim, Jose and everyone else comes to his private enclosure with a weapon of some kind.

Donald calls the Russian council member.
"Your special forces have attacked me and invaded my home. I hereby declare war on you. I am on my way and I am bringing war dragons with me."

The Russian council member calls the Russian president.
"Did you order the special forces to attack Donald?"

The Russian president says.
"Yes I did, he disrespected us and I will punish him for that."

The U.N. council member says. "You have angered him he is now on the way with war dragons and I do not know how many are coming. You have destroyed any chance we had to have him on our side."

The Russian president asks with a glint of fear in his eyes.
"What are you saying is he really that dangerous? And if so how do you suggest that we quell his anger?"

Before the council member can answer a fire ball crashes through the window and knocks the Russian president on the ground. The alarms start wailing as a voice says over a pa system.
"Guards to the president's quarters! We are under attack."

Donald and 105 dragons land outside the presidential house the Russian president gets up and looks out and sees a dragon army in the lawn.

The lights turn on and the Russian president sees all 105 dragons in full battle armor, fear rips through his body.
"What have I done?" He asks himself as he stares in fear.

Donald sees him and growls.
"You have given me reason to no longer trust Russia, if this war ends without any loss of life, it will be a good day for all."

The Russian U.N. council member runs to Donald.
"Please don't do this, we are no match for this many war dragons. Our president has made a mistake I ask you to forgive him. Please let us talk and sort this out I beg you please don't do this. Please allow me to handle this."

Donald looks at the Russian president and a weapon fires it hits Donald but it bounces off his armor at that moment all hell breaks loose.

The dragons start attacking. The humans are no match for the war dragons. Screams of pain fill the air in 15 minutes the dragons have reduced the number of Russian forces at the presidential house to less than 10.

Donald roars and the dragons stop the attack.

The Russian U.N. council member says.
"Mr. President I hope you know that the U.N. council is going to be very angry about this and it will take years to be able to even think about repair of this damage. You are going to need to explain why this happened to the U.N. Now we must inform the families of the ones killed here today."

Thor looks at the Russian president.
"Mr. President you are under arrest for the unwarranted attack of a U.S. citizen on United States soil. Do you surrender peacefully or do I have to force you to surrender?"

The Russian president says with a nod.
"I will go peacefully. Too much blood has been spilled because of my actions. I have failed my country and dishonored our allies."

Thor takes the Russian president to a location to wait for a U.N. meeting about what happened. It doesn't take long before word is sent saying that a emergency session has been called. No one wanted to deal with this but this was unacceptable and would not be tolerated. Hours later a upset council waited to hear the excuse of the Russian president that made him think that what happened was a good idea. Not only was the U.N. council upset, so was the U.S. president. Not to mention how pissed off Kat was, she was ready to rip the guts of the Russian president out and not use any pain killers. But out of everyone Donald's children were the most pissed off, especially Thor and Samantha.

All the hard work and hours of talk and negotiations were in jeopardy of collapse.

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