Wedding day

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Everyone shows up at the race, in between races Donald says. "Ladies and gentlemen we have a wedding here today. It includes the president's daughter and her soon to be husband. All track personal set up for the festivities."

Dragons and humans start moving around the track, the spectators watch as elaborate decorations get put up, all the vendors had agreed to help serve the food and snacks. The President had found out what Kat had ordered and doubled it, then tripled it. The food and decorations was over $25,000 by themselves, adding the cost of the dress, tuxedo, administrative costs, filing fees, rental fees for the space for the wedding and everything else the total cost of the wedding came to $95,800.

The bride and groom are in different places getting ready

Donald walks into the bride's room.
"You look beautiful Rachel." He looks at the ones helping her.
"Put a pair of wings on her dress and a tail. She will be a dragon princess my son is making Victor look like a dragon prince. If I am to give them a dragon marriage ceremony they must look the part."

Thor walks behind Victor as he goes to the center of the track. Victor is in a nice dark blue tux with a set of sky blue wings and a sky blue tail.

Samantha walks behind Rachel she is in a beautiful white dress with silver wings and tail.

Donald watching as both take their place.
"Family, friends, honored guests we are gathered here today to join these two in the bonds of marriage. If anyone can show just cause why they should not be allowed to marry speak now or forever keep your your mouth shut."

After a few moments Donald says.
"Victor do you take this dragoness to be your mate forever? And do you promise to be faithful to her?"

Victor takes a deep breath and says.
"I do forever and always."

Donald looks at Rachel.
"Rachel do you take this drake to be your mate forever? And do you promise to be faithful to him?"

Rachel looks at Victor.
"I do forever and always."

Donald smiles and nods.
"Then by the dragons and all the whiteness here I pronounce you, Mates and as so under dragon law you must finish the ceremony by setting of the sun on the third day. You must mate and become as one. If you fail to do so your marriage is doomed to fail. If one of you cheats on the other the one who cheated will be punished according to dragon law. And all the laws of the humans apply to you as well. Congrats you two."

All the dragons shoot jets of fire into the air signifying the marriage.

Donald looks at them.
"Go enjoy your honeymoon."

They look at him Donald growls. "Do I have to make you two move?"

Victor says with a smile.
"Nope were gone. Let's go honey I get the feeling that he will follow through."

Thor and Samantha take them to the airport after they change. They find out they are going to The Bahamas for their honeymoon all expenses paid. The newlyweds had taken some time to finish the ceremony before they went to the airport.
What they didn't know was that they were going to be taken on a flight by dragon to a secluded beach where they will spend one day living as a dragon. Rachel had always wanted to see what it was like to live one day like a dragon, Donald had set everything up to make it possible for that to happen.

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