20. Reunited

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Hey everyone! I’m terribly sorry for taking so long on updating. School’d getting worse as I move up a grade. With me now on 11th I need to study more for the upcoming state tests. I did manage to get this small piece of the new version of Mermaid and Viking. And i hope you guys like it, let me know in the comments! 

Published: Thu, November 7, 2019


Third POV

Hiccup took a deep breath remembering how his father would get. And to be honest, the only reason he had returned to Berk was because of the news, he had just received from Gobber.  

A girl was found at the shores of Berk, sleeping under a wrecked small fishing boat. To everyone's surprise the strange girl was really wild and aggressive to everyone. In order to keep her and themselves safe, Stoick was forced to make the girl get locked up and chained to the wall. Based on what they could tell from her, she wasn’t at her bestess state. Having strange cuts in her legs, shoulders, arms, back, and cheeks. 

After learning about the news, the Dragon Riders made their way back to Berk hoping to at least get a small break from Viggo and his Hunters.

Looking over to Snotlout as he flew ahead with Hookfang, “so, I guess I’ll be the only brave one to try and talk to the girl.” he spoke, closing his eyes as proud as a hero.

“You do know this girl almost killed a Berkian that was trying to talk to her, Right Snotty.” Tuffnut mocked. Leaning down on his dragon’s head. “How long until she ends up ripping you apart.”

Thinking for a long moment, Snotlout looked over at his Rider friend. 

“You know what.” He said, sitting down and looking away, “I think Hiccup should try and talk to her first.”

Chuckling nervously Hiccup looked over to Fishlegs direction. 

Knowing what his friend wanted, Fishlegs thought for a moment. “If she’s being violent it might be because of a bad experience.” looking over Heather he then added, “Like a bad experience with strangers and she might be thinking that other strangers might hurt her again. If that is so, then we’ll have to show her that we are no strangers to her like the strangers that hurt her.”

Looking in front towards the rest of the Riders, he wasn’t surprised to see Snotlout and the twins giving his a wary eye. 

“Uhhh. Did anyone else understand a word Fishface just said?”

Face palming his face in his mind, Hiccup tried his best to ignore Snotlout. Regretting that he looked in front. Hiccup looked as Berk began to approach in the distance. 

Both Heather and Fishlegs looked at each other, knowing what made Hiccup so tense to return to Berk.

“Your father can’t keep trying to make you run the village. We have to tell him about Viggo Hiccup. Especially after Berk lost its gold.” Heather said, knowing that Hiccup was being hunted after losing Berk’s gold in a try to safe dragons from being sold. 

“Thanks Heather.” Hiccup said, softly. Just as he was about to say something else he was then surprised by his father flying up to them in SkullCrusher. 

“There you are!” the chief said, smiling at everyone his smile slowly fading as he saw his son. 

Even if the mission did got great and many dragons were now back to their freedom. The chief was still in his anger on losing their island’s gold. But inside, he was proud of how his son was taking care of their enemies and stopping them from hurting anyone else. 

Both father and son landed at the same time. Looking at each other without any movements or words. words.

 “I’m-- I’m glad you made it………… son.” Stoick said

Hiccup smiled slowly while he looked at his father, “Dad, I’m really sorry about losing Berk’s gold.” He said, looking down in shame and then jerking his head up. “I promise, we’ll get it back.”

Stoick smiled at his son, knowing he would keep his promise. “I trust you son, for now. Let’s worry on helping the young girl.”

Nodding Hiccup told Toothless to fly to the air, while the gang headed to their homes Hiccup followed his father to meet the girl. 


“Did you get the chance to talk to her at least?” Hiccup question

“Unfortunately no, son.” Stoick said, “When we first found her she seemed alright,” Stoick sighed, walking closer and closer to the door. “But after a short time she seemed confused and scared. At the end she thought we would just hurt her.”

Hiccup thought for a moment, still his mind wondered WHY she would attack.

“And what makes you think I can?” He asked curiously

Stoick chuckled at Hiccup’s question, “son, you changed all of our minds to not fight dragons three years ago.” looking at his son before he opened the door. “I believe in you.”

After a brief moment, he smiled and nodded at his father. 

'Wish me luck.' He thought in his mind before entering.

Hiccups eyes flew wide the moment he entered the room. His father was right. There, sitting on the corner, was a blond girl having both her wrists and ankles shackled to the nearby wall. She wore a strange looking red shirt and light blue shorts that didn't even reach her tights. 

To Hiccup's shock. The girl had several whip marks on her back and strange small looking cuts on her legs, a few on her arms and on her face. 

"Hello? Ar- are you alright?" He questioned, slowly walking up to her. 

The girl stayed silent, and kept herself from even looking at him. She feared she would see those same eyes she was forced to look at for years. Afraid that they would punish her when she looked for freedom, afraid of her scales being forced off again, afraid of hearing words so that her tear up so that her tears would be collected. No! She didn't want that. She thought she could finally escape that nightmare! But, how? If know she was being locked away from the ocean…..

Walking closer to her, Hiccup heard a soft sob. And noticed how she hugged herself even more. 

"He- hey. I won't hurt you." Hiccup said, calmly. Reaching his hand out, he continued. "I'm Hiccup. This is Berk. And we just want to help you." 

Her head jerked backwards. Gasping after hearing his words, her blue eyes finally met with his green eyes. 'Hi- Hiccy?' She thought in her mind. 

To her own shock, those eyes looked familiar from those years when she was free. 

She thought for a moment and then said, "Hiccy?"

"What?" Wide eyed, he looked more deeply into her eyes. It couldn't be! He thought it was just his imagination when he was a boy. 

There, sat the same girl he had met years past. But, she used to be a siren! With golden scales and blond goody hair, with baby blue might eyes. 

"Ast?" He asked, stepping in front. 

It was her! But human, the same little girl he would play with when he was younger. How was she real? He thought it was his imagination!

"You came back?" 

The girl looked down slowly. She just like him,  thought she would never see him again. 

"No….." She said, looking with a broken voice. "I hoped to go back home, but I can't swim. My tail of too sore." Astrid explained, using the wall to get on her feet.


Reaching his hand out, Hiccup grabbed Astrid's hand. Allowing her to hold on to his arms, Hiccup helped Astrid to her feet. 

"Thank you." Astrid said, softly with a slight blush on her face.

"Here, let me help you." Hiccup said, reaching over to the keys and unlocking the shackles.

Watching him do so, a small smile grew on her face. She slowly rubbed her wrist in relief. "Thank you, Hiccup."

"No problem." 

The two both looked at each others eyes, and slowly did their faces get closer and closer. 

"Astrid, I--" Hiccup started, and was cut off by the door slamming open!

Stoick held the door open with one arm, allowing Gobber, Stoick, Spitlout, Heather and Fishlegs to enter. 

Astrid looked at all of them, and hid herself behind Hiccup, grabbing onto his arms even tighter.

"Hey, it's okay. They are here to help.” he said, softly.

Astrid still hid herself behind Hiccup, trembling a bit as she watched so many humans enter the room. Seeing three muscular men walk inside she felt her legs turn into sticks, her body began to get heavy.

“I hate the soldiers!” A said, hugging Hiccup and burying her face on his back for him to protect her. “They took me away from my home! And killed my sisters!” having a few tears flowing down her cheeks, she tried to stop them so they wouldn’t figure out it was her.

Hiccup stared blankly at everyone. And slowly he turned around to held Astrid in his arms. 

“They are not soldiers. They are family. And I’m the only one who knows who you are.” he smiled, looking towards her eyes. 

Everyone else looked at them puzzled. Hiccup knew her? And what did he mean by Secret?

“Well, I guess it’s time you introduce her to us.” Heather said, causing Astrid to stare at all of them with hate and fear.

“She’s— “ he is cut off, if he told the truth, she would be taken away again! The more people than new, the more danger she could be in. Hiccup bit his lip, trying to come up with something.

Astrid stared at him, and immediately got an idea that made her blush. Standing straight, she held his hand and said, “We’re a couple.”


Hope this can pay off me taking forever on updating. I’ll soon be going back to reading and being more active, promise. My winter break will be here soon, any ideas or requests you guys have, text me!

Also, this is a multi-fandom account. I’ll soon have a miraculous book coming out, if you’re also a fan, and one for sonic boom.

Feel free to follow my new account(personal) the_chieftains_hand were I’ll have stories that are originally created by me. And for all of you to enjoy!


Word count: 1741


Like always,

Sleep tight

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