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May 18, Monday

Today I studied chemistry, watched a sitcom, and bit my therapist. She deserved it; I saw the red cloak under her desk. When I bit her, it was preemptive self-defense. Of course, Mom didn't understand.

She reminded me--as if I needed reminding--that I would be a grown woman in three months; and "Adults don't bite people, no matter how they feel about them." I told her what the therapist was, but she didn't see anything wrong with a hunter counseling me. At least I don't have to attend my sessions anymore; the therapist won't let me come back.

May 21, Thursday

I thought the insurance company would be on our side, but they denied our claim today. They said we left a cauldron burning. Idiots. Dad hasn't done magic since he got married. Even if he was secretly practicing magic, he couldn't have burned down the house. He was on a business trip. And the rest of us didn't have familiar animals, so we couldn't have made a potion.

To make things worse, Dad's company laid him off. They said it was because of budget cuts, but I don't buy it. A couple of weeks ago, he trained three new workers. Hunters must've convinced the company to fire him.

Without Dad's job or the insurance money, we can't afford to stay in the city. We'll have to live with family, but Mom doesn't have any--and she won't let us live with Dad's. Yesterday, they stayed up half the night arguing. I doubt tonight will be any better.

May 29, Friday

It's been a month since the witch hunters burned our house down. School's out for the summer, and our savings account is pretty much empty. Mom doesn't have any excuse to keep us here. We'll have to live with Dad's parents--even if they are practicing witches. 

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