Z - Glossary

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Hello, nomahus! If you're reading this, I'm probably dead. Either that, or the witch hunters ransacked my house and want to learn about the "enemy" by reading my diary. Go ahead. I've even made this handy list of terms to help you understand everything. Maybe you'll change your mind about magic--and let magic users like me live in peace.


Ambrose: Lilly's grandfather on her father's side

Alice: Lilly's 13-year-old adopted nomahu sister

Eva: Lilly's pygmy phoenix owl familiar

Jack: Silvestre's jackalope familiar

Kyton Fae ("kite-on fay"): 19-year-old water sprite boy

Leopold (aka Leo): Nicholas' leopard familiar

Lillith Hemlock (aka Lilly): almost 18-year-old witch girl

Nicholas: Lilly's father

Silvestre: Lilly's grandmother on her father's side

Starling: Ambrose's alicorn familiar


Alicorn: pegasus with a unicorn horn

Changeling: offspring of a fairy dragon, is hatched into a fairy host family, starts life looking like them, eventually kills the entire family and sucks their blood before fledging into a full-grown dragon

Fairy: general term for pixies, sprites, nymphs, etc.

Fairy dragon: silver dragon, white crown of horns, natural predator of fairies

Familiar: a magical animal that is mentally bonded to a witch and enables them to do complicated/powerful magic

Jackalope: rabbit with antlers, some variants have wings

Otherworlder: any creature born on another planet; the term is also generally used to describe any magical creature whose origin is unknown

Phoenix owl: the offspring of a magical owl and a phoenix, able to regenerate themselves and/or their bonded witch by using up their life energy and reverting to an egg for a time

Sprite: human-sized fairy with control over a natural element (water, air, fire, etc)

Witch: can refer to a male or female human with natural magical ability; "warlock" is the term used when strictly referring to a male witch or group of male witches


Glamour glass: monocle used to see through illusions; when it is attached to an enchanted chain, a witch can use it constantly without physically holding the monocle to their eye

Scrying glass: obsidian plate used to see far-off places

Wand: device that enables a witch to draw out the magic of their familiar to cast a spell; cannot be used without a familiar


Mixed Magics University (MMU): large magic college in a pocket dimension attended by inhabitants of many different planets

Rothworth's Academy: non-magic college that prides itself on producing witch hunters

Sorciereville: the town where Lilly's family lives; is heavily populated with magical creatures (witches, Otherworlders, etc.)

Words and Phrases

Nomahu ("no-mah-hoo"): non-magic human

Prip (rhymes with "trip"): low-level curse word, commonly used by fairies, equivalent to "crap" or "heck"

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