Chapter 4

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(Lets do this) 

With Goku and Razor, They were flying towards the city. "What's wrong Goku?" "I have a feeling that an old enemy is rearing its head." After a few mins of flying, made it to the city and the ship. Goku is getting very worried about Mikchu and also Vegeta.  "who would that be" Razor asked Goku. "It was a long time ago, before I met you. His name was Turles and he want to get stronger and gather energy for this tree called the Tree of Might and he wanted it for himself and have power. But I stopped his plan before the Earth can be a wasteland." "wow." replied Razor. "and I am worried that Vegeta and Mikchu got caught and Turles is planning something with them." Goku added. So, Goku and Razor kept going.

Back with Mikchu and Vegeta, they were being held captive by Turles and his men. They were thinking of what to go with them. "So, what are you going to do with them captain?" One person asked. Vegeta and Mikchu stared at the men with angered and curious intent. "mhhh. I think that I will deal with the girl. You can go do what you want to the other one." He then grabbed her my the back of her shirt and dragged her into one of the spare rooms they had on the ship. "Mikchu!" Vegeta shouted. "Don't worry about me, save yourself." They go through the door and it closes. Vegeta looked on in shock as to what just happened. 

With Goku and Razor, they have made it to where the ship was still there. "I can sense Vegeta's power but not Mikchu's." Goku says worried. "we should go in and find them fast." Razor nodded in agreement and followed Goku into the ship. They got into the ship and started looking for them.

With Mikchu and Turles, they were in a different room, separated from everyone on the ship.  There were all sorts of scientific equipment, large tubes with an unknown watery substance and many more. "Well, let's see what you have in store for me." He puts her in a chamber to research her.  "let's see what you can do." Mikchu banged on the glass to break it, but it was no use. Turles pressed a few buttons and the machine turned on and stared scanning her. Inside, she looked up and saw a light coming down on her. "What is this?" she thought. The light was slowly coming down to scan her. The scan took a few mins to complete. After a while, the results came up and Turles was pleased at what he found. "Well, what do we have here. It looks like you have a second power inside you, maybe it's time to bring that out." Then Turles pressed a button and then electricity started to affect her greatly. "AHHHH!" She screamed.

Meanwhile with Vegeta and Turles' men, they had put Vegeta on a table and had beaten him bad. "Well, this is very entertaining." one of the men said. Vegeta was getting really pissed about what is happening to him. Then from out of the blue, they heard Mikchu scream in the other room. "AHHHHHHHH!" "Mikchu!" Vegeta cried out. "Don't worry, our leader is taking good care of her." The tall one answered. Then a loud crash came from the door and out came Goku and Razor. Then men were shocked that they knew where they were. Then in a matter of seconds, Goku and Razor beat the ever-living crap out of Turles men and rescue Vegeta in the progress. "Where is Mikchu?" Goku asked Vegeta "They took her into another room." Then lets go!" So Razor, Goku and Vegeta ran as fast as they could to find her.

Meanwhile with Turles, he was having the time of his life. Enjoying the screams and cries of Mikchu getting experimented on. "I wonder what the results would be." He thought. It took two hours and finally it was done. "Perfect." he said gleefully. Then the door bursts open and Goku, Vegeta and Razor came to the rescue. "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. Goku then shouted, "Let her go!" "Well, you're too late, she is going to show me what kind of power she has in store for me." The capsule opened and there was smoke. The grey lining of a tall, muscular man can out of the machine wearing Goku's gi and then collapsed on the floor.

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