Chapter 6

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(Oh boy) 

Goku had walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat and to cool his mind off of what had happened. He grabbed a apple and a glass of water and sat at the table. Tatsumou came in shortly after to try and talk to him. Tatsumou was hesitant at first. But Mikchu and Tatsumou are the same person and still loves Goku. So he confronts him. "Goku, I know this is going to be hard for you, but we have to do this for my own good and to keep my original identity a secret." Then Goku springs up from his chair and says "what happens if they do?! What happens when someone spills the beans huh?! Maybe there is a traitor in our group, then what happens?" He kept going on and on. Then Tatsumou got so sick and tried of Goku's whining that he went up to him, grabbed is head with two hands and kissed him. Goku just stood there shocked out of his mind. It lasted for eight seconds. Then they both separated the kiss. "That isnt going to happen. I know that you of all people care about me as much as everyone else and also,I have the strongest boyfriend around and this is my choice and I don't want to give you more trouble then there already is and I love you no matter what gender I am or who I am. I will always be here for you." Goku just stood there shocked at the words Tatsumou was putting out. Goku then did the most surprising thing ever, his eyes started to tear up and he couldn't handle it anymore and broke down crying right in front of him and hugged him tightly. "Its going to be ok Goku, don't worry." But what they don't know is the Razor was watching them the whole time.

Meanwhile with the Supreme Kai of Time, Trunks and Elder Kai, they were sorting out the time scrolls of each era. "Man, I haven't heard from Mikchu at all for the past few days." Trunks said. "yeah, I wonder what they are up to." Elder Kai responded. Then from out of the blue, Vegeta and Razor came into the building. " well, lord and behold, here they are."  "hey guys, we have something important to talk to you guys about." said Razor. After an few hours of talking, Elder Kai, Supreme Kai of Time and Trunks were shocked and confused at the situation. "why did Turles come back?!" She asked. "well, Goku filled me in on that he wanted to use the planet as the next vessel for the Tree of Might and then it was all a trick and he wanted her so the he can use her. But, that plan backfired and now she is a dude." Trunks and Chronoa's mouth dropped. Then Vegeta added on. "And when we came, Kakarot's mood changed and he had to straighten him out." Elder Kai stepped in to talk. "So you want this to be kept between all of us and not tell anyone else about it.  Razor and Vegeta nodded their heads. So, they all agree to never talk about her real identity.

Back with Goku and Tatsumou, they were in the living room, taking a nice, relaxing time off from doing the missions for the time being. Goku calmed down after the tantrum he had and started watching T.V. Tatsumou was in his room, just putting on new clothes. He has a vest (simalar to Gogeta's) but is blue, have Goku's gi pants and white shoes. He looked himself at the mirror he had on the desk. " i hope your happy bro. I helped save the world like you did. I wish I can see you again." He thought to himself. 

In another place. The unknown enemy is planning a spell to use. "I summon the recently dead!" The area went red, the sky grew dark. Then after a min of waiting, he finally did it. He brought back Mikchu's dead brother, Mikchou back to life and in his control. "Hahaha! Now this will get more entertaining."  Evil Mikchou asked "what do you want master?"  "well, all I want from you is to see the world bow down to me and bring me the girl."

(Sorry this was short. Hope you guys enjoy the story.) 

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