An Eye to Witness (100 Votes Special)

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of Dragonball Rebirth)

Gohan : "I'm here little bro, what happened?", he asked him politely, gently caressing the young teen's hair as Raon proceeded to basically cry his eyes out on his older brother's t-shirt. The younger saiyan's body shaking from the sobs.

Piccolo : "What happened young one?", he asked him politely in a soft tone.

Raon : "I-I... hate fighting. I-I... h-hate my powers.

I-I... hate.....

myself", he said to them, stuttering heavily in between sobs.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Author's POV)

(A/n : Play this music)

Gohan : "Saying that you hate yourself is a hard word to say, Raon.", he said to him with a small frown.

Raon : "I-I hate... m-my powers. I-I hate the fact that I can't seem to control them", he said to his older brother. His tail laying limp in between his legs.

He kept the fact that in some way, shape or form, he could feel the extent of the destruction he'd caused and everything according to it away from them, not wanting to confuse them further since he couldn't explain the reason as to why he could do as such.

Piccolo : "No one can control their powers since day one Raon.

Perfect control happens through years of hard training. Through training you practice discipline.

Through discipline you learn to control your emotions.

Through emotional control you practice focus.

Once you learn how to focus and stray away from any and all distractions, you can control your strength fully.", the namekian explained to him.

Gohan : "*chuckles slightly seeing Raon's puzzled expression* What Piccolo tried to say was that we're going to help you, mentor you in a sense in order to learn how to better control your powers.

You've got a bright future ahead of you Raon", he said to him with a small smile, ruffling the younger saiyan's hair, having the latter to giggle adorably.

Piccolo: "Okay, enough with the wholesome moments you two. Your lessons will start once we...", he said to them and his eyes widened looking back at the door to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Yeah... maybe starting the lessons once they got out of there wouldn't be the best idea seeing that the door that leads outside is both literally and figuratively torn apart.

Piccolo : "I.... I think that it's time for a change of plans since I have both good and bad news.", he said to them.

Gohan : "What do you mean Mr Piccolo?", the older Saiyan asked him politely and looked at the direction that Piccolo was looking at.

Gohan : "*chuckles nervously* We're locked in.

Oh Kami we're locked in", he muttered and was about to once again have an anxiety attack.

What would happen to mom?

Would they ever get out of there in time?

Would they become so old until they get out of there to the point that no one would recognise them any longer due to the fact that time flows differently in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!?!!

These were the thoughts that were buzzing within his mind like a swarm of bees on a sunny, flower filled valley during spring.

Piccolo : "*sighs* I can see that you're in the verge of having an anxiety attack Gohan so I might have an idea.

Why don't we teach Raon how to meditate?

It wouldn't only help him to further control his powers, but it'd also help us with calming our minds of the unnecessary stress so that we may find a way to get out of here.", he proposed.

Gohan : "*nods* That's a good idea.

*Looks at Raon* Raon? Would you like to know how to meditate?", he asked the younger Saiyan politely.

Raon : "I have a question.", he said to his older brother as his tail was wagging carefully behind him.

Gohan : "What's your question little brother?", he asked him politely with a small smile.

Raon : "Umm... what's meditation?", he asked him politely about it and tensed badly thinking that he might have asked something bad.

He didn't know what meditation is!!?

Piccolo : "I'll explain it. Meditation is a psychological exercise where the one performing it tries to remove all thoughts within themselves and focus only on emptying their mind.", he explained to him.

Raon : "*Nods softly* I see...", he said to him, trying to comprehend what the Namekian had explained to him.

Gohan on the other hand had chuckled softly seeing the cogs in his younger brother's brain starting to turn around, trying to figure out what Piccolo had said.

He had observed from their sparring matches that although Raon was more of a think and learn type of person than a watch and learn, but at this moment it seemed that a watch and learn methodology would work more in their current predicament.

He had sat on the ground with his legs crisscross, placing his hands on his lap and closed his eyes, keeping a calm expression the entire time.

His eyelids had twitched slightly hearing a small exclamation of acknowledgement in the form of a small hum being elicited from his younger brother's lips.

Raon had then done what his brother had, albeit for the fact that he had placed his hands in a different position than his brother's.

Raon's palms were cupped, pointing upwards whilst his knuckles were pointing towards his crisscrossed legs - the shins of them if you'd like to be more specific about it - his thumbs were touching one another and the rest of his fingers were entwined together.

He had then closed his eyes, his facial expression appearing to calm down, become tranquil even as he tried to control his breathing patterns.

His tail that was wagging calmly behind him had calmed down, wrapping itself loosely around the younger saiyan's waist as if it was a makeshift belt.

(A/n : Play this music)

(A/n : Raon's POV)

I had sat down, doing what my brother and Mr Piccolo had shown to me and I had tried to empty my mind, trying to be as tranquil as possible whilst doing so.

Then, the unimaginable thing had happened I was able to see myself and gasped surprised at that!!

I know that many of you will ask in the comments about how is that even remotely possible, but without wanting to bother Author-Sama about it - even though he's gonna reply one way or another - I'll just try to explain it to you based on what I see.

I can see that everything about me from my skin tone to my hair colour and from my outfit to my tail colour has a vibrant teal colour similar to how my aura is looking like.

I also appear to be see through and non corporeal in this state since although I tried to wake up myself in order to make sure that this wasn't an illusion of the mind, my hands had phased through my physical body.

Did I manage to become a ghost or did I try to project myself out of my body? I guess I'll have to figure it out on my own.

As I was trying to figure it out I had the morbid curiosity about something. Maybe I could use this... for lack of a better term state in order to try and find a way out so I had flown up to the perfectly white sky.

I've flown so high to the point that Gohan, Piccolo and my physical body appeared like specks of dust in order to better observe this place.

This place was like a white tapestry, extending as far as the eye can see and the mind can comprehend, but I was determined to figure a way out of here so I flew high and away, extending my hands everywhere until I had felt something.

Something solid.

Well... solid compared to my current state at the very least and pushed towards it.

I had gasped in surprise. It was a door!! One that was unlocked for me.

I had went through the door and arrived at the outside world.

There's a way out.

Now you may be guessing that with this knowledge I'd just return to my physical body, find a way to wake up and let the others know about it, don't you?

Big mistake since there was still something left unchecked.

I was still curious about something.

Maybe this non corporeal state held the answers to something deeper.

Something that lies ahead of Earth and I was determined to find it.

In my free time - which I had a lot of given that it's still summer - I have the hobby of reading about mythology and one myth specifically was the one I was the most curious about was the ancient Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus.

It was a myth where Icarus as he and his father, Daedalus had crafted makeshift wings from seagull feathers, wax and pieces of wood, metal and leather in order to escape from the tyrannical king Minos the ruler of Crete.

As they were both flying away, Icarus had started to get arrogant and take off to the bright blue sky trying to get close to the sun, not noticing that the sun was essentially melting the wax off of his wings causing him to plummet to his death the sea below a sea that from that moment was, is and will be known as the Icarian Sea.

I had gulped nervously.

Why did this myth came to my mind?

Am I about to be the Icarus of this story?

Am I about to meddle with things beyond me?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, steeling my resolve for what is about to come.

If there's something higher than me then so be it.

Humility is the first step of the ladder towards true enlightenment or so it's told.

If what resides further upon will open my eyes to the great beyond I'll find it.

And thus I took off.

I was appearing to go faster than before. I was possibly going much faster than light seeing that everything around me was moving essentially in slow motion.

According to the laws of relativity the faster you move through space the slower you move through time and given how fast I'm currently moving right now I'm definitely much faster than light.

I stopped and looked behind me trying to estimate my distance compared to the earth and my eyes had widened to the point that I was thinking that they're going to pop out of their sockets.

The Earth was a speck of dust behind me!!

Oh Kami, I hope that I can find the way back home after that.

(A/n : Play this music)

I had then continued my flight to infinity and beyond trying to find the answers to my questions and yes, I did a Buzz Lightyear reference, deal with it.

I was currently flying so fast that everything appeared motionless in time around me and I didn't seemed to stop, only accelerate.

Accelerate further ahead.

Accelerate and ascend to the point that infinite seems finite.

Accelerate and ascend to the point that time isn't holding any relevance.

Accelerate and ascend to the point that the transfinite infinities of strings in the spatiotemporal tapestry known as the conjecture of incomprehensible dimensional axis appear finite.

Accelerate and ascend to the point that the concepts of space, time and distance are losing all relevance compared to your speed.

Accelerate to an infinity beyond comprehension.



And foremost


To speeds where the concept of speed becomes irrelevant.

To places where no one has been.

To places where no mind can comprehend.

To places where the usage of the laws of mathematics. The unspoken, mutual language that the God used to write down the universe's very existence like the most well written book known to man are rendered impossible to use in order to define what lies ahead.

That's then when I've finally found it.

The answer to what I've longed to find.

There are worlds above our own.

Layered hierarchical orders of magnitude above our own extending further than the mind can comprehend.

The first world is a realm above mathematics.

A plane where conscious thoughts and theories from philosophies old and new coexist with memories of people and deities existing in times immemorial. A philosophical Nous, a collective consciousness.

I continued to fly ahead, soaring between a unique mosaic of worlds and voids similarly to how an eagle soars in the sky in order to find it's prey.

This wouldn't be the end to it, wouldn't it?

Oh how happy I am to find out that there are more worlds beyond the veil of voids.

The next transfinity of worlds are those of primordial fire and flames. A spirit in the form of a burning phoenix residing within the lowest, innermost layer of flames.

The flames appear to be layered like the layers of a pyramid, the hotter ones enveloping the less hot ones. This place violates any and all possible and impossible laws by existing which means that from this point and on we reach a place where concepts are essentially irrelevant kindles.

I continue to soar through and above each flame in directions that the mind fail to comprehend until I've reached once again another transfinite upon transfinite void and reach to a further revelation.

(A/n : Play this music)

Those burning worlds that I'll abbreviate as Ignis for short are encapsulated in mysterious drops of water.

I continue my ascension to the point that I have to slow down in order to better understand what my eyes are witnessing.

An Oceanic world. This world and the ones beyond it are connected with oceans and waterfalls that extend to depths beyond any comprehension.

I looked at the waters of the ocean and instead of seeing a reflection of myself, I saw the dreams and nightmares I've had.

Correction, the dreams and nightmares everyone has whilst they sleep.

This place isn't somewhere you can reach consciously from the physical plane.

It's a realm of the unconscious.

An ocean of collective unconsciousness.

I continue to soar above, passing once again through another series of transfinite voids and reach a higher place.

Wait a second?

Did I backtrack and went back to the universe I'm from?

In order to clarify it I proceeded to dive below like a hawk towards its prey and fall into an essentially endless void.

Nope... I wasn't back, that's another set of realms.

(A/n : Play this music)

I'm not gonna bother you with repeating myself since this place is so far above the concept of transfinite to the point that I think that I've made my point clear.

This place looked staggering to the eye - well... everything looks staggering to the eye until the mind crumbles trying to comprehend what it's looking at - like a canvas full of myriads of stars and colours.

I fondly decided to name this place as Nyx, a reference to the Goddess of night in Greek mythology since the place itself is an endless night sky.

This place seemed tranquil, peaceful even to the point that I felt compelled by it's beauty to the point that I didn't even notice that something came close to me.

It was one of the stars of this place.

One Star to guide my path towards enlightenment.

A Star to guide me towards my answers.

No , I am at the place of the answers.

The answers that lie within me.

The answers to the question lying within my Monad, within my Self.

Then that's when I saw it...

A gate to take me back to the physical plane.

To be brutally honest with you,I pouted slightly.

My child like curiosity beconing me to continue exploring more, but I think that's enough exploring for today at least.

I walked through the door and I was welcomed once again by the moody, purely white canvas of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Maybe another time I could focus more on exploring the Hyperbolic Time Chamber since who knows what I might find within it.

Another room with different time flow?

An adjacent dimension above this one?

A nexus of parallel worlds connected via their Hyperbolic Time Chambers!?!!!

The possibilities are endless and I'm all in for it!!!

But unfortunately it'll have to wait until next time when Author-Sama decides to once again let you see things from my perspective.

Until then, I'm signing off.

(A/n : Author's POV)

(A/n : Play this music)

After that, Raon had woken up from his meditative state.

He decided to keep the knowledge of the higher realms as a well sealed secret from everyone due to the fact that if he said to them about it, they'd either dismiss it as nothing more, but a reverie, a daydream or in the worse part they will probably think that something is wrong with him.

In other words, the wisest path to action is to hide it from them until they're ready to hear and comprehend the truth.

He had looked around, seeing that Gohan, his brother and Piccolo, his mentor were trying to figure a way out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and thus he stood up.

Raon : "What are you trying to do?", he asked them politely, acting ignorant about the whole topic.

He knew that they were trying to find a way out of there, but he was playing the nuh uh, I don't know anything about it card since he had supposedly just woken up from his meditation.

Gohan : "*sits down and sighs* Whilst you were meditating, we were trying to find a way out of here.", he said to him.

A true statement.

Raon : "*hums in a questioning manner* Maybe you haven't searched well enough", he said to him.

Piccolo : " We had searched the entire place multiple times but we haven't found anything.", he grumbled, making the younger Saiyan to sigh softly.

Raon : "I'll try to search around myself if possible. Maybe I'll be capable of finding something about it.", he proposed, making the Namekian to sigh.

Piccolo : "Go on then, look around for anything you may find relevant to an exit from here, although I doubt that you'll find anything.", he said to him, making Raon pout childishly towards him.

As much as he wanted to show them what he had found during this meditation it'd have to wait since either Piccolo or Gohan would get suspicious of him so he had decided to do another thing.

He was starting to search aimlessly around the place, trying to basically get their suspicions away from him so if his memory from what he'd seen in the meditation didn't deceive him he'd find the gate out once again.

He'd felt around until he'd felt like he was touching a solid object.

He had smiled proudly. The gate was true!!

Raon : "Gohan, Mr Piccolo, I think that I've found something!!", he said to them with glee, his tail was wagging happily behind him.

Gohan :"*his eyes widened* He found something!!", the older Saiyan said to the Namekian, making the latter to tense at his words, but once he had seen that Raon was staying motionless in one place seeming to hold thin air, he had frowned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

(A/n : Yup, just like that 😂)

Piccolo : "Are you kidding me right now? I thought that you found an actual exit from this place, not humour our situation with an example of a mime", he said to him with a heavy, disappointed sigh.

Raon : "But I'm not lying though!

*Pushes a hand against the quote on quote 'wall'*

See? It's actually solid! Try it out!!", the younger Saiyan said to him, leaving Gohan surprised about it whilst Piccolo had tried to do what Raon was doing, but had only ended up having the reaction of a normal person when they try to lean against thin air.

In other words, he yelped and had fallen face first on the white floor.

Raon had then sighed, opening the door by himself, showing to them that there was indeed the top of Kami's lookout on the other side.

This had Raon to try - although partly failing due to the escaping giggles - to hold back a laugh at seeing Gohan's and especially Piccolo's surprised faces, until he couldn't any more.

(A/n : Imagine that Gohan and Piccolo both had that shocked expression)

Raon : "*legit laughs out loud so much he became a laughing emoji* You should have seen your faces! It's just hilarious!!!", he said to them, laughing so hard he legit was bent in two and was holding his stomach whilst his tail and legs were moving everywhere.

(A/n : Just like that, but replace :

SSJ4 Gogeta (a.k.a my favourite form of Gogeta) with Raon)

Raon : "*wheezing* I-I think that I've gotten a stomach ache from laughing so hard", he admitted to them still giggling as he had gently floated to the other side of the door.

Piccolo : "U-Unreal, how? When? Where? Why?!!", he said in a combination of bewilderment, confusion and shock, looking at Gohan for and explaination as he went through the portal

Gohan : "*shrugs as he went through the portal* Don't look at me Mr Piccolo.

I've stopped trying to understand the logic behind most of the things he's capable of doing since days ago.", he admitted to him with a nervous chuckle.

Raon was seemingly defying logic more and more in a day by day basis.

(A/n : Stop the music here)

[A/n : Abilities unlocked :

- Astral Projection

- Non Corporeal Physiology

- Non Corporeal Interaction

- Potential Acknowledgement

- Limitation Defiance

- 4th Wall Awareness

- 4th Wall Interaction

- Higher Dimensional Existence

- Beyond Conceptual Existence

- Beyond Mathematical Existence

- Supernatural Traveling Speed (Irrelevant)

- Perspective Manipulation (Beginner)

- Space Manipulation (Beginner)

- Time Manipulation (Beginner)

- Reality Manipulation (Beginner)

- Dimensional Manipulation (Beginner)]

A/n : Hello everyone, Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of Dragonball Rebirth called An Eye To Witness as a thank you to each and everyone of you for giving 100 Votes and over 1,5K views in the story.

Now I know that most of you waited for me to write a chapter in my Remnant's Pharaoh story, but I just got inspired to write this chapter so here I am.

Now to the juicy part, in this chapter I've made Canon to my stories a part of the Raonverse Cosmology known as the cosmology of the planets and stars of the verse with first and foremost being the Earth's since it's the main place for the starting points of this story at least.

For the cosmological part there are a few characters that are basically fine tuned to the cosmology and can offer useful information on it. These are Raon, the Angels, Grand Priest and anyone I'll mention as credible source other than me the author (since I'm the one writing this story so I'm a credible source of information myself) and as to the "teal state" that Raon had, just refer to the unlocked abilities and it's literally the first one.

An Astral Projection.

A spiritual projection out of someone's body.

The reason why I used it it's to not only showcase parts of the cosmology or give Raon an incredible speed feat without threatening the existence of Universe 7 (or should I call it Omniverse 7 based on the cosmology 🤔) in a narrative and scaling standpoint, but in order to also give Raon a quote on quote "Deus Ex Machina" way to get himself, Gohan and Piccolo out of there and giving you a good laugh out of it 😂.

Anyways, next time I'll probably see you when I write the next chapter in Vampire Chronicles:Sanguis Rex or when I do a new post on Wattpad.

Until then I hope you'll enjoy reading this chapter of the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Raon out!!!

Number of Words : 4058 Words

Music that I'm currently listening to :

(A/n : Not gonna lie, the HALO series have some bangers within their OSTS that I might use in future chapters since it'd be a shame if I didn't do such a thing)

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