The Beginning Of All

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(A/n : Play the music on top (The music is my OCs theme as well ))

(A/n : Author's POV)

A long time ago, back when nothing used to exist, in the infinite void there was a being who's age said to pre-exist the concept of time itself. This being was the progenitor of the very Omniverse itself, the one True Omni King with powers that eclipsed everything and everyone that came and succeeded him. The first ever saiyan and angel hybrid. The physical manifestation of Order, Benevolence and Creation.

(A/n : Doesn't that picture remind you of a sertain chapter of my stories?)

His body had an astral form composed of the benevolent energy that existed in the Omniverse. His energy was clad around his arms in a spring like formation and a halo of energy was around his white like the pure light colored hair. To top it off, his eyes were pure white to the point where you couldn't recognize the pupil.

Once that being had opened his eyes, being awakened from the what in his immortal lifespan seemed to be an eternal slumber at the bring of creation, he had looked around in the vast world that seemed to be devoid of everything and everyone.

A pitch black void, both literally and figuratively.

He had frowned slightly at the monotony and slight melancholy that existed in this place and thought to himself with a small sigh.

True Omni King (T.O.K.) : " * in his mind * This place seems melancholic to everyone, it's a desolate area that has nothing in it. Let's change that a bit. ", he thought to himself and unbeknownst to him, small spots of white started to make their appearance in the void as if the void itself obeyed the will of its very creator.

The small spots themselves were suns and stars which filled the universe with light, one of the things that were necessary for life itself as planets were formed around the stars in orbits. 

The shining lights of the myriads of stars were calming to his eyes that had seen nothing but the void itself once he had awakened.

He had wished that there were also others who could have been able to witness it so like that.

Then some of the once barren planets had started to create plants on top of them, filling them with life and it wasn't that long until sentient forms of life were born.

(A/n : Stop the previous music here and begin with this one)

Unfortunately enough, where all light exists, there are also shadows since everything that was created even from some of the most benevolent factors there is also an equally malevolent force that wished to destroy all. This malevolent energy that had existed since the beginning of the Omniverse itself had managed to gain consciousness and shape, this was the Anti Omni King, the physical manifestation of Malevolence, Chaos and Destruction. The Omni Evil. The Dark Side of the Omni King, the Yin to the Omniversal Yang that the Omni King represents.

The Anti Omni King had came from the shadows, the same ones that formed the void that the Omniverse used to be as dark and cold as his merciless heart could be. He had bended them to his ill will and shaped them into a body in order to make his presence known, a body clad in the shadows and chaos were nothing more than the bright red irises of his eyes, shining like the event horizons of two black holes that wished to destroy and devour everything, snuffing out every light and hope.

This dark primordial being in comparison to his other half he didn't wish for any life or light to exist in the Omniverse since he basically wanted to see it being set ablaze and burn by the same stars and creations that his light half had created.

The Omni King on the other hand had sensed the dark presence of his evil half that had awakened from the slumber and had went to confront him, but as it seemed inevitable to not happen, they had begun to fight, one who wanted to save all and one who wanted to destroy all.

The sheer strength alone behind their blows had seemingly shattered reality, space and time, bending them to beyond the point of return, forming singularities and thus the first black holes were created, which had the result of the formation of galaxies around them.

In their fight that lasted millions upon millions of years, unfortunately enough one of the young Realms was the first victim of the Anti Omni King, who had devoured every single bit of light in it, rending the Realm itself a mockery of its existence.

A dark shadowy place that anyone's nightmares could barely scratch the level of destruction that occurred as legends said that the screams and wails of both celestial bodies and their denizens were still echoing in the dark abyss.

In a last effort to stop his dark self from destroying everything he had created, the Omni King had pushed his evil half into the destroyed Realm, using his powers to seal him within it.

He didn't wish to kill him even though he was planning on doing so since despite the fact of how vile the being was, he was the closest thing to a brother he had, having the belief that no being no matter how dark or evil it was didn't deserve to be exterminated, but preserved and reformed as such.

He had then to make sure that no one would have to get corrupt like his other half and to ensure that his creations were safe from this kinds of conflicts in between them, he had divided the rest of the created cosmos into equally divided pieces.

He had then covered them into orbs of celestial ki, forming the barriers around each one of them and stacked them, one atop the other, along with the other fragments of reality that survived the aftermath of his fight with his evil half, creating the Existential Planes and divided them into the Realms that within their boundaries all life could thrive in.

The Omni King's work unfortunately hadn't ended yet, he had created two beings who were going to watch alongside him the progress of the entire creation so he had made them to be his heralds.

The beings were known later on as Angels, the Eternal Dragons and Kaioshins, the Divine Races, the beings who preserved and guarded the creation on behalf of their creator the former were blessed with immortality. One of which, a young angel with the name Zeno was going to be the Omni King's viceroy in the upcoming events whilst his elder brother, the first angel and father of many hearing to the name Daishinkan, became the Grand Priest.

After the creation of the Divine Races who under the watchful gaze of Omni King, their creator, learned the Ancient Divine Techniques such as Ultra Instinct which was learned by the Angels and the power of Creation was a technique known only by a selected few of the Kaioshins who then became the first Supreme Kais of the Omniverse and made sure to pass their knowledge onto the following generations, the Omni King thought that it was time for him to take a break so he had went to the Null Realm, a realm of infinite emptiness where he had meditated in peace whilst the Omniverse in the years of his absence was evolving in many more than one ways that mere words could never be able to describe. It was actually a spectacle to behold, but something which wasn't that amazing to someone who had seen it twice like the Omni King.

(A/n : Timeskip a few THOUSANDS of years forward)

(A/n : Stop with the previous music and begin with this one)

Time, the concept of change through myriads of events all counted in seconds, minutes, hours, days and so on. Although the first Omni King was older than the entire concept of time, many could have thought that he had gained the literal zenith of patience, but it was getting quite boring to be dormant in one place such as the Null Realm with nothing to do.

T.O.K : "Well this is just getting boring in here. Maybe I could get to train with the Angels, but this would just be a bit boring, although they are getting stronger by the day which was possible due to their high potential, they are still leagues apart from me in terms of power. ", he muttered to himself, looking at his hands, hands that could easily topple gods and mortals throughout the cosmos with as much as a flick.

T.O.K :" I couldn't believe that I would ever admit that, but being the one on the literal pinnacle of existence is actually more boring than exciting, because * sighs softly * with invincibility comes solitude", he added to his previous words, it was a good thing that the Kaioshins had created an entirely new race devoted to him by using one half of his divine DNA, calling them the Saiyans, so would they actually count as his children since they were created by his DNA or his grandchildren since they were basically created from the Kaioshins who were only but one of the Divine Races, his children? Only time itself would tell since although he was omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and the being who was at the very top of the entire creation, still there were many things not known to him about it.

The truth was that the Saiyan blood which was coursing inside his very vains and was awoken in him after his fight with his evil version, the one who in the language of the divine remained known as Darkon, The One Below All, was still seeking for a fight, seeking for someone worthy enough to call his rival.

T.O.K : " It's quite impossible to find out about a being that would provide me with a challenge when Zalama and Daishinkan can't even compare to me, maybe a fusion of them? * sighs * Still not strong enough. Unless, that's it!!!", he thought to himself with a small smirk, knowing exactly what he needed to do to avoid getting driven to complete madness due to the fact that his instincts wish for a fight and sent a telepathic message to Daishinkan to come and find him at his possibly favorite place on his palace at Universe 20, the bridge with the cherry blossom trees.

(A/n : Stop with the previous music and begin with this one)

Daishinkan : " I came here as soon as you wished, Omni King-Sama", he said to him in a polite way, bowing before him.

T.O.K : " Rise my son. * chuckles * How many times do I have to remind you that you don't have to call me by my title?", he said to him in a rhetorical way and once the Grand Priest had raised his head, he had seen tears in his father's eyes. (A/n : Keep in mind that we are speaking about a slightly younger and more emotional Daishinkan not the serious yet serene one on the original anime)

Daishinkan : " * frowns slightly * Why are you crying, father?", he asked, making his father to smile sadly at his son.

T.O.K : " You remember about the old times when I told you about my bloodline and what I am?", he asked him politely, albeit in a rhetorical way.

Daishinkan :" I remember that as clear as a day father, you said that you were half angel and half saiyan and you had used one half of your DNA in order to create me and Jinora and thus the angel race but what does that have to do with it? ", he responded to his father's question, although he had a gut feeling that he was going to regret it. (A/n : Jinora = Food pun for the alcoholic beverage Gin (=Jin in Japanese))

T.O.K :" The thing is that from my battle with the Fallen One, my saiyan instincts were fully awakened, making me to wish to find a rival, but since no one is powerful enough to provide me with a challenge, I have found another solution to this problem. Reincarnation. ", he said to him politely.

Daishinkan :" Father, you can't be serious about it!!! What would happen to the universe? What would happen to me and the rest of us at your absence!!? ", he said to him in the verge of tears, he knew what reincarnation was like, he knew that his father wasn't going to truly 'die', but the thought of losing the only parent in his life was a bitter thought.

T.O.K :" Nothing would happen to the universe since I'm not going to truly 'die' as you might have thought, I'm just going to do what's needed to be done, to see what the universe wishes to offer not from the perspective of its creator, but as one of its creations. You have done a great job as the Grand Priest that the universe needed and I think that there's still potential within you. ", he said to him in a solemn voice.

Daishinkan :" I became who I am through your will and tutelage father, * sniffles * I don't know what I could do without you. I have the fear that I'll fail you. ", he said to him, hugging his father tightly not wanting to let go of him as he proceeded to start crying feeling his father embrace him.

T.O.K :" This is where you are wrong Dai. You have arrived at your position through your own struggle and training, not because you were the first of your kind and now, your next step is to do it on my absence.

Be strong Dai, for your family and for your little brother, Zeno, who's going to take my place in my absence. You have to believe to yourself Dai, as I believed in you myself, ", he said to him, kneeling closer to him, giving him his scepter which once in Dai's hesitant hands it became the Angelic Scepter the master staff of the angelic ranks.

T.O.K :" I have to go ", he said to him whilst backing up, making Dai's bright purple eyes to tear up.

Daishinkan : " Father don't go!!!! Don't leave me!!!", he said to him in full blown crying seeing his father's body dissipating into golden and bright white particles.

T.O.K : " You have to believe", he said to him as his body had fully disappeared and went away on the light breeze getting along some of the petals of the cherry blossom trees, whilst Daishinkan had fallen on his knees, looking towards the night sky as if he was awaiting for a miracle to see his father again.

Daishinkan : " FATHER!!!!!", he yelled towards the sky before his once louder cries had broken down to softer ones, not knowing that unbeknownst to him in the shadows, someone else was eavesdropping on their conversation.

Zalama, the first born of the True Omni King and the ruler of the Eternal Dragons, was eavesdropping on the entire thing as sheer hatred and unfathomable rage started to gain control over his heart that HIS father had placed pretty much their youngest sibling on the throne that HE as the OLDEST of the Divine Races deserved it. It sure was a night of mourning for Daishinkan, but it was also a night of endless brooding from Zalama, brooding to get both his revenge and the throne he deserved by any means necessary.

(A/n : In this one since I had seen again Kung Fu Panda, I decided to go with the more emotional way of Oogway's goodbyes towards Master Shifu in the first movie. I hope that I've nailed it in terms of the emotional recreation of one of my most favorite, yet nostalgic scenes of my childhood years. Don't hate on my story if you didn't enjoy it T^T)

(A/n : Timeskip to about 100 years later( That's how long reincarnations in my story take to be active, also it fits quite well with the entire storyline for some reasons))

(A/n : Stop with the previous music and begin with this one)

(A/n : Still in Author's POV)

Many things have happened in the last 100 years such as the advent of the new mortal made Gods called Destroyers, the Gods of Destruction, the beings who were overseeing the universe and acted as the balancing forces of destruction to the Kaioshins force of creation, each one of them was taught by their respective angels who were their instructors.

This instructor-apprentice relationship wasn't seeming to be a thing for the Universe 20. This universe was the home universe of the angels and the other divine races, on this universe the God of Destruction was none other than one first Legendary Super Saiyans to ever exist, the mythological first Super Saiyan God, Yamoshi himself and his angel was the firstborn of Daishinkan, Winessa (A/n : Winessa = Food pun for Wine since Toriyama had based the names of the angels on  alcoholic beverages so I decided to play along 😉)

How did Yamoshi survive? Someone might ask, due to the fact that he was actually the first ever Saiyan that although possessed a warrior's heart, his heart wasn't driven by malicious intent which had come as a surprise to some of the older Gods due to the fact that there were cases of mortals that had powers close to godlike and became corrupt, but as it seems it wasn't the case for Yamoshi whom they had called him from the brink of the Underworld, effectively resurrecting him to become one of the greatest, if NOT the greatest God of Destruction their universe ever had.

After some years living with him, Winessa couldn't help but fall in actual love with him, sure Yamoshi was a mortal and she was an angel which meant that she was actually going to unfortunately enough outlive him, but she couldn't think of anyone else who truly cared about her as much as he had, the first Destroyer had used her more as a taxi than an actual sentient being which had ended with the Destroyer's destruction from Daishinkan himself once Yamoshi had beaten him at a duel and to top it all off, he did not do it for the placement as a God of Destruction, but to redeem Winessa herself whom had been baffled to hear that he cared and loved her.

Now Yamoshi was waiting outside since today it was a great day for him and the heavens above, today Winessa, his wife, was giving birth to their child.

Nurse : " You can do it my Lady, just push", she said to Winessa calmly who had pushed and after a while small cries of a baby could have been heard and once the baby was cleaned up and given to its mother, only then Yamoshi could enter.

Doctor : " * puts away his stethoscope * Congratulations my lord, the child is a boy.", he said to him as Yamoshi went towards his wife, giving her a small kiss on her lips and then his soft brown colored eyes had fallen on the small cooing bundle on her hands.

Winessa : "I can feel our son's strength, as strong or possibly stronger than his father", she said to him calmly although it wasn't a joking matter since their son's battle power was seemingly skyrocketing from the point that he was born.

Winessa : "How should we name him?", she asked him politely.

Yamoshi : " How about Raon?", he asked her politely about it and had seen that the boy was smiling in his sleep, a sign that he liked his name. (A/n : Raon = Food pun from the fruit lemon (= Raimo in Japanese). I know that the names of the Saiyans were based on vegetables, but for the Saiyans of universe 20 they're named after fruits instead)

Yamoshi : " * chuckles softly* Well then, Raon it is.", he said to him calmly, picking up his son in a hug.

(A/n : To be continued)

(A/n : Stop the music here)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the first ever chapter of my newest story called DragonBall Rebirth with the title The Beginning Of Everything I hope that all of you will enjoy the first chapter of my 200 Followers Special story and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me about it in the comments section of the chapter itself. I hope you all have a blessed rest of your day or night depending on your time zone.

Words Written : 3458 Words

Music I'm currently listening to :

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