Universe 20's Last Hope (Part 2/End Of the Prologue)

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(A/n : In the previous chapter of DragonBall Rebirth)

He had looked up towards the face of the one who had stabbed him since he had seen broken remains of a black mask falling on the ground below and what he had seen had made his face as pale as the snow; The one that had killed him, the one who's name alone terrorized the very universe from the beginning was a dark, distorted copy of his son when he grew up.

(A/n : And now the continuation)

(A/n : Author's POV)

Yamoshi : " * coughs blood * I-Impossible", he said with a stutter at the revelation, making Darkon to grin darkly.

Darkon : " What happened? Where are your fake promises that you weren't going to lose to the likes of me? Think about it this way...", he said to him, getting his face closer to Yamoshi's, looking at him in the eyes.

(A/n : Just like that, but replace Akaza with Darkon and Kyojuro Rengoku with Yamoshi)

Darkon :"... you died young, alone and at your pride's and strength's peak which is more than I can tell for a saiyan like you. You're dying a warrior's death Yamoshi.", he said to him.

(A/n : In Yamoshi's mind)

(A/n : ⚠️WARNING⚠️ : This part of the chapter contains sensitive topics such as domestic abuse, bullying, cases of injuries, mention of self harm and suicidal thoughts. Not for the faint of heart. If you don't want to read it, you can skip it and read from the next skipping A/n. )

(A/n : Yamoshi's POV)

(A/n : Play this song)


From when I was born, I was always thinking that I was at my weakest. That I couldn't get any lower.

(A/n : Flashback #1)

(A/n : Author's POV)

We can see two Saiyans, a man and a woman beating up a child. Those were Yamoshi's biological parents.

Female Saiyan : " You're pathetic!!!! Useless!!!! You shouldn't even have been born in the first place!!!", she said to the kid, delivering a harsh kick on the younger Yamoshi's stomach, making the latter to cough up blood.

Male Saiyan : " Get out of here you utter failure!!! ", he said to him, grabbing his 'son' by the hair, tossing the kid out of the home.

(A/n : End of Flashback #1)

When I was born, I had a rare illness that made me incapable of being able to do most things since I was basically born weaker than the average saiyan child.

Back then Saiyans were a warrior tribe so weaknesses weren't allowed since it brought great dishonor to the family.

A saiyan's law only valued physical strength as the superior gift, everything else was fodder in comparison.

Did anyone wanted to help me from the village that I grew up?

No one, not a single soul. To them I was only known as the weakling.

(A/n : Flashback #2)

(A/n : Author's POV)

Right now, we can see a young Yamoshi at the age of 4 walking around the pathways of the village that he was at.

Saiyan #1 : "Isn't that the weakling?", a man said as some had laughed at Yamoshi when they had seen that the kid had tripped.

Saiyan #2 : " * whilst laughing * What a weakling", she mocked him.

Yamoshi on the other hand had tried to stand up, his malnourished hands were shaking due to him not eating and from the cold, trying to fight back his tears. Tears of sorrow for who he is.

(A/n : End of Flashback #2)

I knew all too well that no one cared about me, no one would care about a weakling. It wasn't a few times that I had cried myself to sleep away from the others, although I was crying I wasn't going to do it in front of them. I wasn't going to give them that satisfaction.

I-I just wanted all of this nightmare to end, to wake up in a better place, in a better life with people who I would actually call a family instead of people who hated me. I wanted it to end so much.

(A/n : Flashback #3)

(A/n : Author's POV)

We can see a Yamoshi being far away from his village. The bright sun was reflecting on his dark brown colored irises and on his slightly tanned skin.

With a sad smile full of tears he had gotten the bloody bandages off of his hands, revealing slashes along his arms, memories of hurting himself, punishing himself for being weak had begun to come back into his mind like a broken disk that played only the same song. Memories that made his eyes to sting by the tears that were coming back to his eyes at the reminiscent of those days.

He had taken a step towards the cliff, looking down below towards the sharp rocks and had closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

Yamoshi : " Good bye to all of you. 'Mom', 'Dad', I'm sorry for being a disappointment to you and I hope that you will find what you seek in another child.", he mumbled to himself and closed his eyes, a small tear had run down his cheeks as he leaned forwards, leaving gravity to do the rest as he was plummeting to his death.

(A/n : You can skip to here if you want to of course)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one instead)


Little did he know that fate had different things planned for him.

Male Tuffle : " Akkeza!!! I think that I found from whom the weak life signal was coming from!!", he said to her as the red haired woman had approached.

Akkeza : " For the Maker's sake Varu if this is one of your funny ideas I'm not laughing. * looks at the hurt Yamoshi and gasped * What happened to him!!!? ", she asked him frantically about it.

Varu : " I don't know, but he needs medical attention. We must NOT let him like this!! ", he said to her as they proceeded to take Yamoshi with them back to the outpost.

(A/n : End of Flashback #3. Also, I've made the Tuffles about as tall as the Saiyans for this one in terms of height for obvious reasons instead of the DBZ movies ridiculous height difference.)

Varu and Akkeza, the two Tuffles that had brought me back and healed me, they had even given me something to eat and new clothes to wear. Also they had asked me how it would feel if they adopted me in their family despite having already a child a year younger than me.

I still remember myself crying in their arms as I had tackled them for a hug, not out of sadness or sorrow, but from an emotion that I had a long time to feel. Happiness. It was the first time in my life that I've ever felt truly happy, that I truly belonged somewhere. Somewhere that I could truly call it a home.

Too bad that unfortunately enough, good things aren't for everyone, nor last long enough.

(A/n : Flashback #4)

(A/n : Author's POV)

We're at the first siege of planet Plant from the Arcosians. One of the Arcosians had been in a fight with Yamoshi who was trying his best to fight against him, due to the fact that they were tied thanks to the advanced training methods provided to Yamoshi over the years by the ground breaking Tuffle technology they were fighting in an almost equal battlefield.

That wasn't enough for Arcuos, the Arcosian that was fighting against Yamoshi since he tried to use an underhanded tactic to get the upper hand in their fight by wounding fatally Yamoshi's adoptive family since they had tried to help Yamoshi by blasting continuously Arcuos's back.

Yamoshi : " * sniffles * Don't die please. * sobs * I-I don't want to be alone again.", he said to them, bawling his eyes out .

Akkeza : " Y-Yamoshi,... be strong... f-for me", she said to him as she had passed away.

Arcuos : " * chuckles darkly * What a weakling", he said to him which had managed to push Yamoshi over the border and awaken something within the young saiyan.

(A/n : Just like this, but imagine it's Yamoshi instead of Trunks)

The Super Saiyan form, but it hadn't stopped there for him as his hair and irises had seemingly developed a crimson color.

(A/n : End of Flashback #4)

I remember the feeling of power rushing through me, the fact that all of the sorrow turned to anger and then to serenity faster than how a body of water changes forms.

I remember being strong enough to kill Arcuos and the fact that the rest of the Arcosians had left the planet. Also, I remember that at the very same day, I couldn't see anything else than a black void since I couldn't control the power of Super Saiyan God in my fatigued body, mind and spirit, resulting to me fading away from existence. A swift death.

After that, I remembered being brought back to life, the itchy feeling of my molecules and soul being put back in place and the only person I had seen in front of me when I was resurrected was you. Winessa.

You had given me a purpose to live again and become stronger not because of the fact that I wished to keep my post as a God of Destruction, but to be with you. I didn't wanted you to be mistreated by no one.

(A/n : Back in the universe 20)


Yamoshi had waken up from what it seemed to be raw willpower and formed a ki blade in his hand, using it to cut a part of Darkon's neck, making the latter to gasp in pain.

Yamoshi : ' *In his mind* Mother Akkeza, father Varu, although I wasn't your offspring by blood it was an honor to be a part of your family Winessa and Raon, I have been proud to be with you in my life as both a husband and a father. I won't let you down!!!! ", he thought to himself as Darkon had tried to get his blade out of Yamoshi's torso, but saw that he couldn't get it out. Yamoshi was using his ki to prevent him from getting the blade out of his body.

Darkon :" * In his mind* He's still alive, how tenacious is he!!!? * out loud * Let go of me you fool!!!!!", he said to him trying to punch Yamoshi away, having the latter to stop it.

Darkon : " * in his mind * How. Does. He. Have. The. Stamina. To. Continue!!!!? ", he thought to himself seeing that Yamoshi's eyes had opened, but where a different color than before...

(A/n : Just like that, but replace UI Omen Goku with Yamoshi)

They were silver.

Yamoshi :" I'm not letting you go!! If I'm going to hell I'm taking you out with me!!!!", he shouted towards the Dark God in seething rage, pushing his ki blade deeper in Darkon's neck.

Whilst all of this was happening, the Grand Priest and the rest of the angels were informed by Winessa's distress signal and were teleported all together above Darkon and Yamoshi, charging the blast that the Omni King had taught them. Their last resort to if not able to kill Darkon, at least keep him busy so that he wouldn't notice that Raon, the fated child was in a pod drifting in space far away from where the battlefield was at.

Whis/Vados : " * In unison * It's ready!!!", they said towards the Grand Priest and the Grand Priestess.

Grand Priest : " What are you waiting for then!!!!? ", he said to them.

Grand Priestess : " FIRE!!!!!", she said to them.

Angels : " * In unison * HEAVEN'S SMITE!!!!! ", they said, blasting Darkon with a beam brighter than the brightest star and many times more powerful than all of the angels combined. Darkon's eyes had widened in more anger than fear towards the incoming Galaxy-sized attack, roaring loudly with a voice loud enough to form cracks in the time space continuum, getting his right foot on Yamoshi's torso as he proceeded to break out of the latter's peerless grip, even if it meant getting his own two hands ripped off. Still nothing that he couldn't regenerate as they had regenerated in seconds. He had then powered up his eyes shining with a blazing red color as he had made a barrier, trying to counter the blast that was coming towards him.

Darkon : " Bastion of Shadows!!!", he roared, creating a barrier dark yet tough enough to make even the dense void in the biggest black holes to pale in comparison. It seemed that he was going to win against them, if it wasn't for a silvery white blade that pierced his back, making him to lose his concentration enough for the beam to hit both him and Yamoshi.

Darkon : " CURSE YOU YAMOSHI!!!", he said to him in anger as the beam had hit both of them.

Yamoshi : " * smirks slightly* Serves you right", he said to him as the both of them had disintegrated. As for Raon, the explosive impact of the blast was strong enough to open wider some of the time space continuum rifts that Darkon's roar had opened, enough for his space pod to slip through them and send him to another universe forwards in time. Universe 7.

(A/n : Back in Universe 20)

Cus : " Darkon is dead. We did it!!!!", she said to them happily as all of them were happy. All, except for three of them.

Grand Priest : " He's not dead. * sees that the others were looking at him * I can sense him, although faintly trying to pull every molecule and fragment of his body, mind and soul back together. We have some eons of peace until then.", he said to them, earning collective gasps and murmurs from the rest, except for his sister who was going to see what happened with Winessa.

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)


Jinora :" Winessa what's going on? ", she asked her eldest daughter politely, worry could be seen in her eyes.

Winessa : " Mom, did I do wrong to love him?", she asked her.

Jinora : " You haven't done anything wrong about this. From your bond with him had happened not only bad things, but many beautiful things as well.", she said to her calmly, averting her gaze towards the stary, albeit full of cracks night sky.

Jinora : " Through the marriage of you and Yamoshi the prophecy has been partly fulfilled, now its His part to be played. ", she said to her calmly and was surprised, not by the fact that her daughter had hugged her, but by the fact that Winessa was disappearing.

Winessa :" * smiles softly looking at her* Arigato gosaimasu, Oka-san (= Thank you so much, Mother in Japanese )", she said to her as she had disappeared due to the fact that the universe 20's destroyer was dead along with the fact that her universe itself was dying.

Jinora :" Dōitashimashite, watashi no musume (=You're welcome, my daughter (in Japanese)) ", she said to her, a tear threatened to fall from her eyes.

(A/n : Universe 7)

It has been almost a year since the death of one of the greatest villains the Earth has ever seen, the fearsome Perfect Cell had finally died, but at what cause? Although humanity was celebrating the victory of a false hero known as Mr Hercule, the true heroes although proud for Gohan's victory over the regenerated Cell, they were mourning for the loss of a friend.

That being the man himself, Son Goku, the saiyan raised on Earth that sacrificed himself in order to save everyone from Cell's last resort.

In that night two days after Cell was defeated, the life on the planet seemed to have returned back to its original rhythms. Gohan was out of his home on Mount Paozu, meditating as thoughts and emotions of his battle were coming forth.

He realized that he had to train, because of the fact that without his father being on Earth he knew that the planet was going to suffer massive casualties if he wasn't going to train himself, but was he able to take the first step and start training whilst wanting to be a well known scholar?

Gohan : " * in his mind * What was that!?", he thought to himself as he had taken off to find who was the one who was emitting that signal. After some time of flying, he had heard the sonic boom of a spacecraft crash landing on the planet's surface in a nearby forest that was thankfully enough away from any people.

He had moved closer to the spacecraft and had seen that although different in shape it had an emblem on it. The Royal Saiyan crest; was the one inside it a relative to Vegeta? He had tensed slightly seeing that the space pod's door opened and his once serious eyes had turned to those of pity and worry. Inside the space pod there was a saiyan child no older than 5 years old dressed in saiyan armor, bruised and beaten as he could see a scar on the boy's tanned cheek, smaller ones on the rest of his body and a bigger one on the boy's chest as pieces of the shattered battle armor were piercing the younger Saiyan's body.

??? : " H-Help m-me", the boy had muttered, before falling unconscious which had the chain reaction to send Gohan in a panicked state. His saiyan side was telling him to think about it rationally and put the boy out of its misery right here by finishing it off, whilst his human side had told him to not do it.

He had closed his eyes and took a deep breath, hoping that he wasn't going to regret it as he proceeded to pick up the boy and leave, not before sealing the space pod away from prying eyes into a cave that he had collapsed the entrance of via throwing a ki blast and then had flew straight back to his home.

Once back to his home, he had placed the boy on the guest room's bed and after he had gotten a med kit, he proceeded to patch up the boy as much as he could. One of the things that he had to do first was to remove the battle armor. Oh Kami why was everything going to be so embarrassing for him!!?

After he had hesitantly removed the boy's battle armor, he had taken some bandages and proceeded to wrap them around the bigger of the latter's wounds tightly enough to stop the bleeding, but not the breathing and then, with some bandaids he proceeded to close the rest of the boy's wounds, wrapping up in bandages those that needed; Thankfully enough Chichi, his mother was away from the home due to visiting his grandpa a.k.a the Ox King or else things could get quite messy by her reactions to everything.

(A/n : Small timeskip to when Raon had waken up.)

(A/n : Stop the previous music and begin with this one)


It's been some hours, the next day had came and Raon had weakly started to open up his eyes. He was looking around realizing that he wasn't in the space pod.

Raon : ' *In his mind * Where am I?', he thought to himself, as he had seen that he wasn't in his battle armor. He had blushed slightly from obvious embarrassment due to the fact that he was in bandages and the fact that his body was littered with wounds and scars of all shapes and sizes.

He had looked by his other side and had seen that on the nightstand there was a piece of paper that had written something on it :

Hello, I know that you might not believe what I'm saying but once you wake up you have to eat that senzu bean immediately and once you get ready and all dressed up, come down to meet me.


To say that he wasn't getting suspicious it would be an understatement since he was getting a lot. After some tries, he had managed to turn to his side and had pinched the senzu bean in between his thumb and index fingers.

Raon : ' *In his mind* What's so important about this bean?', he thought to himself sighing softly about it, but then had thrown the bean in his mouth, munching it for a moment before he had gulped it down and to his surprise, all his stamina and strength were back, along with the fact that he was fully healed!!!! What did' Gohan' put in this bean?

He had then stood up and removed his bandages, throwing them into the trash bin and then he had dressed up on the outfit that was placed on his bed. It was quite difficult in the beginning, but it became much more easier in the process and then he had went down to where he thought that 'Gohan' was at.

??? : " Well, it seems that you've awakened.", a teen older than he was said to him calmly with a small smile.

Raon : " Who are you and where I am?", he said to him, still suspicious about it.

Gohan : " Ok then, my name is Son Gohan and you're on Earth and more specifically, my home. Who are you?", he said to him.

Raon : " My name is Raon, just Raon ", he replied to him.

(A/n : Stop the music here)

(A/n : End of the chapter)

A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I present to you the latest chapter of my story DragonBall Rebirth called Universe 20's Last Hope (Part 2 /End Of The Prologue), we have finally ended up with the Prologue and I decided to give you a short summary on Yamoshi's Backstory, along with a proper send off to the original Super Saiyan God. Also in case you've wondered as to why Raon is 5 years old instead of a baby, it's mainly due to the fact that I have used the same tactic with Ryan in Remnant's Giant, having the in between years to be turned into 5 during the trip of Raon inside the wormhole. I have to say that right now my college days were over (for now) so I'm officially in Christmas holidays TwT. I hope that you will all enjoy this chapter and I wish to all of you a happy rest of your day or night depending on your respective country's time zone.

Total words : 3762 Words

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