Chapter 15: Celebration

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It's been a week since becoming a God Of Destruction. The power i now posses is unbelievable, I've been studying under whis's guidance to improve my skills and teaching my other lessons. During my time on beerus's planet, I've been training with whis to try and help me attain the form of ultra-instinct, I'll be lying if I said I didn't. I am able to achieve the form but I'm just not trained to stay in that form for long, just a mesly 60 seconds. Beerus was teaching me a lot of techniques that only gods of destruction can perform. Like a glare that can render an opponent immobile. And using my new "power of destruction" to destroy anything and turn it into dust

On beerus's planet

Aikon: Ugh! I'm so bored

I used to be able to spar with beerus whenever the urge hit us but now being a God Of Destruction, the rules prohibit us from fighting

Beerus: Indeed, you were the only one to be able to give my a challenge

Aikon: I can understand why you enjoyed time with Goku and vegeta. Even if their not strong like us, the little spar is enough to make you have a great time

Beerus: Yes, but I foresee that their going to be in a new battle

Aikon: Really? What did you see?

Beerus: I thought i saw Goku fighting himself

Aikon; Maybe your just imagining things

Beerus: My foresight has of yet to be wrong so I'm pretty sure something is going to happen

You nodded and sat beside beerus on the grass overlooking the lake when I felt something wrong. Out of instinct my left hand went out and stopped a hand about to like you hard in the neck. You turned to see whis with a gentle smile on his face. I let go of his hand and me and beerus hit up and both put our hands behind our backs.

Whis: See Lord Aikon? Did you notice your hand moving by itself to stop me?

Aikon: Yes, I guess that training really helped. Can you achieve ultra-instinct beerus?

Beerus: No, but I have heightened sences so I have more reaction time to choose what to do

Aikon: Oh, well it doesn't surprise me. Whis told be that ultra-instinct is not a state anyone can achieve easily, not even for a God

Whis: Yes, but you unlocked it, didn't you Lord Aikon?

Aikon: Your only halve right, I can only keep it for a minute

Whis: With further training you can fully achieve it, for now let is prepare.

Aikon: Why? where are we going?

Beerus: I see whis forgot to tell you again. Were going back to earth for a party

Whis: Yes, I apologize. I'm just excited for all the delicious food that will be there. It's a party for you Lord Aikon, for your promotion to God Of Destruction !

Aikon: Well then, I don't want to keep them waiting, let's be off

Whis: Yes Lord Aikon!

Beerus: Hey, I'm in charge here

You walk over to him and put a hand of his shoulder

Aikon: Oh come now beerus, let me just have this moment

Beerus: Hmph. Let's be off

Aikon l
Whis l Hai

Aikon: Wait, hold on to me, I'll take us there

Beerus: Oh yeah? How?

Aikon: Instant Transmission, I've been practicing with whis and I think I have it nailed down

Beerus: Well, whatever gets us there faster

Aikon: Ok, hold on to me

I felt whis his hand on my left shoulder and beerus on my right. I put my fingers to my forehead and concentrate on bulma's energy. It took me a second and then we disappeared, traveling across the galaxy before reaching earth.

On earth

We appeared behind bulma who was on a stage. Everyone's face turned from a calm or happy tone into a worried or frightened tone. Bulma didn't see us behind her because she was still talking on the mike

Bulma: Ok everyone, when Aikon get a here let's all shout "Congratulations"

She then notices everyone's worried faces

Bulma: Eh? Is something wrong?

Krillin moves his arm to point at me

Krillin: B-bulma, b-behind you

Bulma slowly tuned her body and turned to see me in my stance, hands behind my back like beerus. What happens next surprised everyone, she fainted

Aikon: Uhh, is she going to be alright?

I asked no one in particular

Whis: She'll be fine, she just went unconscious

Vegeta flew immediately to her and held her in his arms

Vegeta: Bulma, bulma, are you ok? Wake up

Everyone seemed worries, all of the z-fighter seemed to sent glares at me but I ignored it. She then starts to groan and slowly opens her eyes, when her eyes land on me her eyes wided and she hides behind vegeta

Bulma: O-oh, A-Aikon! I d-didn't see y-you there

Aikon: Wow, she's really nervous.
Bulma it's ok, I'm not here to destroy anything. You ok?

Whis: Yes after seeing Lord Aikon you passed out immediately

Beerus: I think you scared her Aikon

Aikon: I did not! Did I?

She seemed to calm down and left from behind vegeta to stand in front of me

Bulma: No, it's just when I saw you like that, like beerus, I thought you were here to destroy the earth

Aikon: Oh? So there's no party?

Vegeta who was still in the ground from holding bulma got up and walked beside bulma

Vegeta: There is, we were just waiting for you until you appeared behind bulma and scared her

Aikon: Sorry about that bulma

Bulma: N-no, it's ok I'm fine

???: Congratulations!

We turned our heads to see Goku waving at me

Goku: You became a God Of Destruction right Aikon!

Aikon: (Chuckles) Yes Goku, I have

Goku: That's great! We'll have to fight

Beerus: Later Goku, now where's the food?

Bulma points to a big round table with lots of food and three chairs

Bulma: Over there, that table with all the food is for you three. But before you do-

Everyone: Congratulations!

Aikon: (Chuckles) Thank you, thank you. I'm still getting used to all this new recognition

The three of you, being you, whis, and beerus walked over to the table and sat down to eat. There was then music and everyone finally release the tension and began to enjoy themselves. Beerus was eating like he didn't eat in years while whis looked like he was going to die because of the flavor. I was the only "normal" person eating, behind me I could hear whispers coming from the gang

: What do we do now?

: Just don't antagonize her!

: Now we have two gods to worry about!

Aikon: I can hear you

I said without turning my head or body. They all seemed to gasp and looked at me in surprise

Beerus: It seems there scared of you now~

Aikon: And not you~

Beerus: .....

Whis: Oh Ho Ho, this is a real treat

I went real close to whis and beerus and we whispered

Aikon: Hey beerus, is it ok if I "play" with them

Whis: Are you sure it's wise?

Aikon: I wish to just have some fun

Beerus: Fine, just say your going to destroy the earth for the bad attitude they gave you

I was glad and have beerus a hug

Aikon: Oh Thank you!

Beerus: Whatever get off, your ruining my meal

Everyone heard the commotion and turned to see us. I let go of beerus and got up from my seat and into my stance like beerus

Aikon: You all really think I'm now a monster do you? Well I'll show you one

I said the last bit ominously before realising my purple god aura

Everyone seemed to grow frightened from my sudded power outburst. All the Z- Fighters got up from their seats leaving only the not combatants like bulma, chichi, videl, Hercule, and roshi. Everyone else was in there battle stance in front of me, dripping sweat on how to take on a God Of Destruction

Goku: Aikon, why are you doing this?

Aikon: Oh, you wanted a fight didn't you? Well now you have one

Bulma tiptoes by me and to beerus

Bulma: Are you really going to let her destroy us?!

Beerus: Maybe, that's why you never anger us, just by appeasing us will you not be destroyed

Bulma: Whis! I gave you that food to protect me and my family, could you stop her for me, pretty please?

She begged

Whis who was still eating answered

Whis: Well if it was beerus then yes, but Aikon is on a different scale then me. She's in third place from strongest in All the miltiverse, second being the grand Kai and first being Zen-Oh.

Bulma grew even more worried and sat down with chichi who was with the kids

Chichi: Bulma?! What do we do?!

Bulma: I don't know, let's just hope Goku and vegeta can stop her

At the fight

I was standing there in my god form waiting for someone to make the first move. I shifted my left foot and the gang rushes me, to me, it was to easy, I narrowed my eyes and used my paralyzing gaze and that stopped all the z- fighters except Goku.

Vegeta: Y-you did the same t-thing beerus did on the boat cruise

Aikon: Yes, being a God Of Destruction, beerus has taught me many new techniques

18: I-i can't move?

Piccolo: Its no use, were powerless against her!

Aikon: Oh this is so much fun!

Goku seemed to be struggling against my paralyzing gaze but still stood. I stopped narrowing my eyes and started to fly in the sky before calling out

Aikon: If you wish to have you planet in one piece, somebody better give me a good fight and I might reconsider it

Everyone who was affected my my gaze started to get up and look up At me. Two people flew up, Goku and vegeta while the rest stayed down and prepared. Piccolo walked up to whis

Piccolo: Whis, can't you do anything to stop her!

Whis: As I told bulma, I couldn't even if I wanted too, she's stronger than me and beerus. Only the omni-king and grand priest can stop her

Piccolo was taking in the information. He them went towards the rest of the Z-fighters

Piccolo: I'm afraid there's nothing we could do, he said not even himself or beerus can't take her down

Krillin: Then what do we do?

Gohan: There's nothing we can do but hope that my dad and vegeta can appease her

18: Then that might be a problem

Everyone turned their attention to Android 18

18: Like piccolo said, not even whis or beerus can defeat her. So what hope do we have Goku and vegeta doing it if they can't even beat beerus at half power

In the sky

Aikon: So, you two are going to fight me?

Goku: That's right Aikon, let's see what your made of !

Vegeta: I'll teach you to try and destroy earth !

They both turned blue and got in their stances while you stayed in your G.O.D stance. They both charged to attack you and hit but what happened next shocked everyone. They hit you but you didn't even flinch or move at all. They both punches and kicked but you just stood there not amused.

Aikon: Are you even trying guys? Or is that all the power you two could muster

They both stopped and flew a few feet back.

Goku: Vegeta, what do we do? Nothing were doing is affecting her

Vegeta: How would I know, she said she was trained in New techniques by beerus

Goku: How bout a combo attack?

Vegeta: Its out only hope now

They both then started charging for an attack


Vegeta: FINAL-

You just stood there waiting

Aikon: Oh, this is going to be priceless

Goku: HA!
Vegeta: FLASH!

The two beams formed together and went strait for you. There was a huge explosion and a bunch of smoke. Goku and vegeta were panting hard and waiting for the smoke to clear. Everyone on the ground was waiting for the results, beerus walked next to them along with whis with a carry out bag of food. When the smoke cleared you were still there, unfazed by the attack. Everyone gasped while Goku and vegeta gritted their teeth in annoyance

Goku: Damn vegeta, it didn't work

Vegeta: I can see that Kakarot!

You used the palm of your hand to dust off your shoulder

Aikon: Good, but not good enough

You froze time and flew and delivered a hard punch to both of their stomachs and a poke to their necks. You unfrozen time and they both looked to be in a lot of pain and both started to fall from the sky, but you grabbed them by their shirts and flew down to the ground and placed them on the floor. Bulma and trunks went to vegeta while chichi and Goten along with gohan went it Goku. You stood next to beerus

Aikon: Well that's was fun, but now it's time to end it

You said while pointing your palm towards the group. They all closed their eyes and braced but a hand landed on your shoulder. You turned your head to see beerus looking at you with a smile

Beerus: I believe you had enough fun today, don't you think whis?

Whis: Yes Lord beerus

You put your arm down and went back to the stance like beerus

Aikon: Oh alright, that was fun wasn't it Goku

Goku: Yeah, your crazy strong! I'm going to have to train to my absolute limit in order to beat you

Aikon: I know Goku, I look forward to that day

Everyone was taken back by the innocent conversation we were having

Krillin: Eh Goku? What are you doing? She was trying to kill us

Goku: Oh she wasn't really going to, just for some fun that's all

Everyone looked at you and you scratched the back of your head

Aikon: (Chuckles) That's right I was just bored and wanted a little fun, I wasn't really going to destroy earth

Everyone breathed in relieve

Aikon: I do apologize for my behavior, since becoming a God i can't fight beerus now since that's against the sacred rules the grand priest made

Goku: Wait, you can't fight against beerus now?

Whis: Yes, it's against the sacred rules that gods of destruction can't fight each other or their would be complete chaos

Aikon: But Goku and vegeta, you both could get stronger if you only trained in your original forms and not always transforming. Like hit said, you only get stronger by transforming so those transformation are basically your limit

Whis: All true, I keep telling them that but they don't get it

Aikon: All in due time whis, now do you have everything?

Whis: Yes Lord Aikon

Aikon: Let be off then

Beerus: Hey, that's my line

Aikon: (Chuckles) bye everyone. And much thanks for the party

Bulma: Hey Aikon! Next time tell me when your going to do something like that, you scared the daylights out of me

Aikon: Where's the fun in that

Everyone laughs and whis and beerus held of to your shoulders and you used instant transmission to teleport to where the Oracle fish is

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