Chapter 19: Universe 6's Saiyans

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It took at least an hour to arrive at Champa's planet, just a big forest with a huge castle in the middle. And it was in the middle of the night so we have to start my new lessons tomorrow. We landed in the balcony of champa's castle and I took my hand off if vados's shoulder

Vados: Well, we arrived my lords

Champa who was done stretching said

Champa: Excellent, just in time for dinner

I rolled my eyes, just like beerus. I don't dought it, there twins after all

Vados: Come along Lord Aikon, the dinning room is this way

I followed Champa and vados through his castle which was huge, I'm not gonna lie but i could get used to this castle. We arrived at the dinning room which is a big round table, Champa had a seat and waited for the food

Vados: Please have a seat Lord Aikon while I make dinner

Aikon: Actually vados, I'd like to cook for you guys today.

Vados and champa shared a glance and looked back at me

Champa: You cook for whis and beerus?

Aikon: Yes, I do. But they say my cooking is delicious even though I don't add a special ingredient or anything

Vados: Well if you'd like, I won't stop you

Aikon: Thank you

I went in the kitchen and looked through a cookbook for grilled steak and some cooked rice

At the dinner table

I brought the food to the table and champa was looking at the food, drooling a bit while vados looked at least Normal.

Vados: I gotta say Lord Aikon, this looked delicious

Aikon: Thank you vados, and please just call me Aikon. Lord is only for the mortals

They each took a bite of my cooking and I wanted to see if they had the same reaction, when they had that twinkle in their eyes I knew I was right. Champa was eating whole bowls of my cooking while vados and me looked like the only people eating with a knife and fork.

Champa: This is delicious Aikon!

Aikon: Thank you champa, I wanted to see if I was right and I was.

Vados: Could you elaborate?

Aikon: Well, when whis cooked for me and beerus the food is fine. But when I follow the same recipe exactly they claim it's even better than how whis does it, and i don't add any special ingredient or anything.

Vados: Perhaps it's just a woman's touch

Me and vados both laugh till we begin to eat again, when we were done champa already went to bed while vados lead me to my own room that'll be mine for the stay.

Vados: Here you are Aikon, this room will be your for your stay here

Aikon: Thanks vados

With that she bows and leaves while I close the door, my room was just like that off a real castle. With a queen bed, Windows, drawers, etc. I changed into my nightgown and turned in for the night

In the morning

I was taken out of my sleep when I heard knocking on my door

Vados: Aikon, it's time to wake up

I got up and stretched while I yawned and got out of bed

Aikon: Ok, I'm awake. Let me get dressed

I went to my wardrobe and changed into my G.O.D uniform. Then I left my room to see both vados and champa waiting for me

Champa: You ready to begin?

Aikon: Of course after you

We all went to the balcony of champa's castle and vados taught me some more important rules and lessons while champa was busy eating again

After a few minutes vados thought that was enough for today, we all left to a nearby grassy field where we had a small lunch. Apparently champa has lots of lunch breaks and by a lot I really mean a lot

Aikon: So champa, do you fight any of the mortals here?

Champa: No, none of their power can't compare to power that you and me posses. Well I'm going to have my afternoon nap

He gets up and flies to his chamber in the castle leaving me and vados

Aikon: Is he always like this?

Vados: Yes, but I learned to live with It

Aikon: I wonder, do you know where that saiyan fighter from the tournament lives?

I was curious on how he was doing since the tournament, I wonder if he for stronger

Vados: Do you mean cabba? I think he's on planet sandal

Aikon: I'd like to pay him a visit, can you point me in the general direction of planet salad

Vados: Sandal and it's in that direction

She points in a direction, I put my fingers to my forehead sensing the planet till I found it

Aikon: Found it, also could you get me a cloak to hide myself

Vados: Of course

She uses her want to make cloak appear and I put it on, it hides my face and body perfectly, concealing my uniform

Vados: I'd like to go with you but I have some errands and work to complete

Aikon: That's fine vados, I'll come back when I'm finished sightseeing

I used my instant transmission to get to planet sandal and when I got there I set out to find cabba's energy

Aikon: This planet sure is big, I wonder if there are any strong fighters here?

I started to fly in cabba's general direction, i flew for about 10 minutes till I saw him fighting some red aliens In his super saiyan form.

Aikon: Well, he's getting used to that form. I wonder if he'll be a challenge, probably not but a girl could dream.

I was on a cliff overlooking the fight, when he was done he scanned the area till his sights landed on me, Oh this is gonna be fun

Cabba: You! Who are you!

Aikon: Who I am is my own business

Cabba: If your the leader of those aliens, I'll have to take you in!

He says releasing more energy, engulfing him in golden flames

Aikon: You can try, but I'll warn you many have people tried and all have failed

With a strong shout he rushed at me and when he aimed a punch, I caught his fist with little efford at all

Cabba: What?! Thats impossible?!

Aikon: Hah! He doesn't recognize me with this cloak on!

I smirked under my hood and punched his stomach, knocking the wind right out of him. Then punched his face and sending him flying to a nearby mountain and causing a big crash and the mountain to fall on top of him. I flew off the cliff and landed on the ground and began walking towards the crash, I see him get up breathing heavily and a bit of blood falling out of the corner of his mouth

Aikon: I'll admit you've gotten stronger cabba

He looked shocked that I know his name

Cabba: How do you know my name! Answer me or face the consequences!

I smirked again and still kept walking towards him while speaking at the same time

Aikon: Consequences? I'm fine and dandy and you already down after one hit

Cabba: I can't fail now, I won't fail master Vegeta!

He started shooting a barrage of ki blasts at me but being a God Of Destruction, I just walked through it. Not affecting me in the slightest, when he finished I was still walking towards him but with all the dust in his view, he can't see me. But when the dust settled and he saw me still walking he looked beyond surprised, I finally stopped about one feet away from him seeing his form. Not in super saiyan anymore, breathing heavily, ran out of energy. He has a long way to go to reach "master" Vegeta's level

Aikon: Come on cabba, you still don't remember me?

Cabba: No, should I?

I took of my hood and heard him gasp

Cabba: Aikon?

Aikon: *Chuckles* In the flesh, it's good to see you again. Vegeta would be proud, you certainly have gotten stronger

Cabba seemed to finally relax knowing he wasn't going to die

Cabba: Its good to see you too, but did you have to punch me and all that?

He says running his cheek

Aikon: Sorry about that, but I wanted to see how strong you got. I'm just here in universe 6 with champa and vados for my training

Cabba: Training? Wait are you a -

I cut him off my taking off my cloak and revealing my uniform, he looked like he was going to pass out. What I didn't expect was him bowing on one knee all of a sudden

Aikon: Oh right, I forgot that this uniform scares a lot if people

Cabba: I-im so sorry Lord Aikon, i-i didn't know you really became a God

Aikon: Its alright cabba, yes I became a God Of Destruction quite recently. I'm here for vados to train me

Cabba gets up and walkes up to me and inspecting my outfit

Aikon: Yes cabba, it's the real thing

Cabba: Oh sorry

Aikon: Its fine, honestly I was looking for a challenge. Not that you weren't one but I'm bored and I wanna fight someone

Cabba: Well, I gotta go back to headquarters to report back in but if you want there is a nearby gang lead by a female saiyan named caulifla. I hear she's strong enough to take on planet sandal's elite fighters, in fact they say her power can rival the gods.

Aikon: Really? Ok I'm intrigued, I'll pay this gang a little visit

Cabba: Are you gonna destroy her? If not, you could just take arrest her for us

Aikon: Sorry cabba, can't do that. Being a God Of Destruction means i can't interfere with world conflict. If she proves to be a good fighter I'll let her live, if not then... uh I'll figure it out. So you know where their base is?

He pointed on a direction

Cabba: There in a big warehouse on the outskirts of a village to the northeast

Aikon: Thank you cabba

With that we parted ways and I flew in search of the saiyan female who's power rivals gods. It took me awhile but I managed to find it. I landed a few feet away from the warehouse and I saw thugs patrolling the perimeter, I had my cloak back on and leaning on a nearby tree

Aikon: Cabba was right, there's one ki I sence that's bigger than cabba's. But what's strange is I sense another ki who's power seemed locked away, a hidden warrior in need to break out, In other words a berseker.

3rd P.O.V

Aikon decided to get there attention by launching a ki blast at the warehouse making a hole on the front door. Inside the thugs were shouting curses, wondering what's going on till their leader a girl with lard purple baggy pants and a purple cover-up came out followed by a shy girl with a red skirt and shirt

Caulifla: Hey, what the hell are you doing!

She says with her arms crossed

Aikon's P.O.V

I saw her, she seems strong but it's that shy girl I'm curious about

Aikon: I'm just here for her

I said pointing to the shy girl, but she just hid behind caulifla

Caulifla: Who? Kale? No way In hell?! She's my protege! You'll have to go through me!

Aikon: That can be arranged

I smirked under my hood as she prepared to attack, right about now the rest of her gang ran out of the warehouse to see their leader fight a mysterious hooded figure

She rushed me trying to land a punch but I froze time and landed a punch on her stomach and turned my back on her arms crossed when I unfroze time. She coughed up blood and knelt on one foot holding her stomach

Caulifla: W-what the hell!?

She said between coughes and got up, her gang couldn't believe it, one punch and she's already on the ground bleeding. I turned around and saw her standing with an arm in her stomach and a very angry expression on her face

Aikon: Just give me the girl and you'll be spared, along with your group

When I said that some of the thugs took steps back with worried expressions

Caulifla: N-no way! You'll have to kill me first!

She aimed a punch but I just tilted my head to the side and dodged it, she launched more punches but I dodged them all effortlessly. And I can tell she was getting p***ed, I was getting bored, she does have more power than cabba but since I'm a God she like nothing compared to me so I ended it by freezing time and hitting where her heart is not enough to kill her but incompasitate her. She fell on her stomach breathing heavily and blood on her face and body

Aikon: The rest of you stay where you are, I've decided I'm not gonna take her

I walked up to her but the thugs created a wall between her and me

Aikon: I know what you fear kale

Kale: Y-you do?

She says still cowering behind her guards

Aikon: You fear of being useless

Her eyes widen and I saw a single tear fall of the corner of her eye

Aikon: You have a hidden power inside you kale, your stronger then you think you are. And when you unlock in and learn to control it, even some gods will fear you

I walked away from her and walked over to caulifla who's still on the floor, I knell on one foot and put my palm on her back and transferring some of my energy to her. In no time and got up and looked at me with a questioned look

Caulifla: Why did you spare her?

Aikon: I just wanted a good fight, you and kale have a long way to go

I started walking away from them till caulifla yelled

Caulifla: Hey! Who are you!

I stopped walking and turned around to face them, I took off my cloak and all the thugs eyes poped out and their jaws hit the floor while the two girls eyes widen. For caulifla, it was excitement to fight again but for kale it was fear now knowing there's a new God Of Destruction. And before they said anything, I used instant transmission to go back to champa's world. When I got there, vados was there to greet me

Vados: Ah, Aikon welcome back

She bowed

Aikon: Yeah, I had fun

Vados: Um, Lord Aikon. Me and champa were wondering...

Aikon: Yes?

I have a bad feeling about this

Vados: If you could cook lunch for us

She said, her cheeks a little red of embarrassment

Aikon: *Chuckles* Sure, told you they said my cooking was delicious

We both laugh and I go to the kitchen to make lunch

Hey guys! For me in school it's now spring break so I'll be updating my book more often, thanks for all the views and votes. 3.50 k views!!! And 70 votes!!! Thank you for your support

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