Chapter 24: Realization

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Belmond allowed me to spend the night on his planet before I head back to Zen-Oh's palace for some news they had to share with me. I was now currently in his living room in the morning, sitting on the couch, drinking some coffee

Aikon: Man, what a day yesterday was!

Belmond walked in and sat down on a chair just across the coffee table

Belmond: I'll bet, but did you finally satisfy your bloodlust ~

He cracked a smile while I just chuckled

Aikon: Yes belmond, I might visit your universe more often just to fight him again

Belmond: I'll bet, you already making jiren stronger then he already is

Aikon: Heh, to a lot of people I know. That's their life goal, to find their limit when fighting, and when they do. They'll try to break their limits and reach new heights, and repeat that process again and again. Like how I did it, and know look where I am today

Marcarita came in and joined me in the couch

Marcarita: Aikon, the grand priest called ahead. He wishes to speak with you now

I stood up from my seat and left and empty cup on the table

Aikon: Alright, thanks for the incredible time I had belmond

They stood up too and belmond handed me the red and yellow cloak,I accepted and put it on along with the face mask

Belmond: Keep the cloak, add it to your wardrobe. Next to your red dress ~~

He said smiling, I just groaned

Aikon: I hate you so much belmond. Your lucky I follow the sacred rules or else you'd be in deep trouble

Beerus: * Chuckles * Oh I would be in trouble, but I'm not. Thanks to the sacred rules~~

I just flicked him off while he laughed at his annoying schemes. We all walked to the from of his tent

Aikon: Well this is goodbye guys, but don't worry I'll see you two again

Belmond: Of course, we all know that

Marcarita: We hope to see you again soon, I know jiren would. He's been doing private lessons with belmond, for an odd reason~

She said giving me an innocent smile, I nodded and teleported back to Zen-Oh's palace. The Grand Priest was waiting there along with 2... Z-Zen-Oh's?! They were both playing some sort of planet game, They both then noticed and flew up to me, flying in circles around me

" F " Stand for future while " p " stands for present

P Zen-Oh: Aikon! You wearing your cloak you used against the pride troopers from universe 11!

F Zen-Oh: Yeah! We saw the video marcarita sent us about thousand times!!

Aikon: I... uhh... T-thank you?

I was dumbfounded? How?!

Aikon: Uh? Grand Priest, I don't mean to be rude. Believe me i might get killed for saying this but how is there 2 Lord Zen-Oh's

The two Zen-Oh's flew back to their seats but I saw there were 3 seats, one was empty between the two of them. I also saw a new set of guards, so now their was now 4 of them

Aikon: Oh, uh hey guys

They all nodded their heads and went back to their posts

Aikon: Wait, if you said there was two Lord Zen-Oh's but I see three seats?

P Zen-Oh: We had a meeting

F Zen-Oh: Yes, a meeting. You learned lessons from most of the Gods Of Destruction

P Zen-Oh: Now were thinking of adding you with us

Aikon: W-what?! I - i mean Why?! I'm just a God Of Destruction, not a ruler of 12 universes!

The Grand Priest walked towards me

Grand Priest: Its just for a small time, to see of you have what it takes to be an Omni king ruler. Now please, take your seat

He said, gesturing to the seat in the middle if the present and future Zen-Oh, how do I know everything. Foresight my friends, foresight. I was hesitant but eventually took my seat between them, it feels so awkward sitting between 2 Omni-kings

P Zen-Oh: Do you want to play with us?

Aikon: Um sure, how do I play?

F Zen-Oh: Were each given an equal number of planets, just flick one of your planets to either mine or his to destroy it. Each planet can travel a certain distance before stopping

P Zen-Oh: Whoever destroys all the planets with some of their planets still intact wins!

Grand Priest: Excuse me my lords, I believe I hear someone outside

He bowed to... all three of us... i guess? Man, I'm moving up to quick in the world, minutes later Goku showed up.

Goku: Hey!

He said raising his one hand, the 4 guards make a wall beside the 2 Zen-Oh's

: Hey!

They both said raising their hands but the Future Zen-Oh put his arm down and raised the other one to mirror the Present Zen-Oh's actions. Oh their so cute! Goku saw me writing between them with wide eyes

Goku: A-Aikon?! Your an Omni-King?!

Aikon: What?! N-No Goku, don't make such rash decis-

But I was cut off from the Grand Priest

Grand Priest: Yes, though she's a temporary one. I suggest you show proper respect to her as well

W-what?! I was gonna argue that Wasn't worth all this, but kept quiet when the Grand Priest gave me a glare that made me stay quiet

Goku: Oh? Alright, sorry Lord Aikon

He said standing up strait, he then walkes up to us

Goku: Say, I don't know which Zen-Oh it was, but weren't you gonna hold and All-Universe Martial Arts Tournament? What happened with that? I'm tired of waiting!

Aikon: Oh! I completely forgot that he said that during the end of the tournament against universe 6 and 7

P Zen-Oh: Oh! I forgot

He said that while I flicked a Jupiter to destroy one of the Future Zen-Oh's planet

Goku: Oh so this one's the present Zen-Oh while this one is the Future Zen-Oh

He said glaring at each then looks at me

Goku: And I guess your the newest one

F Zen-Oh: You forgot?

P Zen-Oh: Yeah !

They said facing each other while I sat between them behind the game we were playing

Goku: I thought so, I figured you did

F Zen-Oh: What's a martial arts tournament?

P Zen-Oh: Its really fun, people fighting like how Aikon fought the pride troopers, really fun!

The future Zen-Oh started to get exciting with each passing word

F Zen-Oh: More than this?

He says pointing to the game we were playing

P Zen-Oh: Yeah, more than this

F Zen-Oh: Oh really!

He said kicking his legs in excitement but accidentally knocking over the game we were playing, just when i was about to win my first game. The planets rolled around us and one rolled up to the grand priest foot and disappearing in purple dust

Grand Priest: Oh dear

F Zen-Oh: It broke
P Zen-Oh: It broke

Aikon: Aw, and just when I was about to have my first win

The 2 Kings just giggled

F Zen-Oh: Sorry Aikon

P Zen-Oh: Yeah sorry, we'll play again later

Aikon: eh? It's ok, you don't have to apologize

F Zen-Oh: Anyways, I wanna see the martial arts tournament

P Zen-Oh: Yeah, I wanna see the martial arts tournament

Goku: Now your talking! Let's have a martial arts tournament!

: Its settled!

They both said in sync, till the Future Zen-Oh corrects his arms again so me matches with the present Zen-Oh

: Let's do it!

Goku: Awsome! Thanks Zen-Oh's and Aikon! It'll be really exciting; so looking forward to it!

The three of us just chuckle at goku's excitement

Aikon: Well, once the dates and details of the tournament are determined. We shall contact the supreme kais of each universe

Grand Priest: Well said my Lord, at once

He said butler bowing ( You know when they put one arm over their chest and bow half way, what's it called? )

Goku: Got it! Then i better get back and start training! See you zen-chans, and you too Aikon

He dissaperars in a blue orb back to beerus no less

Grand Priest: How did you know all this Aikon?

Aikon: Marcarita taught me a lot more things than the rest of the universes I've been to. Anyways, I need to speak with you grand priest, privately.

He nods before addressing the kings

Grand Priest: Excuse me my lords, Aikon wishes to speak with me privately

F Zen-Oh: Ok, come back soon alright Aikon?

P Zen-Oh: Yeah, so we could begin on making the martial arts tournament!

Aikon: Ok, I promise to be back as soon as I can

The grand priest holds on to my arms and takes me to a land of complete darkness

Aikon: Where are we?

I said looking at my surroundings

Grand Priest: Were in the world of the void, now what did you want to talk about

I wasn't facing him, just him seeing my back. I was gonna die for saying this but I has to know, i walked up to the grand priest and grabbed him by the collar of his suit and held him up to my eye level

Aikon Why did you make me an Omni-King!! I don't deserve any of this!

I said in a whisper-yelling tone, I expected the grand priest to snap his fingers so i was killed but he was surprisingly calm

Grand Priest: My Lord, could you please put me down?

He said as if not bothered by me holding him in a threatening manner

Aikon: Not until you answer my question, Why! I never deserved this, I was just an assasin who's power got recognized by the gods!

Grand Priest: The 2 Zen-Oh's looked up to you, they found goku fun to be with because of his kind nature. But they look at you like a sibling, an older sister if you'd like.

I let go if him and he lands perfectly, not fazed at all of what I did. I didn't know what to say, he snapped his fingers so my cloak would disappear. But that wasn't the issue now

Grand Priest: Is this because of your child hood? How you were born and raised?

I gasped

Aikon: How did you know?!

Grand Priest: Margarita showed me a private message with the talk you had with jiren in the woods.

I Couldn't stop the tears from falling from my eyes

Aikon: I never had a proper childhood, being raised alone. Abandoned by the people who made me, all for the sake of me achieving new heights!

I was now on my knees, kneeling on all fours with tears staining the platform we were on

Aikon: I just wanted a family! A mother or father to praise me for all my hard work! A brother or sister who'll look up to me! But Fate had a sense of humor and caused my life to become this!

Grand Priest: But don't you enjoy of being a Diety?

Aikon: At first I did, but know I'm not so sure now?!

Grand Priest: Oh, your afraid of being abandoned again aren't you?

I didn't speak nor face him just kept my face hidden in my hair, tears streaming down my face, landing on the floor and on my hands

Grand Priest: You know, I read some quoted from a book that suits this situation quite nicely. " The lonliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest, all because they don't wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did"

I let the words sink in, and they hurt, hard. He was right, on some of those things, my past damaged me so much, but I learned even more along the journey.

The Grand Priest starts walking towards my crying figure

Grand Priest: And another one " The brightest smiles hides the deepest secrets, the prettiest eyes shed the most tears, the kindest hearts felt the most pain, all because they don't want to see anyone else suffer the way they did"

He walked over and put a hand on my shoulder and the other one on my back, soothing me

Grand Priest: And one last one that fits your criteria " The worst part about being strong is that no one ever bothers to ask if your ok "

These are fairy tail quotes by the way

I stopped crying and he gave me a napkin to clean myself off, once I was finished I got up and faced the grand priest

Aikon: I'm really sorry for acting the way I did grand priest

Grand Priest: Its quite alright, no harm done. Now

He snapped his fingers and I'm covered in a bright light, I shield my eyes and when it stopped I look down at myself and gasp to see my god cloths have changed from my usual red to white with the same symbols Zen-Oh has on his cloths

Grand Priest: You don't need to call them Lord now, theirs your younger brothers now.

I Coudnt stop the smile appearing on my face, I had a family now. I even consider the grand priest as my father for how wise and kind he is to me. Even the guards as cousins ha ha. We went back to "our" yes our palace and saw my brothers come up to be and hug me

P Zen-Oh: The grand priest told you already

Aikon: Yes, he did. Brothers

They both smile and hug me tighter, I let them go and kneel down to their level

Aikon: Now, how about we work on the martial arts tournament

: Yeah!

I got up and turned to the grand priest

Aikon: Let's go grand priest, time to go to work

He nods and we all work on the rules and details before spreading the words to all the supreme kais of each universe

I have one think to say, which person should Aikon be with? Its still my choice but it's good to hear from other people

Jiren ?


Hit ?

And to top off this chapter, a cool drawing someone did of a female jiren I found online

Pretty cool huh?

See ya on the next chapter!

Samurai Out!

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