Chapter 27: Gohan Vs lavender

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I watched Gohan and lavender have a stare down

Aikon: Since Gohan can't sense lavender's energy, he'll have to stay alert and watch what lavender.

My brothers just nod at my theory, it's something I do for them. Since their not fighters, I help by explaining how fighters react in a situation I'm in.

Goku : Gohan

He looks up to see his father looking at him

Goku: Don't wait to see his moves because you can't read his energy. Your strong, don't hold anything back!

Gohan nods and turns his attention to lavender who's still doing that Wolfish laugh

Aikon: Goku's right, he can't just wait to see what he does. He needs to take action

They stand against each other before both Gohan and lavender start towards each other, this reminds me of how I met jiren. I wonder what he's doing now, anyways they keep walking closer. All the gods are watching in anticipation to see what happens next, they stop a few feet away and Gohan gets in his stance.

Grand Priest: Let the second match... begin!

The gong rings signaling the start of the match and Gohan and lavender run to each other, each delivering a punch and meeting each others fist in a deadlock. They then start to throw punches and kickes, each going at each other hard. Gohan then delivers a punch but lavendsr jumps up to dodge, Gohan then tries to punch him in the air but lavender lands on his arm.

Lavender: Got you!

He then blows purple smoke at Gohan who immediately starts to run his eyes in slight pain

Roh: Perfect!

F Zen-Oh: What?

P Zen-Oh: What's that?

Aikon: It must be some sort of poison to either weaken or kill their targets, Gohan better hurry before the poison kicks in

F Zen-Oh: Poison?

He said looking at me with those beady little eyes of his

Aikon: Yes, it's dangerous to many people if their not immune to it

P Zen-Oh: Son Gohan better win fast then

I nod and we look back to see Gohan trying to rub the poison our of his eyes, lavender then covers his hands in poison. Probably to further the poison or add more strength to it, he then punches Gohan right in the gut. He delivers a volly of punches to his gut and ends by kicking Gohan strait into the floor.

Aikon: That's some powerful poison, it's blinding him

Gohan weakly stand, trying to punch lavender. But lavender dodged his punch and counters with a few punches

Roh: How about that, universe 7! That's the Trio De Dangers' second brother, lavender's, poison blow! Enjoy writhing from that poison!

Lavender keep hitting Gohan, who can't fight back for he can't see or fight well because of the poison

F Zen-Oh: He can't see any more

P Zen-Oh: He's all poisoned

Aikon: Indeed he is, but you'll see a change in this match soon enough

Lavender send one strong punch to his face making him fly and fall a few feet away, Gohan weakly gets up.

Lavender: You like my poison? Too much of it and your body will rot

Roh is laughing like a madman, mocking universe 7's team

Roh: Universe 7, you should probably give up now! Before his body rots!

Shin is staring to get annoyed and pulls out a small brown bag

Shin: Gohan! A Senzu bean! Universe 9 did it. We can do it too!

Aikon: A magical bean that heals all wounds and restored your stamina, also cures certain poisons like the one Gohan has now

Gohan: Supreme Kai! I don't need a Senzu bean

He yells before lavender kicks him in the stomach sending him flying a few feet before be gets up again

Gohan: Everyone! Please don't interfere. I want to fight using only my own strength!

: Poison poison!

They both said in sync, while I just pet theirs head and they laugh a bit before turning back to the fight

Lavender: My poison... gradually absorbed and rots your body

He walks around in circles before he walked up behind him and jumps in the air, he then spins in a circle and tries to land a kick in Gohans head. As soon as his foot made contact with his hair, Gohan blocked it

Lavender: What?!

Gohan uppercuts lavender, and he flies back before he stops himself

Lavender: Dammit?!

F Zen-Oh: Wow!

P Zen-Oh: Wow wow!

I just smirked to know Gohan knows how to use his other senses to detect where lavender is, also to see roh all frustrated

Roh: What?!

Lavender: He shouldn't have been able to hit me. It was a fluke!

He runs up to Gohan and hits him but Gohan blocked them all

Lavender: How can he block?!

Gohan then counters by upperkicking him, making lavender skid across the arena before he stops himself

Roh: Impossible?!

Bergamo: No, Roh. By being blinded, his other senses have been heightened. This is someone worth fighting

He says grinning at the end, showing his canine teeth.

Gohan: I can sense your movements

Lavender tries again, hitting and kickig Gohan but he blocked them all effortlessly. Gohan blocked a kick and roundhouse kicks lavender making him fly and fall a few feet away from. Lavender gets up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand

Lavender: I'll kill you!

He then laughs

Lavender: I've got you know

He then begins to fly up in the air

F Zen-Oh: He flew

P Zen-Oh: Yeah, he flew

Aikon: Well of course he did, know Gohan will have a harder time of sensing where lavender is

Lavender flies in circles around him before he stops behind him and launches 2 dark purple ki blast which Gohan Couldn't detect and took the hit. Lavender shoots more but Gohan is able to block most of them by shielding his upper area with his arms. Lavender stops shooting and Gohan falls on one knee

Roh: Well done, lavender. Finish him!

Lavender: I don't need to be told to kill him!

He charges up but Gohan gets up and quickly transforms into a super saiyan. Lavender is sent flying back by the strong wind Gohan is creating

Lavender: What is that?!

Aikon: Ahh, I see. He's using his own power as a sort of radar, by sending his power out, he can sense where lavender is. Impressive

I said clapping my hands

Roh: Hmph, so what if he's shining a little?

My two brothers are watching Gohan in awe of his transformation

F Zen-Oh: Wow! What's that?

Aikon: Its called " Super saiyan " little one

F Zen-Oh: Its pretty. And shinny

P Zen-Oh: And it's strong

Gohan then powers up more, making his golden aura grow. Lavender shields his eyes from his intense winds he's producing

Lavender: You might shine and increase in power a little, but you still can't sense my attacks!

Gohan smirks

Gohan: Give it a shot then

Lavender gets annoyed and flies to be behind him and sends a ki blast at him, but Gohan detected it and backhands it back to lavender who dodged it.

Lavender: What?!

F Zen-Oh: He blocked it!

P Zen-Oh: Yeah, he blocked it!

Aww, they sure like to copy eachother. It makes them even more adorable

Lavender: That was just a fluke!

Lavender shoots more blast at Gohan at every angle but Gohan blocked them all, blanketing the arena in black smoke. Gohan then flies threw the smoke and up to lavender, delivering punches and making him fly a few feet away

Lavender: How can you see me?!

Gohan: Even if I can't, my energy tell me where you are!

Aikon: Knew it, but I think the poison is about to kick in for real this time

They keep fighting each other, lavender we don't punches but Gohan dodged them all. Lavender tries to hit him, only for Gohan to grab his hand and throw him over his shoulder and into the arena with a loud crash

Gohan: Its time to end this!

He rushed to lavender but in the middle, going out of super saiyan, stops and falls strait down. Clutching his stomach and breathing heavily

Aikon: Yup, the poison finally kicked in

Lavender laughts and punches Gohan who can't even defend himself, and soon shoots more poison at him. Gohan flies up to try and get away but lavender follows him

Lavender: Your not going anywhere

They start fighting in the air before he turned super saiyan again, releasing a huge amount of power and his aura

: Wow

My two brothers said in awe

Lavender: Your getting desperate? This isn't that kind of mellow fight!

Gohan: I'm already... well aware of that!

They each begin to fight against each other, punches and kicks everywhere. Gohan laughs a kamehameha and lavender launches a purple ki wave, their attacks hitting each other resulting in a beautiful light show

: Wow

The three of us said, now I'm getting excited just watching them fight. Gohan seemed to be struggling to keep the wave going but the poison is making his skin turn purple and lavender seized this opportunity and add more power. Overpowering his kamehameha wave and sending him crashing in the floor, lavender add more poison to try and kill him faster. Gohan quickly transforms again and heads strait into the poison cloud to lavender

Lavender: What?!

Gohan kicks him and then grabs him from behind into an arm lock

Lavender: You made me let my guard down!

Gohan: If we're this close, it doesn't matter if I'm blind

He flies up into the air with lavender stuck in his arms and plummets strait into the arena with a big bang and bits of the arena flies everywhere with smoke. When it smoke clears I see a deep crater with both Gohan and lavender knocked out. Gohan stand up

Gohan: I won

Was all he said before he too fell, the grand priest floats closer

Grand Priest: The second match, with both fighters down, is a tie!

: Oooh!

My two brothers said while I just watched, I saw goku go to Gohan and gives him a Senzu bean. The poison dissaperars and he opens his eyes

Aikon: That was amazing, wasn't it?

F Zen-Oh: Yeah, it was awesome!

P Zen-Oh: Awsome!

Aikon: And we still have goku's fight to go

They both get more excited along with myself, goku always does put on an amazing show to watch

Grand Priest: To all the gods gathered here. I have an announcement from both Zen-Oh and Aikon.

My two brothers stand up in their seats while I stand up with my hands behind my back

Grand Priest: Both Zen-Oh and Aikon were very moved... that beings from the lowest mortal level rank could put on such a wonderful fight. Zen-Oh and Aikon has evaluated all the 12 universes and ranked then accordingly

Beerus was starting to get worked when he heard the grand priest said the lowest mortal level

Beerus: Then, the level of our universe 7 is...

Grand Priest: The average level of the mortal-inhabited stars of universe 7 is 3.18 it's not good. It's second from the bottom

Beerus's eyes literally pop out from his skull in shock while the elder Kai looked like he was gonna pass out

Whis: if were second from the bottom, which universe is below us?

Aikon: Surely you can tell whis

Roh and Sindra look up to me with sweat heading down their forehead

Roh: Y- you mean...

Aikon: I'm afraid so, universe 9's average level is the lowest

Grand Priest: Exacly, it's 1.86

Roh steps back, taking in all the information he's heard

Grand Priest: For this upcoming tournament of power, before Aikon even became a God Of Destruction. Zen-Oh has often said there are too many universes

Aikon: Really?

Grand Priest: Yes my queen, and so, Son Goku from universe 7's proposal was the perfect opportunity. By their hands, Zen Oh along with Aikon will erase the universes...that lose the tournament of power

Champa: Erased?!

He screams, all the gods of destruction are beginning to murmur some things.

Roh: Does losing the Zen Exhibition match mean getting erased as well?!

He said with a look begging for him to say yes

Grand Priest: No. That's not the case

Roh takes a breath in relief , shin kneeled down

Shin: Grand Priest, there's something I wish to confirm

Grand Priest: Please. go right ahead

Shin: You said the defeated universes would be erased. Does that mean every universe losses the tournament of power

I stand up from my throne,

Aikon: I'll take it from here grand priest

He nods and keeps quiet while I look at shin

Aikon: Yes. However, universe 1 and universe 12, along with universe 5 and 8 are exempt from entering. The average mortal level of those four is over 7, so they won't be erased.

Whis: So in other words, the low level universes were already going to be erased, but if they win, they can remain. Is that the true purpose of this tournament my queen?

Aikon: Aw, thank you whis. And to answer your question, well, yes that sums it up

P Zen-Oh: I can't wait for the Tournament Of Power

Goku: Yeah! I'm really excited!

As I was looking around I notice beerus, arguing with shin

Beerus: This is your fault! You're always taking a back seat, saying it's pointless... unless mortals develop their planets level on their own!

Shin: You're the one who asleep all the time!

I just roll my eyes over there bickering

Grand Priest: Shall we continue the third match?

I was about to answer till the elder Kai spoke

Elder Kai: Just a moment, Great grand priest. Well, if we lose, what will happen to us gods?

Grand Priest: You'll all be erased at the same time of course

Aikon: Everything but the Angels of course

Beerus looks back at who's with wide eyes

Beerus: Whis?! You...!

Whis just laughts and said

Whis: My position is different from yours, beerus.

Grand Priest: That concludes the announcement. Next is the third match. This will be the last.

He snaps his fingers and the big crater in the arena is fixed, I see goku land in the arena along with borgamo. The eldest of the trio de dangers brothers, well see who wins this round

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