Charter 13: G.O.D Training

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Their's gonna be a new god added to this list, Wink Wink.

It was almost the end of the party and people were already getting ready to leave. You got up from your chair and faced whis and beerus

Aikon: I'll be leaving now

You started to walk away till whis called out

Whis:  Not so fast Aikon

You stopped and turned around to face him. Tilting your head to the side

Aikon: Oh? How come?

Beerus: Your coming with me to my planet to train

Aikon: What? Now ?

Whis: Yes, I told you. Tomorrow will be the day of going to the Omni-king's palace for your corenation

Aikon: Oh, ok

Whis stood up and went to get some food for takeout while beerus went to get a bit more food before leaving. You walked towards Goku where he was still eating and with Him were vegeta, krillin, piccolo, chichi, and bulma.

Aikon: Bulma. I'd like to thank you for the party. It was the most fun I had in years

Bulma: Oh don't mention it. If it's your birthday or any special occasion, call me and we'll have another party

Aikon: (Chuckles) absolutely

Goku: hey Aikon, your talking more often?

Krillin: Is there a reason why?

Aikon: Yes, tomorrow is the day I'm  being made into a God Of Destruction

There was a long silence at the table, everyone was looking at you in surprise

Aikon: I won't talk as much still, but I'll be speaking more often then I used to

Goku: Really! That's good

Piccolo: Congratulations, are you going to be the destroyer with beerus?

Aikon: For awhile, then Lord Zen-Oh will provide me with my own Angle and universe to rule over

Chichi: Your own universe to rule over?!

Vegeta: Unbelievable, I should be a God

Aikon: Well vegeta, when your able to beat beerus single handedly then you might be. But you still have a long way to go, if you want to improve, you must do something about that pride of yours. It limits your fighting potential

Vegeta: Shut Up!

Bulma: Does this mean we'll have to call you Lord Aikon now?

Aikon: Hm, maybe, the next time I visit I will be a God

Whis: Aikon

You looked behind you to see whis with a food bag and beerus next to him

Beerus: Were leaving! Let's go!

Aikon: Alright beerus I'm coming! Goodbye everyone

They all said there farewells and you stood next to whis and held on to his shoulder and beerus held on to yours

Goku: Aikon, let's fight when your a God

Aikon: (Chuckles) sure Goku. And you too vegeta, you both have a long way to before getting me to use 5% of my power

They all looked shocked

Whis: Farewell

In a flash you all dissapered in a rainbow light, heading towards beerus's planet

[ Small Time-Skip]

You stopped in the middle of space overlooking a big blue planet

Beerus: Aikon

Aikon: Yes

Beerus: Lets do a quick practice, destroy this planet

Aikon: Are you sure?

Whis: Yes Aikon, this planet was uninhabitable for many years. Many jobs of being a God Of Destruction is to keep your universe clean of any useless planets, so it's ok

You nod and raise your palm in the air. You began to make a huge red ball of energy, making a huge red sphere of destruction. You threw the ball at the planet, it crashes into and a huge explosion destroys the planet leaving the planet like a pile of asteroids

Whis: Hm, perfectly executed, well done Aikon

Beerus: Indeed, let's move on to the next lesson.

You three flew to another planet which was yellow

Beerus: On this planet, theirs life. Another job of being a God Of Destruction is seeing which race deserves to live and prosper and which to kill off

You look done in the planet, seeing many cities, oceans and countries. You turn your attention back to beerus

Aikon: Cam we see what their doing?

Whis: Of course

He taps his staff and shows us a live video on how it is on the planet to see fire and destruction and most of the cities are destroyed

Aikon: There in a war

Beerus: Yes, the foolish always fight for power and wealth

Whis: Here, I'll show you how it'll look like in 20 years thanks to the supreme kai

He taps his staff again to see the whole planet dead. All the cities in ruins, and no sigh of life. Skeletons everywhere and big craters dotting the planet

Aikon: Nuclear War

Whis: It would appear so

You turn your attention back to the planet below. You stick out your arm and shoot a red beam strait into the planet. After a few seconds the planet begins to crack and the planet explodes into a fiery inferno

Beerus: Excellent. Good choices on who  to let live are also out jobs, they just wasted their lives. Let's go

The whole while consisted of practice and lessons before finally arriving on beerus's planet

On beerus's planet

Whis: Well, that took longer than expected

Beerus: Well it was worth it, you'll do fine Aikon

Aikon: Thanks, so what now?

Whis: Nothing for now, all we do now is wait for our summons from the grand Kai

Aikon: Grand Kai?

Beerus: He's the servant of Lord Zen-Oh and whis's Father

Aikon: Oh, well I'll be by the lake meditating

Beerus: Very well, me or whis will inform you for when it's time

Aikon: Ok beerus

Beerus and whis both flew to the giant tree while I stood next to the lake and got in my meditation stance and waited

5 hours later

You were still meditating, all the rules and practices were in your mind

Aikon: I'll be the best god of destruction Lord Zen-Oh had ever know. The life of an Assassin was fun, but being a God will open up new trials for me. Ruling over my own universe, I'll make it the best

Whis: Aikon!

You open your eyes and see whis across the lake. You stood up and flew to floating a few feet in front of him

Aikon: Yes

Whis: Its Time

You nodded and beerus flew in all worried

Beerus: Ok Aikon, when we get there be on your best behavior around the both of them

Aikon: I know beerus don't worry about me, I'd focus more about you calming down

Whis: Indeed Lord beerus, it's not good for your health

Beerus: Ok let's go

I put my hand on whis's shoulder while beerus put his on mine and we flew to Zen-Oh's palace. We arrive at a big house and the huge wooden doors open to show a small blue man

???: Oh, you made it, excellent, right this way

He moves the huge doors out of the way to let us inside, we begin to walk a long hallway with dim lights

Aikon: Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude but who are you?

Beerus appeared to pass out while whis looked surprised

Whis: Remember I told you the grand Kai will invite us, that's him

Aikon: Really? I figured you were taller

Grand Kai: (Chuckles)  I get that sometimes, now mind your manners, were here

We stop to see Lord Zen-Oh sitting on a chair with his guards on each side of his chair.

Zen-Oh: Oh Aikon! You made it

You walked up to him and kneel down

Aikon: Its an honor to meet you acquaintance again Lord Zen-Oh.

Zen-Oh: Please rise and follow the grand Kai

I look over the grand Kai to see him standing next to a pool of water

Grand Kai: Just step in and stand in the middle of the water

Aikon: Alright

You walk in the water and stand in the middle

Grand Kai: Now in order to prove you have what it takes the water has a change to kill you but if you prove your stronger then the water will remake you into a God

Aikon: I'm ready

The water then begins to glow a golden color and suddenly the water turned deep and I fell in and I was underwater. The water started to hurt and the pain was unbearable but I fought against it and release some of my power and I'm surrounded in a red aura. The pain wasn't so bad now but a few seconds later the pain came back and it was more painful them the last, I could feel the darkness overtake me but I releases my full power giving off instead a purple aura and the pain went away but was replaced with a calm, warm, and soothing. The water healed my pain and I felt my power multiply, I felt my pain go away and I felt stronger, faster, a huge improvement. The water took me up and then it turned shallow and I was standing with my head down until I raise my head and open my eyes. I see Zen-Oh's guards in battle stance, behind them was the grand Kai, whis, Zen-Oh, and beerus along with many hooded people

Aikon: What's Wrong?

The grand Kai waves off the guards off me and stands in front of me

Grand Kai: When you were in the water and release all you power, it shook the whole palace, it was just a precaution that we had a few visitors

The hooded figures took off their cloaks to reveal lots of gods of destruction and their Angles. They all look at you in surprise, the most surprised was  champa and vados along with a pink elephant and a clown. They knelled down and I looked at them in confusion.

Zen-Oh:  Now everyone, Greet our new God Of Destruction.

Everyone greeted me then stood up and walked up to me

Champa: I didn't think you were gonna be one?!

Vados: Its No surprise to me

Elephant: I didn't figure a mortal would make it to being a god?

Clown: Ah Ha Ha, welcome to the realm of gods!

Marcarita: Congratulations

Grand Kai: Aikon, your power felt unreal, if I think your already the strongest god out of all of them and their Angles. I believe you could rival me if you tried

Aikon: Don't worry grand Kai, I won't go rogue. Lord Zen-Oh had given me so much, I'll do anything he asks for without question

Grand Kai: That's good to hear, now we don't have a universe or an angle for you yet, so you'll be with beerus until we have them all ready for you

Aikon: Thank you

The rest of the few minutes consisted of talking with all the gods and their Angles and knowing all their names and universes. After all that we all went our separate ways and to our own universes

At beerus's planet

Whis: You look fitting in those cloths Aikon. Look in the water

Aikon: Yes I d- wait what?

You look at the water reflection to see that the water changes your cloths

Close enough but with no tail, or scar. Just red hair and eyes

Aikon: Oh Yes I do

Beerus: Well Aikon, now your just like us

Whis: Now Aikon, I'll have to explain everything that happened in the water.

You nodded for him to continue

Whis: The water made you officially immortal and multiplied your original power. Did the Grand Kai tell you?

Aikon: No

Beerus: Well when you releases your full power and shook the whole palace the power we felt was breathtaking

Whis: Indeed, your the strongest God Of Destruction known today

Beerus: Yes, come along, I have a lot of things to teach you

You went with with Him to an open field and he taught you how to do the hakai and many other moves I could do now. We them sparred but I beat him In a couple of second.

Beerus: Ouch! Before you could be a match for me but know I can't beat you

Aikon: I see what you mean, I didn't even try

Whis: Yes, come, now I have things to teach you.

You went with whis to another field and he taught me other things but the most I found intrigued was him teaching me a form that not even gods can achieve. Ultra-instinct

Whis: It takes time for your senses and brain commands to reach your body Aikon. You need to teach every part of your body to respond on their own. But it's not an easy task. Not even beerus had mastered it. If you can overcome it, you will be able to avoid all danger.

Aikon: Can you do it?

Whis: Of course

Aikon: That sounds hard

Whis: You underestimate yourself Aikon. In fact you could attain it. I've seem your fights against beerus. Also when you fought against Goku and vegeta. You just need help on perfecting it.

Aikon: I appreciate you helping me whis, I want to get this "Ultra-instinct"

Whis: Of course Lord Aikon

He decided to have a spar and you both fought for awhile. I wasn't able to lay a punch but I was so close. I punched again and it just grazed his cheek leaving a small cut. We stopped and he felt his cheek to see blood of his fingers

Aikon: I'm so sorry whis

Whis: Its ok, I told you you had the potential. Not even beerus couldn't lay a graze on me. Come, let's try again

Aikon: Of course

The rest fight was training for whis to help me attain ultra-instinct.

Whis: She's extremely talented in her fighting skills. She'll attain ultra-instinct in no time with my help. Maybe I'll have bulma have a party for Aikon's promotion to god-hood

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