Chapter 13: Time To Cut Loose!

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Here's the Video if you guys wish to see how it looks like colored. You see this first then read to understand Aikon's Role in this chapter 👍

* Freeze * = Timefreeze

Grand Priest: Let the Exhibition Match... BEGIN!!!

At once, all the Gods Of Destructions rushed the both of us. I rushed forward to meet them and held back Geene and Iwen with each of my fists

Geene: You chose poorly Aikon

Aikon: There are no Poor choices Geene, this is a Free-For-All isn't it?

I knocked them both back as I dodged an attack from Heles

Heles: We Girls should stick together Aikon

She said as our fists collided, I smirked as I sensed the uneasy feeling in most of the other gods. Compared to the top Rulers like Geene and Iwen, I'm more of a threat when it comes to combat.

She went to kick me but I caught her leg and threw her with the the rest of the Gods. I looked back, seeing beerus dodged each attack until he was caught in the metal hands of Mosco. Champa, Quitela and Rumishi


Aikon: Jesus, I am! Would you rather fight 4 of them or all 11?

I saw the 3 if them rush him and Beerus  is unable to stop them

Aikon: My word, your such a child

But I felt a presence materialized right behind me as I turned around

Liquiir: You let your guard ope--

* Freeze *

10 seconds, need to finish this fast! I flew over to beerus and punched each of the gods in the gut as I flew to beerus, prying the metal hands off him and shooting the floor. The smoke was frozen too so I placed Beerus hidden inside, I then grabbed champa and punched him hard In the gut and threw him to the air. But since time was still frozen, they stayed in place. I stood next to beerus before taking a breath

Aikon: Just in time

* UnFreeze *

Liquiir: --n Aikon! Huh?! Where'd she go!

And the attacks I did during the Freeze came in as Quitela, Rumishi, and Mosco all flew back from the force of my attacks. Champa flew up In the air, just as planned

Geene: * Tch * Up there!

Belmond: He's above us!

I chuckled as I held a hand to Beerus's mouth and pointed up. I let go and he grinned like he was having a fun time. We saw Arack, Sidra, Geene, and Belmon fly up to 'Beerus' but upon flyingcloser revealed to be Champa

Sidra: Its Champa!!

The smoke cleared as we were both chuckling

Beerus: Hahaha, that was a decoy you fools

Aikon: It seems Champa has a good use after all, Right Beerus?

Beerus: Yeah, now then

He held up his right hand and formed a massive Ki Ball

Beerus: You too Aikon

Aikon: Ehh? Why?

Beerus: Just Do it

He said slightly aggravated

Aikon: Ahh, your just ticked off because they have another reason to hate you for causing this isn't it?

He just grumbled under his voice as I held my left hand up and formed a massive Ki ball like him

Beerus: Eat this!!!

We each threw our Ki Balls at them as they exploded and the arena shook as the sky was covered in black smoke

Aikon: Are they okay?

Beerus: Oh I'm sure their fine

He said with a huge smile

Aikon: I worry for you sometimes.

We looked to see the smoke clear and a sidra formed a barrier around them that protected them

Aikon: Huh, I didn't know he could do that

I could see Belmond rushing over till he kicked sidra at the back of the head, launching him towards Rumishi's platform

Belmond: Sorry about that. But you were so open, I just had to take the opportunity.

Aikon: Can you handle it from here Beerus?

Beerus: I'll be fine now, looking forward to beating you Aikon. I'm hoping to see how much power you gained

Aikon: Then please last until it's just the two of us left

But our conversation was interrupted when ALL of us were trapped in some sort of Energy Sphere. I tried breaking free but it A hard struggle

Aikon: The Hell is this?!

I struggled as I saw the rest of the gods trapped too and seeing Belmond not in one, he must be behind it

Quitela: Its Belmond's Ability!

Belmond then formed Cards made of energy in his fingers.

Iwen: Is he... seriously trying to kill us...?!

He then threw them all at us, one card slice right across my cheek and left a deep cut.

Aikon: Damn! These things are sharp!

I tired to escape, the sphere cracking under the amount of pressure I'm releasing but then a loud CRASH broke my focus when I saw Liquiir break out of his cage, powering up till he grew 9 tails and freeing us from our cages as well

Now I may not be an expert on Naruto or whatever but there is a creature that had 9 tails in that show right? I'm not into that show but I saw lots of people like a guy named bee or whatever. That show comes up with funny names... it be more funny or they had someone names.. Guy or something

Liquiir: Eat This!!!

He aimed the tips of his tailed and fired Ki blasts from the tips at belmond. I took the time to rush at Sidra

Aikon: Hello Sidra

I said as I threw a kick but sidra managed to dodge it and it hit the floor, leaving a large crack

Sidra: Aikon?!

Aikon: I can't have you using your ability time and time again to protect others, so first rule in war. Take out the supports units of army

I attacked, he wasn't as strong or quick at the others so beating him was child's play. As I stood over his bloodied body...


An insanely loud roar boomed across the arena. It left my body numb and hard to move

Aikon: J-jesus, that was loud...

Sidra: I-its Rumishi. H-he was the loudest voice across all 13 universes. His battle roar is strong enough to render the motor nerves of anyone who hears it temporarily paralyzed.

He said, still dead set on the floor

Aikon: Huh, thank you sidra.

But I heard thuds across the arena as i saw Elizabeth fell to the floor unconscious like the other Supreme Kai's

Aikon: Caijiu, is she okay?!

Caijiu: She's fine my lord, the roar from lord Rumishi jusy knocked her unconscious

I sighed in relief, i them fixed my eyes on Rumishi who was currently charging past the others right at me. Knocking over the rest of the Gods

Rumishi: Aikon!!

Aikon: Let's do this!!

We charged at eachother and exchanged blows

Rumishi: Compared to the top rulers, your the most dangerous out of all of us!

Aikon: Then show me how dangerous you can be!

He shot a punch but I dodged it and kicked him in the chest, making him slide a few feet back, clutching his chest in pain. But before anything else, I was slammed into the floor, the culprit, a massive robot

Aikon: Damn Mosco * Cough * you don't go easy

He beeped some words as I quickly stood up ready to fight

Aikon: Your still mad about that? I'm sorry okay?

He beeped more rapidly

Aikon: W-WHAT! N-NO!

He pulled his hand back and slammed it at me but I jumped back and dashed at him. I punched him in his metal chest as it dented a bit and he fell to the floor. I caressed my fist

Aikon: That's really hard metal mosco, that stung a bit

Then I felt two people rush me at opposite sides, I caught both fists from my right and left side effortlessly. Looking to see it was Iwen and quitela, I threw them back but they stopped themselves from sliding to far away

Aikon: Two on one I presume?

Quitela: Kikiki, there are no rules on the battle field Aikon

Aikon: * Tch * I'm starting to understand why beerus hated you so much

Quitela: What? That my universe is better then his?

Aikon: No, your laugh. Its annoying

We each got in out stances and rushed eachother, each punching and kicking but never landing any hits. These two were good in a team. But I was caught off guard when quitela uppercut me and iwen punched me in the chest. I jumped a few feet away, wiping the blood off my lips

Aikon: You two are good

Iwen: And you Aikon? Your the strongest God Of Destruction

Aikon: Forgive me Iwen, but I'm just wanting to have some fun first. I dont want to end things to quickly

Quitela: Hard to believe you were from Beerus's universe and now a God Of Destruction. What makes you so special?

* Freeze *

I quickly rushed them and

* UnFreeze *

Seconds later, they each fell to the floor.

Aikon: That's what makes me special. You all have a special ability, mine is time manipulation

Quitela: B-but that goes against the s-sacred rules!

He said, supporting himself with his arms. Standing up weakly on his legs

Aikon: Well yes, but I mainly stop time. So no rules are being broken

Quitela weakly lifts his hands again

Quitela: B-but I can still fight!

He flies at me but I use my Intangibility

His punches are going going right through me, he kicks and punches but my ability makes my body intangible so they faze right through me

Quitela: W-why can't I hit you?!

He says getting frustrated

Aikon: Face it quitela, Even now or in the future. Time is not on your side

I punched his vital areas with rapid precision and deadly force till he coughed blood and fell to the floor defeated

: * Cough * Dammit, I wanted to do that. Guess you beat me to it

I looked behind me to see a beaten up beerus walking over an unconscious Rumishi

Aikon: You weren't fast enough.

Beerus: Yeah yeah, save me from your time jokes

Aikon: Here to try like he did?

Beerus: Absolutely

We rushed at each other, but just as we launched our punches to meet, The Grand Priest appeared right infront of us. Blocking our Fists with just his Finger

Aikon: He stopped us with just his finger?! Just how strong is he?

Beerus/Aikon: Grand Priest!!

He quickly pulled our hands back as he looked at each of us with his calm look

Grand Priest: Your fighting is too intense for his majesty to enjoy. Therefore, all Gods Of Destructions will be disqualified from participating in the tournament

Aikon: I-if it's the kings will, I see no problems

Beerus: Y-yes Grand Priest

He agreed with me as I scanned the area

Goku: Aikon! Beerus! That was incredible!

I ignored him as I payed attention to the Grand Priest

Grand Priest: This match is over, so you are free to withdraw

We both nodded as he flew back, I flew back to my podium and was greeted by Elizabeth

Elizabeth: My lord! That was incredible!

She said as Caijiu used her staff to heal my wounds

Aikon: Yes, the most fun I had in millenniums.

Caijiu: But what will they do now? Your match was too intense for the Kings Of All to enjoy?

Aikon: I'm not sure Caijiu

But all of a sudden

Goku: Hang on a second, Ally!

Aikon: Ally?!

Arack: That mortal must have a death wish?!

But the kings of all weren't fazed by it, infact, they answered from being called Ally with a smile

Elizabeth: Goku is carefree like ours isn't he Lord Aikon?

Aikon: Yes, yes he is.

I saw goku fly up to the both of them

Elizabeth: What are they talking about?

Caijiu: Its unclear, the best we can do is wait and see the results

Aikon: Yes, I suppose so

I then noticed them pointing at the big guy with the red and black uniform that's with Belmond. He and Goku both landed in the ring

Caijiu: It appears those two are gonna fight

Aikon: Well the Kings of all did say we were to intense for them to see. Maybe a match between morals will be better

Grand Priest: Well then, in order to avoid something like the previous match, we shall impose some restrictions. In order to make spectating  the fights easier for his majesty, flying will be prohibited, as are the use of weapons, and killing your opponent. Stepping or falling out of the ring will also count as a loss

Elizabeth: They each can't fly? Well their each on equal terms then

Aikon: * Sigh * a shame were disqualified from entering. I was so looking forward to it too

They both faced off, each in their battle stance

Caijiu: You feel the power gap too, right my lord?

Aikon: Yes, I do

I sensed that that mortal, toppo was stronger than Goku. But Goku is unpredictable

Elizabeth: What will happen of they lose too quickly?

Aikon: Well, I guess we can bring in one of my mortals to fight...

Grand Priest: Now, let the Second Match... BEGIN!!!

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