Chapter 14: Justice Shall Be Swift!

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The match Between Goku and Toppo was about to begin, Toppo was eyeing Goku with such hatred that may even kill him

Elizabeth: My lord? I feel as if Toppo has some sort of grudge against Goku

She said as we all watched the arena

Aikon: Hmm, yes I can see

Was all I said as the grand priest raised his hand

Grand Priest: Now, let the second match... BEGIN!!!

They both took their stances and Goku immediately turned super saiyan

Elizabeth: Super Saiyan right off the bat?

Aikon: Its a saiyans way of testing someone's power, if that Toppo Fellow is stronger then Goku will begin to fight serious

Goku: Well then, here I come!

Toppo: Let's see how well you fare

Goku rushed at Toppo and threw a punch but Toppo countered is easily, Goku kicked immediately but Toppo ducked under it in such a speed that I've ever seen when I was mortal

Caijiu: That Toppo is dodging everything

She said as I watched Goku launch a barrage of Punches and Kicks but Toppo dodged each and every one effortlessly, Goku jumped back a little as his breathing was a bit ragged

Goku: * Few * Man, there's still a huge power gap between us

Toppo: What's with those attacks? Quit playing around and get serious!

They engaged again in close quarters Combat but toppo countered and dodged each one

Aikon: This is getting boring...

Elizabeth: A woman of action are you my lord?

She questioned as I nodded, but i saw the Two Zen-Oh's talk to each other

Grand Priest: Whis!

Was said out of the blue as I looked

Whis: Yes?

Grand Priest: How many transformations does Son Goku have?

Whis: Well, if I recall correctly. There's Super Saiyan 1, 2, and 3... God... and then Blue...

Aikon: God?

I never heard of that

Aikon: Elizabeth, Do Sucan and Vegeta have... Super Saiyan God?

She thought for a moment until she shook her head no

Caijiu: Strange, That they don't have God but have Blue

Aikon: Yes, I'll have a word with them when this is over

But in felt a power surge as I felt Goku ascend to Super Saiyan 2

Aikon: What's going on?

Caijiu: The Kings Of All wish to see all of Goku's Transformations

Aikon: Ahh, remind me to talk to goku before we leave

Caijiu: Yes my lord

Beerus: Goku! Hurry up and move on to the next one!!

Now the arena shook as his power went up higher and his hair grew longer

Aikon: What's wrong with his hair?

Caijiu: A real mystery My Lord

We saw Goku try again but only to be met with the same results

Aikon: Goku!

I said, catching many attentions from my Family

Goku: Uh... Y-yes lord Aikon

Oh right, he's not used to speaking formally

Aikon: You'd best go to your God form already, let's say his power rivaled mine when I was mortal

By then everyone was shocked, even the look on Belmond.

Goku: Oh! Really, Man the world we live in is massive!

He then changed Super Saiyan God, shocking All the Gods again

Toppo: I see, you finally revealed your Aura of the Gods. In that case, I'll respond in kind

Toppo then began to radiate a red Aura, just like mine

Elizabeth: My lord, it seems they both were trained by the gods

Aikon: Yes, well except me of course

Caijiu: You have yet to find a rival, no?

I nodded as they both Goku and Toppo began to clash, practically Invisible to the naked eye

Caijiu: It would seem Goku can finally land some hits on Him

Elizabeth: Their on equal ground, for now

I looked up at the two Kings, they were practically jumping from their seats from all the excitement

Beerus: Goku! Turn Blue already and finish it!

Aikon: * Sigh *

Toppo punched but Goku caught his fist and turned blue, surprising Eveyone again.

Elizabeth: Everyone keeps getting surprised

Caijiu: My guess is that they'd never think of a mortal having that sort of power

Goku threw a punch but Toppo disappeared entirely, only to appear below him and Kick him hard in the stomach. Goku was knocked into the air, out of his blue form and fell off the stage

Grand Priest: Son Goku has fallen out of the ring. Therefore, the winners of this match is Toppo!

Aikon: Never would imagine Goku losing

Caijiu: Its like they say ' No matter how good you may be, always assume there's someone else stronger '

: Yeah!
: Again! Again!

We looked to see the two Zen-Oh's holding each others hand and flying in a circle

Aikon: Elizabeth

I said as she nodded immediately, knowing what she must do

Elizabeth: Kai Kai

And she dissaperared as the two Zen-Oh's were still hyped on adrenaline

Grand Priest: I'm sorry my lord, but there are no more fighters

Aikon: Actually...

I said that caught their attention

Grand Priest: Oh, Aikon. Do you have someone in mind

I nodded

Aikon: Yes, in fact. My Supreme Kai Elizabeth is already fetching Him

Grand Priest: I see

He nodded before a sudden Appearance of Elizabeth with My fighter who let out a loud Screech

Aikon: From my universe, I'd like to introduce a fighter


Songbird let out another Cry as the Two Zen-Oh's sat in their seats

P Zen-Oh: Ooh! A bird!

F Zen-Oh: A Big Robot Bird!

Elizabeth appeared next to me

Aikon: Songbird!

I said as he looked at me with his sweet yellow eyes

Aikon: I found you a new plaything

I pointed to Toppo who flinched on command, Songbird flaps his metal wings and turns to him

Aikon: He plans to hurt Elizabeth, are you gonna let him do that?

He shook his head 'No' furiously as his eyes switched from their calm Yellow to Angry Red!

In his memories that me and Mosco watched as he altered him, we saw his memories that surprisingly had him as a guardian to a girl named ' Elizabeth '. So whenever I ask that someone threatens to hurt Elizabeth, he becomes enraged on instinct. I'll have to visit Columbia, the city in the sky

Grand Priest: We have our third and final match, Begin!!!

Toppo immediately rushed at him, songbird flaps his wings rapidly and wind blew across the arena. Toppo ran up to him punched him but Songbird immediately punched him back with his massive fist, toppo's feet dragged the floor until he stopped himself, wiping his lips

Toppo ran again and songbird threw a punch but Toppo disappeared and reappeared above him, fortunately songbird used his wings to smack toppo back again as he landed a few feet back

Aikon: Do your best Toppo, Mosco altered him and added some modifications. He may be big, but he's not slow and he won't go down easy

I said as toppo readied himself again and songbird flew into the sky

Belmond: Grand Priest! There's no flying allowed, isn't that a rule!?

He said in frustration but Grand Priest merely shook his head

Grand Priest: That was a rule but he's built with wings, I'll allow it!

I see belmond glare at me, eyes twitching. I merely smiled and did a peace sign, Songbird flew into the sky before dove bombing at the arena. It shook and crumbled as smoke filled the area, but out flew Toppo as he skirted across the arena

Toppo: I don't understand! It's like every Hit I land isn't fazing him! And he's much more quick then before!

By then Mosco beebed some words

Aikon: Really? You made him more dangerous than before haven't you?

I made our platform float to Mosco's and we talked as they fought among eachother

Mosco: I see you like the improvements I made Aikon

Aikon: I do, you never told me those. I just wanted him fixed

Mosco: The poor thing was in pain and felt weak, you saw his memories. He wanted to he stronger to protect her

He beebed, reminding me of his previous life.

Aikon: What did you add?

Mosco: Not add but more like alter like you said before. His armor is made to spread the damage he receives so he'll only get half the force. Also the armor itself is special, being to repair itself if broken and the extra damage that was received is added to his speed to make him faster.

Aikon: Wow, I dont know how to Thank you for that

He beebed some more words as we locked at match

Aikon: This doesn't mean anything

He beebed again

Aikon: Maybe, I'll think about it

And again

Aikon: I don't owe you anything

I focused on the match as Both songbird and Toppo looked tired

Toppo: Your a strange creature and your power is surprising

Songbird chirped again and as they were gonna attack again but --

Grand Priest: That's enough!

They both stopped as we all turned our attention to the Grand Priest

Grand Priest: Well continue this at the Tournament

The Zen-Oh's were disappointed but agreed as they'd see more fighting, I flew to the arena and landed on Songbird's shoulder

Aikon: You did incredible songbird, Elizabeth is safe now

I said as his eyes turned back to yellow and we faced toppo who was on his way back

Aikon: Toppo

I said as he stopped and faced me

Toppo: Lord Aikon

He said as he kneeled down

Aikon: Thank you but no need for that, I'm surprised you held your own againt Him. Not many people can go toe to toe with Songbird, You'll make a fine God Of Destruction

Toppo: Your words bring me great Honor

Aikon: Likewise Toppo, Good Luck

I said as Songbird flew us back to my podium and we all faced the Grand Priest

Caijiu: My lord, why didn't you bring Sucan or Vegeta?

Aikon: That'll ruin our element of surprise

I said and she nodded

Grand Priest: Well then, everyone... after observing the previous Matchs, we've decided to make a few changes to the rules

Aikon: Tch, that uneasy feeling is back

Grand Priest: Choose 10 warriors from each of your universes, excluding Gods such as the Gods Of Destruction. We'll further simply the Rules. For the tournament, to win, you'll simply knock your opponents off the stage

Elizabeth: Pretty simple

Goku: What if your opponent falls unconscious on the stage?

Grand Priest: Knock them off, and also killing is against the rules, the Match will be 100 taks

Aikon: Caijiu

I said and she nodded, knowing what I meant

Caijiu: That means 48 minutes in earth time

Elizabeth: That's pretty long

Aikon: Excuse me Grand Priest, but won't that take too long?

Grand Priest: No, it's more than enough. For everyone will be fighting all at once

Aikon: A battle royal! Awww, now I'll really miss all the fun...

Grand Priest: Everyone will fight until time runs out, the team with the most members remaining on stage will win.

Aikon: Pretty self explanatory, though teamwork will mean victory or defeat

Elizabeth: We'll come up with a plan back home lord Aikon

Grand Priest: And like the match between universe 6 and 7, the winning fighter will receive the super dragonballs to have any wish granted

Aikon: Oh goody

Mosco's Supreme Kai, Ea responded

Ea: May I ask a question?

Grand Priest: Go ahead

Ea: Thank you, the prize for the fighter will be the Super dragonballs but what will the universe receive?

Grand Priest: Nothing

Elizabeth: So it's the honor of winning then?

Grand Priest: You two misunderstood, the price for the winning universe is that nothing will he done to them

Aikon: W-what?

I felt my throat run dry for what he'll say next, but his next words sent fear to everyone, including the Gods Of Destructions

Grand Priest: we will do nothing to the universe that wins... Because the losing universes will be erased from existence

Aikon: W-what...

We all couldn't believe of that he said

Belmond: So in the end, they'll be one universe left standing at the end of this

Grand Priest: Not just one, but universes 1, 12, 5, and 8 will remain free from participating

Heles: But why

Aikon: I knew it, its happening

I said slowly, I knew this is what happens to universes will low scores. Elizabeth looks like she'll die of fear

Grand Priest: The average level of morals in those universes are over 7... so they're free from harm or entering the Tournament

Aikon: Tch, Caijiu, what's our level

Caijiu: 6.8, just below I'm afraid. We're tied to Belmond's

Aikon: Grand Priest, will the Angel's be destroyed as well?

Grand Priest: No, their the only ones who'll not be destroyed

Aikon: Hmm, that's fine. I'd hate to bring you down with me Caijiu

Caijiu: I... I-im sorry my lord

Aikon: Don't be, it's not your fault

Grand Priest: Also, weapons like Swords and Guns will not be allowed. Along with healing medicine, if any are found on the fighters, the entire team will be disqualified. And with that, I shall return you all home. There isn't much time, so make preparation immediately

And we were all transported back to our respective universes. When we got back, I thought for a moment

Elizabeth: L-l-lord A-aikon?

I looked over to see tears in her eyes, she was crying

Elizabeth: I'm sorry!

She cried out as I held her in a tight embrace

Elizabeth: Its all my fault... I'm responsible for all this...

I hear her muffle in my shoulder as I patted her back, soothing her

Aikon: No, it's not. Your problem with karayan may also be responsible but I am too to blame

Elizabeth: W-what?

She said as she wiped her tears away

Aikon: There are other mortal worlds out there that caused this too, i was too forgiving. I wanted to give them a chance at changing but I waited too long, I believed in second chances. If we win, I'll grow a backbone and destroy them immediately.

She nodded

Aikon: Alright, we have 6 fighter that we know off. Elizabeth, fetch all 6 of them and bring them here. Caijiu, you and me, we'll search the universe for the other 4

Elizabeth: Yes my lord, I wont let you down! Kai Kai!

She said as she dissaperared, taking songbird with her

Aikon: How does it feel Caijiu, the relieve of not having to worry about being erased, I think that's worse that death. We won't be dead, but... Erased... from existence

She remained silent

Aikon: You don't have to answer, let's look for our other members

Caijiu: Yes my lord

To Be Continued...

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