Chapter 9: Gods Don't Bleed

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3rd P.O.V

Both Sucan and Vegeta stiod side by side in their fighting forms, Elizabeth was nearby with songbird protecting her in a protective manner.

Elizabeth: I don't know songbird, I know those two are the strongest in Aikon's universe. But I don't want to die

She began tearing up a bit till songbird nudged her face with his metal beak, she giggled beside caressing his beak

Elizabeth: Thank you Songbird, let's try and find a place to hide

Songbird gave a happy chirp and they flew off, leaving the two saiyans to their stand-off

With Vegeta and Sucan

Sucan: Hey vegeta! I have a plan!

Vegeta looked at her with a disappointed look

Vegeta: It better not be " Hit her really hard "

Sucan: ................................................Maybe?

Vegeta let out a disappointed sigh

Vegeta: If you actually use those brains you were born with, then you'll remember her ability!

Sucan: I Know! How do you expect to beat her? If she as much as touches us, she drains our stamina and power and adds it to her own!

Vegeta: Reminds me of the androids

Sucan: At least they just took our energy, not strength

Karayan: Are you two done? I plan to get this over with and make my new world.

Karayan was beginning to get impatient. She had the power already but decided to have them keep their false hope

Sucan: How about fighting till we figure something out?

Vegeta: * Sigh * Whatever

They both turned blue and rushed at karayan, though she had a smirk on her face. They both began shooting out kicks and punches but she dodged them all easily

Karayan: Is this all you could muster?

She asked in a mocking tone, Vegeta gritted her teeth while Sucan was getting frustrated. Karayan caught both of their arms and smashed them together, then threw them back a few feet where they landed and got out of their blue forms and fought to get up

Vegeta: She drains much more power than the androids!

They both were struggling to stand up but only succeeded in sitting on their knees

Sucan: I can't even move anymore!

But karayan appeared in front of them, seemingly untouched

Karayan: Is that it? Or are you leading me in a false sense of security?

But Sucan and Vegeta managed to stand up, and back in their fighting forms. Karayan took some steps back to and waited for their next move

Sucan: Heh, She's strong. Any ideas Vegeta?

Vegeta was quite for a moment, not taking her eyes off karayan

Vegeta: She's draining our power by pure contact. So maybe shooting her with our blasts will hurt her?

They both nodded and dissaperared, karayan looked around casually. And felt a Blast hit her shoulder

Karayan: Ow, that hurt...

She said, dusting off her shoulder and looking around but couldn't find them.

Katayan: Ok, where the hell are you two?! Unless you quit then I guess I'll just kill her!

She began flying towards Elizabeth,but notices that their not around anymore, she began to look for them but a kick to the back surprised her and she crashed into the floor. She got up and looked around furiously, she can't sense energy like her master could  so those two were basically invisible

Hidden in the trees, both Vegeta and Sucan were there observing her

Sucan: Hit and Run tactics seem to work

Vegeta: Maybe she needs to be focused in order to drain our energy?

They both nodded

Sucan: Good idea, I'll distract her while you'll be on the Offensive

They both nodded and dissaperared while karayan was frustrated, she was extra cautious

Sucan: Hey karayan!

She looked to see Sucan a few feet away from her, she knew something was up.

Karayan: What happened to your friend? Did he abandon you since she knew this was all pointless?

Sucan shook her head with a grin on her face that irritated her

Susan: No, just taking turns !

She then rushed forward and tries to hit her but karayan caught her arm, sucan felt her energy getting drained. But out of no where, vegeta appears behind karayan and kicks her into the ground. Sucan takes the chance and they both escape into hidding again

Karayan: Dammit!

She screams out as she gets up and notices that she's bleeding, she know that they figured it out. Even if they hit her, If she's not aware, her ability wont work and she won't take their energy and stamina

Susan: Do you see that? She's bleeding!

She whispered to Vegeta who were hidden again

Vegeta: I know, the plan seems to be working. We'll each take turns, I'll distract and you'll attack and vice versa.

She nods and they both disappear

Karayan: Dammit! This isn't good! They must have figured it out! I need to kill her quicky

She started looking to see where her master has run off to, but she noticed vegeta appear and punches her, unfortunately she caught It and felt her strength increase. Karayan tries to punch vegeta but was punched in the side by the head by sucan. She felt more energy leave her then when she drains it. Both Sucan and Vegeta disappear again

Sucan: She seems weaker?

Vegeta: I know, it's a theory but maybe when she drains someone's energy, it does get added on to her but not permanently

They eyes widen

Sucan: That's it! Let's go vegeta!

They both walk out and karayan noticed their presence, she's bleeding from her lip and head

Sucan: We figured it out karayan, whenever you drain our energy its added to your strength but it's not permanent

Karayans eyes widen as takes a sharp breath

Vegeta: And if either of us manages to land a hit on you while your unaware, that power is gone and you get weaker everytime


Karayan: * Chuckles * You got me

Vegeta and Sucan felt relieved, they figured out her weakness

Karayan: But...................................................
that's not my only ability

Karayan begins yelling out loud, her aura getting bigger and bigger. Sucan's and Vegeta's instincts tell them to flee and they did, and just in time. The area around 10 feet are bare, all the trees are dead, the animals, grass, every living thing is dead. And Karayan looks good as new, not bleeding but looking refreshed and replenished on energy. Both Sucan and Vegeta looked surprised at the sudden change in the environment

Karayan: That's just part of my real ability! I'm a supreme kai in training, I was being taught to give and make life but instead I made my own style. Now I "take" life and add it to mine, their wisdom, strength, stamina, everything. It becomes one with me!

She starts to release a lot of power, dust and bits of rocks flying everywhere. The two saiyans had to shield their eyes, the amount of energy she had now was breathtaking

Karayan: That's enough of this nonsense! I'm ending it here!

She rushed the two saiyans and they engaged in a clash, Sucan and Vegeta changed into their blue forms and fought back, noticing their energy not being drained, they fough to the limit

They seemed to be on even ground but karayan was slowly overwhelming the both of them, she caught Vegeta's fist and kneed her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her. But was punched back by Sucan, she then readied her attack

Susan: KA - ME - HA - ME - HA!!!

karayan was taken by surprise and Shielded herself with her arms, taking the attack head on. Dust covered the area as Sucan helped Vegeta on her feet, they both breathed heavily, getting tired. When the dust settled, karayan fell to her knees, spitting out blood

Karayan: Da- * Cough * Dammit!

She gets up weakly as she cleans the blood off her lip, she stumbles to stay standing as her vision is bleeding

Karayan: This isn't over, I WILL BE THE RULER OF UNIVERSE 13!!

She begins yelling again, trying to gain more energy from her surroundings. Vegeta and Sucan both try to get away fast enough but it was too late, her aura covered the entire planet. Everything caught in its wave was stripped of life, all life on Elizabeth's planet was dead, both Sucan and Vegeta fell to the ground weak but not dead

Karayan: Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! This amount of power is incredible! Ha Ha Ha!

She cackles out loud, a bright aura of red surrounding the body, Sucan and Vegeta lie on the ground, Their lifes hanging on the edge of life and death itself

Sucan: Ve- vegeta

She reaches out to her best frenemy, but her hand was stepped on by karayan. She screamed in pain as karayan grinded her foot along the ground, making it bleed more

Karayan: Ah ah ah, I plan to savor your deaths last * Chuckles *

She walks ahead of them, planning to find her master. Both Sucan and Vegeta struggle to get up but fail, but soon hear the sounds of beating wings. The loud screech of a bird echos across the land, and soon Vegeta and Sucan were picked up by songbird with his right hand, he lands a few feet away and sets them down gently

Karayan: Songbird? I'm surprised your still alive?

She asked shocked at how he survived her life drain wave, songbird opens his left hand and inside was Elizabeth

Elizabeth: Oh! Thank Aikon your still alive!

She sits down next to them, saying their current state

Sucan: Elizabeth? Where everyone else?

She questions quietly, barely audible

Elizabeth: Yes, I managed to protect everyone near me before the drain life wave. It was a forbidden tactic, but she somehow found the forbidden scroll. Here

Out of her hands, she had some sort of red pill. They each swallow the pill and soon get back up, they stretch their arms

Vegeta: What was that red pill?

Elizabeth: Something I made, make good use of it. The 'life drain wave' drains a living things life and adds it to the user. You guys were somehow left with about a few hours left to live, the pill I have you added about 60 years of life.

Sucan: Thanks Elizabeth! Your a lifesaver

She nods and gives them each an earring

Vegeta: What's this?

She quickly tells them the purpose but was interrupted when a huge blast of energy interrupts them, songbird blocks it and picks up Elizabeth

Elizabeth: I'm counting on you two! The fate of the entire universe lies in your hands!

They both nod and songbird flies away

Karayan: I'm keeping an eye on them, so where where we?

She was interrupted when a flash of bright light blinded her, she shielded her eyes and when the light dies down, she looks to see one person

Karayan: Who are you?

The figure opens her eyes, her aura flashing blue and her eyes glow blue too

?: Me? I'm not Sucan or Vegeta, I am the person who'll beat you! The one to end your reign of terror,




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