Zamasu x reader

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(Y/n) POV:

I dont remember much but i think i was knocked out. Vegeta and goku lost to black. He had a ssj transformation. What was it called again? Oh yeah super saiyan rose. It was much stronger than Ssb. Thats not all. Someone called Zamasu appeared outta nowhere. I guess hes the one that knocked me out.damn him.

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. The blurry images became clear enough to reveal mai. "Thank goodness you're awake" she let out a reliefed sigh

"What happened? Wheres trunks?!" I yelled. I started to panic. Me and trunks were childhood friends. He was like a big brother to me. "He and the others went back to the past" Mai explained.

Oh... "whos the green guy?" Mai asked. "I have no idea" i replied.

The base started shaking like crazy. I sensed black's and zamasu's ki. "oh crap... Mai get the others out of here and ill try to hold them off" i ordered her. " but you're hurt!" She retorted. " IAM FINE GET THE OTHERS OUT" I snapped. "H-hai"

I flew up and saw them. They were destroying the rest of the city. "BLACK, I CHALLENGE YOU TO ANOTHER FIGHT YOU ASSHOLE" I yelled. I saw him fly over to me but was stopped by zamasu. " ill handle her myself" he told him.

I charged at him and tried to punch him but he was too fast. He teleported and punched me in the gut. " D-damn you" i said. I recovered quickly and managed to punch him in the face. But he was immortal so it didnt really effect him.

I was about to transform into ssj 2 but before i knew it i was pinned to a wall by zamasu.

"You dont really think you could beat me no did you. Iam immortal" he said "I know, you only said it a million times" i retorted. "You are interesting" he said. "Shut-" i was interupted by his lips crashing into mine. It wasnt rough though it was passionate. I blushed like crazy

He pulled back and started kissing my neck. He found my sweet spot. I moaned.

" ZAMASU" black yelled. "You too love birds continue this later. Trunks and the others are back." "DAMN IT BLACK" Zamasu yelled back. " ill see you later love~" he told me before he flew off. "What just happend?!

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