Exploring the New World

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While the kids were at the city, the parents were flying over the plains, one of the many environments of this New World, while they were observing the land and the creatures so they weren't interrupting them. "These creatures don't seem to be hostile like the saibamen" Ruba informed as Mavel glares at one of the creatures, "Don't be fooled. They may act innocent to attack us by surprise" he said as he flies onto the ground as the creature looks at Koru as he dashed at the creature to punch it, but the creature fled quickly away from Koru. Mavel grew annoyed with creature as it was running away. Oka sighed and walks next to Koru, "Again, not hostile" she said as the warrior saiyan sighed and returns to the others. Jica just shook his head with a sigh as well as the four resumed to flying as they began to go over a forest. They tried to look at whatever may be in the forest, but the trees blocked any view from above, until they saw a strange but large and abandoned spherical ship that landed in the forest and took out some trees in the process. Intrigued by the ship, they fly into a broken window of the ship and looked around to see that the entire ship is shut down, which was reasonable since it was abandoned after all. "Is it still working?" Oka asked as she looks at the controls and touched them gently. "I doubt it," Jica added, "Whoever had this ship left it for good, and time has done it's Damage." Koru opens up one of the electrical boxes and coughed as black smoke came out from it. He then waved the smoke away to see what was inside, seeing broken and used cells inside. Koru pulled them out, each one giving out a small spark when he did as he was unfazed by them, and observed them each. "These are some strange batteries" Koru said as he puts them on the controls. The three walk up to Koru and looked at the cells also who were also confused, "I haven't seen these cells before" Jica said as he held one of the cells and observed it, "it's shaped so strangely..." the cell had one spiral tube and one Z-shaped tube inside the purple glass cylinder, but this old cell had both tubes broken and stained by the sparks also. Oka looked around the ship and noticed there were stairs in one room. She then follows the stairs down and saw the first floor was really spacious and had beds that still seem to be comfortable although removing the vines should be first. Added with the kitchen, she believes that this ship could be their camp, maybe even their new house. She heads back upstairs with the others and tells them what she saw, "You know, we may be able to make use of this junk" Oka suggested as she smiles at the idea. "How can we do that? We don't even know where to get these batteries," Koru argued, "Plus there isn't anything around here to train with." Jica sighed at Koru's argument and looks at the armored saiyan, "You can't train forever," he said to Koru, "If you don't sleep or eat well, the training will be for nothing." Koru looked around at the ship again and sighed as well, "Where do we start?" He asks Oka


Some time later, the saiyans got rid of all of the vines and overgrown roots in the ship by using their ki to either cut them or burn them or even using their own strength to rip them off. Koru and Oka relaxed on the beds as Jica and Ruba looked out through the window towards to South City. "I hope the kids are okay with the doctor" Jica thinks out loud as he then looks back to Ruba and she looks back at him, having the same worried expression as she thought about her child as well.

Koru and Oka were laying on their beds that they chose. Koru looked up at the ceiling and sighed, "Those kids better be doing well" he worried. Oka nodded in agreement as she sat up for a moment, "Not to mention we need to know what else to do besides exploring" she added in as she wondered the many possibilities.


Nighttime came around the corner as the saiyans finished cleaning the ship up of any other moss or vines. Koru yawned and got to his bed and sighed, "I'd say today's a stressful day" he said, the other saiyans nodding in agreement. "That Hael......He's got the durability" Jica commented as Oka sighed as well, "He just shook off all those hits on him like it was nothing," She added, "He got a scratch or two but he'll be getting stronger." Ruba walked over to the others and pats Oka's back, "That why we have to train," She informs her, "We must be the only survivors of Hael's attack on Planet Kriel." Oka nodded in agreement as they all went to bed and prepared to sleep. However, Koru was still awake with a saddened expression as Ruba took notice. "Koru? What's wrong?" She asks him as he looked back at her, "I was just thinking about all those saiyans.....my squadron back at Kriel." He answered and stood up, "I've been training them for my whole career and told them that I would make sure they'll all get back home alive. They were my students in a way, but to see them get mowed down by Hael without any effort of resistance.....it's almost as if I failed as a commander." Ruba Wraps her arms around Koru behind his back, "That was never your fault Koru. I know that you have put your heart and soul into your work, and your squadron knows that." Koru sighed and nodded as he hugged his wife in return and shared some time together for comfort before they both went back to sleep.

—————[Meanwhile on Hael's Ship]—————

Walking down the hallway and around some of the soldiers, a loyal servant enters Hael's throne and sees stairs going down towards the lower floor. Without hesitation, the servant walks down the stairs to see Hael punching a training bag, behind him were two broken and ripped bags from other training sessions that have recently happened since Planet Kriel was destroyed. The servant got to Hal and was a short distance away as the servant cleared his throat to get Hael's attention. He looks at his servant as he stopped punching, "What is it now?" He demanded the reason why the servant was interrupting his training. "Sir, one of our spies on Earth is informing us that the earthlings are starting to learn about your action on Planet Kriel" The servant informed his master, which his answer was a scoff, "You think that's a good reason to interrupt me??" Hael growled at the servant. "Sir, the concern here is what the earthlings might do if they found out what you did" the servant explained the situation to Hael, who chuckled at the question. "What will they do about it?" Hael asks with a grin, "If they do know, they know about my power, and only fools with a death wish would have the audacity to challenge me." Hael resumed to punching and kicking the training bag, causing a rip on one side but didn't stop him from training. "Now if you don't have anything else to say, I need to train" he finishes, only to be annoyed with another report, "The spy also says that one of the kids had a monkey tail on him," the servant replied that caused Hael to stop and glared at the servant, "So there is a survivor?" He asked with anger. "Sir, we don't even know if the child is actually a saiyan. The tail could be just part of a costume."
Hael grumbles, "Just one kid then. I'll just have to send someone to check." He says as he turns to the servant, "Go bring anyone to earth to investigate." He orders as the servant nods and leaves Hael and walked towards the infirmatory, noticing a large figure there, "He'll have to do" the servant says as he walks to the large figure.

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