Hael arrives! The fate of Planet Kriel!

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Chayo got up from bed with a yawn and noticed the sun annoying his just-awakened eyes. He went over to the blinds and moved them to block the shine. He rubbed his eyes and went downstairs, not noticing the curtains burning to dust.

He went into the living room, surprised to see no one there. Koru would usually be there, waiting for him while Oka made breakfast. "Hello?" He said to the empty room. He got no answer back. He checked every room in his house to see if they're hiding. He checked their closets and the cabinets (no idea why he checked, since they couldn't fit in them) and found nothing. "Ok, this isn't a game anymore" Chayo said. He ran to his room and noticed the sun burnt the curtains. He was shocked to see it with his eyes. He flipped open his closet and got his clothes. He ran into the bathroom and changed from his pajamas to his turtle gi. Before he got to the door, he realized about the simulator in the backyard. He flew open the backyard door and saw it near a ring of fire. Chayo managed to get over the fire and put the simulator in his pocket. It was until he got back inside and opened the door to the outside that he recognized what was going on.

Aricho was just waking up when his room was on fire. He was shocked to see how this could've happened. He forced himself up and flew to his closet to get his clothes. No time to go to the bathroom, he thought as he changed in his burning room. When he was done he ran to the living room and noticed the whole house was on fire. He jumped over a fallen board from the roof and crouched over a row of burning wood. When he manage to get to the door and opened it, he saw the meaning behind the destruction of his house.

The grass was burning, the houses reduced to rubble, and saiyans screaming in fear. It was amazing how planet kriel was once a paradise and turned into a nightmare in just one day. Aricho needed to see if anyone he cares for was okay, and Chayo has the exact same thought.

Aricho flew down the street next to his house and turned left to avoid entering a catastrophic row of ruins. Chayo just flew forward, no matter how dangerous it was. Aricho noticed Chayo going over to his house and flew as fast as he could to him.

The blonde saiyan child saw his best friend's house burned up like his house. He was worried that Chayo was still asleep. "CHAYO!!!" He yelled at the house. No reply from the house except from behind him. "You're still alive!" Chayo said behind Aricho. Aricho turned around, surprised, and hugged Chayo for not dying from the rubble. "I thought you were dead!" Aricho said, still hugging the life out of Chayo with a bit of tears in his eyes. "You think I'll die from from stupid fire?" Chayo said with a confident grin, stopping Aricho from hugging him any longer, "Where's our mom and dad?"
"I don't know, either" Aricho replied, until Ruba ran up to them. "Chayo! Aricho! Are you two alright?!" She asked in a panic yet relieved to see the two still alive, "Where's dad??" Chayo asked to his mother, his voice full of worry.
"This way!" She said as she went north to the world tournament stadium with Aricho and Chayo following.

The strange figure was faced with two groups of saiyans charging at it. The figure transported behind them and fired multiple thin purple ki waves at unbelievable speed, piercing most of the saiyans. Five saiyans returned fire at the figure, but the mysterious figure did not take damage. Instead, it teleported to one of the saiyans and broke both of the saiyan's arms and kicked the saiyan straight down, causing a small crater upon impact with the motionless warrior remaining in the middle. Two saiyans charged at the figure, but it grabbed their heads and clashed them together. It then grabbed the two dizzy saiyans and threw them at the stands, creating holes where the two landed on. The last two saiyans shot two Kamehamehas at him, but the figure teleported behind them and put its palms behind them while surprised. "Eraser Spike!" The figure shouts before two short purple spiky ki waves shot out of its palms at the two saiyans and created an explosion. When the air cleared, the saiyans were gone and the figure still stood with its arms crossed as it viewed the destruction it made. Jica and Koru flew to him to try to save planet saiyan.
"Hael" Jica said, recognizing the figure just like all other saiyans.

Hael was a frieza species with Red and blue metallic looking skin and a shiny bald head along with a long tail and a sharp end to it. His chest looked similar to a chest plate and his lower wait looked similar to armor. He flew down to the ground and faced Jica and Koru. "Are any of you supposed to be any different?" He asked the two saiyans, unafraid of his power.
"You're facing the commander of the Koru Squadron! The saiyans that you ruthlessly killed!" Koru shouted in anger as he clinched his fists and glares at Hael. "Was that the embarrassing excuse of the planet's toughest that I just mowed down?" He asks with a smirk, enraging the commander.
They charged at Hael, coordinating their attacks at him, but Hael blocks their attacks with his wrists. While blocking the twos' attacks, Hael didn't notice Oka charging at him from behind. He pushed the two back and took in a punch from Oka, then grabbing her arm and flung her at Koru and Jica. They dodged the throw and grabbed her arms to regain her control. They know Hael's strength is still bigger then the three combined, but they still didn't thought about fleeing.

Ruba, Aricho and Chayo manage to get to the world tournament stadium in time, witnessing the three trying to hurt Hael, but they either missed or were blocked. Aricho and Chayo charged straight at Hael to help their parents. Ruba reached out to stop them, but they were already near him. Their parents were surprised to see their children attack, only for Jira and Oka to drag them away as Koru deals with fighting Hael. "What are you two doing here?!" Oka asks with complete worry of the kids, "Don't you two know who Hael is??"
"No, but all we have to know is that he's bad!" Chayo responded, leaving Jica to facepalm. "No, this is serious Chayo," He informs the assertive saiyan child, "He isn't like the saibamen. You could actually die!"
"We can't just stand around and be useless!" Chayo argues, this time Aricho steps up with him, "Give us a chance at least" he asked calmly with determination to show his parents his improving strength. Jica sighed heavily and gave in to their proposal, "Just be careful" was all that he tells them to do as Oka and Jira returned to Koru's side as they punched Hael backwards, yet he was still standing.

Aricho and Chayo fly back a bit to plan out an attack. "Okay! I got an idea," Aricho tells Chayo, "Distract him by punching him in the head" Aricho then began charging a ki blast on his fist. While busy with the three saiyans attacking him, he was surprised when a child teleported to his face and punched his head. He looked up at the child and smirked at him, "How cute," He said intimidatingly to the child, "This brat thinks he could harm-" He was interrupted by a ki blast to the back from Aricho, which made Hael arch his back in light pain. Aricho noticed his tail, grabbed it and flung him to the ground. Hael manage to regain control and faced his opponents: three saiyans and two kids. He flies up and strikes the kids, but they teleported to both sides over him. Aricho shot a Kamehameha at his left at the same time Chayo fired a Kamehameha on his right. Hael held the two waves while the two powered it up to outpower him, yet Hael still kept his control. Just then, Koru came in through the two ki waves with his right arm surrounded in a yellow aura. "Armor Breaker!!" Koru shouted with rage as he landed the punch on Hael's chest, causing his body to weaken and unable to hold the two ki waves. He was shot back from the two beams and crashed down to the ground with a small crater in place. When it was all clear, Hael didn't show up. "D-Did we do it?" Said Oka, "Did he die?". She soon found out she was wrong.

Hael flew up high in the sky with an angry face. And small scrapes on his chest and face, "I was having much more fun eradicating you saiyans one by one, but now it looks like I'll just have to wipe out all of you at once" he said in a threatening tone. Hael flew up to space and put his hands close together in the air, creating a ginormous purple ki ball of destruction. It was enough to destroy the planet.

The group saw the ki ball in the air, horrified from it. "He's going to destroy the planet!" Jica said "Is he that crazy?!" Jica then put his index finger and his middle finger on his head. "What are you doing?" Asked Aricho. "Trying to find somewhere we can escape" said Ruba, "Jica is trying to use instant transmission".

Up in space, Hael's face changed from mad to a grin. With enough power, he threw the ki ball at the planet with a shout. The group saw it growing larger and nearer. "The blast is thrown!" Said Koru "the planet's going to explode!"
"Still looking" said Jica. Oka decided to help and tried to do instant transmission too, along with Ruba and Koru. Soon, the sky turned dangerously red and all the clouds disappeared as the ki ball got closer. Destruction came closer and it was already Impossible to flee on foot or in air. The ki ball was now shown with the dark sparks flying around it.

The group soon thought that they couldn't escape until they found one planet they could escape to. "Found one!" They all said. "Aricho, Chayo, hold on!" Said Jica. The two kids held on to their parents and saw the ki ball coming closer until they were gone from planet Kriel, safe from Hael.

However, the ki ball was so close to the ground of planet kriel. The remaining saiyans on the planet were firing at the ball with everything they got, but they couldn't stop the ki ball. Then, the ki touched the ground and a huge air wave that shaped like an expanding circle blew out from the contact from the ki and every saiyan that was hit by it disintegrated from the ki, killing them all. The grass was burnt and replaced with black, burnt smudges and the mountains crumbles into hills. The ki ball that Hael made turned a city into a volcano. Hael was in the air, laughing at his doing as the planet exploded.


The group of surviving saiyans are now in a planet on a grassland. They found nothing but grass, until Oka flew up into the air and found some forests and mountains, then flew back down. "There are trees and mountains here, too" said Oka.
"Where are we, anyway?" Said Aricho and Chayo.
"Earth" said Jica.

The saiyans stare at their new home, Earth. It was going to be different for them, knowing they're probably the last saiyans that still exist. They were confused on what to do next. Hael would track them down at all costs if he found out they escaped.

Koru got down on his knees in exhaustion, relieved that he survived, yet troubled by the sights that he had to see on that moment. Jica went over to try to help him up, but the warrior saiyan stopped him, letting him know he was alright. "I'm just...glad we made it through" Koru said. He then got back onto his feet. "What happens now?" Oka asked with nervousness, "Hael is relentless when hunting down someone, and if he found out about our survival..." Jica looked back at Oka, "He won't see us as a big threat," he said, "Besides, he doesn't know we escaped, so that leaves us with enough time to understand this place"

Aricho and Chayo looked around their new home, confused of the new place. "Why did dad choose this place?" asked Chayo. "Why are you asking me? I don't know your dad" replied Aricho. Earth was different to them. Unlike planet kriel, much of the wildlife is peaceful without the saibamen. Earth was also more green than their home, which was more yellow. And if craters were made, the earth just keeps it until someone fills the gap, unlike their home planet where the planet fills the gap by itself. Their new life is already having a confusing start. "Alright," said Ruba, "we're going to have to split up in order to completely understand our surrounding." Aricho and Chayo were shocked.
"No way!" said Chayo
"Not now!" Said Yanzo
"Son," said Koru, "She wasn't talking about you two. She was talking about us." Aricho and Chayo was even more shocked. "What?!?" said Chayo in confusion. "It's just ourselves!?" Aricho said to follow up.

"You won't be alone," Jica said, "Someone will look over you."
"Besides, the two of you are pure blooded saiyans. You can fight for yourselves" Koru added.
Just then, Oka pointed at the north side if where they were. "Over there," Oka noticed, "Buildings." The saiyans flew over the city, looking at the features. They landed far from the city but the buildings were in full view. The building they unknowingly landed in front of had a golden oval top with white bricks making up the walls. It had a wooden door and had fences that make it seem like it has a really big backyard and side-yard. Behind them, the door opened up and an old man still walking on two feet went over to the saiyans. Hearing footsteps, Ruba looked behind her and the others did the same. The old man was in their view: green robes, grey hair and mustache along with pink copper glasses. The man showed his wrinkles of his age and had black leather boots. "Oh my! I didn't expect any visitors," the old man said, "I apologize if I startled any of you — Didn't want to have a bad start in introducing myself." The old man then stopped when they could see all of him. "I am Dr. Bernie, and judging by your appearance, I know who you all are."

"Then who do you think we are?" asked Aricho. "Saiyans from Planet Kriel," replied Bernie. The gang was surprised from Bernie's answer. "How did you know?" Said Aricho. "I saw everything from my telescope" said Bernie. "Telescope?" wondered Chayo. Bernie pointed over to his lab. The entrance was a one-floor entrance room and behind was a four story rectangle building with a huge telescope showing on the top. There was a backyard that looked like a training ground. It had a wooden fence and machines that projected targets from it. The parents seemed impressed from Bernies' lab, but not as impressed as Aricho and Chayo. They stood in awe in the longest they have been. The kids then zoomed over to Bernie. "You have a Training ground? Do you fight? What did you see in the stars? Who looked cooler?" Was just some of the questions they asked Bernie. Their parents took notice of how they reacted. Dr. Bernie chuckled. "Energetic ones, you have here" commented Bernie with a smile. "Not as energetic as the last time they were," replied Koru. The parents looked at each other and already made the agreement. "We were wondering if you could look over our sons," said Jica, "we still donnt understand the rest of the earth." Dr. Bernie looked at the two childs, then back at them.

"Surely," said Bernie, "As a favor of the saiyans". The parents showed relieved smiles on their faces as they bent down to hug their child and said their goodbyes. "We won't be gone for too long" said Oka to Aricho. "Stay strong and optimistic" Koru tells Chayo. The parents then flied off to the other side of the city and so on. Aricho and Chayo are now with the trustful Dr. Bernie.

"Before you go sightseeing the city, I would like to show you something I've made" said Bernie. Aricho and Chayo already knew that from his lab, he's a amazing scientist. They nodded their heads in agreement and followed Bernie into his lab. The entrance room looked like any other science room. Then, someone came through the door on the other side. The young man was in his adult years: precisely 18. He had grey hair like Bernie but it covers the left side of his face, though that side is completely fine, and no mustache. He had two black suit shoes, grey jeans, white jacket, grey undershirt and has grey eyes with pale skin and exactly 5"10'.

"Friends, this is my greatest creation: Android 48" said Bernie, introducing the saiyans to the android.

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