Chapter 4

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"Ahh that's to cute you guys are so precious. Why couldn't it have been you Clide." She blurted we both glanced at eachother mycheviously trying not to smile.

"No really you didn't you make him your mate?" She asked eagerly jumping out of her chair.

"I asked since he stupidily rejected her. I didn't want her to go through that she deserves better than that." He answered they ran over hugging us kissing our heads.

"Thank you Clide I was so worried about my baby I was scared of what she might do or try. I've heard so many stories about the offle things dragons do when their rejected I was so scared of what she might do." Mom whispered as her eyes watered.

"Your the only one so we agreed to be mates." He replied, she smiled kissing his head.

"Your an angel." She whispered, as they let go walking over to their chairs and sitting down. We ate our breakfast. We walked over grabbing our book bags my mother had packed for us. We said our goodbyes and walked out. We walked to school it was a large brick building surrounded by woods. We walked in pulling out our schedules. We were in all the same classes. He helped me find my locker. He opened we stuck our book bags in taking out our things for class. When I felt someone hug me I looked to see Michelle standing behind me.

"Hey sis how are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine sis thanks for asking." I replied smiling warmly. My smile faded as I seen Neil kissing a female. She was a red dragon like me she was my younger sister. I covered my mouth running over to the garage can getting sick Clide ran over pulling my hair. When the pain started coming back more intensely he rubbed my back.

"Oh hey Clide didn't see you there you disappeared late night." The female said smiling.

"Well I had better things to do like tend to my companion. Kate other than watching you shoving it in my face that you rejected me for my brother ironic isn't it." He replied angerly as I clenched my chest.

"Is she okay..." She said, when I lifted my head as my eyes shifted to my dragon eyes. I turned my head. Clide whipped my mouth.

"Thanks sweetie." I said, he smiled.

"Hey anything for my favorite girl." He replied, taking my things for class.

"Wait." She said, grabbing my arm so she could see my eyes when they changed back to my human eyes.

"What the hell..." She said, I completely ignored her walking over shutting my locker.

"Come let's go to class before I see something else that makes me want to puke." I growled. Clide grabbed my hand with his free hand when Neil let out a growl.

"Put a sock in it pup." My dragon snapped at him without even glancing in his direction. I couldn't look at him without making the pain worsen. He whimpered as I growled. They gasped. When I noticed all them staring at me in disbelief. Like I had just murdered someone infront of them in silence.

"You have no right to growl at them your the one that fucked up mutt." Michelle growled grabbing my free hand walking me to class. I will admit it was pretty funny hearing her call him a mutt. We walked in sitting down next to Cain. I growled when they walked in hand in hand making me sick to my stomach clenching my chest.

"I'll be back I need some fresh air." I said, getting up and pushing passed them with Clide right on my tail. I darted through the front doors walking outside. I clentched my chest trying to calm myself when someone touched my shoulder I thought was Clide. When I turned to see an older woman standing behind me with a man around my age. Another wolf.

"Hey sweetie you okay I seen you run out the room you looked like you were in pain." She exclaimed softly.

"Rejection hurts everytime I see him the pain gets more intense I needed to get away." I stuttered.

"I understand I'm sorry to hear that." She replied rubbing my back.

"His loss. But that stupid bonds still there which isn't going anywhere anytime soon." I replied.

"But aren't you Clides mate aren't you?" He asked.

"Not origally he's just doing it so the pain isn't as bad so I don't try to kill myself." I replied.

"Your a dragon aren't you?" He asked I gave a slight nodded she gasped covering her mouth.

"I'm so sorry honey." She whispered.

"Who's the jackass that rejected you I'm gonna teach them a lesson." He growled.

"It wouldn't do anything he's not worthy of my power." My dragon said making my markings emerge.

"Your Kate's sister?" He asked.

"Older and we're half sisters." My dragon replied bluntly. He nodded.

"But you must keep this between us because I'm .. a half breed." I whispered so only they would hear.

"Yes I think it'd be wise to keep that between us." She replied, he whipped my cheeks when I realized I had been crying.

"Damn I was crying again wasn't I that's embarrassing." I muttered agerly and roughly rubbing my face making my cheeks red. He moved my are hands down. His expression was very kind warm. It reminded me of an angel. When I realized he was an angel not a wolf at all. Man did I feel stupid.

"You must not let your anger cloud your judgement. If you give in to it your giving up. Have faith my sweet little dragon." He said gently wiping my face.

"Im not good at controlling my emotions." I said, when he gently tugged the top of my shirt down revealing a spot on my chest where black marks that looked although it was breaking were spreading.

"I thought as much it's a curse when a dragons heart is broken the pain causes the marks to grow and spread. If it spread throughout your whole body you'll die." He exclaimed with his eyes full of sarrow.

"I'm dead either way huh. That's lovely so I'm screwed." I blurted, covering my face.

"Not unless I get your biological father he's the only one who can lift it and he happened to be visiting." He grabbed my hand trying to drag me but I didn't budge.

"He can't see me he doesn't know my mother got pregnant with me." I replied.

"Well he's the only person who can save your life. I'm taking you even if I have to carry you." He said, as I pleased him not to. So he through me over his shoulder I kicked my feet and thrashed my arms in protest. He walked into the class.

"Your highness can I have a word with you?" He asked.

"Why if it isn't Rafial why of course old friend." A deep husky mans vioce replied as he walked to him. I squeezed my eyes shut. I was so nervous I was shaking and felt like I was sufficating. Grabbing my charm I grabbed it to keep him from taking it off but he pressed a place on my back making me let go when the room went silent gasping.

"Who is this girl she has my markings? Why is she shaking?" My biological father asked.

"She's your first born she's Samtha's daughter. Fraia I believe." The woman exclaimed, I heard a lot of whispering.

"Why didn't she tell me?" He asked.

"Its Fury?" I muttered.

"What sweetie?" She asked.

"My name is Fury not Fraia." My dragon said, when my chest started hurting again and he gasped.

"Sweetie do you have the curse. Was she rejected?" He asked, she nodded.

"Stay still sweetie stay still for popa?" He asked, I nodded. When he put his hand to my chest making my dragon surface shifting into my medium sized dragon form. My eyes shoot open my body wrapped around my father's it was the first time I've seen what he looked like. I looked like a spitting image of him. He smiled warmly petting my head running his free hand up my antlers. My drangon started making a purring noise.

"Well aren't you a sweetheart I'm never seen a dragon like you before. So magnificent." He said running his fingers through my main.

"It's Asian." Cain said.

"Beg your pardon?" He asked.

"The form she takes it's an Asian red dragon. Asian drangons are the only one with anlters." Cain informed him.

"Magnificent. I wish she would have told me she's a beauty. But seriously I've never seen a dragon like her a I'm as old as they come." He replied, not taking his eyes off me.

"Especially those eyes so beautiful." He said proudly. I licked him making him chuckle.

"Hey now that tickles." He laughed playfully pushing my head. I grunted making smoke leak out my mouth.

"Oh don't be like that sweetie." He said, I grunted making more smoke seap out. I could feel the pain slowly leaving my body.

"Alright baby girl it's done now you'll feel a slight pain every now and then but not nearly as bad as before that's normal. The mark wouldn't spread any further through your body but because it had spread as far as it did I can't make them dissapear. If I would've gotten to you when it first started spreading I could've healed them." He exclaimed.

"Thank you daddy I love you." My dragon replied making him jump.

"You can talk in that from thats impossible. No drangons been able to do that." He blurted.

"Actually its more like my inner dragons doing the talking like and there inner wolf spirit. Well I am a half breed." My dragon replied.

"That's the first time I've ever heard that. What other abilities do you have that I might need to know about?" He asked, curiously.

"Far to many for me to list." My drangon anwered.

"Your just full of surprises. Aren't you baby girl. I love you too it just caught me off guard I was not expecting that." He laughed kissing my nose when I camouflaged myself making myself appear invisible. He screeched jumping back falling on me. I laughed as the room crackled with laughter.

"That was to perfect." I laughed.

"Why you little stinker. Your ornery one aren't you." He teased realizing what I did.

"Hey I am my mothers child." I chuckled.

"Oh don't remind me she got me so many times it ain't even funny. One time she super glued me to my chair and once to my stearing wheel that was hell." He replied, making my dragon laughed hasairicly.

"Ya that sounds like something momma would do. She did that two me once with my keyboard so I did it to her with the tiolet seat. She was stuck on it for three hours before she was able to get help you should've of seen the officers faces that had to get her unstuck it was priceless. She couldn't sit down for a week." My drangon laughed he clutched his stomach hunching over because he was laughing so hard.

"Bet she was pissed." He laughed trying to catch his breath.

"You bet I told her karma." My drangon laughted.

"That's my girl. Since wolves inner wolf has a name do you." He asked.

"Tatsuo it means female dragon." Tatsuo replied.

"That's a lovely name now why are you acting out?" He asked.

"Our connections been effected by the curse cursing through me. Why call it a curse if it's our body posioning that? Slowly spreading killing the body." Tatsuo asked.

"I have no idea. It's caused by a defensive mechanizum its released when we're rejected by our mate." He replied, when Kate ran down.

"Who's the asshole that rejected my older sister?" She demanded hugging me.

"It's to late he's promised to you."
Tatsuo whispered in her ear so no one would hear her but my father did and shot Neil a death glare.

"Neil." He growled baring his fangs.

"Dick I would've understood if you would've told me. I'd rather you do that then hurt my older sister. She deserves better. I'm not letting her die just because of some stupid deal our families made so you better fucking make up to her." She snapped at him his eyes filled with reget. He walked over to me kneeling in front of me.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know this was going to happen I would've never have done it if I would've know. The last thing I want is for you to die because of something I did. Can you forgive me?" He asked softly.

'Is it okay with you?' Tatsuo asked Clide telephonically.

'Go for it you deserve to be happy and he is your mate. I still love you sis no matter what.' He commanded. I nodded making the mark he gave me to mark me as his dissapeared and Neil hugged me. Kate smiled warmly as a the pain faded into nothing making my body relax. Making me change into my true human form and the marks on my chest from the curse disappeared. My father covered me with his jacket.

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