19. the vultures have risen

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IT HAD BEEN SIX YEARS since Rhaenyra and Daemon had moved their families to Dragonstone. The families lived in peace together and shared many tales for the history books.

Roseva had taken the time to be there for her children — being there when Daemon taught them high Valyrian, watching the skies when he taught them how to ride their dragons with Rhaegar at her side as he had yet to claim a dragon.

Steffon had done the same for his children and his "step" children but everyone who lived there knew the real truth of the parentage of Jacaerys and Lucerys Velaryon and accepted it with love but denied it always to outsiders.

Rhaenyra had birthed two more of Steffon's children and was now with child with what she hoped was their daughter who she would name Visenya.

Roseva, as she had promised, did not have anymore children after her son Baelon was born much to Daemon's annoyance — he accepted it nonetheless but that didn't stop him from bedding his wife every night and day, whenever they wanted.

The woman had also as promised made sure Rewan came with them and Daemon trained him every day alongside his sons as they grew older. Robert was now a man grown at the age of eighteen, Daeron at near seventeen, the twins — Rhaegar and Rhaena at fifteen and little Baelon at near six years young. And of course Rewan exceeded all their ages at twenty—two.

Roseva had matured heavily of the years as well as her body after having so many children but Daemon thought she was as beautiful as the day he met her when she arrived in Kings Landing when they were young. And he loved her every day since and would for the rest of his days.

Daemon came into the room where Rhaenyra was teaching her son, Jacaerys, the Velaryon tongue with Steffon sitting beside them reading a book with his youngest children playing with toys on the floor by his feet.

"Leave us", Rhaenyra spoke as Roseva came into the room with Robert beside her — Rewan, of course, not being far behind. Jacaerys called for his brother, Joffrey and picked up his youngest brothers and walked out the room.

Roseva had told Robert of what had occurred between herself and his father after his questioning of why she wanted him nowhere near him.

He hasn't touched her since.

It made her feel ill that she no longer could say that all her children loved her. That they weren't revolted by her because of what had happened to her.

But it wasn't what she thought. Robert didn't want to touch her because he didn't want to hurt her by accident and have her think he was exactly like his father.

Robert hated his father for hurting his precious mother and he hated him for making him feel like he couldn't touch his mother without feeling like he was Otto.

Rhaenyra and Steffon joined Damon in the middle who was caked in ash from the Dragon pits where he had just retrieved his nieces eggs for her new babe as Steffon didn't know much about how to retrieve them.

Roseva walked into her husbands arms, Daemon leaning his head down to kiss her head before giving Rhaenyra the letter that was sent.

The woman sighed and Roseva looked away from her husband to face her daughter figure, "What is it?".

"Vaemond Velaryon means to call into question Luke's legitimacy", it wasn't news to them that the currently Lord of Driftmark, Lord Corlys, had been away at sea for the last six years. He had been at battle but they'd thought he'd make it back alive, this letter made them nervous. "And by extension Jace, and by extension my own claim to the throne".

Steffon rubbed his face and rubbed his wife's back softly, "Vaemond cares only about Driftmark and the Velaryon line. Not about our politics".

Daemon nodded in agreement, "Has he made common cause with Otto Hightower yet?".

Rhaenyra hummed and read over the letter again, "This is what I fear". Roseva gently took the letter from her, not wanting to worry the pregnant woman more. "Rhaenys has flown to court".

"Surely, she hasn't planned to back him?", Robert countered everyone's thoughts.

"No", Daemon denied immediately, "Whatever disagreement we may have had, she's not cruel . . .".

"Or stupid enough to do that", Roseva finished his thought.

"Disagreements?", Rhaenyra pressed to the married pair, "She believes we had her son killed so that we might marry", she looked to the side to her husband who looked bored amongst the conversation.

"Yes . . . and yet, she has been answering Roseva's letters".

"About what?", Rhaenyra turned to her mother who shifted.

"Proposals and what not. I need to further discuss things with her but plans are being made in preparation for your succession", Rose spoke, "I spoke with Steffon about proposing a marriage between Jacaerys and Baela as well as Lucerys and Daena we just needed to confirm with you before I wrote back to her".

"Tis good matches but it's Laena's memory she honours. She has no love for us, who's to say she'll even agree?", Rhaenyra looked between the three.

Rose took the woman's hands, "She will. She has been answering my letters eagerly, have faith".

"Has the vipers' venom spread to far?", Daemon asked this time.

"Those vipers rule in my fathers name", Rose looked down at Rhaenyra's words, she hadn't spoken to Alicent since she left Driftmark — neither could find it in their will to send a letter like they had done the ten years previous. It hurt them both but they had chosen their sides now and it couldn't be undone.

Rose's only regret was that she had to pick a side at all.

"And my father—", Rhaenyra looked down in thought, Steffon continued to rub small circles on her back, "What choice do I have?".

"To King's Landing, then", Daemon muttered in annoyance as dread filled his wife's face — but it wasn't about them. It was about their future Queen and they would do anything to ensure she sat on the Iron Throne.

Robert turned to his mother, "I shall prepare the children?", Rose smiled and nodded. The older boy then nodded and turned to walk out of the room with Rewan close behind him with a hand on his sword as he walked.

Roseva watched them leave fondly before her eyes narrowed when she saw Robert turn back to the Knight with a look in his eye — a look she often saw in Daemon when he looked at her.

She shook her head and turned back to the three in front of her, "Let's go".

The carriages rode through the streets of King's Landing up until they reached the tall building. Rhaenyra, her husband and children rode in the front carriage and Roseva, her husband and children rode in the back — the two women had too many children to be able to fit everyone in one carriage.

"All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen. Princess of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne and her royal consort, Steffon Baratheon and her Uncle, Prince Daemon of House Targaryen with his Lady wife, Roseva Targaryen".

The family stepped out of the carriages to see nobody in but common people and a few knights standing at their arrival. Rhaenyra looked at the building as Roseva looked around her in a bitter taste.

She hated Kings Landing, it filled her with too much dread she met Robert's eyes but he immediately looked away which made her frown.

Daeron stepped out the carriage and immediately his face scrunched as he helped his sister down from the carriage, "What the fuck".

"Daeron!", Roseva called and he put his hands up in mock surrender. He was still scared of his mother but still held his father's wits. It had grown worse as he aged.

"This place smells like shit", Rhaena whispered to her older brother who cracked a smirking grin and nodded. The girl then turned to find her twin but couldn't see him so she looked inside the carriage to see him drawing in his book.

He hadn't changed.

"Sweet brother, are you coming out anytime soon?", she rested her head on the carriage door and looked at him fondly. She only looked at him and her mother that way, she loved the rest of her family but Rhaegar and Roseva were her secret favourites.

Rhaegar closed his book and nodded, Rhaena held out her hand and he took it even though he didn't need her help and walked down the steps. "You were right, it does smell like shit", he voiced and Rhaena laughed quietly.

"Where is everyone?", Robert spoke and turned to face Rewan who looked broody as ever. The knight looked down slightly and nudged his hand with Robert's — out of view of the family, Robert nudged it back before they removed their hands away.

"I don't know", Roseva said until the door opened and Lord Caswell came rushing down and bowed in front of Rhaenyra.

"Welcome back, Princess", he held her hands gently.

"Lord Caswell".

The Lord let them pass him as they entered the grounds and walked off to do his own business. Roseva gave Robert a look to tell him to get his siblings to follow him to their chambers as Rhaenyra did the same with hers.

The four adults looked around the hallway to see a giant star that wasn't there when they left, "I would say it's nice to be home, but I scarcely recognise it".

Daemon and Steffon hummed in unison before they walked forward to look around the room. "I'm going to find my father", the two men nodded and went to follow but they all held back when Roseva didn't move.

"I'm— uh going to check on the children", she told them and Rhaenyra looked down knowing why she didn't want to go and she understood. Daemon nodded as well and kissed her head.

"I'll be right there", he spoke and she nodded, kissing him gently before letting him go.

Roseva never found it in herself to forgive Viserys for not helping her when it came to her marriage with Otto. Even if he couldn't stop it, which was doubtful, he could have helped her escape the abuse she faced.

He could have done something. But he didn't. And that was his choice. Now she was making hers.

Roseva walked down the hall but frowned when she didn't see Rewan at his post outside. She thought he might be helping one of the other children and so she opened her sons door without knocking, thinking he would just be unpacking his belongings.

However, she gasped at the sight before her — Robert was sticking his tongue down Rewan throat as he sat on his lap, the pair breathing heavily.

Her sons eyes widened when he heard her and turned to face her, climbing off his lovers lap who was equally eye—wide. "Mother!", he pulled his shirt down that had creased from the activity.

Roseva stood with an open jaw, not knowing what to say. "I-um. I—", no words could form as the pair stood facing her. She said nothing else as she turned and closed the door behind her.

She covered her mouth with one hand and her stomach with the other, she wasn't revolted. She understood a long time ago who her son was even if he hadn't realised yet, a mother always knows and she allowed her children to know that they could love whoever they wanted to because that was robbed from her for a long time.

But, this scared her. Not everyone was so accepting of this lifestyle. And as her eldest son, he has responsibilities. She didn't want him to resent her when the time came that he had to marry a woman even if he didn't want to.

She was scared that he would be killed if anyone found out the true nature of his tastings.

Roseva sighed and walked down the hall to find her other children but came across her twins yelling, "I am older by five minutes!", she heard her son say.

"I will stab you, brother!", which was followed by Rhaena.

Roseva walked into the room to see them fighting over who would have the room, both stopped upon the sight of their mother, "Don't fight. Rhaena, the room opposite has a view of the courtyard, you can stay in that one", she said because she knew her daughter loved watching the knights sword fight. She always wanted to train with them but when they were in places like Kings Landing, she never could. But at home in Dragonstone, she was free to fight whoever she wanted as her father trained her and her brothers.

"Okay, mother", Rhaena spoke before glaring back at her twin who was smiling innocently which made her want to poke his eyes out.

The girl left and Rhaegar sat on his bed, placing his book down beside him, "How long are we staying?", he equally hated Kings Landing just as much as Roseva did.

"Not long, my darling", she kissed his head and left the room in search of Daeron. She opened his door to see him looking outside. "Daeron?".

The boy looked behind his shoulder and smiled tightly at her, the woman walked over and placed her head on his shoulder and looked outside with him. He was looking at something in the distance, as he always was.

It reminded her of Daemon, he was always searching for something more. Something that made him feel like he was made for something more.

"Kings Landing is beautiful but Gods the energy makes my skin crawl", Daeron wrapped his arms around his mother and rested his chin on her head.

Daeron was always a mummy's boy, and held affection only for her. "I know how you mean".

Roseva looked up at him and kissed his cheek and cupped his face that held some facial hair, "Find Jace and Luke for me?".

It was without a doubt that Rose cared deeply for Rhaenyra's boys, more so because they were Steffon's but Daeron cared too. He cared a lot for Lucerys. Luke was young when they moved in with Rhaenyra and Steffon on Dragonstone and the young boy looked up to Daeron a lot because of his training as well as Robert.

The Targaryen had heard what Luke had done to Aemond as he was there that night in the hall when claims were spouted about and though he thought that he should've been told off for it, he held some what respect for him because he did it to protect his older brother. An older brother Daeron looked up to. Robert meant a lot to him and so Luke meant a lot to him too.

"Of course, mother", he kissed the top of her head as he was much taller than her now and strides out the room in search of the boys.

Roseva looked back outside to the view of the sunset and smiled a little, a smile she could barely manage as Kings Landing seemed to suck the love out of you and the happiness, it only had room for claims and honours and even then there was little to it.

She sighed heavily before leaving the room, closing the door behind her before bumping into someone, "Apologies", she looked away from the chest to see Alicent.

"Roseva", the woman said and the woman blinked in response.


"Of course you would come back to back Rhaenyra's claim. You always did favour her", Alicent folded her hands together and looked away.

Roseva scoffed, "I am merely here to support my family. A family you were once part of", she then rubbed the scar that was running down her arm, Alicent's eyes shifted to it before she looked away again.

"You know why I had to do what I had to do that night".

"Do I?", Roseva asked. "I begged you not to act in haste that it would only end in your death. And now look, six years later and the succession is already being challenged because of death".

"I'll do anything to protect my children, Roseva. That used to be the thing you loved moved about me", Alicent furrowed her eyebrows, tears coating her eyeline.

Roseva stepped forward and brushed a piece of hair out of Alicent's face, "No, my daughter. Your understanding was what I loved most about you. It was the one thing you didn't get from your father. I have my honour . . . and you have yours", the woman then looked down and dropped her hand.

"That's been made clear".

"Good . . . because I don't like to repeat myself", Rose calmly spoke but there was meaning behind her words. She walked passed Alicent and down the hall to where her husband was now turning towards. He looked behind his wife to see the Queen and took his wife's hands and led her back down the hall he just came from out of her sights.

Roseva did have her honour and Alicent had hers, but only one was going to be the downfall of them all.

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