4. being a woman

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DAEMON had spent that night racking his mind of all the possibilities where he had kissed Roseva that night — her plump lips on his, it kept him awake all night.

Roseva was a temptress and she knew it. She knew the game she was playing for though Daemon may be a player but Roseva played their game better.

But now it was the day of the tournament, Roseva had been running down the staircase into the arms of her father — Boremund Baratheon who she had not seen in such time.

"Father, I have missed you", she smiled into his chest and the man patted her head like a child.

"My sweet girl", he gushed and moved away to pinch her red cheeks, making her scoff.

"Has the time been treating you well, father?".

"Very much so. Though I have missed my little Baratheon", Boremund smiled as his daughter rolled her eyes with a smile of her own — she looked more like her mother every time he saw her.

Rhaenyra ran down the stairs, red dress bunched in her hands as she turned the corner, looking for her Rose. Once spotted, Roseva turned when her name was called.

"Mother has gone into labour!", she smiled and Roseva cupped her cheeks with a light chuckle — blessed with the news.

"That is amazing! We must come to the tournament now", Roseva tried to usher her, forgetting her fathers presence as he watched the two fondly.

But Rhaenyra's protest had him near laughter at the apprehension on his daughters face, "I want to stay with her".

"You cannot, there's nothing for you to do as the maester is there and I can assure you, little Princess, she is in good hands".


Roseva growled under her breath, "Don't push me, Rhae, I will make you read the maesters book again".

Boremund watched impressed as the Princess closed her mouth but not before huffing and walking off to the side to wait for Roseva to come with her.

Roseva smiled and turned back to her father, kissing his cheek before bidding her goodbyes before walking with the Princess to where the tournament was being held.

"Be welcome!", Visery's voice carried through the air as Roseva and Rhaenyra climbed the stairs where the King and other highborns were sitting.

Roseva walked past the Hand of the King, Otto Hightower with Rhaenyra behind her, her hands bunched on the back of the older woman's gold dress so she didn't get lost finding her seat. A hand came to stop the woman, her small gasp made Rhaenyra stop as well.

"You look beautiful, Lady Roseva", it had been Otto who had stopped them.

The Lady looked at the hand gripping her arm and swiftly smiled in thanks to his unusual compliment before straightening herself, grabbing Rhaenyra's hand and walking to their seats at the front of the crowd.

"I know many of you have travelled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed", Visery's continues his speech, crown hung nicely on his famous Targaryen hair. "When I look at these fine knights in these lists, I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news... that I am happy to share:", Roseva shared a smile with Visery's as herself and Rhaenyra sat with Alicent. "Queen Aemma has begun her labours!".

Clapping filled the air, the people of the Seven Kingdoms chanted and smiles were shared — they all prayed to the Gods for a son, even if Roseva secretly wanted Rhaenyra on the throne.

"May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!".

The men fought like wild animals, Roseva merely bored-clapped as men were thrown from their horses — blood splattering across the floor and squires dragged their bodies away.

"A mystery knight?", Rhaenyra asked as a knight from the Baratheon house stopped in front of their post.

Alicent piped up in argument, "No, a Cole, of the Stormlands".

Roseva rose an eyebrow and stared down at the knight on his horse, "Yes, I have heard of the infamous Cole's — rather attractive I hear".

Alicent and Rhaenyra both giggle at her antics but swiftly stop as Lord Boremund Baratheon shouted, "Princess Rhaenys Targaryen! I would humbly ask for the favour of 'The Queen Who Never Was'".

Sighing, Roseva slapped a hand over her face, her family were going to be the death of her.

"Lord Stokeworth's daughter is promised to that young Tarly squire", Rhaenyra told her friends.

"Lord Massey's son?", Alicent asked with surprise and Rhaenyra nodded. "They're to be married as soon as he wins his knighthood", she continues.

"Best get on with it. I heard that Lady Elinor is hiding a swollen belly beneath her dress".

Roseva didn't pay attention to their gossip, only watching as her grandfather was thrown from his horse — her gasp sent shivers down her friends spines as they watched as she stood from her seat and run over to the bannister. Hands clutched the wood, the sting of holding it so tight paid her no mind.

Laughs echoed through her ears, but she continued to watch with worry. Visery's noticed and called for her, "Rose", he waited before calling again — this time she looked at him as a small tear fell down her cheek.

"He will be just fine", the woman nodded and sat back down — she had met Criston Cole the night before, she remembered him when she was walking the halls before bed, he was a nice man from what she had heard — she had been nice enough to make herself aquatinted to him before that night.

But now she hated him.

Ser Harrold kneeled down towards the Princess who had summoned him, "What do you know about this Ser Criston Cole, Ser Harrold?".

"I'm told Ser Criston is common-born son of Lord Dondarrion's steward. But other than that, and the fact that he's just unhorsed—".

"Bastard", Roseva muttered.

"—both of the Baratheon lads, I really couldn't say".

Roseva watched as the Targaryen flag was placed and knew who was coming — her body straightened and Rhaenyra smirked at her change in posture — she dare say, Roseva looked excited.

Cheering intensified as knights piled in a line, Master of Revels shouted what Roseva already knew was coming, "Prince Daemon of house Targaryen, Prince of the City, will now choose his first opponent".

"Please be Ser Criston, please be Ser Criston", Roseva begged under her breath but the girls had heard and laughed quietly.

Daemon rode through in all his glory, before making a slow strut towards the knights — his violet eyes looked at them before he glanced up at Roseva who swallowed thickly at his heated stare before he looked away.

"You're blushing", Rhaenyra commented but Roseva scoffed with a bored look.

"My cheeks are naturally red", she tried to justify but the Princess rolled her eyes at the white lie.

"For his first challenge, Prince Daemon Targaryen chooses... Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown, eldest son of the Hand of the King".

Roseva gasped when Ser Gwayne nearly knocked the Prince off his horse — covering her mouth from laughing, she had laughed and Daemon had seen.

Fury ripped through him as he charged forward again, Ser Gwayne doing the same — both sides determined to win.

Daemon took the legs out from under the horse, making the knight fall forward and his own horse nearly tumble over him.

Alicent gasped at the sight of her brother but Rhaenyra stood as her Uncle came to a stop before them. "Nicely done, Uncle", she peered over at him to see his smirk, Alicent followed but Roseva remained in her seat, eyes anywhere but where he was.

Daemon, however, continued to look at her,  "Thank you, Princess. Now, I'm fairly certain I can win these games, Lady Alicent. Having your favour would all but assure it".

Alicent shared a glance with Rhaenyra — both in agreement, "I am very sorry, my Prince but I already gave my favour away", Daemon tutted but looked back up when she spoke again, "But Lady Roseva hasn't given away hers yet. Perhaps it would do well to ask her?".

Speaking of her, Roseva shut her eyes and cursed them under her breath. Daemon smirked evilly at the two — they knew what they were doing. "Well, go on, Uncle", Rhaenyra scolded as he was taking too long.

Visery's watched with a confused gaze as Daemon looked towards Rose with a look he couldn't decipher — he dare say it looked like love but Daemon knew nothing of the sort so he brushed that thought away.

"Lady Rose, would you do me the honour?", he asked so politely she almost smiled.

Picking up her gold dress, Roseva picked up the ring of roses that were made for her, looking at Visery's in ask to which he nodded. She turned around to face them before leaning over the wooden post, "Take it", she told him, reaching for his hand.

She pushed herself further to grab his hand that he raised to kiss his gloved knuckles, her lip product leaving a lip stain on it that he then vowed he would never get rid of before she placed the ring of roses in his hand then giving him a shy smile and walking away.

She knew how to play the game.

Roseva soon watched as war erupted between the knights, men being slaughtered. It didn't take her long to figure out that the King had left which resided in her being worried before Ser Harrold crouched beside her. "The King has asked for your presence, my Lady".

His whisper raised her more concern as she gave a quick nod, squeezing Rhaenyra's hand who watched her get up quickly and walk away with Ser Harrold.

The Princess watched with her own worry before turning back to the tournament.

The Lady ran through the room as a scream erupted, Queen Aemma's scream. "My Gods, what are you doing to her?".

Visery's moved from his wife to the woman and grasped her hands, "I don't know what to do, help me", he pleaded with a certain desperation she had never seen on him before.

"What has happened?", Roseva asked the Maester, her hands still clutched with the King's — he needed her now more than ever.

"During difficult pregnancies, it sometimes becomes necessary for the father... to make an impossible choice".

"Impossible as in what? Choosing what shoes to wear with what dress? What?", the woman panicked and Visery's clutched her hand harder but not enough to harm her.

"No, my Lady. As in to sacrifice one... or to lose them both".

Roseva looked appalled, her mouth agape as she left Visery's side to sit beside Aemma. The tired woman looked down at the Lady Rose. Her Lady Rose.

"I'm so tired, Rose", she panted as sweat dripped down her face. 

Roseva felt tears prick her eyes as she looked at the King, begging him to make a decision that led to Aemma living — they could try again.

"I know, but it's going to be all over soon. I promise", she whispered and took a cloth to dampen the sweat away.

"Promise me you'll look after Rhaenyra. She needs you".

"No. She needs the both of us", The woman shook her head at the thought of Rhaenyra loosing her mother.

"If I don't live and nor does my son, Rhaenyra needs to sit on the throne — no matter what", she whispered to the woman, only Roseva's ears heard the words.

"And she will", Queen Aemma could tell that Roseva's promise would not be left empty.

The two were broken apart as Visery's came back to their side and the maidens shuffled the Queen further down the bed. Roseva looked over in panic but Visery's tears said enough so she simply moved away shaking her head.

"Visery's", Roseva whispered in protest but the man simply cupped her cheek as a tear fell down it — brushing it away, Visery's gave her a look and she knew what it meant.

It has to be done and nothing you do will stop that.

"What is happening?", Aemma asked the two but Roseva turned away — vowing to keep her promise.

"No. It's all right".

"No. What is happening?".

"They're going to bring the babe out".

"How are they— Visery's, please".

Her begging and screaming in pain was left in muffles to Roseva's ears — for though she would suffer the consequences of Viserys' decision as well as himself... and Rhaenyra.

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