6. my heart will never feel

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SHE WAS ANGRY. Roseva Baratheon was unhinged. Rhaenyra was the one to tell her what had occurred.

An heir for a day.

Daemon had opened his massive mouth as usual, in front of his men and whores and Roseva had enough of it. It didn't take him long to knock on her chamber door — she knew he was coming.

"Rose, please", she heard him beg when she didn't open it. "I'm sorry".

Roseva shifted in her seat, she had been writing a letter to her cousin, Steffon Baratheon, she hasn't spoken to him in years but needed his help with something.

As she opened the door, he came stumbling in due to him leaning on it, the force of her opening it nearly knocked the wind out of him.

He knew he had fucked up, especially by the look on her face. He knew he was in for it.

"Have you gone completely mad?!", she yelled, grabbing his ear and pulling him into her chambers, slamming the door behind her.


"An heir for a day? You cunt", she let go of his hair and slapped his face — he let her.

Roseva seethed at him before turning her back on him, he looked at her pitiful, with regret. "People grieve in their own way", he had told his brother the same thing.

"Don't jest with me", the woman spat, turning to him shortly but didn't meet his eyes.

Daemon took a deep breathe, "I'm leaving", that had gained her attention. Her frown settled in and his heart seemed to slow as her slowly broke.

"Again, you mean?", her voice turned bitter and he gave her a look.

"Don't be like that", he pleaded, taking a step forward but she took one back — not wanting him near her.

"Why? Why are you going?", she whispered, not trusting her voice not to crack as her heart thumped against her chest. Daemon looked to the ground and it suddenly clicked to her, "He wants you gone".

"I was leaving anyway, my comment only solidified my leave", he responded, looking back up at her. He didn't know what to say, how he could fix this — but he guessed there wasn't anything to fix.

"So that's just it then, you leave and I stay—".

"You can come with me", he interrupted in hope. Roseva stared at him for a moment, a long moment before shaking her head.

She couldn't leave. He has a wife not to mention she couldn't just leave Rhaenyra or Viserys in the time they need her most. Daemons shoulders sagged but deep down knew the answer before she answered. "Thought as much", he muttered.

"I wish you safe travels", Roseva told him and went back to her desk. Thinking he would just leave but he didn't which made her turn around. "What?".

"I never wanted us to be like this. I wanted us to be married, living at Dragonstone with our children and never worry about anything again", his words were soft and her harsh attitude died down.

"That's nothing but a hopeless dream, you are already wed", she told him. Roseva didn't know what he was trying to achieve by telling her this but it made her feel like her heart was breaking even more.

"Yet everytime I close my eyes it feels real", he closed his eyes then, as though he was picturing the life they could've had together. It wasn't fair.

Roseva felt a tear slip down her cheek, "I don't know what you want me to say", she watched as he opened his eyes, he took her in his arms and she let him.

"I just want you", Daemon stroked her cheek, wiping the tear away.

"I kissed you when you left before, perhaps I can give you one now you're leaving again", she whispered, there faces so close she could feel his breath fan over her face.

Their lips almost touched, the other too scared to meet the other — Roseva closed her eyes and pulled her to him, lips finally meeting.

Her lips were smooth against his, it didn't take long for the kiss to become hungry and urgent. Daemon tossed her onto her bed with little to no care the woman laughing as he tore her dress in the process.

Roseva let out a startled yelp and pulled the cover toward her as she tried to cover herself up in front of him but he merely chuckled as he stalked toward her, taking his clothes off.

"Daemon", she sighed as he kissed her neck, she knew this was wrong but it felt so right. He was leaving and probably never coming back.

Daemon hummed at her as he tracing her cheek gently with his finger, then down her neck to her breasts. His touch left Roseva with goosebumps all over her body, no one had ever touched her like this — it was frowned upon before marriage. And she certainly didn't think todays events would lead her here.

Roseva had heard the stories about him from the maidens in court about Daemon being just as ruthless in bed as he is on the battlefield — but that didn't make sense to her because he was being so gentle with her.

"You have so much to learn, my Rose. And I will be the one to teach you it", He growled in her ear before he bent down and captured her lips with his, "I'll take it all, and you will give it willingly, won't you?".

He kissed down her body slowly, his eyes shining with hunger as his fingers made way between her legs receiving a light moan from her.

"Yes, my prince", she whimpered from under him. Roseva was nervous, scared that she couldn't please him but her mind got the better of her,"I'm all yours".

"My what?", Daemon knelt between her legs, his cock standing tall and proud,"Say it and I'll give you the world".

"Your Rose", she cupped his face as he slid in between her legs, he never did this — made love, never looked into a persons eyes and had sex, Roseva was the only one and would be the only one.

Daemon looked down at her and angled his cock to hit her entrance, pushing in just a little. It was just a small push, just a taste of what the pleasure she would have any second now. He then grabbed her by the hips softly and slid inside her, deep.

It was slower than she had expected, but not nearly as painful as he rubbed his thumb against the skin of her inner thighs — soothing her pain and Daemon distracted her with his kisses up and down her face and neck,"You take me perfectly, my Rose. Are you in any pain?".

"No, I'm okay", she wrapped her legs around his waist, giving him better access. She couldn't believe she was doing this — but if she was being honest she'd rather do this with Daemon first then any fat old lord that would no doubt end up being her husband.

His hips snapped forward quickly, his cock so deep in her that she thought he'd break her or his cock. He shifted into a new angle suddenly that hit her sweet spot, making harsh moans escape her lips.

His hand coming to hold her mouth so people wouldn't hear, his other hand holding her neck gently — not hurting her. Her hand enclosed his on her neck and pressed a bit harder — he smirked knowing then that she liked his hand wrapped around her neck.

"You're close already, my Rose. I can feel you squeezing around me. I didn't expect anything less from you", she moaned at his words, eyes rolling into the back of her head, "Go on then, Rose, give it me, let me see that beautiful face as you break from the pleasure of your first cock."

His husky voice was the final push to her reaching her peak, her body shook against his before going limp as Daemon too reached his peak when he looked down to see her so wrapped up in pleasure — pulling out of her to come over the sheets.

Once he had finished he put the sheets on the floor and laid beside her, taking the spare cover and wrapping their bodies up. Roseva panted lightly, knowing that he would have to leave soon but chose to turn around and lean into his side — Daemon pulling her closer.

She didn't know where they went from this but one thing was for sure, Roseva was truly and utterly fucked.

Roseva felt sick when she woke up the next morning, Daemon had left early hours, giving her a sweet kiss before disappearing into the shadows — never looking back once because he knew that he wouldn't leave if he saw her face again.

Rhaenyra had been crowned heir to the throne, that was why she felt sick. Sick with relief. Her promise to Aemma was finally sealed and she could rest knowing Rhaenyra was in good hands.

She would be a great Queen, Roseva believed in that.

The lady was fetched by Ser Criston, she still was completely annoyed by the man's presence. He had said that the princess needed her and she didn't waste a second before dashing off.

"What is the matter, Princess?", Roseva whispered once she met the girl inside the council's room — there faces were gloomy which made her worry.

"Daemon", Viserys spoke to her, and she furrowed her brows in innocence yet her heart was pounding at the thought that perhaps they knew.

She was ruined.

However, Otto crushed that thought with his words, "The Prince left a missive which I believe might explain".

The Maester unrolled the sheet and begun, "It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Iron Throne", Rhaenyra and Roseva looked at each other, "to announce that he is to take a second wife in the tradition of Old Valyria. She is to assume to the title Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. Her Grace is with child and is to have a dragon's egg placed in the babe's cradle in the custom of House Targaryen".

Blood rushed to her ears, the room felt as though it were spinning. Roseva felt a hand clutch her own when she looked down to the floor, trying to prevent the tears from leaving her eyes. Viserys looked to Roseva in pity, knowing the lady harboured feelings for his brother.

"The Prince has invited you to the wedding, Your Grace. It is in two days' time".

"Gods be good".

Lady Mysaria? What the fuck.

How could he do this to her?

Why would he do this to her?

It was all a lie.

Lord Corlys interrupted her thoughts, her throat bobbed as she looked from the floor to the back of him — although his words drained out from her ears as she tried to focus on calming her rapid heart.

She felt completely and utterly betrayed by the one person who she thought would never hurt her. Again.

"Who is Lady Mysaria?", Corlys asked innocently which was followed by Otto's hasty remark as he looked to Roseva", "His whore".

And that's what she felt like. She remembered the final kiss he gave her and the way she allowed him to have her without being wed — she felt like a whore and the thought of it made her want to cry there and then.

"This is nothing less than sedition".

"I strongly agree, sire".

Viserys looked away from Roseva, "My brother wishes to provoke me. To answer is to give him what he wants".

"The realm is watching, You Grace", Corlys reminded him. Viserys was soft and they all knew it — Daemon was his brother and despite what he did, how bad and too far it was, Viserys could never let him go.

Viserys sighed shortly, "What would you have me do? Send him to the Wall? Perhaps I could put his head on a spike".

Rhaenyra looked to Roseva again, pity filled her heart for the woman. She had an idea on what to do and only hoped the woman could put her feelings aside for a moment to help her.

"Daemon has seized Dragonstone, has surrounded himself with an army of gold cloaks and has now stolen a dangerous weapon".

"Skore drōmon gōntan daemon gūrogon?", Rhaenyra mumbled, everyone turning to face her before she repeated the question more loudly. ( Which egg did Daemon take? )

"Se drōmon istan dreamfyre's, princess", the man answered her question and realisation dawned on three main people in the room. "Keskydoso bona ao iderēptan syt prince baelon's cradle". ( The egg was Dreamfyre's, princess. The same you chose for prince Baelon's cradle ).

Anger filled the wounded heart of Roseva Baratheon. How dare he smite the name of Rhaenyra's brother past his death and then steal his egg? She was angry — something she felt more often than not when it came to Daemon.

Viserys' face dropped as well as Roseva's and Rhaenyra's, he was just as angry and upset as them, "Assemble a detachment, Otto", he spoke, giving Otto what he wanted. The man stood, "I will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice myself".

"You Grace", Otto stopped the King in his tracks, "My apologies, Your Grace, but I cannot allow it. It's too dangerous. Daemon is without limit. Let me go to Dragonstone".

Roseva left shortly after the King made his decision to send Otto himself, dragging Rhaenyra by the hand with her. Her footsteps were quick and the princess struggled to fall into step with her.

"That blithering, stupid, idiotic cunt", she screamed when they reached her chambers and shut the door. Rhaenyra raised her eyebrows in surprise, she'd never heard Roseva speak in such way but she rather enjoyed it — until the tears came. "I am so stupid".

"No, we will make this right. You and me", Roseva dried her eyes before Rhaenyra took her hands in hers, "I have a plan".

Roseva didn't have much say before the Princess was dragging her away to Syrax. They burst through the clouds to Dragonstone — Roseva clutching onto Rhaenyra with all she had, smiling as they flew through the open sky. Despite their situation, this was the first time she was riding a dragon and she loved it.

She noticed Daemon quickly as Rhaenyra dropped onto the cobblestone path — he grimaced in guilt as he watched her but she would not meet his eyes.

Mysaria was locked on her gaze though, Roseva wished to see what was so special about the whore but she couldn't see anything in particular that stood out.

The men bowed to woman when they walked past, Rhaenyra's eyes flaming to Daemon in a calm rage — for stealing her brothers egg and for hurting Roseva.

"What are you both doing here, princess?", Otto asked, refusing to move out of their way.

"Preventing bloodshed", the young girl stated but Otto was having none of it.

"Ser Criston, please escort the princess to safety".

"Take care not to startle Syrax, my lords. She's rather protective of me", Rhaenyra pushed past the men and walked toward her Uncle who was growing impatient.

Roseva stood next to Otto who was watching her carefully — making her awfully uncomfortable. She couldn't hear the conversation between the Targaryen's but she didn't wish to. She merely glared at the woman on the other end — the woman glaring back.

Daemons threw the egg toward Rhaenyra — snapping both women out of their gazes and towards the pair. Mysaria looked shocked and Roseva was smug but her face dropped when Daemon looked to her.

"Nyke hope mēre tubis ao kostagon shijetra issa syt issa pirtra se se shame se ōdrikagon nyke emagon dīnagon toward ao", he spoke gently and she looked toward the clouds over the edge of the bridge they were on with a watery smile. ( I hope one day you can forgive me for my lies and the shame and hurt I have put toward you ).

"Nyke don't gīmigon skoverdi tolī jēdi nyke kostagon shijetra ao, daemon. Ziry hurts tolī olvie", she looked to him one last time as a tear rolled down her cheeks — making him look away from the pain he had caused. ( I don't know how many more times I can forgive you, Daemon. It hurts too much ).

He watched as she walked away with Rhaenyra — the pair not knowing that they wouldn't see each other again for years and Roseva's pain and suffering were only about to get a whole lot worse.

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