Chapter 14 the search is on

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Owen's POV
I'm at the glacier looking for the diamond, I know it's very cold here but I can't tell because of my power of being immune to the cold. There is a lot of sparkly snow and it's hard to tell where the diamond is. I get on wind's back and fly to the top of the glacier, once I'm up there I look over and see the diamond at the other glacier.
"If I live through this I will get Lindsay back for this almost impossible mission" I say. Soon wind flys me over to the other side and the diamond is in my pocket safely. Next up the hematite.
I'm riding Zeus my star dragon now and I have to fly up to the stars to find the hematite. I know where it is and I found it quickly thank goodness.

Dani's POV
The clouds looked beautiful today and I knew where the pearl was from where it was on the map. I found it quickly and went to go get heat to find the garnet in the volcano. once I was inside the volcano I had trouble finding the garnet,

"where is it" I asked heat.

"I don't know" heat said "maybe check the lava pool"?

"No that's where the topaz is".

"Are you sure"?

"I'm positive".

I continued looking around for it when I spotted it at the top of the volcano.

"Heat there it is" I said pointing up at the top. "Can you fly me up there so I can get it"?

"Of course".

Heat flew me up where I was able to grab it mission accomplished.

Rachel's POV
The woods was not like any forest I've ever seen. For starters it was light not dark and the animals where friendly. They couldn't talk like our dragons but they were smiling.
I walked to a tall oak tree that seemed different from other trees, I couldn't explain how or why but I could senses it. I was right, in the middle of the large tree was the emerald.

Time passes

Stormo flew me to the volcano I could look for the topaz.

"Rachel the topaz is in that lava pool" said Stormo. "Here is what I need you to do, you need to jump in the lava pool and swim to the bottom".
Was I hearing Stormo correctly, did he actually just say that?!

"What" I screamed. I was pretty sure Stormo was trying to kill me. "I WILL NOT DO ANYTHING THAT RIDICULOUS" I was shouting now.

"You'll be okay I promise" stormo said. "Listen the pool is actually warm water disguised as lava, don't ask why it just is trust me"
I really had no other choice so I jumped into the pool and Stormo was right it was warm water. The topaz was right at the bottom of the pool. I swam down and grabbed it my work here was done and hey it was pretty easy.

Ashley's POV
Sky had to be the prettiest dragon I have ever seen. She was sky blue with green eyes and had white around the outline of her wings. She took me high up in the sky to get that sapphire. When I was close enough to reach it I grabbed it but then I slipped and started falling,
"I'm done for" I thought
But then sky caught me and brought me back up to the sapphire.

"Ashley you need to be more careful next time. I could have gotten you closer to the sapphire" sky said.
I felt bad I knew she cared about me. after all I was her rider
"I'm fine" I said "let's get back to Lindsay".

Lindsay's POV
The ocean is beautiful on kalawani and that's where I was, under water in the ocean look for the aquamarine. It's so hard to find, Lagoona and I have been here all morning and still couldn't find it

"It could be anywhere Lindsay" Lagoona said to me, "we may never find it".

"We have to Lagoona, without it we can't use it for spells against the wicked dark dragons. Especially the shadow dragon"

"Hey how about we check that clam over there"
Lagoona was right. The clam's mouth was wide open and inside it was the aquamarine . I swam down hard pushing myself towards the clam and grabbed the aquamarine and replacing it with a small stone. All my hard work was done,I came up from under water and then saw it. Uh oh, we were out of time.

Sorry for the long chapter please leave comments and 🌟's :) thank you

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