Ch 11: Saying Goodbye

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"Why wait till now to tell me?" My voice came out weak and shaky.

She took off her gray shawl and wrapped it around my shoulders.

I sunk to the ground with a crunch of burnt grass.

Kneeling in front of me, Mother took my hands in hers. "Until now, your powers were never strong enough to do any real damage. Occasionally, you'd light the fireplace by accident or turn on glow orbs without touching them, but that was all."

That was mostly true, but I'd blown a hole in my door this morning. Was that why she was telling me now—my powers were growing with age? "That doesn't explain why you're telling me now."

"When someone bonds with a dragon, their powers are somewhat enhanced. The effects on a half-blood are tenfold that of a pure-blood. You won't be able to easily hide your elent abilities anymore. If you were part cinem, you might also experience physical changes, but because talmes appear much like furred elents with tails and feline ears, you shouldn't have to worry about that."

I wiped my eyes on the back of my hand. I could handle this. I could hide it; I had to. But how? "What am I supposed to do?" Tears came before I could stop them, and Mother wrapped me in her arms like I was a babe again. I felt like I was.

"You will have to keep your emotions in check. It's not only for your safety but also for the safety of others. Your powers are dangerous, especially when you're upset. You must never use them or tell a soul about what you are. Be prepared to run if someone finds out, and if you have to run, you can't come home. Here would be the first place they'd look for you. Always be on your guard. And remember, we will always love you, no matter what happens." She let go of me and pulled my alabri from her pocket.

When I took it, she helped me stand. "You will be leaving with the riders soon. I know you're not in the mood to enjoy yourself at the party, but you might want to say goodbye to your father and sister. Did you bring a trunk?"

I nodded and walked with her to the others. Ashyr bristled with hostility, so I just hugged Father and Mother several times before it was time to go. I felt like I was walking around as a puppet directed by some otherworldly being. My mouth moved on its own, and I said goodbye to everyone before retrieving my trunk and taking Leera to meet the other riders.

They'd all tied their luggage behind their dragons' saddles, so I did the same. I'd dreamed of riding a dragon nearly all my life, but as I climbed into Leera's saddle, I wished I'd never come to the ceremony.

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