Ch 20: Reluctance

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I stood. "I can't."

"You're still afraid of your heritage? How many years has it been?"

"Since what?"

"Since you learned the truth about your father."

I let out a sharp laugh. "One-"

"Only one year? Still, you should at least be willing to try fire magic by now."

"No, one day. My mother waited to tell me I was a freak until after I was chosen, so... yesterday."

Callah's eyes grew wide. "That would explain your reluctance, and I can understand how this would be somewhat difficult for you to accept. I'll give you some time to get used to the fact that you are a paltor, but you cannot afford to wait very long."

"Don't call me that." The sound of the word brought only vile memories of the countless bloody stories from history class.

"We'll see about that. However, as your powers will grow for a time after your joining, you will need to learn to control them soon. You were told about that, weren't you?" I nodded, and she continued, "Then we will have our first lesson tomorrow."

How was that giving me enough time to deal with everything? "That's not long enough to get to something as crazy as this."

"As you are untrained, you present a danger to all those around you. Learning runes and proper control should occur as soon as possible. You can risk waiting a day but no longer. Be here at three tomorrow. Do not arrive late."

I turned to leave.

"Before you go, could you take a look at this?"

I looked back to see she'd taken a dagger out of her desk. The smooth blade was blood red, its hilt a bit darker red. Embedded in the handle was an amber gem that looked almost like a dragon's eye. I heard a ringing sound coming from the dagger and cautiously reached out to touch the blade. It glowed brightly, and I snatched my hand back.

"Why did it do that?"

"You may go now. Don't forget your bag." Her tone was stern, so I reluctantly took the velvet bag.

I wasn't going to use it, though. All I had to do was control my emotions, and I wouldn't be a danger to anyone at all. I could do that. Couldn't I?

Once outside, I realized that I wasn't actually sure where Sarafin and the others would be. They probably would've started lessons already, meaning they'd be at the outdoor classroom areas. Callah's office was halfway across the island from the classrooms, so I had a ways to walk.

I was partway down the neck of the island when I saw Sarafin jogging past the base of the neck. He was followed by Liz, Raven, and Tawny—all looking significantly more sweaty and exhausted than he did. Tawny saw me and waved, apparently too winded to call.

I ran to catch up with her at the end of the line. "What are you guys doing?"


Apparently, Sarafin's idea of warming up was running around the perimeter of the island, all the way to the classroom areas. By the time we finally stopped running, we were all panting and dripping sweat. Everyone except Sarafin ended up collapsing in the grass. I was so drained that I barely remembered to fall forward to avoid crushing my tail. I had no desire to move for a few weeks or so.

Sarafin passed out water bottles from a large knapsack at his feet. "You have five minutes before we start combat. Stay hydrated."

I drank a little before laying down again. My heart was still racing from the run, and the idea of getting up to fight made me a little sick. "Combat already?"

"Best case scenario, you have sixteen weeks before deployment to the Ferentisian-Lykelan border. Some of you might have less time than that. We can't afford to waste a second." He took a swig from his water bottle, and I noticed the bandages on his hands. The sight of them reminded me exactly why I couldn't let my powers get out of control. A wand would only make them worse; I'd made a good decision when I told Callah I wasn't interested.

"What will we spar with?" Raven was already standing, tail curled at her side.

"Swords for the first few days." He pulled out five dulled and scratched long swords from his bag. He passed them out to us. "You'll need to have at least a basic knowledge of blade wielding for the Academy Competitions."

I must've missed something important, because no one else acted like this was new information. "What competitions?"

"At the end of each month you train here, there will be an academy-wide competition. The details of it are classified until the day of. It will be judged by several generals, and your performance will affect their decision on who receives which positions in the Rider Fleet."

I rolled over and sat up, suddenly worried. It sounded like that would involve dragon riding, and based on Leera's behavior from earlier, I doubted she would let me ride her any time soon. With my luck and how much Leera must hate me, I would end up as gear cleaner in the Rider Fleet.

"Now, to the lesson," Sarafin said.

"Will we be going against MGO's?" Liz asked. "They used them at my Vinda fight studio."

I'd heard of MGO's and was pretty sure the letters stood for magically generated opponents. I'd never fought one, so Liz would probably have an advantage over me.

"MGO's aren't as smart as actual people. You'll fight against each other."

Tawny crossed her arms. "I already have a basic knowledge of self-defense. I don't require further lessons."

Her sister scoffed. "Don't tell me, this is about the medic thing?"

"I have no desire to be a soldier."

Sarafin looked like he was about to interject, but Raven got there first.

"Ferentisians don't care if you're a medic or a wounded kitten. If you're lucky, they'll kill you first, ask questions never, and let the dalteks have your corpse. If you're unlucky, they won't wait until you're dead to drain you." She paused as if she was thinking. There was a harsh glare in her eyes. "Of course, if you're really unlucky, they'll turn you over to the paltors before any of that happens."

Stiffening at the mention of the word 'paltor,' I felt Sarafin's eyes on me. I tried to act like a normal talme would and made a disgusted face, but by the way Liz was looking at me, I hadn't pulled it off well.

"It's been five minutes. On your feet," Sarafin said.

We all stood with our swords, except for Tawny, who left hers on the ground..

"I do not believe that this is necessary, especially not-"

"Then sit over there, in the corner." There was a spark of anger in Sarafin's voice, and Tawny quickly did as he'd said. "Raven, you're paired with Liz. Ella, you're with me." He had a look on his face that made me think he would rather do anything else than spar with me.

I didn't blame him. I wouldn't have wanted to spar with me either.  

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