My OC's

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Name: Phantom (nickname is Penny or Ant)

Age: 21(human years)
and 125(dragon years)

Gender: Female

Personality: Despite her outer Appearence, she's really quite nice once you get to know her. She's a little overprotective of loved ones but let's them have their space when needed. Overenthusiastic, quick-witted, and overall oddball are other character traits she posseses.


Likes: Making friends, protecting those friends, being herself

Dislikes: bullies, cocky dragons, riders

Wild or Tame: Wild

Crush: Open

Other: None (yet at least)


Name: Mizuchi

Age: 18(human years)
and 87(dragon years)

Gender: male

Personality: fierce, bold, possessive, sortof like a giant dragon tsundere basically


Likes: Water, sinking ships, splashing unsuspecting victims

Dislikes: Heat, fire, the taste of octopus

Wild or Tame: Wild

Crush: Open

Other: None (yet)


Name: Nisshoku

Age: 30(human years)
and 150(dragon years)

Gender: Female

Personality: Wise, quiet, kind, caring, funny, quick to get jealous, and sweet


Likes: Quiet, helping others, flying with her rider

Dislikes: being bored, being helpless, being unneeded

Wild or Tame: Tame- Rider is Kisuke

Crush: Open

Other: None (yet)


Name: Ryou

Age: 10(human years)
And 15(dragon years)

Gender: Male

Personality: fiery, spirited, willy, brave, funny, smart, and loyal


Likes: taking naps on his owners shoulder, not walking

Dislikes: walking, physical excessive in general

Wild or Tame: Tame- Rider is Open

Crush: Open

Other: he will stay the size of a small cat forever


Name: Kisuke

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Personality: bubbly, shy, clumsy, awkward, and funny

Likes: the colors green and blue, her dragon

Dislikes: The colors red and yellow, people trying to hurt or injure her dragon

Dragons Name: Nisshoku

Crush: Open

Other: None (yet)


Name: Takumi

Age: 16-17 (in the middle)

Gender: Male


Personality: snobbish, sarcastic, annoying, helpful, and (rarely) kind

Likes: unknown

Dislikes: unknown

Dragons Name: unknown

Crush: open

Other: Not much is known about Takumi, but he's definitly got a dragon, that's 100% confirmed


Name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Gender: Unknown

Personality: Mostly unknown, it is known however that this dragon is rather sneaky, smart, and deadly


Likes: Unknown

Dislikes: unknown

Wild or Tame: Ill give you one guess who it's rider is

Crush: open

Other: Unknown


Okay, that's all for now 😅

That took forever 😝


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