Chapter 2: You're Best Friend

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A/N: after waking up, Android 21 found herself in an encounter with a flower name black.

After waking up from what felt like a forever, the person by the name of android 21 had awakened to find herself on a bed of flowers.

Android 21: h...huh? Where am I? I don't remember ever being in this place before.

She said while looking around the dark area with the only light being on the spot where she and the flowers were.

Android 21: huh?

She looked up at a hole that was very far up above from where she was right now.

Android 21: I remember.

She said as she then slowly looked down after remembering what she did before and what she tried to do when she reached the mountain.

Android 21: "sighs" I guess that idea didn't work.

She said before standing up.

Android 21: but where am I anyway? I don't recall there ever being flowers able to grow in a cave this deep.

As she was wondering, she soon noticed a hallway which lead to a doorway.

Android 21: huh? Am I seeing things?

She said for a moment before walking down the hallway and though the door.

Android 21: strange, in a cave this deep, a hall and doorway like that should've collapsed in.

But before she could say more, she saw a flower, with a face and black petals which resembled hair.

Android 21: w.......w....what the..........

???: Howdy!

Android 21: it talks?!

Black: I'm Black! Black the Flower!

Black's mind: probably going to need to rework on that introduction of name there.

Android 21: how is a flower taking?!

Black: Hmmm...You must be new to the Underground, aren't you?

Android 21: underground?! What do you mean? What is going on?

Black: I see, you must be so confused! Perhaps it's best someone should teach you how things work around here! And I guess it shall haft to be me will have to do.

Android 21: I guess. As long as I get some answers.

Black: very well then. Ready?

She nodded.

Black: Here we go!

After black said that, android 21 noticed a heart appear in front of her chest.

Android 21: wait, what?!

Black: See that heart?

Android 21: y....yes........

Black: That is actually your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!

She moved little bit and saw that the soul moved just as she did.

Black: Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV.

After he said that, she noticed something that said LV.

Android 21: LV? What does LV stand for?

Black: Why, LOVE, of course! You would very much want some LOVE, don't you?

Android 21: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

Black: Well, Don't worry! I'll share some with you!

He winked before making small white pellets appear behind him.

Black: Down here, LOVE is spread through Little white friendliness pellets.

Android 21: they look like tick tacks.

Black: Are you ready?

Android 21: well, I mean I guess. I just want to get this done so u can try and get some answers.

Black: Don't worry, just Move around and get as many as you can! And after that's finished, I'll tell you everthing you need to know.

Android 21: alright.

The pellets moved slowly to her and she held her hand out to touch one.

Android 21: so......just touch it?

But when she touched it, it damaged her and the expression on Black's face was changed to a sadistic smirk.

Android 21: ahhhh!

Black: You idiot...

Android 21: what was that for?!

Black: In this world, it's kill or BE killed.  Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this?!

Black soon circled 21 in a ring of bullets.

Black: Die.

Black began to laugh as the pellets began to close in on 21, who was getting a bit angry and about to lose control.

Android 21's mind: I must not loose control. I haft to find another way out of this.

Black: hahahahahahaha! Die!

But before the pellets could even come into contact with 21, they were suddenly gone and she was healed.

Black: what?!

Android 21: I'm....heald?

Black was soon knocked away by a stray ki blast. Android 21 looked to the direction of where the ki blast came from and saw a woman approach her.

Chichi: What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth...

21 didn't say or do anything as she was met confused and nervous.

Chichi: Ah, do not be afraid my child. I am Chichi, caretaker of the Ruins. I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. You are the first human to come down here in a long time.

Android 21: well, actually, I'm an artificial human....but.....

Chichi: Come! I will guide you through the catacombs. And please, do not worry, I mean you no harm. I'm sure you must be very confused. So if you come with me, I can answer your questions.

She said as she started walking.

Chichi: This way.

21 was hesitant at first but she would soon followed chichi in through another doorway. As she did, She's noticed something that said save on it. She wasn't sure what it was for, but she pressed on it but nothing happened, unknown to her, she had saved the last part she was currently at.

Towa: The shadow of the Ruins looms above, filling you with determination.

21 would soon continue inside with Chichi.

A/N: the first experience in the underground.

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