Part 2

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"Everyone in position, remove that curtain it's spoiling the background!"Craig shouted from behind the screen and one can realize that he is almost on the verge of losing his patience. I inhaled the air and casually threw my head in his direction and just caught his stare. Wynter be ready to hear something.

"And You two, better make this scene clear in one shot,I'm exhausted."said Craig pointing his finger at us.

Me and my co-star William Harrison, clean-cut face with pointed chin and sharp jawline,sparkling blue eyes,fair complexion, blond wavy hair not too long to fall on his broad forehead, seems thinner than I first saw him during auditions but he's taller than other guys working with us.We were standing, facing each other in close proximity, In this scene I'm suppose to return his bag and show some gratitude. I nodded at Craig and composed myself into becoming Lacey the secret agent.

I looked down for a second and raised my eyes to meet his,I saw mischief in those blue beads he's definitely not in his role. Urgh!

"William, Stop looking at me like that." I muttered in low voice,to which his smile widened. Once again I looked down then blew some air from my mouth, shoulders relaxed and back to my stern look.

"Hey Beautiful!."

Poof! My serious expression just vanished.

"Hey, I have given the right of flirting to William Connor and not William Harrison."

"Oh! William Connor has the right to flirt with Lacey the Secret Agent ,but the person standing in front of me is not her , so William Harrison can flirt with her."He hissed and smirked at me as if he just banged that reply and closed my mouth shut, which indeed I guess he did left me with no snarky reply but I can't show him that.

"Listen, I have few lines in this scene, then the whole scene proceeds with you  please let me exempt myself from this and I don't want to be scolded by Craig. So cooperate."

"I know you have few lines that's the reason I'm messing this up so that I could act with you longer, I like the scenes where both of us are acting together."

"You-are-gone-mad." I said through clenched teeth and he chuckled.

"What the hell are you two murmuring about, huh?" Craig shouted, startling me and with the blink of an eye the atmosphere changed, lights focused on us and chanting of crew stopped. I turned to look at Will and found the person in front of me isn't Will Harrison anymore, his mysterious looks masked his mischief and he was now staring at me with intensity which marked the beginning of a cyclone to the butterflies inside my stomach. He was in his character and I as Lacey again fell in love with him.


"Here's your bag ...and thanks, but to be clear I could have also handled the whole situation without your help." Lacey said inside me. He smoothly touching my knuckles took the bag, I wanted to laugh again because this mere touch will be shown so dramatically in slow motion with sweet tinge of music, anyways. My lines are over I just have to walk away from him, creating a picture in my audience that this is how we part our ways and display as if we are never gonna meet.

While watching, the audience who love them together might squeal at this moment, because when I turn and walk away, I'm held by my wrist. First I think I should stop thinking while acting, it can spoil the whole expression and can make me forget my lines as well.

"Look into my eyes, Mrs Argus." He said and I do as he says.

"I'm in disguise, my eyes aren't green, so whatever memory you want to store of me will be fake, Husband Argus." I said with a slight smile and yearns for a reply, worthy of listening because deep down she wants to meet him again in future.

"The color of your eyes maybe fake but you can't fake thoughts, the depth and unsaid words they speak." He let go off my wrist, swing his head to right and all I'm doing is trying to put that sweet surprised face and staring at him as if he's the one, only one who understands her.When he turn his gaze at me I will be showing him my back. I have already started taking my steps back preparing my departure.

"We'll meet soon, Wife."

Now I will finally walk away knowing that his eyes are still on me because of which I get that tingling effect in my back. The scene proceeds with him being bumped by a random man because of which the bag is dropped on ground and the wig comes hanging out. He grabs it and push it inside the bag. Zooming on his face where he gives that side smile.

"If the wig was in the bag the whole time then I just cracked one more piece of you which wasn't part of your disguise.....Hmm interesting you are red headed, those long strawberry blond hair is real."

-xx-Scene End-xx-

"That was nicely done, I guess." Will said while sipping his coffee.

"That was Amazing!."squealed our first fan probably, Cindy.

"It was a long day, I'm tired and badly need to have straight ten hours of sleep." I said while stuffing my things in my handbag and was preparing to leave. Let me make it clear the shot is over and everyone is doing the same except Will and Cindy, they love chatting after the shoot.

"Bye." I waved at them and went to take a cab, obviously I don't have a Mercedes or something lavish to travel, this is my and Will's debut film and we are hoping something magical to occur which can boost our careers to high levels. When I first came here I didn't know how to interact with all of them but gladly Cindy and Will were too welcoming and they are my best friends now. Will like to tease me during the shoot only to make me look bad in Craig's eyes. He claims that Craig is very soft towards me. Cindy makes me look beautiful on screen and feeds me with all the trendy and juicy rumors. I don't know much about here but slowly I'm learning to adjust and quite like it here.


So, I think we all have noticed that the "Drama-Off Camera" has marked it's beginning . Between William and Wynter......

Stay tuned for more Drama...


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