Date? Pt 1

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Max Pov
I sit in awkward silence among Richard in his car. I didn't really know what to say with him, since we weren't that close of friends. As I'm thinking of what to say to him, Richard speaks, "So how are you doing?"

"Um, I'm okay, I guess..... what about you?"

"I'm fine, thank you for asking. And you're awfully quiet and expressionless, what's up with that?"


"Something seems completely wrong, you usually smile quite a lot."

"Maybe I just don't feel like smiling anymore, what's there to smile about?"

"You're Max, that's what you have to smile about, you're the smartest guy in our 11th grade class, you're nice, you're handsome, you're pretty much perfect."

"Perfect is far from what I am."

"Well I think you're perfect, anyone would kill to have looks and academics just like yours."

"Is that all I am, looks and academics?"

"Nope, you have a dope personality and you're  sexy, but you already know that, right?"

"Ummmm, are you ermm flirting with me?"

"Umm maybe, do you like it?"

What kind of question is that? Do I like it?

"I don't know.........."


"I know I am."

Another name to add to the list.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, I mean I'm a weirdo too."


"Anyways, do you want to tell me what's bothering you?"

"I don't feel like talking about it," I say.

"Okay, I'm not gonna force it out of you."

"Thanks,now where did you want to hang out?"

"I was taking you out to eat," Richard says. "You could use a little meat on your skinny bones."

"Oh." I hear my stomach grumble as I think about food.

"Aw I heard that rumbling," he says. "Do you starve yourself?"

"No, why are you asking me all of these questions?" I ask. "Anyways where are we going?"

"Geez Louis, you don't gotta get so defensive, can I be worried? And we're going to that fancy Italian restaurant."

"Sure, I'm down," I say. "And Sorry."
A few minutes later me and Richard have arrived at the Italian Restaurant, "Bertucci's Pasta."
Me and Richard hop out of the car, and began walking towards the building side by side. We enter into a chatter filled grande restaurant full of couples, friends, and families all eating Italian cuisine. A finely dressed man, looking to be in his mid twenties, w/ carmelized skin  and curly hair approaches us with a bright smile, "Hello, my name is Matteo, I'll be your waiter today."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I say with a smile.

"Nice  to meet you Matt," Richard says.

"Really Richard, you know me already," Matteo says.

"Oh right," Richard says with a smirk.

"Who's this?" Matteo asks, pointing at me.

"Someone Special," Richard says winking at me.

"I'm Max," I say. "Me? Special?"
"Yeah," Richard says. "I am spending money on our meal."

"Well then, I guess I kinda do feel special," I say beaming. "And Thank You, you really didn't have to do that."

"Whatever and it's no problem Max," Richard says smiling.

"By the way, it was nice meeting you," Matteo says, reaching out to take my hand to shake. I reach my arm out into his firm grip. "Now let me take you to your table."

He ushers us to follow him towards a table for two somewhere near the mid-back of the restaurant.

"Are you fine here?" Matteo asks.

"Sure thank you," Richard says.

We both take a seat in our chairs Matteo appointed us too.

"I'll be back in a couple of minutes so you can place your orders," Matteo says heading in another direction.

I open up my menu and Richard does the same and for a brief moment, there was a very awkward silence.

"So what are you ordering?" Richard asks, breaking the silence.

"Food," I say.

"Very funny Max," he says. "But really what are you ordering? There's lots of great stuff on this menu."

"Hmm, everything seems so appetizing," I say.

"Well you better hurry, Matteo is going to be back soon."

"Yeah," I say.

A couple minutes later, I make up my mind on what I wanted just as Matteo appeared.

"What can I get for you?" He says flashing his glowing smile.

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