The Talk/The Text

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Kody's POV

"Home sweet Home," Dad says, parking the car in the garage.

We both open our car doors and head into the house. Dad walks towards the house and unlocks the door as he gestures me inside first.
I walk inside the house and sit on the couch, feeling a bit queasy and nervous and prepared to get fussed at even more.

To my surprise my dad didn't yell, a look of sorrow crosses his face.

"Why Kody? Why?" My dad says, covering his face with his hand, in frustration. He shakes his hand.

I shrug my shoulders, head slumped low.

"I'm not waiting for a response," My dad says. "What happened this time? You told me you won't let people get to you anymore."

"I know," I say. "I'm sorry."

"So let me ask you again, what happened?"

"It's not my story to tell....."

"What do you mean?" My dad asks agitated.

"If you're trying to be smart or funny, you're going to get yourself into trouble," My dad says firmly, crossing his arms.

"I'm not," I say frowning.

"Look Boy, don't play with me, you're testing my patience. Just tell me what's going on."

"I can't....."

"You better get to talking, we have all night, I hope you know that...."

A minute or two past and I hadn't said a word as Dad waited for me to talk. I, myself, was still  trying to process everything.

"Kody?" Dad asks.

"Yes Dad?" I say.

"My patient is wearing thin....."

"Doesn't it always?" I ask.

I let out a sigh and soon Dani, Kayden and Krystal walks in the door.......

Krystal's POV

As soon as we made it inside, we walk into the living room where Kody is sitting silently on the couch, while Dad is standing up not too far from him, looking stressed, worried, and anxious. Kody looked sickly, pale as a ghost.

"Hey Dad, Hey Kody," Dani says, waving at them. "What's going on?"

"Your dear ole brother got arrested," Dad says.

"Omg Kodes, what happened?" I ask staring at Kody's red eye.

"A guy hit me in the eye," he says.

"Are you okay?" I ask, taking a seat beside him on the sofa.

"No, I'm not, Are you little sister?" He asks, giving me a hug.

"No.....I'm not either....," I say. "Can we talk later please?"

"Sure," he says.

"Okay," I say.

"Ahem," Dad says clearing his throat. "Do any of you know something?"

I hesitate, before saying,
"Dad, it's my fault," I say.

"Krystal, honey don't," dad says. "Don't take up for you brother's dumb behavior."

"It's not her fault," Kody says. "It's mine."

"No, it's actually my fault," Dani chimes in.

"It's mine," Kayden says. "I should've stopped this....."

"I could've prevented this......," Dani says.

"I don't regret a damn thing," Kody says. "That guy deserved it."

"Kody!" Dad yells. "Watch your mouth!"

"Yes sir," he says.

I cover my face as tears start falling out of my eyes. It was my fault. I shouldn't have been so stupid. This is all my fault, I got my siblings and friends involved in this. I feel my brother wrap his arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"Krystal, don't worry," Kody whispers to me.

"Krystal, what's wrong?" Dad asks. I don't look up and continue crying, shrugging my shoulder.

"See where all of this arguing has got us," Kody says. "You made our sister cry, this wouldn't be the first time, you've hurt a sister of ours, would it?"

The room goes silent as soon as Kody says that. I push him away from me.

"What is wrong with you!?!?" Dad asks furiously.

"Elizabeth," Kody says. "You and Mom are the reason why we lost our sister....."

"Take that back now!" Dad says.

"Why should I?" Kody asks with a smirk on his face.

"Kody chill," I whisper to him.

"Fine, I take it back, but it's kinda true what I said."

"I want everyone upstairs now, all except for Kody," my dad says.

"Fine, I was getting some Lipton tea over here," Dani says, fumbling with her phone.

"Uggh Dani, stop it with that stupid joke," Kayden complains.

"Never," she smirks.

"I like that joke Dan, although it's kinda lame," Kody says.

"Whatever," she says.

They both go upstairs just as Dad said. Now it is just me and Kody in the living room alone with Dad.

"I'm not leaving Kody, when it's my fault, he got into this....." I say.

"Really Krystal?" Dad asks.

"Yeah," I say.

"Krystal you don't have to talk about-"

"No, you don't deserve to take the full blame," I say.

"Someone better start talking now," Dad says firmly.

"Fine, I will," Kody says. He whispers towards me, "Let me take the blame please Krystal, you guys don't deserve to get in trouble like I will..."

"No fool," I say.

"Come on idiot," he whispers. "You're already stressed enough, you don't need any more stress with getting in trouble with dad."

I sigh. My dad would be disappointed with me for going to a party, then he'll figure out everything that happened last night, then he'll figure Dani went to the party and lied about it, etc etc etc.

"Fine, I give in, I guess you can tell, I'm going upstairs," I say getting up.

I make my way up the stairs, feeling terrible for Kody to take the blame. But it was an argument I could never win...... I open up the door to my bedroom and plop on my bed.

I plug my phone charger up on the outlet nearest to my bed and plug my phone up. I plug-in my earbuds and plop on the bed. I grab my phone going to my playlist and press shuffle.

The song  that comes up is "Let's go Together" by Pentagon.  I absolutely loved this song and the meaning behind it. As I'm listening E'dawn's voice comes on, "Hey my friend, my darling, hold me tight." I wish I had a darling to hold me tight......

As right on cue, my phone dings with a text message,

Hey my friend,my darling?

Me: Omg, I was listening to a song that just said that..... Hold me tight? :(

I'd forgotten me and Skyler had exchanged numbers with  everything that was going on.... it was good to have a friend, who I might slightly have a crush on.

It's okay, it's alright and sure *holds you tight* ;)

Me: Aw :)

So what's the matter with you? Why the sad face?

Me: It's a long story :(

Skyler: Was it the party? Did someone break your heart? I knew you probably weren't the party type.....people just wanna hook up and ish at parties, they aren't for the real thing for the most part, trust me, I know......

Skyler: Well let me not assume....Sorry...

Me: It's fine....

Wanna talk about it? I can call you...if you like.....

Me: It's fine, I don't wanna bore you with my dramatic story......

Skyler: Honey, it's fine...

Me: Are you sure? Can I trust you?

Skyler: I really like you as a human being, you're a sweet girl. Ofc you can trust me, I'm here for you. That's what gfriends are for.

I gasp "gfriends." That had to be autocorrect.
Skyler: Damn Autocorrect. *friends* we all want our round with autocorrect. *fist emoji*

Me: Lmao right. And I trust you.... Please don't let me down. :,(

Skyler: I promise, I won't..... Now, May I call you?

Before I could reply, the door to my bedroom opens, and Dani and Kayden appear.

I take one of my earbuds out of my ear, "Friends" by Chase Atlantic was now  playing.

"I guess Dani taught you my no knock rule as well," I say.

"Ooops," Dani says. "Are you better?"

"I don't know," I say.

"I'm sorry," Kayden says.

"Why?" I ask.

"For not being there for you," he says.

"It's okay," I say. "You're here now that's all that matters."

"Good, how are you holding up?" He asks.

Dani elbows him, "Dumb question alert."

"Ow, you asked a similar one," Kayden says.

I laugh, "idiota and idioto."

"That's rude to say to people who came to check up on you," Dani says pouting jokingly.

"You guys are annoying," I say.

"Good," Kayden says.

"You left your sidekick to get thrashed by Dad?" Dani asks.

"Sidekick?" I ask. "He forced me to leave, just so he could take the blame."

"Aw really?" Dani asks. "That's sweet."

"Kody has a heart?" Kayden jokes. "I've never heard of it."

"A better heart than you, heartbreaker," Dani says.

He frowns, which turns into a saddened expression, "Maybe I am a heartbreaker," Kayden says.

I laugh, "I don't think he's a heartbreaker. He didn't tell Max that he didn't like him."

"Well you're right about that," Dani says.

"Could you two just leave me be?" He asks crossing his arms.

"No, we can not, that wouldn't be fair, we're your sisters, deal with it," I say.

"Ugh, I'm leaving," he says getting up.

"Goodnight loverboy," Dani calls after him.

He flips her off before heading out of my bedroom door to his room, "Goodnight Evil sisters," He says.

My phone dings

You there?

Sorry, I'm trying to get rid of my sibs who decided to stop by my room.

Oh cool.

Me: Not cool

So what's got you typing so much on your phone?" Dani asks, taking a seat at the edge of my bed.

"I'm not texting anyone......"

She laughs, "I'm not stupid. But really, who are you texting?"

"A friend."

"Who's that friend?" She asks.


"Oh the girl we met at the mall. She seems cool."

"Yea, well let me get going, " she says. "Good night, love you."

"Love you too."

She gets up off of my head and walks out of my room, closing the door behind her.

I tap in Skyler's number and call,
"Hello," she says, her sweet voice coming through the phone.

"Hi," I say.

"What's up?" She asks.

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