The Wait

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Kody POV

I take a glance at my phone a couple minutes after it beeped, it was from Kayden.

Kayden: No, I'm sorry. But who was this guy? Now I really can't pay attention in class. I just missed a whole lecture. I'm just going through a bunch of bullshit right now, so I'm sorry for going off on you.

I read the text, replying back:
Me: Daevon Graham is that bastard's name
Me: And what's up with you? I noticed how quiet you were yesterday. Did something happen to you? Are you okay?

I wait for a reply back.

Me, Greg, and Dennis sat outside on the benches in the park, Dennis claimed was a hangout for Daevon and his friends.

"What time does he usually come?" I ask.

"Does it look like I stalk this guy?" Dennis says

"I just often see him here as I'm on my way home, I pass this park every time."

I roll my eyes, "Wait isn't he that high school drop out?"

"Yeah," Dennis says.

"If he wanted to have sex so bad, he could've just became a pimp instead of going to some high schoolers parties," I say.

"Right," Greg says. "It's just so frustrating and Dani thinks it's all her fault."

"Why?" I ask. "It's not her fault, it's that punk's Daevon.

"Right," Greg says.

I hear my phone beep with a text, I read it, it's from Kayden:
Well, I- got into an fight w/ Max.... and I like him now.....and well he's being distant....he didn't even sit at the empty table w/ me and Maura and ditched us to sit at Richard Wong's table.....

Kayden: I was gonna apologize today so, I guess he's avoiding me.....And don't interfere......

Me: You're Gay?!?  No way?!? I ship it! 🚢#Maden

Me: And awww it looks like someone's jealous 😘😘😘

Kayden: *rolls eyes* F You 👀

Me: So what happened? Argument wise?

Kayden: Well, ummm......He kissed me and I freaked out......basically.....I pushed him.....we said some things......I fucked up......I was scared........ 😢

My heart went out to Kayden, it hurt me to see him like this..... I take a long sigh and reply:

You and Max have known each other since diaper days, and you're gonna let something mess up your life-long friendship. Just give him some time.... and just apologize.....

Kayden: I did! I texted him a shitload of times, he didn't reply.... I got class w/ him 6th period, I'll try to talk to him there, it's unavoidable anyways, we sit right by each other......

Me: Good Luck with that! Keep me posted!

"How long have we been here?" I ask.

"Not long," Greg says. "You that impatient?"

"Are you" Dennis says.

"Be quiet smart ass," Greg says. "Don't correct me Dennis."

I try my best to ignore them.

Kayden's POV

The bell rings to go to 6th period, I gather up my things, with Rajah on my heels.

"Want me to walk with you to class?" She asks.

I sigh, "I'm not a baby, I can walk by myself," I say jokingly.

She takes my hand in hers and we head to my class, Psychology.  As soon as we get there, she lets go of my hand and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you," I say.

"I'm here for you anytime," she says giving me a concerned look.

"I know, and I appreciate that," I say. "Love you."

"Love you too," she says finally releasing me from her everlasting hug. "Well I gotta go, I'm already late, text me, I have Cal, which I hate and will die of boredom in."

"KK," I say. "See you later."

I let out a long sigh before walking in my class,  I catch a glimpse of Max, who's already in there, talking to of course, Richard.

I watch Richard take the empty seat on the right of Max, I take the left. My leg starts to shake, I'm nervous, what should I say?

Before I could open my mouth to say something, Mr. Watt walks in, shushing the class's chatter.
"Good Afternoon, Today we'll have a pop quiz," he says. "I hope you're all prepared for what you've learned. You did pay attention all week, didn't you?"

The whole class grumbles,  "Shush it!" he says passing out the sheets.

"I want full quietness as you're taking this test, you'll get 10 minutes in total for 10 questions."

10 minutes seemed to go by in a breeze as Mr. Watt took our papers up.

"As I'm grading these papers, I want complete silence," he says.

"What happens if we don't?" Richard asks.

"Trust me son, you don't wanna find out," Watt says.

He then goes to his desk, grading the papers. 20 minutes later, he's done grading and calling out names. I hope I did well.....Most likely I failed, I couldn't focus.

"Zoe Koshy, D-" *shakes head*
"Morgan Delaney, F+, pathetic"
"Max Green, C-, I'm highly disappointed with you, being the top student of your class, making a C." *shakes head*

I hear Max, mutter a silent "Oh Fuck" before saying "Sorry, I just couldn't focus," he says to Mr. Watt.

"Excuses,  anyways moving on," Mr Watt says. *shakes head*

"Kayden Taylor, what happened here?" "D-," he says.

"Yeah, what happened here," Douglas mimicked.

"You know what Douglas, who asked for your input?" I ask.

"No one, freedom of speech, ever heard of it?" He asks.

"Yes, I have, but it doesn't mean you have to speak," I say.

"Enough!" Mr. Watt yells. "If I hear one more word out of the both of you, you have detention!"

"Yes sir," we both mutter at once.

Mane I hated having classes with this asshole.
Mr Watt calls out a few more names:
"Richard Wong, B+, big improvement, wish I could say the same for others."

"Wow! I just guessed and look at me, I got a B+," Richard exclaims. "I'm smarter than you," he says jokingly, looking at Max."

Max rolls his eyes but cracks a smile.  "Whatever," he says. His smile was so perfect.

"And last but not least, we have Douglas Stewart, F+," Mr. Watt says with a knowing look, he couldn't even be disappointed as it was expected from Douglass. And that fool had the nerve to mock my "D-" although it wasn't a good grade, it was still better than his.

After calling out our grades, Mr. Watt gives a lecture over every thing we learned this week, he kept a eye on me and Douglas, even if we tried opening our mouths to talk to anyone, we'd be punished.

His lecture goes by in a breeze, my mind was wandering off the whole time. At least I'd have all weekend to study. As I'm in thought, the bell rings.

"Taylor, Douglas, stay after class, I need to talk to the both of you," Mr. Watt says. There goes my plan of twalking (talking and walking) with Max. Him and Richard walk out together as me and Douglas approach Mr. Watt.

After the talk with Mr. Watt, I make my way towards my 7th period, this was my last chance of the day to make up with Max......
I open the door to Science, Mrs. Nancy was preoccupied with writing something on her desk. I close the door quietly as possible, making my way to my seat.

"Kayden, why are you late?" She asks.

"Oh Mr. Watt wanted me to stay after class to talk about something, sorry."

"Don't let it happen again," she says.

"Yes ma'am," I say.

"Now, listen up class, we're going to have a test today," she says.

Everyone grumbles.

"Zip it," she says grabbing a stack of papers from her desk.

She walks around placing them on each students desk, while she does that, I tap Max's shoulder.

He pretends to not, feel anything. I tap some more until he raises his hand, "Mrs. Nancy, may I please move, there's this bug over here pestering me," he says.

What an asshole move, I thought to myself.

"Sure," she says.

She makes her way over here and hands Max his paper, he then moves to an empty desk on the other side of the room. 

She finishes up passing  the test papers out, I try to focus on the test, maybe I just need to give him some time....I understand why he'd be upset, I felt guilty and sick.

I finish up my test, double-checking my answers, I couldn't fail two tests in a row....
After checking my answers for the third time, I flip my papers over, putting it on the side of my desk, then I lay my head down on the other side, drifting off to sleep.
Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!
The sounds of the school's go home bell erupts in my ears, waking me up from my nap. I rub my eyes and stretch before gathering my stuff, and heading out of the class. As I'm walking to the parking lot, my stomach growls, I'm so hungry, I should've ate, but I was not in the mood to eat earlier. Maybe I'll stop at IHOB or maybe Chick-Fil-A. I finally decide on Chic-Fil-A
I send my sister Dani, a text:
Going to Chic-Fil-A, do you guys want anything?

My phone beeps,
Dani: Sure, a girl hungry. I want a Spicy Chicken Deluxe, Waffle Fries, Large Vanilla Shake. Lilly and Krystal want Nuggets, peach milkshake and Strawberry milkshake, and more waffle fries(2)

Me: "Spicy chicken deluxe" You couldn't have stuck with an regular, fatty 😂

Dani: Whatever, what are you ordering for yourself?

Me: 2 Grilled Chicken Cool Wraps and a Chocolate Shake 🍫🥛

Dani: You're the fatty 😂 "2"

Me: So are you, Ig we're both fat then

Dani: Yeah, But you're fatter

Me: Whatever, am not. Anyways gotta go. I'll be there soon.

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