Ciryuu's NPC/Children's Stats: The Loyal Gate Keeper and The Silent Wolf

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Name: Kerberus
Level: 100
-The Loyal Gatekeeper
-Ciryuus Son

-Gatekeeper Of The Ever
Changing Land
-Ciryuu's Strongest Son

Job Level:
Guard dog-_Level10

Chart Ability

HP-               95

MP-              75

PHY.ATK-     70

PHY.DEF-   120

AGILITY-       40

MAG.ATK-    40

MAG.DEF-    90

RESIST-        80

SPECIAL-     90


Counter- This is a passive Defense ability that when anyone below his own Level. There attacks are sent back at them but tenfold

Hells Gate- Casting this magic Kerberus will become a target to his enemies. A magic mine will appear on the targets and it will only explode if the target hit anyone besides Kerberus.

Guardians Will- Another Passive Defensive ability that will only activate if Kerberus health is below 40. If it activates his stats are doubled and he can cast any magic of 8 tier. The downside of this is its a one use ability and it takes a whole hour to be reuse. 

Kerberus was born by combining both Ciryuu's and Snow's magic. After his birth he was then treated will lots of love from Snow and Manners from Criyuu. As the time goes by the bond he has with his parents were strong but on the day of his Mothers death it broke him. On that day he promise that he will be a guard to protect his beloved family. He doesn't want his family to die.

Name: Tanto Midnight
Level: 92
-Ruthless Beast

-Beast King of The Twisted Forest
-Ciryuus Son

Job Level:
Assassin-_Level 9
Beast King-_Level 10


HP-               80

MP-              60

PHY.ATK-     80

PHY.DEF-     60

AGILITY-       80

MAG.ATK-    65

MAG.DEF-    75

RESIST-        80

SPECIAL-     70


Hunters Shadow- By casting this Tanto becomes invisible. Its a multiple cast magic.

Beast Kings Rule- By casting this Tanto will summon three different animals base on the traits that Tanto Midnight has. A Wolf, A Bull and A Scorpion. The wolf has a AGILITY of 100 but its defense if half of Tanto's Defense. Bull has high defense and strength being 100 but like the wolfs defense, its speed is half of the original. Finally Scorpion ha a MAG.ATK of 100.

Tanto Midnight was born the same way as Kerberus but his younger than Kyuubi. He was also crowned as the Beast King and because of that all beast bow down before him. He is also Ciryuu's best Assassin. 

When his Mother, Snow died Tanto became stoic, rarely showing his emotions to anyone even his family's. Sometimes.

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