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Draco's POV

Potter has always been my favorite person ever. It might sound weird, but I like everything about him, his green eyes, his messy raven hair, his smile...his bloody smile, it was just so contagious. Every time he walked in The Great Hall, my heart skipped a beat. Pansy and Blaise would always have to listen to me rambling about Potter every single day, they sure got tired of it. But that was what friends were here for, right?

"Potter this, Potter that, can you guys just shag already?" Pansy snapped. Blaise just nodded in agreement next to her, he forgot to mention, his friends might listen, but they'd scold him too.

"I'm not gonna shag him Pansy, he hates me. If I ever get close to him he would probably hex me" I said and sighed, he could only wish.

"I don't care, Draco, just go to him, look at him in the eyes and confess your feeling for him already, it's not gonna be the end of the world" Pansy said, unlike him, Pansy was always the one with real confidence in her, she could do anything if she put her mind to it

"But what if it is? What if I ruined everything I had with him? We barely become friends after the war. I don't want to mess it up"

"Mate, all that you have with him is nothing. I mean it's good that you guys stop insulting and hexing each other, but there is nothing between you guys that you can mess it up" Blaise comforted me, which wasn't really comforting at all

"I don't know guys, I have never been in this situation before, I mean...I have liked him for quite a long time now.."

"You have liked him since you guys met at the robe shop, you've been wanting to be with Harry for I don't know how long, if you could just stop staring at him and kiss him already" Blaise said while I'm still staring at the raven haired boy at the Gryffindor table

Suddenly the boy looked up at me, I quickly turned away and blushed, I couldn't even look at him straight in the eyes anymore without blushing.

"You have to do this, or else..." Pansy smirked "I will tell him that you like him, right here in the Great Hall"

I looked at her with shock "You wouldn't.."

"Oh bloody yeah I would, who do you think I am?" She suddenly stood up, looked at me, smirked and yelled "Harry"

The raven hair boy looked up. I was too shy to even say or do anything, I just buried my face into my hand.

Pansy continued and said "Can you come here for a second, Harry? I have something important to share" Harry was confused but still stood up and walked to the Slytherin table.

Pansy bent down and whispered in my ear "He's coming, it's either you or me, your choice, if you don't, I will, and it's not gonna be pretty"
With her words, I felt even more terrified.

As Harry walked to our table, I panicked so I stood up, and before Pansy could say anything, I grabbed Harry's wrist and pulled him outside to the hall despite all the look we got from fellow students. We were still walking until Harry asked "Malfoy, where are you taking me?" I kept my silence until I saw an empty classroom and pulled Harry in.

"Malfoy, what are we doing here?"

"Umm Potter..I want to..uh.. want to tell you something" I mumbled quietly. How am I supposed to say this?

"What is so important that you have to drag me here in an empty classroom with just the two of us? Are you going to confess your love to me Malfoy?" Harry laughed as he joked and I looked at him in terror.

"Wait...are you?" He asked

I kept staring at his pretty green emerald eyes and told myself
'Just say something Draco, anything, literally what can be worse than this horrible silence you're creating, just bloody say something, or just kiss him. NO don't kiss him he will hate you..or maybe not, just bloody say something'

We were in such awkward silence that Harry continued "I mean if it's nothing we could just go back to the great h...-"

His words got cut off as I grabbed his shoulder and smashed my lips into his. He got startled and stepped back but didn't stop the kissing. I sucked on his bottom lips and before I could do anything further, he opened his mouth just so slightly and slipped his tongue into my mouth. Harry was kissing me!

It was mesmerising, it felt like Harry was using his tongue to discover every flavor of me. I also noticed he tasted good, like treacle tarts and butterbeer. His hand slid up to grab my hair and his other hand was on my back, pulling me closer. I could feel Harry's trousers poking at my crotch every time I let out an unexpected moan. We finally stopped as we were out of breath and he moved his lips down my jaw and kept kissing me

"Harry.." I said breathlessly. But Harry won't stop, he trailed his lips down my neck and started sucking on my sensitive skin as I moaned louder. He sucked and bit on it, like he was making sure he was leaving a mark by tomorrow on me. His hands were grabbing my arse now, I couldn't help but let out a few incoherent words and babbling his name out loud. Then he came up and kissed me again, this time, I let him win in the tongue battle we were in, I was too tired anyway, my knees have gone weak and I could have collapsed right here without Harry holding me. We were so close that I could feel his dick was hard too. Potter is hard..because of me, this must be a bloody dream

"'re so hard right now" I said between the kiss. As we were out of breath again, I let go. We could hardly breath properly but I started talking, now it was getting awkward again "Er, so that's what I wanted to tell you Potter, I think...I have liked you since we first met in that robe shop, and I can't seem to get over you, no matter how hard I try. And I know it's weird and I'm fine if you might never like me ba..-"

I kept rambling until I got cut off by Harry's lips. He kissed me. Harry Fucking Potter kissed me. AGAIN. After a while, he broke away with his hands on my hips as he placed a soft kiss on my cheek

"Was that kiss a good enough answer for you? Because Malfoy, I have liked you since we first met too" Harry smiled.


"Yes, I never lie" He said and pulled me in for another kiss. After that we just walked into the Great Hall again, I returned to the Slytherin table smiling like an idiot. Pansy looked at me and smirked "So I guess something good happen? Did you two shag? Or just snog?"I couldn't stop grinning so I looked up to the Gryffindor table, as Harry looked at me and smiled.

"He likes me" I mumbled under my breath.

"Oh my bloody Salazar he does?" Pansy squeaked and grabbed my wrist "Tell me everything! Now!"

Blaise just smiled and patted me on the back "Well done, mate, your dream finally came true"

I nodded and smiled, thinking..

Harry like me..he really does..

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