It's An Emergency

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Summary: Draco is attacked, and Harry is there to save the day.
A tale of Draco being dramatic as always.


Harry's Muggle phone rang and the whole room stared back at him, he pulled the phone out and switched it into silent mode, Ron snickered and Harry elbowed him

"Mr. Potter" The Head Auror said and Harry nodded

"Sorry, sorry, it's just...sorry" He bent down under the table and answered the call "Hello?"

"Harry! There is—I got...oh god, help me" Draco's voice echoed from the other line and Harry's eyes widened

"What? Slow down! Draco! What's wrong?"

"Harry! There is—in the house, I panicked..." Draco's voice was trembling and Harry's hand was already reaching for his wand

"And it attacked me, so I ran into the bathroom, it's outside, I-Harry, please come home" Draco pleaded for help and Harry sat up straight

"I'll be there" He said and ended the call, he stood up and prepared to Apparate back to the house

"I have to go" He said and the Head Auror stared at him, his nostrils flared a little

"Mr. Potter, this is an important meeting, you have t—..."

"Nothing is more important than my husband" He said and Apparated away right in the Ministry of Magic, the whole building shook a bit


"Draco?" Harry called for his husband as soon as he arrived back at the Grimmauld Place, no sight of him in the living room, but a vase was broken, a book was thrown on the floor, some pillows on the couch were everywhere in the room, Harry kept an eye on any intruder and raised his wand high "Draco?" He yelled

"Harry! I'm in here!" Draco yelled back and Harry slowly walked in the hallway to find Draco, his eyes still surveying the house

"Draco! Are you in there?"

"Yes! I'm in here! Harry save me!"

"Where's the intruder?" Harry asked and still looked around, his house was fairly big so they could be anywhere

"It was running at my direction when I ran in here, kill it Harry"

"Wait" Harry paused "It?"

"Yeah, it" Draco replied from the other side of the door

"What do you mea—..." Harry stopped and stared down at a cockroach that was running across the hallway. Harry stepped forward and levitated the cockroach by his wand

"Draco, open the door, I got it" He levitated the cockroach up in the air and waited for Draco to open the door

"Have you killed it?"

"Yes" He lied and the door opened "Is this the one?" Harry asked once he saw Draco's face

"Ew get that away from me" Draco shrieked and stepped back

"This attacked you?" He tilted his head and arched his eyebrow "It's a cockroach"

"A flying one" Draco said

"You broke the vase because of it?"

"It attacked me" Draco protested

"How? Land on your face?"

"Yes! It did!" Draco said in his high pitched voice "I was reading my book and I felt something tickling my back like hair or something and then I turned to look and it was on my shoulder! So I screamed and threw the book and slapped it away and it fell on my wand, so I can't kill it with my wand, and then I threw the pillows at it and—and then it started flying at me and I had to run and I locked the door when I got in" Draco finally stopped screeching and leaned on the wall to breath "That thing is a murder machine"

"That thing is a cockroach" Harry emphasised

"Kill it"

"You want me to kill a cockroach?"

"It's disgusting, filthy and creepy" Draco said and Harry chuckled, he threw the cockroach into the toilet and flushed it away

"Ugh, worst thing ever, I think even if I washed body until I bleed, I could still feel the...feeling of it on me, gross" Draco shivered and crossed his arms over his chest

"Draco..." Harry said and put his wand back in his holder "You called the Muggle phone I gave you...only for emergencies...when I was in a so-called important go home...and kill a cockroach for you?"

"Merlin stop emphasising every word you said, it is an emergency" Draco rolled his eyes

"It's a cockroach"

"Insects emergency then"

"Wait, why is the vase broken? You didn't mention it before"

"Oh...about that..." Draco smiled and stepped forward "I might have accidentally dropped it on the floor while I was cooking"

"You don't cook" Harry said and Draco sighed

"Fine, I threw it on the floor, it's ugly" Draco rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck

"I bought it"

"That's why I said it's ugly" Draco replied and smiled, kissing Harry on the cheek

"I can't believe I Apparated inside the Ministry for you" Harry chuckled and hugged Draco back

"You did?" Draco smiled, showing his white teeth "My hero"

"What are you going to reward your hero then?" Harry leaned closer, burying his face in the crook of Draco's neck

"That can be arranged, what about your meeting?" Draco kissed Harry's neck and pushed him out of the bathroom, walking into the direction of their bedroom

"Fuck it, I'll make something up" Harry smiled and connected their lips "The meeting was boring anyway, I'd rather be here with you"

"Sweet talk? Now you're just seducing me, Auror Potter" Draco smirked "Keep it coming"


"What did you tell Kingsley?" Ron asked while chewing on his toast

"I told him Draco was attacked by a dark wizard on the way home from Diagon Alley" Harry shrugged, eating his lunch

"So what happened actually?"

"A cockroach"

"A cockroach? That's epic" Ron started laughing like crazy and almost choked on his toast

"Mate, I've seen you literally jumping into Blaise's arm when you saw a spider in the room, you know Pansy even got a photo of that" Harry rolled his eyes at his best mate and snickered

"Oi! It was a big spider...and I was scared"

"That's what Draco also said" Harry grinned and about to grab his juice when his phone rang again, Harry picked it up and smiled automatically

"Another cockroach?"

"It's not just one! It's two of them! I think it's the family of that cockroach, they came to avenge their family member! Harry you have to come home" Draco screamed into the phone and Harry has to pushed his phone away from his ear

"I'll be there" He ended the call and stood up

"Important mission?" Ron gave him a lopsided grin and Harry chuckled

"Super, I'll be back, tell Kingsley..."

"I'll make up something" Ron waved him off "Just go, save your damsel in distress" Harry huffed out a laughed and Apparated away, muttering a "Fuck" when he realised what he had just done before disappearing with a pop.

The End

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