Land, Let Me Drown

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Draco was happy, okay, maybe he was just fine-actually just a bit far away from fine, maybe he didn't feel happy or sad, maybe he just felt there. Who was he kidding, he felt sad, he was as unhappy as any 18-year-old could be. He was currently sitting at the manor, questioning all of his decisions. Maybe he shouldn't have stopped talking to Harry, maybe he should've pretended everything was fine and Harry wouldn't have been dating Ginny right now.

   Draco understands though, he left Harry out of the blue, a simple kiss was the last thing he did and then he walked away, too far out. It seemed like Harry was a beautiful land of wonders and Draco has just walked off into the sea so far to the point where he's drowning and doesn't know where he is, in a sense it was true, Draco was "drowning" in his own self-pity, constantly trying to convince himself that he really was alright and he really didn't know what to do.

   He doesn't want to talk to Harry though, that's for sure, how fucked up would it be to dissappear after months then to just pop up out of nowhere, although it seems that's all he did these days. He sighed and got up, deciding he looked enough like a mess, having stayed in bed not moving from it besides going to the bathroom for 1 month straight, he knew it wasn't healthy but he lost touch with land the second he lost touch with Harry.

   He was waiting for Harry to send him an owl-any sign at all that he still cared. It didn't really seem like it but then again, how can you care for someone that didn't care for you. It hurt for Draco to realize this and the first time he thought about it, he tild himself it was a lie because he did care abour Harry! Way more than he cared for himself! Then slowly he realized that even though he cared for him, he didn't care for him enough, he broke down then. He still breaks down now.
   A week has passed and Draco's still in the same mood, maybe worse, he just got invited to visit the Weasley household, along with his mother due to both her and Molly trying to solve past arguments, he didn't really want to go.
  He decided he really shouldn't have gone when he arrived there, Harry and Hermione were there, Hermione and Ron seemed to glare at him whenever no one else was looking and he avoided any eye contact with Harry and Ginny for the whole night. It didn't help when conversation rolled out at dinner and Molly asked if Draco was in a relationship, her and Narcissa never really got the chance to find out and he knows it's his fault, the rest of the Night goes by too slowly for his liking.
   Two years later and he really regrets his mother and Molly talking things out, they get invited to dinners more often now. This typical one he dreaded the most, last time he heard Hermione and Ron talking about Harry proposing, he was pretty sure they mean for him to hear it, they never really forgave him and he didn't blame them, he shook his head and went to take a shower, at the end of the day, it was his own fault.
   He really shouldn't be crying in the bathroom of Mrs. Weasley's house, he should've at least bottled it up until he got home to his own room where he could regret his life choices alone in his room, where he could break picture frames and listen to sad love songs, where he could write letters that would never be delivered but he wasn't that strong, he hated himself for it. At least Harry's happy, that's what he last says for the rest of the Night at that house, nobody hears him. As soon as he gets home he goes to his room and the world crashes down on him.
   He got invited to the wedding, how funny, last time he wrote it was especially to Harry, the last words written were "don't invite me to your wedding" then soon after he destroyed said letter, he was expecting Harry to only invite his mother, now he remembers that Harry was too kind and forgiving to not invite him, it was one of the reasons he fell in love with the emerald eyed golden boy. It doesn't really matter now, though, does it.
   He went to the wedding, mostly just so his mom wouldn't ask questions, he didn't need her to know about his tragic love story, it was like one of those stories he used to read with Harry and make fun of and then say it could never happen to them, it just did, didn't it? They both said "I do" and they both read their vows, Ginny called Harry her world and Harry called her his. Draco knew he was replaced way before this, but there was always that voice telling him to have a little hope, it was crushed now. That day, he went home and told his mother everything, she held him until he fell asleep. He didn't want to wake up, there was no land to land in anyways, just an endless sea of sadness. He was used to it anyways.

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