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P1:Where are we going pitashree?
A:Pitashree I am ready
P:I am also
D:Arya can we
D:Prachi ur are getting marriage age so...we planned to marry u with.....Abhi
P:Mata*Hugs her*
Draupadi smiles
Abhimanyu in shock
Aa:we can move on
Everyone goes to Dwarka
K:Come inside!Parth it's been a long since we met
Aa:Haan,Madhav missed u a lot
D:Haan missed u a lot*Taunted*
K:Sakhi,I missed u a lot andi can't feel that u have memory loss
Everyone: me too
D:Govind I remember everything by aarya if he was not there then....
Everyone: ahm ahm*F.cough*
Aa/D looked down blushing
A beautiful lady came
She is radha
R:Haan Haan krishn won't u allow them come inside
Everyone: that's ok
Someone:That's not ok kanna
R:haan,No one called me 😏
A/P1/P2/P:u are our frnd
R:oh then come we can go
Everyone laughs while abhi,p1,p2,pra and radha leaves
R1:Haan aarya is it right?
K:no rukmini
D,aa:can we go u will continue after
Everyone leaves
Next day
Aa:Madhav do you for which I came
K:I know we can arrange the engagement after 2 days
Everyone says ok
Next day
We will leave arjun said
Krishn shocked tomorrow is ur daughter's engagement
Aa:We will make it there
K:ok as per ur wish
Everyone leaves
Aa:That's nice I thought we will be there for one month
D,:but the war is also we should do everything fast because pitamah and Bhanumati Jiji can't control more time
Aa:we reached
Everyone greeted then
L:C'mon prachi,pragya,Pragati we can go to some where
P:haan I am so bored.
4 of them leave
After 2 days
Aa:we will leave to anga
Everyone gone to anga
Everyone greeted then
Karnhali goes to p,p1,p2
K:pranam Jiji
3 of them says pranam
Ok we will leave prachi said
Ok everyone said
Everyone goes while elders talk about everyone's marriage
Aa:we will go pls come tomorrow
Next day in indraprasth
Everything decorated like a festival
Engagement ended
After 1 week marriages arjun said
After 1 week
Marriage all happened
Samgya(Sambh pragya)
Pradyagati(pradyumna Pragati)
Vrusmana(Vruskarn Lakshmana)
Sorry ur writer is very lazy to write

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