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Race: Human
           Cosmic being (temporary)

Age: 19

Sexuality: Straight

Nicknames: The Streak

Height: 6'0

Weight: 210 lbs

Likes: food, comic books superheroes or manga, rock and roll, metal, monster movies.

Dislikes: being hungry, killing, injustice, destroying the city a bit

Troy is an everyday guy in Jersey recently brought a cape which the cape possess fly and super strength ,now a defender of Jersey and his Alias hero name is called the streak.


Appearance: Troy is a African-American Male with short black hair, stubbles of beard and mustache combination and is overweight of eating junk food over the years as he has hairs on his arms, legs and many other parts of his body.

Troy style of clothing is mostly t-shirts with metal, rock or hero stuff, his occasional jeans and converse shoes and occasionally has a studded band as an accessory.

Let's rock and roll
This is my town no one gets to smashing.....umm except me of course

Being a very laid back and care-free person,
food, music, flying, gaming, television and anything that involves him being entertained.

He shows very little interest in the opposite gender since little did he care that he was being laughed at by most girls around him in embarrassing situations, such as attempting to climb bookcases which fall on him, playing a dancing game, and even unintentional jogging.

Albeit the fact that Troy. shows various traits of recklessness and foolishness, and can be extremely blatant, loudmouthed, thoughtless, foolhardy and blind that all his actions usually result in consequences.

Troy doesn't really look for trouble, trouble looks for him. As Troy progresses on with his casual life, certain events and anomalies always jump into his life for many to little reason.

He's rather a mommas boy in terms of still living with her despite being a young man and every time he destroys something or do anything wrong he always say "Moms gonna Kill me....." despite it he and his mother still love each other as she always call him when food is involved, or something important.

However he has a heroic side of him which will activates when crime goes rampant, a monster appearing here and there cause him to be excited for action and wore the cape of Justice and save the day which ends with parts of the city being trashed and destroyed as a result when he's too carried away with action.

As a young child, Troy grew up within Jersey City with his mother, living in a decent hip house with a basement. Spending most of the time in his basement, Troy used the television and his gaming consoles as a form of entertainment to pass his time and his hobbies become unique being huge fan of Rock and Metal themed music, and a guy who can't miss a wrestling show and cheesy monster movies .he begins to gain weight from over-eating, slowing becoming a 'couch potato'.

As an adult he began competing at multiple competitions, such as gaming, eating, car shows, and bowling.

One day he visit his friend and a local garbage man/Junkyard owner Dirty Dave after talking about who would win in a fight with monsters from Bigfoot or the Lockness monster to a vampire and a werewolf , and Troy ask how much the junk cost and Dave said everything cost $2 no matter how big, small or even valuable the junk was and Troy found a cape that caught his interest in the pile of dirty worn out clothes and brought it and take it home and try it on thinking he's a hero and soon jump and suddenly a surge of energy formed as he was flying much to his surprise and awe as he soar to the sky feeling the air rushing down and see airplanes now and than and returned home with a broken roof he was launched to. to see it's not like any cape he ever seen and so on he began try to stop crimes in Jersey as people in Jersey dubbed him 'the Streak' due to stoping crime at a somewhat fast speeds untouchable by many and has a reputation of trashing Jersey here and now.

The cape

A Normal looking cape but it's not ordinary that it's very special that grant the power to fly at great speeds than anything that could outmatch a plane as its very durable and very strong material. The cape was brought from a local garbage man/his friend for a total of 2 dollars.

(Putting on the cape).

Powers and Abilities
Often underestimated physically, Troy has proved to have a lot of strength due to his weight, giving him a better body balance and the effects of the cape for certain situations as of punching through a wall with his bare-fist, break a steel door with his hands with no effort to it and can lift several weights at once. And is able withstand tremendous amounts of physical trauma and blunt force that is able to dent a bullet, and most of the physical abilities are the after effects of the cape which change his body overtime.

With his Cape on his Abilities are heightened that change his strength, speed, perception, endurance and agility making him getting the upper-hand in combat.

His non-combat skills are very skilled in video games as a result of being able to play since childhood to adult hood, eating a lot of food without any pain or a stomachache since he eats food after food that doesn't make him full but makes him less hungry at times making him good at eating contests.

Attributes skill
He often as skills based upon his strength and power and mostly contribute to the factors

Thunderclap: Troy produce a power shockwaves by clapping his hands together that can catch people off-guard as a result.

Groundpound: Troy slam the ground with great force to produce different effects. This can be accomplished through various means, such as stomping or punching the ground.
It's weakness however is that it only works on the ground, anyone who doesn't come in contact to the ground, such as flight, levitation or can be avoided simply by jumping high enough the ability is useless.

Superbreath: Troy can exhale gale-force winds or inhale air in order to generate a vortex of wind, can range from exhalation on par with gale force winds to inhalation on par the power of a gravitational vortex. His lungs are his limit and will take average time to run out of air.

Megatonpunch: throw an incredibly powerful punch is able to apply incredible force to his fists, enabling them to throw a superhuman punch.

Cosmic embodiment: Solar

Cosmic Embodiment is a true potential held form inside the cape of Troy reaching his maximum limit to the Astral level of mastery.

The form allow of increasing Troy's ability, speed,strength, awareness and durability. It also temporarily allows him to activate range attack consist of laser beams which the damage is based upon the amount of solar energy he's taken in as it'll pose a threat if he holds enough energy like a battery.

His Solar form changes his body to a vibrant color of hello glowing and radiating of him as he sports two arm bands cuffed around him of sorts as well as his cape drastically longer and more imposing than his regular one.

Attribute skill
Solar Flare- heat vision is a precursor to a power and this power utilizes all the solar energy stored within Troys body, allowing him to resort to an all-out attack. However, He cannot use it more than occasionally, as it drains him of all the solar energy he has stored up until he can recharge his cells with solar energy which takes him about 24 hours. During this time frame, he is essentially back to normal and the cape will be inactive until the 24 hours are up.

Troy never look before he leaps into action as a result of many consequences there after often blinded by his own actions at time to time.

when it comes to stamina, that's where Troy weakness enters. Being an unfit person limits his body to running and dancing, which usually ends up with him extremely exhausted.

his durability was in itself a weakness, as it would have exposed him when his fingers dented a butcher knife when he accidentally chopped his hand with it, another case at a gym of him climbing a rope and it snap the ceiling and breaking it as a result that landed on him force him to act that he was in pain.

His cape get caught and snagged, causing him to fall or get injured as a result.

His hunger is the weakness as well since it weakened him making him have less energy than before, less focus and concentrated on things since his stomach is rumbling for food which is a huge weakness in combat.

His immense strength can also be a huge weakness as he often has difficulty controlling, as shown when he constantly break small things by accident.

His Cosmic Form is mostly depletes the cells n his body if he stay longer in his Cosmic form which will devoid him of his powers overtime when back to normal. It can pressure his body in pain and will eventually by more serious if more damage is absorbed in the attacks since his form is shock absorption not nullify an attack he takes. 
A homage to comic book fans, nerds and mostly myself a multi-one of many kinds

My Own fandom

Try to make something unique OC rather than a plain one I mostly write and try not to be a Gary Stu at all.

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