Chapter 4: who are you?

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(Don't play the music until I say 'go!')
Half an hour earlier (somewhere around the time of chapter 1 or 2)
Error's POV
Ugh fresh is so annoying! It's hard to believe we have the same creator! I wonder what that rainbow a**hole is doing? You know what I rather be in InkTale then spend another minute with the 90's nightmare. Plus the colours are hurting my eyes. " yo uh Fresh?" Fresh turns to me " wazzup my glitched up broseph?" Uh I wish he'd stopped calling me that! Just because we were created by the same creator doesn't mean we're brothers. If it does than that means Bendy and Boris are brothers. "It was uh rad to come hang with ya but I gotta go." I say. God I wanted to kick myself from all that I just said! "That's a'ight bro! We can hang another time. Catch ya on the flip side!" He says while skateboarding away. "Uh bye." I say. I can't believe I actually understood what he was saying. Maybe we are brothers after all. I open a portal to InkTale and walk in. I was about to talk to Ink but then I notice there's another portal open and he's .......starring at it? I look in the portal and I see a human girl, drawing. I never thought Ink would be the stalker type. "Error? What are you doing here?" I recognize that voice anywhere. I turn around to see Blue. "Yeah what Are you doing here." Said Ink. Dang thanks for blowing my cover Blue. "I'll tell you if you tell me who you were stalking?" I respond. Ink froze and started blushing. Wait a minute......does he have a crush on that girl? "Ink why are you stalking this human?" Asked Blue.  "" "is she your girlfriend?" I interrupt Ink. He blushes a full rainbow. This made me laugh. "N-no! She doesn't even know me!" Blurted out Ink. He immediately covered his mouth with a look that says 'why did I say that!?' It made me laugh even more. "Ha ha ha oh my God! Ha ha ha you like her ha ha don't  ya!" I say while laughing. "Sh-shut up Error!" Yells Ink. "Wait, you like-like that human Ink!" Says Blue with a smile. I forgot he was even there. "I-I uh......maybe?" Answers Ink. Blue's eyes turn into stars, obviously he doesn't get that Ink is stalking this human. "OH MY GOSH! YOU SHOULD GO TALK TO HER!" Yells Blue. Damn he was so loud that if I had ears they would be bleeding.
Ink's POV
" OH MY GOSH! YOU SHOULD GO TALK TO HER!" Yells Blue. Gosh I think he was so loud that the whole multiverse heard it! Luckily I closed the portal as quick as I can, hopefully she didn't hear him. "I......can't" "-sigh- then I'll help you." Says Error. Error opens the same portal and walks in. "WAIT ERROR!" I yelled trying to stop him but I was too late. The portal closed before I could grab him. I just stood there for a minute trying to think. 'What should I do? Should I go after him? What is he planning.' I thought to myself. "What's Error gonna do?" Ask Blue. I can't take it! I have to go after him. He could be hurting her.....or worse. "I'm going to save her."
Present time ( after the end of chapter 3)
I just stood there.....starring at him. Trying to figure out how he got from behind the balloons to right in front of me. Somehow he looks different than what he usually looks like. "Hey."
He holds his hand out. "Don't you know how to greet a NeW pAl?" He finishes. This can't be Sans, he doesn't even sound like him. His voice is.....glitching. "W-who are you? Why do you look like Sans?" I ask. He chuckles "Actually I don't just LoOk like Sans." He starts. "I am SaNs." He finishes. "What? Y-you can't be." I said a little confused and scared. "It's true I'm Sans. I'm just not the one you know." He explained. What does he mean by that? Is there more than one Sans? If so how come I never seen one until today. "You can call me Error if it makes it less confusing." Error comments. "SURPRISE!" I hear everyone yell. Dang it! Thanks to Error I missed my cue. "Well my name is Y/N." I said. "I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Error." I said as I start to walk away. "Hold on Y/N....." I here Error say. Suddenly I can't move! I look down and see a F/C (favorite color) heart tied in blue strings. "...yOu'Re NoT gOiNg AnYwHeRe!" He finishes in his glitched up voice. "HELP!" I yelled hoping someone will help me. I started to feel pain when Error pulled the strings around the heart tighter. "NoW lEt'S gO bEfOrE-" as Error talked, a creepy looking skull thing appears in front of him. (Go!)"-wElL sHiT." Says Error now facing Sans. "S-Sans HELP!" "QuIeT yOu!" Yells Error. He pulls the strings tighter making me feel more pain. "Let her go. Now." Said Sans. "yOu KnOw I'm NoT gOnNa Do ThAt Classic." Said Error. "Well looks like your going to have a bad time." Said Sans. Bones started flying at Error. He dodge them all. Error points his hand and Blue strings fly from his fingers to Sans. A blue upside down heart appears in front of Sans as Error's strings tie around it. A second creepy skull appears but it looked more glitched up and was pointing at Sans! I closed my eyes in fear. I hear a  blast. I look and see Sans is okay! "WhAt!? HoW dId YoU-" yells Error. "Thanks." "No problem Comedian." Says Chara. "Don't worry Y/N I'll cut you out." says Chara holding her knife. Error's eyes started glitching when he saw Chara. I  try to run away only to get pulled by the tied up heart. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I fell to the ground as everything turned black.

Dear reader,
Sorry this update took so long. To make it up to you I made this chapter longer and the next chapter is coming Don't you worry. Also thanks for 50 followers Everyone!
Yours truly- Flowergarden96

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