31 - Murtlap Essence

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A/N: Thank you for your feedback guys. Here's another update. And be warned - it's a little heavy on the details 😘


Finally, after three long days, Madam Pomfrey deemed me fit enough to go back to classes, despite my abdomen still searing in pain with every step I took.

But I wanted to be free of the nurse's watchful eye so I could continue to finish the task I was so close to completing. So, grinning and bearing it, I threw my bag over my shoulder and left the hospital wing behind, struggling slowly and painstakingly through the castle's thankfully empty corridors.

The pain was making me nauseous, and I had barely gotten far when I stopped to take a breather, putting my bag down at my feet whilst I leant back against the stone wall and closed my eyes, waiting for the pain and dizziness to subside.

"Would you like some help?"

My eyes flew open in alarm, having not heard anyone approach, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of the Gryffindor before me.

His expression was soft... concerned even. There was nothing mocking in his eyes, the hatred that had flashed in them during our duel all but vanished.

But I wasn't about to let him off that easily, despite feeling ridiculously relieved to see him.

"You're seriously asking me that?" I scoffed. "After what you did?"

"Well, you were going to Crucio me."

"No more than you deserve!"

Harry's eyes flashed, then went dull, contriteness flooding his face.

"Yeah... probably."

A silence fell between us, but neither of us made any attempt to move.

"Does it hurt?" he eventually asked, his gaze lowering to my stomach, as though he might see the wound through my shirt.

"No, it just feels as though I was pissed on by a unicorn," I bit sarcastically. "Of course it fucking hurts - you sliced me right open!"

"I didn't know what that spell did. I didn't know it was going to cut you like that. I would have never have done it-"

"Where did you even learn something like that?" I interrupted, raising an eyebrow. "It's a bit dark for the Chosen One, isn't it?"

I didn't say it out loud, but despite the fact that he nearly killed me, I was grudgingly impressed.

Harry drove a hand through his hair causing it to fall back messily over his scar. "It doesn't matter."

"Whatever." I shrugged. "Anyway, as lovely as this chat has been, I've got somewhere to be."

I bent down to pick up my bag, forgetting about my wound. Pain shot through me, causing me to drop it back down to the ground as I sucked in a sharp breath through my teeth.

"Shit-" Harry muttered, swooping towards me and reaching down to pick up my bag for me. "Look, let me help you. After my detentions with Umbridge, Hermione would make up this amazing solution which really helped. I know it's not the same, but you could always give it a try."

I looked up at him, speechless. I opened my mouth to tell him to fuck off, but then changed my mind.

"And you're suggesting I ask her to make some up for me?" I snorted. "Yeah because she's really going to want to help me."

"She will if I ask her."

"If this solution is so wonderful then why wouldn't Madam Pomfrey have given me any?"

Harry's eyes flashed behind his glasses as his lips twitched up at the corners. "You're underestimating Hermione's brilliance. Now come on, let's get you somewhere where you can rest."

I stared at him, flabbergasted. "Why do you want to help me? Seriously?"

"Because maybe I'm just tired of fighting. Or maybe I know, deep down, that you didn't want any of this, that you've found yourself stuck in a lonely and desperate situation."

He glanced pointedly down at my left arm which I self consciously moved behind my back. The last thing I wanted to do was discuss my Death Eater status with Harry Potter.

"We don't have to talk about it," he said, reading my mind. "But I do want to help you, so let me start by getting you some of Hermione's solution."

Too exhausted to argue, I nodded. Relief flooded his face as he stepped forward, offering out an arm. I stared at it blankly.

"Here," he said, his voice soft and warm, "lean on me."

Speechless, but not actually against it, I moved to his side and clung my arm around his broad torso. I briefly closed my eyes as he wrapped his own arm around me, squeezing me firmly to his side. He felt so solid and real.

We stood there in the empty corridor, holding one another, our faces so close as I looked up, his gaze burning into mine.

"I am sorry," he whispered, his warm breath tickling my lips. "I'm so fucking sorry."

"It's okay," I said, even though it wasn't. But I was dizzy with the overwhelming desire to kiss him.

I could hear the race of his heart, see the darkening of his eyes and feel the acceleration of his breath as he lowered his face closer to mine.

"Let me make it up to you," he said, his voice now hoarse. "Let me make you feel better."

No longer being able to speak, I nodded, and Harry took this as a cue to begin helping me along the corridor. His arm tightened around me, practically lifting me off my feet as I held onto his waist.

"Wait here," he instructed as we came to stop outside a portrait of a large, disgruntled looking woman. "I'll be as quick as I can."

I watched in bemusement as he whispered something to the portrait. It swung open, revealing a hole in the wall, and I realised he'd brought me to the entrance to the Gryffindor Tower.

He'd barely been gone only five minutes when he crawled back out, carrying a small glass bottle of yellow liquid in his hand.

"I've got just the place we can go," he said, reaching down to pick my bag back up. As he straightened up, his eyes met mine, the tip of his tongue sweeping across his lips. "If you want."

My own lips twitched up into a smile, and I raised my hand, holding it out to him. "Well then, Potter, I suggest you lead the way."


It was the Room of Requirement, of course.

I tried to swallow down my fear when the door appeared, terrified that somehow Harry had conjured up the room I'd been working relentlessly inside.

But it was nothing like it. I let out the breath I had been holding when we stepped inside a small room that could have easily been someone's private dormitory.

I raised my eyebrows, looking pointedly at the king size bed towering above everything else in the room. "A bit presumptuous of you, Potter."

He let out a soft chuckle. "I actually conjured it for you to rest. As you can see, there are other items of furniture."

He gestured towards the maroon coloured sofa and the desk and chair in the corner.

"So," I said, also noticing the television on a sideboard, "if I told you to leave the bottle and go-?"

"Then I'd leave the bottle and go." He said without hesitation. "Contrary to what you may think, Draya, I'm not a predator."

"No, you just follow people about under that cloak and listen in on private conversations like the four eyed creep you are."

He looked at me, choosing to ignore this. "I'll only stay if you ask."

"Don't make me ask."

"You need to ask."


"Because I need to know you want me here."

"I'm not going to beg."

"Fine then." He tossed the bottle across the room towards me which I caught with ease and then he turned towards the door. "I'll go."


His hand hovered on the handle as the word rang accusingly in the room. After a beat, he lowered his hand and turned around, the room suddenly thick with tension.

With his eyes on mine I slowly reached up and boldly began to unbutton my shirt.

His tongue briefly swept across his lips. My breathing became shallow and uneven.

"Draya-" he growled hoarsely, taking a hesitant step towards me.

Undoing the very last button, I allowed the shirt to slip from my shoulders and fall to the ground at my feet. Harry sucked in a sharp breath, his burning gaze never leaving mine despite the fact that I was stood before him, exposed in nothing but my bra and skirt.

"Well?" I asked, smirking just a little as I placed a hand on my hip. "Where would you like me?"

His jaw fell open and I could see a noticeable flush in his cheeks. "I- uh.... what-?"

I had to suppress a laugh. I was enjoying his reaction very much.

"Granger's solution?" I reminded him, holding up the bottle. "You were going to help me, remember?"

His Adam's Apple bobbing in his throat, he finally allowed his eyes to wander, and I watched as they widened at the sight of the ugly raw wound across my torso.

His jaw immediately tightened and he lowered his gaze. "I'm sorry." He whispered hoarsely.

"Hey," I said, taking pity on him. "It could have been worse."

Shirtless, I slunk over to the bed and crawled onto the soft mattress. The sheets, of course, were red. Everything was red.

I tried not to wince as I lay on my back, propping myself up on my arms. Harry was still stood, unmoving, looking as though he was not sure he should be there.

But when I threw him an encouraging smile, he seemed to shake himself out of it, and walked over to me, his eyes hungry.

"It might hurt at first," he said, taking the bottle from my hand, "but then it'll feel wonderful."

I raised an eyebrow. "We are still talking about Granger's miracle cure, now?"

There was a twinkle in his eye as his lips pulled into a smirk. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

And then he slowly tipped the bottle as he held it above my stomach. The second the solution hit my skin, I threw my head back and sucked in a sharp breath through my teeth, the sensation feeling like fire.

But then almost immediately, it felt wonderful, as though Harry had never cut me open at all. I felt free of the pain and I wanted to laugh with joy.

But instead I found myself reaching up to grab the front of Harry's shirt, pulling him down to kiss me.

He responded without hesitation, hurriedly clambering onto the bed to deepen the kiss. I gasped against his mouth as his hand went to my waist, the feel of his cool fingers against my hot skin sending jolts off pleasure soaring through my body.

"God, you're so beautiful," Harry groaned as he tangled his other hand in my hair, kissing me harder. "I want you."

Needing to feel more of him, my fingers went straight for his shirt buttons, clumsily trying to undo them. But I was trembling so much in anticipation that I was unsuccessful. Breaking away from me, Harry sat up and quickly pulled his shirt up over his head, and I greedily reached out and touched his toned torso, loving the way his muscles tensed and rippled beneath my fingers.

"Tell me you want this," Harry growled, grabbing my wrist before my hand could explore any lower.

I glanced up into his hungry face, his eyes dark with desire. "I want this," I assured him. "I want you."

Releasing my wrist, he went straight to his belt buckle, hurriedly undoing it with one hand. I joined him and wriggled out of my skirt, grateful that I had chosen that day to wear my best green underwear.

And then he was kissing me again, hard and urgent. He pressed his hips against mine and I could feel his evident boner. A fire had lit inside of me, and even though I'd never had sex before, I knew I wanted - no - needed him inside of me.

"Please," I begged, attempting to tug down his maroon boxer shorts.

"Wait," he panted, once again stopping me with his iron grip. "Let me take my time with you first or it'll all be over before you've finished."

"Oh," I said, trying not to show my disappointment and frustration. "Well, it better be worth it."

A smirk flickered at his already swollen lips, and he pressed them back against mine before pulling away again. "I promise you, I'll make sure the pleasure is all yours first."

He began to kiss my neck, hooking his fingers beneath my bra strap as he gentle coaxed it down over my shoulders, his other hand sliding beneath my back to unhook the clasp.

I shivered and bucked in pleasure as he pulled my bra clean away, his mouth and hands exploring my breasts with a hunger that was both tender and fierce.

All my anxieties fell away, my mind was on nothing but this boy who once caused me so much pain, and was now pleasuring me in a way I never thought before was possible.

And he continued his journey south, kissing every part of me until he reached my thong. Breathing heavily he yanked it down and buried his face between my legs, his tongue expertly flicking me to peak pleasure.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, lifting my hips as the sensations intensified. He responded with eagerness, his tongue working faster as his hands stroked up and down my body. And suddenly I find myself overpowered by an uncontrolled pleasure, soft moans escaping my parted lips.

"Fuck!" I panted as I waited for the aftershocks to fade, enjoying the blissful warmth that followed.

Harry crawled back up my body, connecting his moist lips to mine, kissing me tenderly. He tasted like me and it somehow turned me on further.

"My turn now," he murmured, breaking the kiss to reach for the drawer of the bedside table. "Do I need a condom or...?"

"No need, I take the yearly potion," I explained, smirking at the look of relief on Harry's face.

It was well known that Madam Pomfrey offered a contraceptive potion to all the girls at the start of each year. And we all took it, taking comfort in the knowledge that we were protected - even those of us who were sexually inactive.

Pushing his glasses back up his nose, Harry gathered me back in his arms, and kissed me again. I could feel his heart race beneath his chest as I pressed myself up against him.

He kicked off his boxers, and I glanced down, my eyes widening at the size of him.

"Are you sure?" He asked, following my gaze. "It's okay if you change your mind-"

"Just fuck me, Harry," I ordered, aggressively hooking my leg around his waist.

He wasted no time, pushing himself inside me with one quick thrust. A sharp pain made me gasp, but I answered Harry's look of concern with a kiss which quickly intensified as he began a steady rhythm.

I watched in wonderment as he began to come undone, his face contorting in pleasure with each and every thrust.

"You feel so fucking good," he growled hoarsely, clasping my hand which he'd pinned above my head.

I wanted more, a different angle, one where I could take control. Freeing my hand from his, I placed
my palm flat against his broad shoulder and pushed.

Realising what I was doing, he complied and rolled onto his back, the irises in his eyes doubling in size as I straddled him.

His hands went to my hips as he guided me down on him. The new angle hit differently, and as I began my own rhythm, steadying myself by placing my hands on his chest, I found the pleasure building in my core once again.

We both cried out at the same time, our loud moans reverberating off the walls.

"Fuck I'm going to-"

But the rest of his sentence was drowned out by the blood roaring in my ears from my own orgasm.

Afterwards, I collapsed down onto his chest, both of us panting heavily, our tangled bodies radiating heat and our skin damp with sweat.

As he stroked his fingers through my hair, I lifted my head, and our eyes met, our lips simultaneously tugging into smiles.

The Gryffindor and the Slytherin: once sworn enemies, literally come together.

And it was all thanks to Hermione Granger's potion.


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