New Person, New Goal

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“You’re back!” I heard Tyler yell in joy, as me, Delirious, and Smitty appeared back in the living room.

“Yeah.” I responded, pulling on my own hair, ready to sleep whenever I could. Pulling out a few strands, I looked around the room, noticing that the other two people were missing from sight. Tyler got up from a chair, walking up to him, and help lift Smitty over to the couch. “What did you learn?” Tyler asked me, lying him down with ease, and put his hands in his pants pockets.

“She learned to summon weapons, which is great progress so far. Her subconscious is still in good condition, so I don’t have any doubt we’ll win over Rosemary.” Delirious answered for me, and then casually walked to another room, closing the door behind him, also locking it.

“What… he said.” I sighed, looking over the new person in our group, taking his features. “Want me to get you anything? You can rest if you want, too.” Tyler smiled kindly, raising his thumb to what looked to be the kitchen. I look up to him, looking into his swirling blue eyes. 'Damn, they really seem to capture the lighting.'

“No thanks, I’ll stick to sleeping for right now.” I smiled at him, thankful for someone that at least seemed to care for my being. He nodded, as I sat down on the couch, right next to Smitty, agreeing with myself to wait until he woke from his slumber. Tyler took one last glance at me, before walking into another room.

I room went silent, as I listened to Evan and Cartoonz talk, or argue, in another room, explaining why they weren’t in the room when we got here. I could hear Cartoonz complain about something like 'she won't survive', which was probably something about me.

I stared at Smitty’s sunglasses, which was blue and pink, somehow fitting in with his grey skin and blonde hair. 'Why do people judge so often? Even then, people judge themselves more than anything. I thought I was just a regular girl, but look at me now. I'm working with these people, to save them, too.' I spaced out, as I fell asleep to my own thoughts.

My nose twitched, as I smelled something like blossoms near my face.

I blinked my eyes open, and almost screamed once I saw a pink and blue centimeters from mine. I squealed in fear, before pushing the person onto the couch.

Upon, looking at them, I realized they look really familiar.

Looking down at the knife to his throat,I realized it was my hand holding it. By the detail of black covering my hand, I had summoned it without any thought.

"Woah, woah! Hailey, calm down!" Smitty raised his hands from under me, sweating from his face. I stayed in my position, my anger spilling from my face.

"Why the hell were you so close to my face?!" I snapped at him, staring straight where his eyes should be. "What? I always do that when I want your attention!" He started sweating even more.

"My attention? You're not my dog anymore!" I growled, lifting myself off of him. He shoot up, feeling around his body, in genuine shock.

"Yo, I'm back!" He screamed in joy, jumping up and hugging my shoulders, squishing my flesh on them. I flinched from his sudden touch, “Hey, don’t hug me! Don’t even show any affection to me!” I screeched, prying him off of me. I didn’t have the curiosity and patience for this situation anymore, I just wanted to sleep for at least ten hours. Maybe even enough to hear Sam complain some dude she saw on the street, just maybe.

“Why were you my dog? I knew you since I bought you at the store, I was never told you would be able to change into a human, free of charge! Hell, what a great freaking purchase!” I growled, pushing him away from my already angered body, in which he just did not seem to get the message.

“You… never bought me, I was placed by the group to you, I guess they just changed your memories slightly. I think Evan was some part of that, though. He knows a lot about mem-” “Shut the hell up!” He was crushed back onto the couch by my bare fists, as the others started pouring into the room, finally deciding that this was the perfect moment to waltz in.

“Smitty, you’re back.” Evan came in third, from Tyler and Cartoonz, noting the young man who was face deep inside the couch. I glared at him, ripping Smitty back out, placing him back on his feet.

“Yeah, and my trusted dog and friend are gone. Care to explain, Vanoss?” I glared directly at his eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. He seemed to flinch at his other name rolling off my tongue, but responded with his almost monotone voice, “Yes, in fact, I will explain. We couldn’t show ourselves to you directly at that moment. We needed some sort of in detailed view of you, because I couldn’t exactly enter your house. So, we used Smitty as the viewer, and tell us anything weird that happened while you were in the house.” He looked my face and eyes the entire time, seeming that everything that fell from his mouth to be true.

“Yeah, I actually got a few things to say.” Smitty interrupted, rubbing the back of his neck. “If it’s about what it’s like to be a dog, just shut up.” Cartoonz glared at him from side, his hands holding a fist full of his hoodie. Smitty shook his head, “No, some weird things did happen!”

“I saw Sam make the two girls, she has some sort of power like Rosemary does! I think she gave Sam some of it, and now she can make some of those creatures!” He fixed his shades on his face, also fixing his dark blue shirt, that said “expired milk” in bright white.

“I’m glad I had a feeling about them, or else we would’ve been hurt.” Delirious shrugged, adding into the topic. My eyes widened, and I stared at him, “So you didn’t actually know if they were bad?!” He looked back at me, seeming to grin from under his mask, then proceed to shake his head at me.

“But why Sam? I’ve always trusted her, my whole life, I saw her as my sister, who cared for me!” I cried back at Evan, more confused than hurt.

“She was made by your mother, I think, so someone could still look after you. Don’t get me wrong, your mother is evil, but a mother’s love just doesn’t disappear.” Tyler patted my shoulder, trying to cheer me up.

“He’s right, though.” Smitty, looked to me, smiling, showing off his pure white teeth. “Even if you helped in sending her away, she still loves you deeply, she’s your mom.”

I placed my eyes to the view of my shoes, thinking this out within my head. ‘Why Sam? She may be fake as well, but I fell right into her trap of trust. Although, she could be real, and they could be lying to me.’ I argued within my head. ‘But why would they lie to me, they raised me as a kid? My heart even feels safe around them, they wouldn’t lie this far.’

I pulled on my strings on my jacket, thinking of a decision.

“Then let’s go fight her.” I suddenly said, breaking the few seconds of silence that surrounded us.

“Huh?” Tyler tilted his head to the side, not understanding my sudden change of mood. “I’ll join you, and destroy everyone I need to destroy. I make a lot of regrettable choices, this might be one, but I guess I’ll just have to see it to the end. This might even be the best choice of my life, which I hope it is. Whatever it is, I’ll try my best to help out.” I smiled, finally knowing my place right here.

Evan hummed, turning his back on me, having his arms crossed. “Fine, then go get ready before we leave, it’s going to be tough.”

Still smiling, I nodded my head, wanting to be of any help to them. I still had years in my life, might as well make it my best years.

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