Chapter 8

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We went to the airport and got on our plain. Damon sat down beside me.

"So you excited?" He asked.

"You don't even know." I said, grabbing his hand. I'm actually nervous I've never been on a plain let alone go to another country and it's the first time I've ever met him. The plain ride was very long and it was so boring. I literally was fidgety the whole ride. So Damon talked to me to keep my mind off it. As soon as the plain landed I grabbed my bags and rushed out. I stretch out as soon as I got outside. I waited till Damon got off. Then we looked for a ride. But their were none available. So we just walked. It was beautiful there were old buildings everywhere. I hand sunglasses on so no one could see my eyes. We walked down the street holding hands. When I found an Inn. We walked in and got checked in. Then we took our stuff to our room.

"That was a long trip." He said, as we walked in. We laid our bags down.

"Your telling me." I replied, unzipping my bag letting out my dragons. But they were fast asleep. So we just left so we wouldn't wake them up. We walked down the street. Trying to figure out where we were. When I bumped into someone. Dropping the map. I went to pick it up. When I bumped heads with the woman.

"Oh I'm sorry." She laughed, she looked to be in her mid 30's. When she seen my father's name on the paper.

"Oh are you looking for the doctor?" She asked, I nodded.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Very he's my husband. I could take you to him." She smiled. So we agreed to follow her. She led us to a large old mansion. She opened the door. It was huge on the inside and beautifully decorated I stopped when I seen a huge paint on the wall of a woman she was the same species as me. She was gorgeous I couldn't take my eyes off it. I walked up to it.

"Isn't it beautiful they call her the queen of the night. She said to be the guardian and protector of my husband's family. Even my husband believed she was real that is till I came around. He used to be obsessed with her. He spent years looking for her." She said, taking the picture down.

"Wait ware you throwing it away?" I asked.

"Yes who wants a picture like that." She joked putting it on the ground.

"Of course unless you want it." She said when she noticed I was still staring at it.

"Yes." I blurted without thinking. She handed it to Damon he set it down by the door.

"I don't know why you would want that old thing." I heard someone say. I whipped around to see a man standing on the steps. I accidentally knocked off my sunglasses breaking them. So I looked at the ground.

"Its just the only thing I've ever found close to what I'm looking for." I replied. When Damon walked over to me and took his sunglasses off revealing his real eyes.

"You can't be." The man said in disbelief.

"No I'm not but she is she made me." Damon replied as the man walked down to us examining Damon.

"Well those definitely are not contacts. Your the real freaking deal holly shit." He said, looking over at me. When he lifted my chin so he could look at my eyes.

"So she made you?" He asked Damon. He nodded. When Damon showed is true form wings and all.

"Holy shit sweetie look at these wings and horns their huge." He said, looking over at his wife stretching out Damon's wing.

"I finally was starting to get through to you and I had to find these two." She sneered.

"You really want to blame me for something I have no control over I was born like this I didn't chose it. I got it from my father who might I add I've never met. He ditched my mom as soon as he found out my mother was pregnant. Leaving me with this damn curse and a deathly sick mother and four sister's to take care of. Hell I practically raised my sister's by myself. Do you even know how hard that is on a 15 year old girl. No you don't could you even image having to grow up not knowing what you are or what you capable of." I said, angrily.

"Sanja." The man said, I looked at him.

"How did you know my name?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because I'm the one that gave you that name. You have your mother's firey personality. She was always a firecracker and she never let anyone tell her what to do. Your just like her." He said, caressing my face.

"Never compare me to her we're nothing alike. She always treated me like a freak. She never wanted me. She wanted May not me. Neither did you since..." He cut me off by hugging me.

"And I regret it everyday. But I'm glad you grew up to be such a beautiful young woman. You couldn't make me prouder and I glad you have such a loyal companion." He said.

"Actually Damon's my soulmate dream demons only pick one partner their whole life even after death. Our bonds are like a werewolves." I said, and he pulled away.

"Wait werewolves are real." He questioned.

"Well they are in the world I created but I don't know if honestly. I've never found any none humans here." I exclaimed, letting my wings out when Damon pulled me into his arms from behind me.

"Wait you made your own world?" My dad asked.

"Well ya but it's more of another dimension and she rules it with an iron fist. Everyone in her kingdom loves her though. But still

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