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Hope you're all good in Spanish.


"What does your boss want?" Landon barked.

They were seven men in black suits and carried briefcases. There was a SUV behind them at the road and I don't know if it's my eyes but am pretty sure more guys in Black suits are inside.

The one who spoke to us earlier, probably the leader, glared at us. He's a hard man. There's not even a little smile or smirk or frown in his face. Actually, all of the don't have any emotion on their face. Is it my fault that am getting scared right now? It's normal to be scared at this situation. Right?

"I think you don't want to cooperate, do this the easy way and get inside the car." He gestured with his head to the car. The looks like de rock (Dwayne Johnson) only I think, more muscular and more deadly.

"Help, help! They want to kidnap us, help. Call the cops. Help!!!" I yelled for anyone. I will not die like this. No way, not in my head. Mom help me.

Anytime dad wasn't around and I get scared, my mom would always come to me. Even though officer Gavin is around.

"Shut up." He brought out his gun and there rest followed suit. He shot in the air and everyone hide on the table.

"Go and hide." Landon shouted at me and I ran to a table myself. My heart is already due for a heart attack. If anything happens again, then I'll definitely get one.

From where I hid, I can see all that's going down.

"So you are the idiot that wants to compete with our boss?" The man, I now realize is speaking like a Spanish man, said.

"Tell your boss I don't care about him." Landon answered. Why he's angering them the more is what I don't get.

Finally, the man smiled, "we did not come for you but for the mademoiselle." He pointed at me and then someone grabbed me from behind.

"Let me go!" I kicked and struggled to get out of his hold but his grip on me was too strong.

"Hey but careful with her." Landon shouted.

"What's going on Landon?" I asked but he only smiled at me.

"Do you believe I can beat all of them?" He asked.

"No, I don't." I replied, is he getting crazy or did the bullet that emotionless de rock shoot upwards fall down and hit him?

"Why not? Just have faith and cheer for me." He said.

"Madam, I think your boyfriend has gone nuts." The man holding me said. So am not the only one who believes that. Why hasn't anyone called the police? Who am I kidding? Situations like this, the police never comes.

Landon's hand slowly went behind him to his back, it was that moment, they decided to take me to the SUV.

"You." He pointed to the man holding me, "Take her away." He threw me inside the SUV, my eyes weren't deceiving me when I saw other men inside before.

There were like fifteen more emotionless men in black inside, minus the driver.

One of them tied my mouth while I struggled. After, he proceeded to tiring my hands and legs.

But my mind was on Landon. What will the rest do to him?

I watched the scene from the window, that man had pointed a gun at his face and it seems that he has been beaten up. No Landon, you said you could fight them, what's this? I don't want to die just yet. At least not in my head.

He was about to pull the trigger but then, Landon kicked the gun upwards and it flew from his hand, it shot the wall. Thank God! Well Landon? Fight!

He got the gun from his hand and pointed it to him instead.

He looked over at me and winked before muttered a little thank you. What did I do?

He picked up a chair and slacked it on his face, the man just stood there as the chair broke while nothing happened to him. Expected but what I did not expect was why Landon suddenly look at me angrily. Again, what did I do?

The rest surrounded him and was ready to fight but I couldn't see Landon anymore.

They charged at him and I think they were beating him up again. Landon please save yourself. I prayed and it seems it was answered as Landon got up and started beating them as well.

He was fighting with karate, no, boxing, no, murtal combat.

They started shooting at him, aimlessly and Landon had to hide. He shielded himself with a table. Thank God those weren't wooden tables but made out of metals, I think.

He got out his gun as well and fired at them. He aimed well and shot down three.

Their bullets got finished so they hid as well. Now, everyone in the cafe had ran to a safer place.

Landon fired aimlessly as he ran inside the cafe.

They fired as well as they skillfully ran inside. Continuously shielding their selves.

One of them signaled the driver who started the engine and it roared. He zoomed to a place that am pretty sure I'll not be able to describe to the cops. Goodness! I know nowhere in Paris.

After a while in the road, someone covered my face with something while I continuously praying Landon defeats them all. He said he could defeat them if I trust he would. I trust you Landon.

The car stopped and I was dragged somewhere I don't know because they refused to free my face.

"What do you want from me?!" I struggled to escape but it seems they're just too strong for me. Why wouldn't they? They are de rock's (Dwayne Johnson's )twins!

After some time, I was made to sit on a chair. They released my hands and legs but instead tied me up to the chair.

There was this nice smell everywhere.

After, my face was freed.

Everywhere was bright, I flinched at first but later my mouth dropped up as I realized my surrounding.

I was amazed by Mrs Smith house but her house can not complete with this living room.

It was like a palace, the furnitures where all amazing and red. Shaped like a turtle, It had a touch of royalty.

Below was a horse-blood colored rug.

The six sofa's made a circle around me leaving only one place to enter or leave. There were stools at the front of each sofa.

There were lamps on high stools, all around.

Each window in the room was covered with long, red curtains.

A huge chandelier was above me.

The rectangular dinning table was outside the circle the sofa's made.

The table must be designed by some mad awesome designer. It was crafted and designed like a little turtle. The four legs of the turtle was designed to balance and hold the table while the shell was flat and held a white huge vase of beautiful rose.

The vase but me antique or very expensive.

There was different types of paintings around. But one caught my eyes.
There was a big huge gigantic picture of me and some Marcelo man.

Actually, there are a lot of pictures of me and of that man and the one that scares me the most was the one where I was wearing a wedding gown with him. Smiling and holding a bouquet of white roses.

A man walked in, the Marcelo man, he was wearing a tuxedo and rearranging it. He had curly dark hair. He's actually kinda handsome in person.

He walked closer to me and sat on one of the chairs in front of me and cleared his throat.

"Así que finalmente nos volvemos a encontrar, Karen ".(So we finally meet again, Karen.) He said but why do I understand him? He's clearly speaking another language, not English or French but why does my heart tell me it's Spanish. Probably because he looks Spanish.

"¿Quién eres tú?" (Who are you?) I asked, but what am I saying? This is not English, I do not understand Spanish. Who's controlling my mouth? "-¿A qué te refieres? Soy tu marido, Santiago. El que abandonaste y huiste con su primo." (What do you mean? Am your husband, Santiago. The one you abandoned and ran away with his cousin.)

"¿Por qué me has traído aquí? ¿Y dijiste que te escapaste con tu prima?" ( Why did you bring me here? And did you say I ran away with your cousin?)

"Me traicionaste, después de todo lo que he hecho por ti. Te aparté de ese estúpido marido tuyo ". ( You betrayed me after everything I've done for you. I separate you from that stupid husband of yours.)

"Ah? Sorry?" Finally, I spoke in English.

"Te di mi todo, Karen." (I gave you my everything, Karen.) He started crying, "Dijiste que me amabas y que nunca me dejarías como el resto ". ( You said you loved me and that you would never leave me like the rest.) He slumped to the ground.

"Thank you?" Am not sure what am supposed to do? And what does he mean, the rest?

"Me traicionaste y me dejaste con nuestro hijo, Mateo." (You betrayed me and left me with our son, Mateo.)

Just then, a 15 year old boy, I think, came in.

"Mamá." He called. How old am I anyways?

"Okay, listen here, Santiago? I am not married to you. haven't been and will not."

"Come back for us." He finally spoke in English but he still had that ascent.

"Madre, dijiste que nunca me dejarías. Vuelve mamá. Te amo, mamá". (Mother, you said you would never leave me. Come back mom. I love you mama.) Mateo begged. I can't son, I have to leave.

I suddenly feel attached to him. Landon, I want to get out of here.

Right then, I heard shooting and people fighting.

"¡Oye! ¡Qué está pasando afuera! " (Hey, what's going on outside!) Santiago shouted and left, leaving me alone with, Mateo.

" Mateo, tienes que ayudarme a escapar, por favor ... hijo ". (Mateo, you have to help me escape, please ... son.) I spoke in Spanish again. Something tells me he only understands Spanish.

"¿Y yo mamá? Te amo, mamá". (And me mom? I love you mama.) He asked. He felt lonely and it broke my heart.

"Volveré por ti, hijo."(I'll be back for you, son.) I promised.

"no, estás mintiendo. Te odio y no me amas. te quedarás aquí conmigo y papá ". (No, you are not leaving. I hate you and you don't love me. You will stay here with me and dad.) He left after that.

Why don't he gets it? I said I'll come back and surprisingly, I really mean it. I love him. Why is my heart breaking now? Because he did not believe me? Am a terrible mother.

I stayed there for some time, thinking before Landon rushed. He was like an angel, coming for me in the light. His dark hair was shinier than before. He had changed his outfit and wore a suit instead. His perfect became more perfect in the skin and his fair skin, more fair. His misty green eyes, more Misty. His kissable lips, my lips could feel. What? No.

"¿Eres tú, Landon?" (Is it you, landon?) I asked, he looked at me strangely and I realized I spoke in Spanish.

"Never mind." He untied me.

"Let's go." I nodded and we left through where he came from and where both Mateo and Santiago exited.

"Landon, I have a son." I announced as we entered a hall and ran down.


"I want to get him along with us. I can't leave him behind."

"Hahaha." He laughed, he was very amused but I don't see what's amusing. "You want to get him along? He's not even real. How will you take him along through the door? He only exists here." That's true but I still want him. Oh what's wrong with me. Ever since I journey to dream agency, I've been having different attitudes.

It seems our voices were heard, different emotionless men in suits ran out of the doors in the hallway.

Landon grabbed my hand and ran inside one of the room close to us.

The room was magnificent, there was a huge bed with white pillows and duvet. There was a heart decorated with red roses on top.

The bed was on top of a white grassy rug. There were lights all around.

The room was magnificent and I wish I lived here but it seems I did because I realized my photo at the top of the lamp post beside the bed.

My hand is still with Landon, there was a window by our left, covered by a white long curtain.

The men barged inside the room but were too late. We both jumped outside the window, we weren't in a upper room, thankfully, so we landed safely in the ground.

"One question, Landon, how old am I?" I asked, we continued running as the men chased after us. There seems to be a fight In the compound. Careless fires of shoots were made. Landon dragged me behind a building and fired aimlessly to the men behind us.

They were all hit and fell down, lifelessly.

"Karen, you're fifty two here." He answered breathlessly. What?

"What!" I shouted and He laughed at me.

"My dear, Karen, you were married to seven different men, have eight boyfriend's and gave birth to five children for different men." Kill me will ya!

I wanted to reply but air got in my mouth and I coughed.
"Seriously." My voice was choked.

He nodded.

More men jumped down the window and ran towards us.

"Wait for me here." He ordered and ran to them also. They weren't as huge, skinny in suits, like me, Landon can defeat them easily.

They we're carrying bats, then everything entered slow motion.

One of them tired hitting him with it but he ducked and punched him at the side. He hadn't gotten enough, he tired retaliating again but Landon punched his stomach so hard that he coughed blood and fell to the ground.

Another charged at me but he kicked him back. He fell on another behind him who pushed him away, angrily.

He attempted to slap Landon with his bat as well but Landon held his hand tightly and punched him but he refused to give up so Landon continued punching him in the face, endlessly until he got weak and his face was filled with bruises. Landon kicked him back and he fell to the ground completely.

Two ran to him.

Both tried hitting him together but he ducked down and they ended up smacking each others faces. Landon, from below, punched their stomachs and they fell, defeated. His jet black hair combed back, not one left it's spot. He was like a super hero, untouchable and unbeatable. My new Dwayne Johnson.

Then another came, he was much bigger and huge. He seemed really pissed. Oo.

Will Landon be able to beat him?

Landon punched him but it seems that he was the one who got hit. He winced at the pain while the man grabbed his neck and raised him up. He gave Landon a super punch that made him fly all the way to me.

He smashed his back on the wall and fell down. Defeated? No.

"Landon?" I called out but he did not reply so I went closer to him. "Landon please wake up." I shook him until he looked at me.

"Karen." He said.

"Yes?" My voice was blurry all of a sudden.

"Karen, I can do this. I can save you, believe that, Please." He begged.

"Okay." I answered quickly.

He stood up, the man had already advanced closer.

He tired punching Landon but he ducked. Instead he kicked him and Landon returned back to me.

"Karen, believe." He demanded.

"Okay!" I answered. Okay then, I believe Landon, that you can take him down with one go. But why though?

More men ran out from the window.

The man picked Landon up and wanted to punch him again but Landon held his hand and kicked him between his legs, he dropped him and held the spot and winced but Landon kicked his head which made him fall defeated. That was easier than I thought.

The rest, seeing that the huge man has been defeated, all charged at Landon with their sticks and bats.

Landon ducked them all, he picked one of them up and threw him at three men who all fell.

One tired hitting him from behind but it seems he knew as he instead, stepped on his feet and elbowed his chest.

He was untouchable again, it's like all his punches were death sentences.

"You can do it, Landon." I cheered and he turned back and winked at me. I felt myself blush.

He dragged one by his long hair and smashed his face to the ground.

He did it again and again before throwing him on another one running towards him.

Then more came jumping from the window again. Who's telling them where we are?

"Landon, shouldn't we run for it?" I shouted to him.

"No, Karen. Continue cheering for me." As you wish master. "Go Landon. Go Landon. Go Landon." I cheered like Stephanie In the cheerleaders team. I must sound ridiculous especially because of the way Landon looked at me and frown.

I smiled sheepishly. He should frown more often, it will get the girls mad.

Suddenly, one appeared behind him and grabbed his hair. He wasn't focus because of me.

He pushed him to the ground and hit him with his humongous bat. Ouch! That's going to hurt a lot. I can feel the pain for him.

"Come on, Landon. You can do it."

I continued cheering until he stood up again and fought back.

Another huge man came again but I know Landon can defeat him. You can do it Landon.

He punched and kicked his way out. He elbowed one at his side and pushed back anyone trying to punch him.

He grabbed one by his neck and threw him away, he went flying back, the way Landon once did.

That huge man came to fight him but this time, I believe Landon can defeat him. Landon gave him several punches in his chest but he remained adamant.

He tried giving Landon a punch of his own but he evaded and grabbed his hand and threw him off the ground. He sat on him and punched his face endlessly until he received a punch of his own and he went flying.

"No, Landon. You can do this." I encouraged loudly but someone covered my mouth from behind and raised me up.

I tried shouting Landon's name for him to hear me but it's like the man hand, am sure it's a man's hand because this man cannot be a woman's. It's huge. Is a clothe covering my mouth. Not even a single space for anything nor air. What if I couldn't breathe with my nose and needed my mouth. This man would have killed me.

Landon, help!

He dragged me out of my hiding place while I struggled with him.

There wasn't any shooting anymore and he took me to where the fight went down.

Several men were down and the place recked from an unpleasant smell.

There was another man, waiting by a car for me. I think.

He was still wearing a tuxedo and had curly hair. He some how resembled Santiago. Or Mateo! Or is it that Mateo resembles him. Gssssh.

"Señor, la he capturado ". (Sir, I have captured her.) The man holding me said.

Then walked up to us and smiled. "Señorita traviesa. Ahora no hay nada que ese estúpido Sr. Landon pueda hacer ahora. Estaremos juntos, para siempre. Jajaja." (Naughty lady. Now there's nothing that stupid Mr. Landon can do now. We will be together, forever. Hahaha.) He laughed.

"Nunca, estúpido hombre abominable." (Never, you stupid abominable man.) If am going to be with anyone, then it's Sean. He's definitely way handsome than any man here. Wait man. Ewwwwwl, disgusting. Am seventeen, not fifty two.

"Te arrepentirás de haberme dejado alguna vez. Elena te odia ahora, me aseguré de eso." (You will regret ever leaving me. Elena hates you now, I made sure of that.) I have another child with him? My head is spinning.

Then, Landon came and we all turned out heads towards him.

"¡Acabar con él!" ("Finish him!") He ordered and they all brought out their guns.

Landon shielded himself from all the fires aimed at him with an unconscious man he brought along with. He came prepared.

They stopped their shooting and Landon let the man fall down.

One ran towards him, Landon evaded his punch and kicked his stomach and he flew back to where he came from.

Another ran to him but he punched him endlessly until he slammed to the floor and Landon walked over him, getting closer to us.

It made the boss hiss and signaled the man holding me to bring me forward which he did.

"Deal with him." So You can speak English too. He ordered him and he cracked his knuckles.

So you think you can defeat Landon? You're in for a surprise that I won't see because I shoved in the car and the door slammed in my face.

The car was roared to life and was zoomed out of the premises.

On our way, I decided to jump down so I opened the car and jumped.

My body hit the ground and though my body can't feel it, my head tells me that it was a hell of a pain.

I composed myself and stood up but again my mouth was covered and I was dragged inside the car again.

This time he did not just leave me there, he hit me and though I did not feel it, I passed out.


My eyes spranged opened, I was in another luxurious room. On top of a huge bed, the duvet was red. There was flowers all around, there was a small chandelier in the middle of the room. The room was like a booked room in a five star hotel. I know this because me and my mom had booked a room there just to have the experience. It was delightful.

I stood up and looked around, the room was magnificent but I need to focus, I have been kidnapped, again. I need to escape.
But how do I escape?

That's a stupid question, there's a door Karen but that's even more stupid, I've been kidnapped again, they won't just leave me alone unattended without a guard. But it wouldn't hurt to check.

I opened the door slowly and looked around but nobody was around. Idiots! I opened the door wider and smiled to myself, escape has never been this easy.

I ran out the door and decided to go left but stopped in my tracks when I noticed someone by the right.

"así que planeas dejarme de nuevo." (So you plan to leave me again.) The man said. It seems he must be one of my husbands. It gives me the creeps.

"por favor déjame ir, si me quedo moriré".(Please let me go, if I stay I'll die.) I tired begging.

"¿Así que estar conmigo te matará?" (So being with me will kill you?)

"No, eso no es lo que quise decir."( No, that's not what I meant.)

"Pensar que traicioné a mi primo por ti. Era como un hermano para mí. Me ayudó. Y lo maté". (To think that I betrayed my cousin for you. He was like a brother to me. He helped me. And I killed him.) Eh, what?!

"¿Mataste a Santiago?" (Did you kill Santiago?) What the f**k men.

"Yes, today." No way. "That Landon, is he better than me? I can give you power but stay with us and your daughter."

"But how's Mateo? What did you do to him?" I demanded, something in me is breaking my heart and I dread the truth right now.

"He's dead, Karen. Dead." He spat.

"You animal." I slumped to the ground. "I shall never be with you, you make me sick." I spat as well, tearing rolling freely from my eyes. Mateo.

"Whether you want to or not, we shall get married again!" He shouted at me.

"No, never."

"You have no choice."

"Yes, I do. Landon will come and save me from you. We will marry and he won't kill any of my children." I hate what am saying right now but am just so emotional hurt that Mateo is dead. My son.

"He will have to pass my guards first. They will kill him and you shall be with me again."

"In your own dream." I stood up and ran away but I heard him say 'conseguirla' (get her.) And then I heard footsteps behind me.

I was almost out of the hall but some men were guarding it,

"Don't let her escape." The men chasing me yell and they grabbed me while I struggled to be free.

They returned me to the room I was previously in and tied me up.

I struggled as if it will do any good but I know that it won't. After I'd exhausted myself, I relaxed on the bed.

Landon, help me.

I wished Landon could just knock that door down and come for me.

I sighed but then the door was knocked down and Landon appeared.

"Vamos, señorita ". (Come on, miss.) He said and came closer to untie me. I could not stop myself from smiling as he was dashing when he just came when I wished for it and was like a super hero.

I wonder how Landon will look like, if he's Korean?

He carried me bridal style and walked in slow motion out of the room. Some bodies were on the floor as we passed.

I couldn't help but stare at him. Landon is no nightmare to me. But he sure is to all my husbands.

It was already dark outside,

We walked out from the house but stopped when we heard a noise from behind.

We turned to see Sean holding a bat and a man lying on the ground. Blondy!

"Thanks." We muttered to Sean. He walked to us.

"What are you doing here, Sean?" I asked.

"Not glad to see me?" He asked and I felt my inside warm up. "I came for you. I thought you might need some help and we keep loosing track of your signal so I thought, maybe you could be in lots of stress and maybe Landon's stressing your head so I decided to come." He explained, I only smiled then we started the journey where by the way?

"Landon, where are we going?" I asked.

"To the Eiffel tower, like you said we should." Landon replied.




"Because you said it's our way out. That's why."

"And so? What if I said that, that doesn't mean it's true."

"It's your head, believe." He said and then groaned before both him and Sean gave each others strange looks. "Just believe the door is there."


We climbed up to the Eiffel tower.

"So now, where's the door?" I asked with my hands on my waist.

Both Sean and Landon climbed the supported and was at the verge of falling down.

"Give me your hand, Karen." Sean demand.

"No." I shouted. "If the both of you have gone mad, I haven't." I turned back but heard footsteps coming up.

"They're coming for you, Karen." Landon said.

"So I should just commit suicide?"

"No, you should just trust me and jump with us."

"No way."

They looked at each other, the men already got up and stood there amazed when they saw Landon and Sean.

"Even they, think you're both crazy."

Sean got down and held my waist. "Trust me at least." He said and I flushed completely. I only regained myself when I realized I was falling down.

Oh God!

"Where is the door?!" I screamed but no reply came and then I became afraid as I was getting closer to the ground.

Where's the door!

Please come!

I will not die here!



Everywhere suddenly became bright and I floated up.

I died?!


I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, chapter nine, coming up. I'll start writing now so it won't take as long as this chapter did and I'll post it tomorrow.

Thanks for reading ❤️

With love 💖🌹

Anita 💞💃

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