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Coming to the agency, the important and only rule was not to think, not to use my head that's why I don't understand why Mya, Payton and Audrey have collaborated to give me another test so I'll use my head and think to save Landon and Sean's job when it's me thinking that caused it in the first place!

No matter what, dream agency is a mystery.

I woke up in a luxurious bedroom, it's a typical girly room except it's painted  with lemon color instead of pink.

My name was written at the wall above my bed. Pictures of my family was around. My mom, me and my sisters although I don't know who's the two other girls with us but I know they must be my sisters or cousin or relative.

Wait, I do know them!

Crap, it's Ruby and Stephanie! They look like witches! Dream agency is evil!

Just then Stephanie barged inside my room, she was with a bucket of water and she emptied it on me.

I growled.

"What the hell!" I shouted.

"You were supposed to be up five hours ago! what about the ball? we need our things ready!" She had an commanding voice which just shuts me up.

"Well? Get up!" She yelled and stormed out of the room. Goodness!

I changed my clothes, I have an amazing wardrobe filled with gorgeous dresses only? Everything there looked expensive and I had uncountable jewelries and shoes and...I have no idea what that is but I think it's...a umm, it looks like a dress? Nah!

Whatever that thing is, it's gorgeous, I selected a dress but it wasn't easy as everything was so glorious that I'd had a difficult time deciding what I wanted to wear.

Eventually, I chose a yellow turtle neck dress. Almost the same with the one I wore when me and Landon was in Paris in my head.

I looked divine!


Now what am I supposed to do here?  I'd been poured water early in the morning, well sort of, and she said something about a ball and getting them ready for it.

A ball and aren't I attending? Shouldn't I be getting myself ready?

I thought, things are starting to get familiar. I know all this, I've watched a movie like this, am sure of it.

Dang it, I should watch films more often. I've got loads of films and cartoons on my laptop but don't watch it. Actually It wouldn't be interesting if you're mourning right?

Anyways watching films were out of the question before but if I'll start again, I think I'll go for blockbuster, romance and comedy. So I'll finally remove the stupid jokes from the previous sound mode from my head and replace it with actual funny jokes!

"And what are you doing standing there?!" Ruby shouted at me immediately I got out from my room. "Come here!" She dragged me along to I don't know where but I was about to find out.

She made me stand outside her room while she brought something. While waiting, Stephanie came and dumped piles of clothes in front of me to wash. Even in the test, she's still a witch!

"And what do you mean by this?!" I yelled. No way am washing her clothes.

"Wash them!" She ordered and I was about to protest when Ruby opened the door still with a pile of clothes which has been dropping while she came. I could see the thrill inside.

"Wash these as well." She ordered while picking up the ones that fell.

"Can someone tell me why am going to be washing your clothes?" I asked. Am confused as hell.

"Uh, rude! We'll see what mother has to say about this." Ruby said and left, heading to the direction I believe mother is.

"You'll regret this!" Stephanie added hers and strode on the same part Ruby once did.

I was only asking a question!

I bent down to gather the clothes they left for me. They've got issues!

While doing it, Ruby and Stephanie marched towards me while my mother, in a ball gown, walked graciously towards me.

"See! She doesn't want to wash it!" Ruby started when they were closer.

Mom sighed, "I'll talk to, Karen, please excuse us."

"Don't disappoint us Mrs Hicks!" Stephanie teased. "You promised to be a good mother."

"She can never be a good mother only a good step mother." Ruby corrected. This definitely rings a bell.

They walked inside Ruby's room and slammed the door shut behind them.

"Ugh, those girls!" Mom laughed. "Come on Karen, let's pick them up." She said and bent down to pick the clothes. I did the same and sooner, we were done. "Let's take it to the washing machine." So there was a washing machine?!  Of there's a washing machine! why wouldn't there be a washing machine is such a luxurious house?!

On our way, mom used the opportunity to bond and speak with me, "Karen I know they can be a handful but you promised me you'll try to bond with them and if that requires you let them mistreat you, you'll be wise with the way you behave." She sighed again. "They are difficult but let's try to understand them and draw them closer because whether step or not, they are family." She advised.

Why do I get the feeling dream agency is trying to pass an information to me here?

They're right, Stephanie's family but she's a witch even in real life and it's not my fault we don't get along and besides, I don't even do anything to get in her bad side. She just decided to place me there because of the step in our relationship.

"Okay, mom." I answered either way.

"That's my girl!" She squealed excitedly and we arrived at the laundry room. "Okay, I've got other important work to do so you take care of this.." she dumped the clothes she was carrying on mine.


"Bye, bye sweetie." She patted my head before leaving.

"Well they are much this time than the last." Landon suddenly appeared from the side of the door. God he looked incredibly handsome. As always, his jet black hair is combed back neatly with shinny hair gel. Hands crossed.

Oh my heart. It skipped several beats just looking at him.

"Landon..." I thrilled off. He probably doesn't no me the way we knew each other, he must just be used as a character here just like the rest and with no other memory.

"Don't worry, Karen, am playing a role here just like you. We are part of the test, we all are to find out what we're supposed to do here but your mom and sisters images are just used and are made to act the way Mya wants." He assured when I'd hesitated. Okay but I heard him say we all, is anyone else still in the test?

"What do you mean we all are part of the test?"

"Oh, Sean and Lauren are here too." He replied. "And I've found out that am your best friend here. And you're also trying to survive with your step sisters." He said while walking towards me. "Does any of that ring a bell?" He asked.

"Actually it does but am not sure what bell." I answered.

"Well then, while you're thinking, I'll take care of these clothes." He said and collected the clothes from me.

"Why will you take care of them, don't worry I'll do it." I dragged the clothes with him.

"Hey, I forgot to tell you, am the laundry boy here." He announced.

"That's not true, you're just saying it so I'll let go." I smiled.

"Nope. What business do you think am doing here?" He smiled back and my heart stopped. I must put myself back together!


"Am sure this is Audrey's idea." He laughed and I joined him even though I was oblivious to what he meant.

"By the way, what role is Sean playing?" I asked suddenly and that seemed to unsteady him in a way I don't understand.

"I don't know but am sure we'll find out soon." He answered while taking the clothes to the washing machine.

He did the laundry while I just stood there and watched him like I couldn't move.

"So what do you think all this is? Got any idea?" He asked, taking me back to reality.

"No I don't."

"Umm, were you even thinking at all?" He strode towards me.

"Uh, yeah I have been."

"Okay but there's something bothering me that I don't know if you feel the same way?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously, He sounded like he was asking a question instead of telling me.

"What is it?"

"Umm, you look pretty on that dress." He blushed. Hahaha, what's his mother doing to him? Did they make him to be in love with me? My imaginary eyes widened.

"Thanks." I answered shyly. Oh, what are they doing with us?!

"They're here!" Someone screamed.

I ran to where the voice was coming from and it was from the front door.

Who screamed? It was non other than my stepsisters.

Wait, step sisters. It's really ringing a bell. Really, but what?!

By the door was a beast? And a young woman.

My stepsisters vwere hugging him so it means I don't have to panick. Phew.

They are just like beauty and the beast. Wait, it's a fairytale!

And there's a ball and stepsisters and me cleaning, sort of. Am Cinderella!

I turned to Landon who have been standing with me the entire time. "Landon, it's Cinderella! Am Cinderella." I exclaimed happily. Oh now we can finish this test and save their jobs!

"The girl with a glass slipper?" He asked and I nodded my head ferociously.


"And am not a prince." He gave me a fake smile and I can recognize a fake smile miles away. "It's probably might be Sean." He concluded and left.

I wished it was you too, really!

I sighed, my excitement long gone.

"Hey, Karen! Won't you say hello to your uncle?" The beast asked. Isn't he supposed to be human again. Or probably they'll wanted me to guess this and know am Cinderella but why are they making it easy?

I walked closer to them. "Hi uncle." I faked a smile.

"Girls! I have a surprise for you!" He said and then opened the door. Sean walked through the door. He looked very stunning in his tuxedo. He was looking neat and fresh, so very perfect and rich.

"Prince Sean!" Ruby and Stephanie rushed to him and jumped on him. He landed on the floor and I laughed heartily. I couldn't help it, the sight was too funny.

"What are you laughing at?" Ruby asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh honestly, nothing." I answered still smiling.

"Karen!" Sean exclaimed. He seemed delighted to see me. Probably because he's been with this beast since.

"Hi." I waved at him.

"How do you know her?" Stephanie asked.

"Yeah, how do you know her?" Ruby added and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on girls, don't be disrespecting the prince. Let him stand up." Uncle beast reasoned and they got off him and apologized.



They were behaving like twins! Gross. Stephanie and my best friend? Nah!

"And I have clothes for you all to wear to the ball prince Sean's hosting!" Bell am sure that's her name, said. "They are gorge!"

"Really? I want to see them!" They exclaimed and followed Bell to probably try out dresses. I had to stay back to talk to Sean.

"Sean!" I called immediately we were alone. "I know how to finish this test now!"

"How?" He asked.

"It's Cinderella!"

"The girl in glass slippers?"

"Yeah!" I nodded.

"They have poor way of choosing tests, you've figured it out already."

"Yeah. Oh and Landon's my best friend and also the laundry boy." I added.

"But I don't remember a laundry boy in the film or cartoon? Ah! I'd never seen the movie properly."

"Hahaha." I laughed, "There is no laundry boy, it's just their addition."  He was nervous and blushed while scratching the back of his neck. No way!

"So does this mean we have to get married?" He asked shyly.

"I don't think so, probably until we dance at the ball." I replied. No way am marrying him, not even in my dreams.

"Okay girls, we have to escort prince Sean back to the palace." I heard uncle beast's voice saying while climbing down the stairs.

I smiled at him when he placed a kiss on my for head. Bell did the same and we waved them good bye along with Sean.

"This is your dress!" Stephanie said immediately I closed the door and threw it in my face. They left immediately and the reason why is non other than they destroyed my own dress. Witches!

I sat down on the floor frustrated.

"What's going on?" Landon dragged his words as he sat down with me.

"My stepsisters destroyed my dress for the ball." I sighed and showed him the dress.

He took it and examined it. "Then let's order another one." He suggested.

"We can do that?" I asked extremely surprised.

"Come on." He dragged me up.


The door bell rang and I opened it. My dress was delivered by non other than Lauren!

"Lauren!" I squealed and hugged her.

"Happy to see you too Karen." I welcomed her inside. It was just me and Landon, everyone else left for the ball.

Mom was worried about me but I assured her to follow my stepsisters instead.

"Guess what guys!" Lauren started, "Glass slippers!" She brought it out from the shoe box it was kept in.

"Wow, it really is Cinderella's story." Landon admitted.

"Yap and I'll do your make up. In other words, am your fairy godmother." She said.

I took her to my room and she made my hair and makeup.

The gown was beautiful! I was like a Disney princess. I looked matured!

"You look divine!" Lauren exclaimed happily. "I take full credits!"

I laughed, "No probs."

I walked slowly down the stairs like I was heading to my marriage.

Landon was waiting by the door for me. His mouth dropped when he saw me and I smiled mischievously to myself.

"Umm, Karen dear... You look... Umm, what's the word?" He hesitated.

"I look like a woman?" I suggested.

"You look beautiful!" He said instead.

We stared at each other and I couldn't be the one who stopped. How can I when his misty green eyes were calling me. Karen, stare deeply at me! Aren't I beautiful?

"Uhh, guys?" Lauren cleared her throat which brought us back to earth.  I was feeling what he was feeling and I know he loves me but is it only here or is he really in love with me? Am confused! I don't know!

I walked to door, Landon opened it for me as I left and I stared at his eyes as I leave.


Earlier in my room I found my car keys which is used in locating my car in the swamp of cars in our massive garage.

I got into the car and was driving out of the gate when I heard Landon call my name.

I hurriedly got out of my car and went to him.

"Oh dear, it's a remix! You're not supposed to be with Sean but me! That's why am here, it was a trick for you to go to the ball and fail." He revealed.

"How come you know all this?" I asked.

"Lauren saw it in us!" He explained. Oh it's true then!

"Now it's my turn to get what I want!"



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