Chapter 1

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On a spring day, you'd wake up at five in the morning. You made your bed and prepared for school. Before you went to the current university, you proceeded to get some coffee and bread and eat inside your assigned dorm.

After breakfast, you brushed your teeth and went to school right away. With the cold weather, you were wearing a pink sweater with white jacket, yellow shorts until the knees and pink shoes with white knee socks. For addition, you wore a pink bonnet hat that had "Dork" printed for design for your eighteenth birthday gift. You carried a white old backpack.

You would go to school right away and not bother other people. Others were just hanging out with their friends, others would kill some time with their chit-chat, and others would just eat their food while walking to the campus.

In the school, you don't even have a single friend to be with you. You would rather be alone than bonding with fake people. You were shy when it comes to others because you lack social skills, but you were very intelligent.

When you reached the campus, you got hit by Ava's skate board.

Many people weirdly stared at you, especially those two mean and popular girls.

Olivia Miller and her best friend Ava Wilson.

Olivia Miller was very poise to herself and she was a fashionista; many girls would ask tips when it comes to fashion.

Ava Wilson was the cool girl in this school. Many people love her because of her boldness.

Olivia wore a mini dress. Consisting of a black v-neck tank top with a white shirt under it, a very short pink miniskirt with a pink scarf. She wears a white hat and on her feet, she wears pink boots with black knee socks. Her hair is long until her back with blue crystal eyes and fair skin. She carries a yellow messenger bag.

Ava on the other hand wears a pink and white cap with white tank top until her waist. She wears a black waistcoat with denim shorts with white tear for details. Her hair is long dark brown in a ponytail. She has black eyes with fair skin just like Olivia's. She carries a pink nessenger bag that almost looks like Olivia's.

Ava glared at you and scoffed.

"Watch your step dork!"

Many people laughed at you because of your old pink bonnet that says "dork."

You got up with an angry expression on your face. You clenched your fist and take a deep breath so you wouldn't make a scene.

"Hello, I'm sorry Ava. I promise I'll be careful next time." You said with a fake smile on your face.

Olivia stepped in and went closer to your face.

"What is your name again? Is it dork or y/n?" Olivia said rudely.

You clenched your fist then you take a deep breath. You're trying to conceal your anger because everytime you see them, your mood is always ruined.

"It's y/n," You simply replied.

Olivia smirked at you and said.

"Oh, I get it. Sorry for my silly friend here as usual. Anyways, I'm sorry for before. How do we make it up to you?" Olivia asked, giving you a fake sweet expression.

"How about...stay out of my sight now shoo!" You said harshly that many people gasped.

Olivia is somhow impressed by your courage. No one in school stood up a chance against Olivia. Olivia can be your angel but she can also be your devil.

While you were walking towards your classroom, many people had their eyes on you. The feeling of many people staring at you is overwhelming and at the same time creepy.

You sat on your usual seat behind the fourth row in the middle. There are five rows inside the classroom and you'd always prefer to sit on the highest part of the seats. You never wanted to be the center of the attention and you'd rather read fanfictions about Steven Stone before and during break times.

When the people came in including the professor, you hid your book away so that no one will see it. It'll probably be weird if everyone knows your adoration on Steven.

Steven is not real of course, but you can't resist him. You totally love him that you'd wish to be with him in your dreams and in your heart. No one knows about that and you hoped that no one will ever know.

When the people went to their seats randomly, the professor went to the center of the classroom.

The professor is a guy and he's very smart. His looks are fine but his kindness makes him charming. He wears his professor themed outfit in a clean manner.

The people are quiet, but in the front row, Olivia and Ava don't mind at all. They are so popular that the professors in the school respects them and they'd reduce their assignments.

Which is unfair.

"Good morning to you all, let us all begin with Science." Professor William began with a small smile on his face.

Science class with professor William Anderson is so boring, but you love to learn Science.

Other people would doze off while professor William is in the middle of lecture. When he sees one of the students asleep, he'd snap them using his ruler on the table.

After your two classes, it was break time. You'd always stay somewhere quiet so you can finish your book about Steven.

While you were eating your chocolate pudding, the two mean girls showed up.

"Hey y/n!" Olivia started. She took a quick glance on your book that you didn't notice.

"What do you want?" You said in a rude tone.

"Don't be so nasty dork because you're gonna-" Ava said coldly but somehow Olivia interrupted.

"Be friendly Ava, I believe that y/n is a kind person with pure heart," Olivia said as her gaze is on you.

"Why don't we go shopping after school? Your outfits are so yesterdays," Olivia continued.

You glared at them and replied.

"I don't care about what I wear and I don't care about your stupid offering." You stood up and leaned closer to Olivia.

"Listen freak, I don't give a damn about you so get lost! After all I've suffered from the two of you and now you'll just forget that and go to me like we are close?!"

"Why you little-" Ava is about to threaten you when Olivia stopped her. She went closer to Ava and whispered something. While Olivia was whispering to Ava's ear, Ava took a quick look on yout book. You just glared at them.

After she whispered, the two girls walked away like it never happened.

You were still upset about how Olivia and Ava treated you since you were freshmen. Now you are in second year of college and you finally stood up for yourself.

"How dare she do this to me!" You mumbled as you throw your empty pudding container away in garbage can and go to the next class.

After school, you directly went home without being noticed by other people.

It was bed time and you were finish doing your other assignments. You lay down on your bed and read the fanfiction book about Steven Stone.

While you were reading, you were blushing and giggling about some parts in your book.

Before you go to sleep, you whispered one more thing. You were staring at the ceiling and said.

"Steven, if only you're real. I really really like you so much."

You closed your eyes and went to sleep.


The next day, you'd wake up early as usual in the spring day.

You take a bath and get ready for school.

Today, you're wearing an orange floral top that has pink flowers on it with a white shirt under the top. White shorts with vacation sandals and hat. Your hat consists a pink flower on it to make it nice.

You went to school with a big smile on your face. You reached to school and many people stared at your new looks. Usually, you'd never wear those kind of clothes but you're in a mood for it.

The two mean girls are wearing stylish clothes and glared at you. You easily brushed them off and headed to class.

You removed your hat as usual and try to finish the book.

You only read two pages when the class filled up with the same professor from yesterday.

The subject for today is health. You listened carefully to the very details of the subject. Mostly, you answered the professor's questions and the professor is very proud of you.

Many people clapped for you because you are very smart in class. The two girls just smirked and glared at you. You didn't even mind at all so you just feel proud of yourself.

When it was your last break, you had afternoon tea with a delicious croissant on your plate.

After you eat, you'd go to your last class. While you were cleaning up, your book fell on the ground that you didn't noticed.

It was time to go and you were on a rush.

When you were gone, your book is just on the ground and someone picked it up.

When you were in class, you were trying to find your book but it's not in your bag. You got worried and you don't know where it is. When the class filled up, you hide your worried expression into a smile.

Olivia gave you a sly grin while Ava glared at you. You glared back and look away. The professor came in, the same professor came in with a wide grin on his face.

"Hello class, we-" the professor is interrupted by Olivia.

"Professor, if you don't mind? I'd like to say a word to my dearest friend y/n." Olivia glanced at you and smirked.

"Alright Miss Miller. Make it quick." The professor simply replied. "I'll just go to the restroom if you don't mind."

The professor excused itself to the restroom.

Olivia went to the center of the class and brought out something that you were looking for.

You gasped when she showed it to everyone.

"Y/n, is it true that you adore a silly pokémon character that doesn't even exist at all?" Olivia asked with that devilish smirk on her face.

"Ah no!" You lied. "That's not even mine anyways."

"Oh really?" Olivia smirked and turn the pages to the last page of your book.

Olivia smirked and showed everyone your most embarassing note in the end on the pages.

"If this isn't yours then why does this book have your name in it?" Olivia continued that everyone had there eyes on you. This is total torture for you that you want to get out of here.

"That's a different y/n, besides I'm too busy reading those kind of books anyways." You stuttered that it's so obvious that it's your book.

"Let's see." Olivia said. "Dearest to my Steven..."

You widened your eyes and blush. You hid your blush by cupping your face to hide from this torture.

"I've always wanted to be with you and I've always wanted to hug you close in my OPEN ARMS..." Olivia emphasized that last part that made everyone laugh at you. You were so embarassed.

You were about to cry because you can't handle the heat.

"Lastly and all, I've always wanted kiss your lips, hear your voice, and look at you. You're so beautiful in my two eyes. I can't stop watching pokémon because I always want to watch episodes that has you in it. I wish I was in the episode so if I was added, I'd make romance with you. You are all mine just for me! Love y/n." Olivia finished and everyone including her are laughing at you.

"What a weirdo. He's not even handsome in the book cover." Ava added as she points out the book cover in the front of your book.

Everyone kept bullying you that you cried and ran away from school. When the professor came back, he wondered where you've gone to.

"Where's y/n?" The professor asked.

"She has her period so she asked my permission and ran to the bathroom." Olivia said sarcastically. Everyone don't even care where you ran to.

You ran to the London bridge with your bag, you forgot to get your book but it doesn't matter.

You sobbed so hard until night came.

While you were crying, a mysterious girl showed up. She's somehow broke but she looks very young with her hazel eyes and long black hair.

"What is the matter young lady?" The mysterious girl asked.

You paused from your crying and replied.

"I've been bullied from my school. It was so embarassing and I couldn't help but run away from everything that happened."

"The world is as cruel as always." The mysterious girl replied. "You are lucky that you have yourself and besides, nothing can change the past no matter what you do." The mysterious girl said wisely.

You looked at her and said.

"Actually, I wished that I'd go to a world where they don't exist at all. I want to go to a world where I can live happily.

There was silence around you guys then the girl smirked.

"Why don't we play a game?"

"What game?" You asked.

"Catch me if you can. Good with that?" The mysterious girl said as her tone is cheery.

You perked a brow and asked kindly.

"I don't know that game. How do you play?"

"Just catch me, you're the it." The mysterious girl explained and ran away from you.

"Oh okay!" You said as you chase her. This isn't the best game to get over your sadness, but at least you get some company.

While you were chasing her, thick fog came in that makes it hard to see.

You were looking for the girl and called out.

"Hello! Hello! Where are you?!" You were panting with all that running.

Becausr of the thick fog, you accidently fell into the water by the London bridge.

You don't even know how to swim, you were drowning; crying for help.

You cried out for help but no one came to get you. The water is so cold and you were freezing. You fainted inside the water and you were lifeless.

In the Johto falls, Steven is exploring the cave with his usual suit and tie. He's with his Aron as he looks for some stones in the cave.

They rested for a while and Steven gave some pokémon food for his Aron.

"Here Aron, have some food." Steven said with a smile.

Aron gladly excepts the food and ate some.

After Aron eats, they continued their search inside the cave.

When they were somewhere close to the waterfalls, an unconscious young woman lay lifeless on the water. The young woman looks very innocent and very beautiful with her dark blue hair and fair white skin. She wears a red shirt with short sleeves and jogging pants.

Steven quickly went to the water and carried the woman out of the water.

Steven pumped the woman's chest as water comes out of her mouth. Steven checked her pulse but no beat. Steven had no choice but gave her CPR on the woman.

After he placed his mouth on hers, the woman instantly woke up and choked some leftover water inside her. She had Sapphire blue eyes that makes her a very beautiful young woman.

Steven sighed happily and asked.

"Are you alright miss?" Steven asked.

The woman looked at him and widened her eyes. She was speechless when she looked at him and hear his voice. She blushed bright red when he's close to her.

The woman that Steven saved is you.

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