Chapter 10

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"It's Wallace!"

Steven turned to you for a moment and stood up from the soft carpet. He went towards the door and turned the doorknob. A thin tall man stood there outside the house with mint green hair and eyes, his hair is curled perfectly with a white hat on his head.

"What brings you here?" Steven asked.

Wallace had an apologetic look on his face. There must be something wrong, what could it be?

"I need to tell you something important," Wallace said, his voice is low.

You stood up and sat on the left side of the sofa, curious on what's going on. Wallace went inside as he sat on the middle of the sofa with Steven.

"Kyogre..." Wallace trailed off. "It's finally awake from its sleep."

Steven somehow lost for words, trying to process the information in his

"What happened?" Steven asked, his voice sounded serious.

"I'm not sure." Wallace sighed. "From my observation, Kyogre seems angry. Before I went here, Kyogre is on its way to Sootpolis city as it brings heavy rain. I quickly went here to inform you as fast as I can, and I told my formal instructor Juan to take care of the city."

"Why is this happening?" Steven asked once more.

"I don't know Steven." Wallace gave him an apologetic look. "But I really need help. The people in Sootpolis would be at risk like twenty years ago."

Steven flinched at the thought of twenty years ago. Wallace and you know that his mother disappeared after the wrath of Groudon. Steven just took a deep breath and said.

"Let's go. We cannot let anything happen at risk, especially for the whole Hoenn region."

"But Steven-" you paused, you realized that you touched the palm of Steven's hand.

That soft touch, the two of you blushed and looked away from each other. Wallace grabbed Steven's jacket from the coat rack as he hands the jacket to Steven.

"Steven?" Wallace gave the two of you a puzzled look.

Steven removed your hand from his as he grabs his jacket with his Mega Stickpin in it. The two men went outside as you followed.

This very night, it was very cold. You could feel the cold breeze in the night air. Tonight somehow felt different from the previous nights you had in this Pokemon world.

From previous nights, the night sky is always beautiful with the stars shining with the moon. But somehow; the night sky is not only different by its appearance, but also its presence. Tonight, the stars and the moon shined brighter than ever. But the night sky had grayish clouds as the stars shines through them with the moon.

The presence you felt for tonight somehow felt like a dreadful one. You don't know why and you felt your heart pounding on your chest. Your stomach grew in knots, giving you this anxiety and dreadful feeling about tonight. You felt mixed up emotions: fear, regret, anxiety; mostly.......


You asked yourself and wondered as you only stayed in one place of the bitter cold air of Mossdeep city. Somehow, the air is way colder than Tate and Liza's secret room.

"What is going on?" You murmured, shivering yourself in the cold night air. You embraced yourself, trying to get some warmth. But, something is bothering your mind that the cold air you're in didn't even matter.

Your mind wondered into the words to what Liza told you earlier. The very words she told you are still fresh in your head. It kept repeating on your mind and that somehow made you frown.

One must give their life for the other to live? Will this tragedy happen tonight? It can't be! I'm not ready for this! What is this mistery inside my head? I'm too afraid, I don't want to let that happen. What should I do?!

Tears fell from your eyes, you kneeled down as you felt the stone cold floor on your knees. You were afraid of what's going to happen. You wished you have one more moment with the man you love here, but this tragedy might occur anytime so you have to watch out.

"Ara?" You looked up to see two men standing near you. Wallace looked curious while Steven gave you a concerned look. You quickly stood up as you wipe the remaining tears visible from your eyes, dusting off the dirt on your shorts.

"I'm fine, nothing at all!" You lied, which is pretty obvious to Steven but not to Wallace.

Steven continued to stare at you in concern, he didn't even take his eyes off you and that made you antsy to get out of the situation. To make things clear, Wallace interrupted.

"Steven, let's go." But Steven just stood there, keeping his concerned blue eyes on yours. Instead of calling his name a couple of times, Wallace waited for his response.

Steven walked towards you, not taking his eyes off you. The two of you were too close to each other, sending chills down your spine. Steven puts his hand on your shoulder, giving you a warm soft smile.

"Just be careful," Steven said in a soft voice. The two of you turned around for a while, seeing Tate and Liza taking care of the place. "Try to help out in Mossdeep, me and Wallace will take care of things in Sootpolis city. Once everything is clear in Sootpolis city, you can take your gym battle with Wallace." Steven removed his hand from your shoulder and joined Wallace.

Before Steven is out of sight, you walked towards him and embraced him eagerly from behind. Steven tried to remove your arms from his stomach, but you hugged him tightly, leaving him blushing all over his face like he was about to explode from the redness.

"Don't hurt yourself like last time," you cooed. "Promise me you'll come back safe. Promise me that never have a single scratch from your body. Promise me tha-"

You couldn't stop the tears flowing from your eyes. You winced as you hug him closer, embracing his warmth and washing all of your worries away. Steven couldn't respond, but instead, he welcomed your touch and embrace. Wallace on the other hand didn't even do anything. He just stared at the two of you with a concern look on his face.

"I promise y/n..." Steven said, he whispered your name on the last part of his words so you're the only one who can hear. "Don't hurt yourself as well..."

You nodded and let him go as Steven gave you one more glance before he's out of sight. You just stood there, wiping those tears away from your eyes. You couldn't help but stand like a lost Eevee.

After a moment, you heard a click of heels and footsteps. You turned around, seeing Madame Blaze in her usual stern looking face, yet her expression seems to be filled with concern.

You wondered. "Why is she hear? Isn't she suppose to do her job as always?"

Madame Blaze looked at you for a brief moment and spoke.

"We have important things to discuss." She turned around calling someone out. "You can come out dear."

A figure of a shadow shadow you see as a young girl came out. You were shocked to see the girl's face.

She was the girl you just met in the mall of Lilycove city.

"Wendy?" You said, your jaw dropped to see the girl's face in an uncertain time.

"Oh hey Ara," Wendy said sheepishly, looking away.

You gave a puzzled look and wondered. "Why is she hear? What is the meaning of this?"

"The three of us have some important business to talk about," Madame Blaze stated. "Come now."

You just nodded without questioning. You followed the two women in the Pokemon Center.

The Pokemon Center seemed to be quiet and only a few people are there to stay while others are healing their pokemons. The three of you went to the café area, sitting down near the corner where no one is around. The area of the Café is small, but it's very cozy and the place is made of wood as well as the tables and chairs.

A waitress came with a smile on her face. Mostly she wears a waitress outfit. She has brown hair tied in a bun, black eyes and porcelain skin color. Her face is slender as her body, and her age is somewhat in the late twenty's.

"What would you like ladies?" The waitress asked in a cheerful tone.

You looked down onto the menu you're holding, looking at the different kinds of food and drinks in different pages of the menu.

"Our latest recipe from yesterday is the Koko drink, originally made from Alola and imported here," the waitress added.

"I'll take a bottle of Moomoo milk," Madame Blaze said, her stern voice sent chills down the waitress' spine.

"I'll just take a Lemonade," Wendy said shyly, without making eye contact with the waitress.

"Great choices for you two." The waitress smiled. "What about you miss?" The waitress pointed at you.

You nervously looked up, trying to decide what to get.

Then your mind wandered.

A memory flashed in your head with Steven in it. The two of you were in the meadow in Hoenn, drinking Moomoo milk together as you look at the view of Hoenn and the pokemons in the morning sun. The soft grass, the various colors of the flowers and the fresh, cool winding your long hair. That memory was fresh in your head as you reminisce.

"Isn't the Hoenn's view from afar beautiful?" Steven asked, turning his gaze on you. He took a sip of milk, holding his bottle of Moomoo milk firmly in his hand.

"It is," you said, inhaling in the fresh air from your nostrils. You exhaled as you take a sip of milk as well.

"You know, if I were you, I'd rather go to Alola and drink their finest Koko drink," Steven said as he relaxes himself in the soft grass.

You chuckled as he laid down on the soft grass. He placed his drink aside, closing his eyes as he relax himself.

"Steven," you cooed as you pat him on the shoulder. "Aren't we suppose to train?"

"Shh..." Steven hushed. "Don't ruin the moment."

You blinked for a few times, confused on what he meant.

"What are you doing?" You asked curiously.

Instead of replying, Steven grabbed your arm as half of your body lay flat on the soft grass. You blushed immensely. Steven opened his eyes, pointing at the sky.

"Look at the sky," Steven said. "Just imagine. It's not bad to remember your childhood memories right?"

You turned him then you looked at the sky. The sky is blue with clouds, pokemons flying aimlessly and the serene of the place around you. You felt yourself relaxed as you remember your childhood memories.

The thought of your old memories here makes you happy and sad at the same time. You're happy with your family and you're sad because you're here in the Pokemon world. You're here with the Pokemon world and you can't see them again. You frowned then you smiled.

You turned your gaze to Steven. Steven wasn't even looking at the sky, his attention is mostly on you. The both of you turned your position, facing each other in the serene. The only sound the two of you can hear is the sound of the bird pokemons, and the breeze. The two of you were so close to each other that the two of you blushed and looked away from each other.

The two of you sat up. You tried to remove the blush on your cheeks, but it's still visible.

"Uhuh.." your voice was shaking as you turned to him. "Why don't I try the Koko drink from Alola?"

Steven turned to you, blinking stupidly for a few times. "Well I'll take you there soon, I promise. For now, let's get to training."

Your memory stopped reminiscing. You finally decided what to get. The Koko drink he mentioned somehow made you crave for it. Before this tragedy, you'd get something first to enjoy.

"Ara, what are you going to pick?" Madame Blaze asked.

You cleared your throat and spoke.

"I'd like to get Koko drink," you simply said with a smile plastered on your face.

Madame gave you a puzzled look. "Koko drink? Ara whe-"

"Koko drink, Lemonade and Moomoo milk coming up!" The waitress chimed as she walks away.

After ten minutes, the waitress finally gave your orders with a smile on her face.

"Moomoo milk, Lemonade and Koko drink are served," the waitress said, keeping that cheery smile on her face as she walks away to serve more people.

In front of you lies a cup full of dark brown liquid. Its aroma enriched through your nostrils somehow makes you crave for its taste.

You grabbed the cup as you slowly take a sip of it. After taking a sip of it, you enjoyed its taste and sweetness. The texture how it's been made and the heat of the liquid makes you relax.

This drink is probably the best drink you've ever tasted.

"Now where was I?" Madame Blaze began. "Well Ara, I want to tell you something very important."

"Is it bad?" You gulped, thinking of the bad things in your head.

"Well it's about something very important," Wendy added.

Your heart beat paused and felt the anticipation and the nerves in you. You didn't even know how to respond to that because it's giving you this scary feeling and anxiety. Instead, you simply nodded. "Go on."

"" Madame trailed off, her voice cracked a bit as she takes a deep breath.

"What is it?" You asked. 

"Ara," Wendy began. "Remember before the night you went to this world?"

You gave her a puzzled look and questioned, "What are you talking about?"

"London," Wendy said.

You hesitated. That very night before you traveled to the Pokemon world somehow made you flinched. That odyssey being in here at first made you confused, trying to learn new things around you in the new world.

"Is there something about that?" you queered.

"To tell the truth," Wendy took a deep breath and said, "I was the girl you met in London."

You heart dropped heavy, flabbergasted at such an odd thing. You don't even know what to think whether she's lying or not, but she seems to be honest and serious.

"You're the-he girl I met before I di-died back there? I don't be- believe it," You stuttered.

"Well yes you died, but I didn't know you'd be here in this world. I was just finding someone to be friends with because I was hated in this world. Even if you don't believe me, I'm telling you that I was that girl you played with in the London bridge."

"What is going on?" You asked anxiously, your voice is low.

"Let me tell you something about that young lady," Madame Blaze said coyly.


"Inconceivable young lady you are!" A stern looking woman shouted. "I should've fired you last week. Why can't you do your job right?"

This woman has dark red sharp eyes with a triangular face, fair skin and black hair tied in a high bun. She wears a black business coat with a white shirt under it. Black skinny skirt above her knees with black leggings and black high heels. For the final touch on her looks, she wears small black glasses. She looks pretty if she doesn't have glasses on, especially with a smile on her face.

"I'm truly sorry boss. I promise I'll do better please don't fire me," a girl with long red hair tied in low pigtails pleaded.

"Wendy Red. If I hear one more complain from our customers, you are fired! Control your powers, will you?!" The manager shut the door close, leaving her in a pile of messy clothes and stuff.

The room is filled with a pile new wrinkled clothes around the floor. The pokedolls scattered around the place, other pokedolls were engulfed in small flames. There were four light bulbs and three light bulbs are cracked, leaving the wires out of the light bulb unstable in electricity. Miscellaneous things scattered everywhere and crushed on the tile floor.

Overall, the whole room is a wreck.

Wendy started cleaning the whole room, using an unusual power she holds. Weak red light engulfed in her hands as she controls the objects and restores the whole room in place. Strong telekinetic power she has though uncontrollable as well.

She is the girl that people hated.

As she was in the middle of fixing the whole mess at night, a click of heels sounded in her ears. Wendy turned around and somehow, she was shocked when she saw a stern looking old woman with long dark blue hair in a ponytail.

The old woman cleared her throat and spoke, "I suppose you have something to tell me. Am I correct?"

Wendy gave her an apologetic look. "Apologies Madame Blaze, I-"

"Enough," Madame Blaze stated. "What happened to my real daughter? "

Somehow, Wendy's stomach grew in knots and her heart clutched to her, killing her insides. She had no clue, but she knows that there is something wrong that made Madame Blaze disappointed. Her imitation shivers her in fear.

"Why did you replace her with another soul from some peculiar world? Tell me now!" Her expression is somehow mixed with anxiousness, anger, sadness... but mostly...


"It's n-not like that!" Wendy stammered with an apologetic look on her face. "I wanted to talk to you because I'm desperate for help with my unusual powers, and I'd never do that to your daughter. And what are you talking about?"

"A different soul inside Ara's body for some reason, why is that peculiar soul here?!" She shouted.

Wendy hesitated. She finally understand what she meant and felt a little bad and said, "I was just playing with someone, but I never knew that something would happen like this. That person is lonely like me, that person felt hated like me and that person was crying. I wanted to make a friend, but my odd powers are a curse."

Madame gave her a death glare for some moments, but sighed after like she was defeated in a battle.

"I don't feel my daughter anymore. I don't feel my real daughter's presence and soul anymore. Surely, her body's replaced into another soul, an odd, yet rare one." Madame Blaze wept. Tears fell from her eyes as she tries to wipe them away from her face.

"Madame..." Wendy trailed off. "I know you deeply care about your daughter. I am truly sorry for your lost. I have been Ara's doppelganger and a monster to you, but I truly understand how you feel."

"How are you sure about that?" Madame Blaze asked. "Ever since Steven had his attack from team Rocket, or that girl acting out of Ara's character ever since the water...wait...does this means my daughter..." Madame Blaze's heart dropped, her heart seemed to stopped beating.

"That must be..." Wendy stated as she sighed. "Then we must see the girl. I will need your help."

Madame Blaze didn't respond but simply nodded.

They explained the whole story to you. You listened carefully in the very details of their story.

"Your real daughter is..." you gasped in shock, utterly speechless.

Madame Blaze nodded, the frown on her face, the faded stern look she always had on. She stood up and embraced you tightly.

"I'm glad that you're here," Madame Blaze cooed. "Even if you're not my real daughter, I will miss you. You are a child, after all. And as a mother, I love you with all my heart. Losing my real daughter hurts, but meeting you was an opportunity."

You couldn't say anything but instead, you hugged back. You sobbed behind her back as you remembered the last time you were embraced by your real mother. The two of you pulled out of the hug after a moment or two.

"The only thing I need is help," Wendy said eagerly. "The reason why me and Ara look alike because we represent the two legendary's from our birth."

"You mean Kyogre and Groudon?" You asked.

"Yes," she said. "Your Sapphire eyes and my Ruby eyes, your dark blue hair and my dark red hair, our looks alike. We represent the two legendaries; you are loved and normal while I am hated and the odd one. Technically, I don't even know how I was born in this world and I, a doppelganger of you. Or should I say Ara. But of course I never ever want to do harm."

Wendy paused for a while and continued, "It's just sad to be hated by everyone because I am a curse. A cursed doppelganger, and a person. I wished I never exist." her voice cracked. "I..."

"You're not, Wendy." You touched her shoulders with a warm smile on your face. "We'll have to get this through, we cannot just let things slide. Fron what I've learned here in this world is that be brave; be strong and all. I won't waste my life here for nothing in Ara's body. I'll take the risk no matter what."

Wendy gave you a warm smile and said, "Thank you very much. It's very kind of you to do such thing." You hugged her and she hugged back.

Madame Blaze smiled for the two of you. You and Wendy looked at each other happily. Suddenly, heavy rain was heard from outside. The Pokemon Center blacked out, causing people to scream in fear.

"All right everyone settle down," Nurse Joy said in a calm tone, "Please stay calm and I'll take care of this."

Nurse Joy used a flashlight to go to a private room. After a few minutes of fear and confusion, the lights were back on but it's dim. The most important thing is that there are lights for all of the people inside the Pokemon Center.

Madame Blaze went to Nurse Joy as she lightly tapped her shoulder.

"What's going on?" Madame Blaze asked.

"The electricity...that heavy rain must have cut it off. Luckily I have a regenerator in case for scenarios like this," Nurse Joy explained in a serious yet cheery voice.

You looked at the window and the whole Mossdeep city is down. It's pitched-black outside that it's hard to see the view. Speaking of the black out, electricity down and rain; you suddenly felt your geart clutched tightly in your chest.

Steven is out there, he might be in great risk.

"I think we need what's your name again?" Wendy said sheepishly.

"My name is Y/N. We have to go to Sootpolis!" You cried anxiously.

"Y/N, it's too dangerous outside. Will you handle the risk?" Madame Blaze asked worriedly. The twins went inside the Pokemon Center with their dreadful expression their faces.

"It's too dark," Tate said, "It's too dangerous to go out."

"Kyogre somehow made things worse that it affected the city's electricity," Liza stated.

"I'd rather go there and save people than stand here doing nothing," you stated.

Somehow, Madame Blaze was surprised by your remarks.

"It's Steven you're after?" She asked.

You flushed, but simply nodded.

"I want to go after him in Sootpolis, let me go and save him. If I die or something, tell Asa that I'm sorry for breaking a promise," you said as you stubbornly went outside the Pokemon Center. The twins didn't say anything but they agreed.

Surely they know that this is the future you're facing right now so they didn't stop you.

"I'll go after her," Wendy said as she vanishes instantly out of sight. It was like red powdered smoke appeared and the next thing it made her disappeared like a ninja.


Utterly stubborn you are, you were in tge middle of the pitched-black city with a flashlight with you that gets soaking wet from all that downpour. The night was stormy, the air gets even colder and colder as you try to get through this menacing storm. You're using your mega umbrella as your shield from this rain, but still, you're still soaking wet from that cold breeze and droplets of water on you.

"Y/N!" a voice was heard. You turned around to see Wendy standing still. "Go back inside, you'll hurt yourself! You're shivering!"

You may be shivering and wet from this condition, but you don't even care about that. All you care is someone you love is fighting out there.

"I need to get to Sootpolis city. Someone will be in great danger!" You said in a serious and high tone.

Wendy wanted to talk more, but instead, she nodded, "Hold my hand."

"Why?" You asked.

"I'll take you to Sootpolis," Wendy stated.

You grabbed onto her hand as she instantly disappears with you in a little red shiny spark.

The next thing, the two of you are in Sootpolis city in a blink of an eye. It amazes you, but mostly, you needed to see him.

The city is pitched-black, but the conditions in here are worse. Thunderstorms appear as the sound of it strikes. It was too dark to see, but with Wendy's abilities and powers, she lighted up the place in red bright light as she was in a meditating position.

A group of people wearing blue pirate themed outfit while a tall brown man in a blue captain outfit. This man is muscular with a beard, a big golden chained necklace hanging around his neck. His muscles are visible in his whole body that somehow disgusted you. You just hid your disgusted expression away as you find Steven. The thing that ticks you off is Steven and Wallace weakening with their pokemons.

Steven couldn't stand guard on his feet as well as Wallace. They were both and they seem to be ready to retreat. Almighty Mega Metagross and that beautiful looking Milotic seemed to lose hope from battling that giant blue-whaled pokemon with yellowish gold bright light lined on its dark blue skin. Somehow, it's fascinating and dangerous at the same time, leaving your stomach in knots. You hid behind a destroyed buililding as you prepare a pokeball with your mega umbrella.

"What is this red light surtounding us?" asked the man who ruled the group of people. "Nevertheless, this light probably symbols our victory as we rule the whole Hoenn region!"

You clenched your fist as you can feel the anger inside you.

"You..." Steven trailed off weakly, "Will never ever rule Hoenn...." Steven tried to stand on guard, but he's weakened.

"Steven Stone, why can't you just give up?" boasted the man. "When Groudon threw this kind of event, your mother died like a weakling. Why can't you accept the fact that you lost from us?"

Steven clenched his fists, his brows furrowed with anger as he winced in pain.

"Because I'm doing this for the sake of Hoenn," Steven stated.

"Sake of Hoenn, sake of Hoenn, that's the only reason you can say?" the man laughed.

"No!" Steven shouted in pain. "I deeply care about the people in Hoenn."

You carefully listened before you act on your feet.

"Oh Steven, you don't need to be a fool." the man laughed. "Where is this strong Steven Stone I know?"

Steven gritted his teeth and clenched his fists even tighter.

"I will not give in to your devious plan!" Steven retorted. Wallace got up as he stands on guard even though he's ready to faint. "Even if I die for Arceus sake, I'd never want to give up for Hoenn. This kind of tragedy may happened again after for two decades, I will not give in. I promised myself and my mother that I'll fight for her and for the whole Hoenn region. "

"And what makes you think of that?" questioned the man boastfully. "You know what? You are not the Steven Stone I remembered. You're always the gentleman, the perfectionist, and whatsoever the people say."

The man walked towards Steven as he lifted his chin up.

"I know that you're never like let's just say the Steven Stone I know is as hard as a rock, but, you're too soft and weak!" he roughly let go of his chin as he smirks at him.

Steven winced in pain.

"Umm Y/N? What do we do?" Wendy asked as she holding the light in her hands.

You steadily set your eyes on the legendary pokemon, then on the people.

"We fight," you stated. You stubbornly ran to them without any second thoughts in you head.

"Y/N wait!" Wendy shouted as she ran with you without losing the lights in her hands.

You went towards the man with a disgraced and glared at the man. Steven was shocked as well as Wallace.

"Y/-....Ara get away from here!" Steven yelled.

"Ara, it's too dangerous to be here," Wallace stated. But you ignored both men as you stood up to the man who just smirked at you.

"I think this red light symbolizes your defeat." You scowled. "Let them go and stop this menace."

The man laughed and said, "Or what beauty face? What you gonna do with me? Throw your beautiful charm towards me?" He turned his gaze to Wendy's. "Well well...the girl whose hated. So you're the one who lit up the place huh? Do you know that many people in this city died? Steven and Wallace are too useless in the fight."

Somehow, the man is correct. What you didn't notice is that many lifeless bodies are placed on the ground and that, it made you terrified. Even children with their mothers died, other pokemons died from the fight as well as you can see it in the red light. Bloody hell you'd say. It was so terrifying and dreadful that it made you want to scream in fear and confusion.

"See my point now beauty face and Wendy?" boasted the man. "Many people died and Steven with the Sootpolis' gym leader are useless. Two decades ago, many people died in Sootpolis like this. Maxie didn't even accomplished his plan because of an odd power that somehow ruined their plan to take over Hoenn. That man is old anyways, he can't even do his job right so I'll take charge."

The man went towards you as he touched your face, which made Steven furious.

"Don't you ever touch her!" Steven shouted in anger.

"If I were you, I'd stay somewhere safe and sound. You seem very innocent and pretty. Sweetheart, I don't want to ruin that precious face of yours," the man said seducively which makes you angry.

" I correct?" You asked in a soft tone. "I'd rather fight than cowardice."

"I, Archie, leader of Team Aqua will destroy the whole Hoenn region with the power of the primal kyogre," Archie stated with a wicked laugh that sends chills down your spine. "Since that's your CHOICE sweetheart." he grabbed your face roughly and stared at you seducively. "You will have to face me."

"I will not let you do this!" You said in a serious tone as you let go of his hand and backed away. "Swampert, come on out!"

You tossed your pokeball forwards as white flashed light comes out from the pokeball, revealing a blue looking pokemon with its serious face. You twirled your umbrella and touched its tip on the ground, making your key stone glow with the Swampertite.

Yellow bright light and blue bright light touched each other as the bond between the trainer and pokemon is fascinating. This bright light like lighting is exotic, amazing as Swampert changes to a new form from that orange, a powerful one that's tougher than its original form.

As Swampert finally mega evolved, it releases a battle cry that caught attention to Kyogre. Wendy and Wallace were amazed, but Steven is flabbergasted. Archie on the other hand is not surprised nor shocked.

"Is that what you got sweetheart? It's unfair for Kyogre to battle by itself so I'll have to finish you as well." Archie grabbed a pokeball from his pocket and tossed his pokeball forward, revealing a big sharked pokemon with sharp teeth and black eyes with red dots on its black orbs.

Archie's neckless with a Key stone in it, activated with Sharpedo's Sharpedonite. Both lights clashed with each other as the pokemon evolved into something bigger than its usual size. After it evolves, Sharpedo looked scarier than any other water type. Swampert wasn't even afraid of that pokemon, Swampert is brave as its main personality that it makes you happy to see your pokemon on your side all the time in need.

You ran towards Steven, along with Swampert as you picked him up steadily on the ground. Steven grasped onto your wrist tightly that it was painful.

"Uh Steven?" You cooed, "My wrist."

"Y/N, just keep your guard with me and Wallace. This battle is too intense, just stay close to me. Can you do that?" Steven looked at you in concern yet weary eyes.


You blushed immensely and nodded, "Alright."

The two of you smiled as the two of you, together with your mega evolved pokemons stood in the opposing team while Archie and Kyogre are on the other side of the team. The rain is just getting harder amd harder, casting lots of thunders and strong cold winds. This was unusual for you, and this kind of situation makes you nervous. All of you are soaking wet from the rain, and you are shivering in the cold. But, you kept your head up high, not giving a single damn.

"All right.... we are going to aim for Sharpedo," Steven began. You nodded as you focus on the situation. "Let's not hit kyogre. We need to retrieve the orb back, otherwise the whole Hoenn region would be destroyed."

You gulped nervously.

"This is so interesting. Sharpedo use aqua jet on Metagross and Kyogre destroy them!" Archie commanded with a smirk on his face.

Sharpedo ran towards Metagross as it cloaks itself with water.

"Metagross, use protect!" Steven thrusts both of his arms and commanded.

Sharpedo clashed towards Metagross when it lunges itself in a cloak of water. Metagross backed away a bit as it stand its guard with protect, mostly Metagross is tired. But with the strong determination from its trainer, Metagross will fight no matter what. Metagross withstand the attack without any fail, Sharpedo backed away a bit.

"Swampert use bide on Sharpedo!" You commanded as you clenched your free hand into a ball of fist, as you held onto your mega umbrella with your other hand.

Swampert did as you said as it charges energy and then releases the bright white power towards Sharpedo.

"Milotic combine bide with twister!" Wallace commanded.

Milotic did as it was told as it uses twister. Its twister mixed with bide, that makes the move way unique and powerful.

A combination of a normal type move and a dragon type move.

Sharpedo was pushed off against the move as it bounces ots way back to the opposing side.

The battle was too intense as the rain and the wrath of Hoenn worsen. It was the hardest struggle you've ever experienced and the more tense the tragedy goes, the more fear you feel inide you. You were completely aware that something is going to happen. After some time in battling, Sharpedo fainted on the ground. Archie seems disappointed, but returned Sharpedo back to its pokeball.

One unexpected thing happened is that, Kyogre let out its battle cry as it unleashes a powerful move. A powerful move that can't be predicted. All of your pokemons around you are weak, and Wendy is exhausted. She was fighting Kyogre through its mind, but Kyogre is hard-headed that it can pass through her telekinetic and powerful odd power.

The storm got even stronger and stronger, the storm is unbearable. There was blizzard as well, and it was too strong. You were just embracing yourself with your shivering, icy, and stone cold skin. You couldn't bear the cold, you were ready to give up. The more you withstand the sheer cold pressure, the more you're freezing to death.

Kyogre aimed its power onto Wendy's as it unleashes a big gush of water that's like a powerful water downpour. Wendy is too weak to dodge it. With your leftover strength, you ran towards her and pushed her away. As you pushed her away, you were the one who got hit by Kyogre's move.

After the move hits you, you laid down on the ground helpless. Kyogre saw you on the ground and looked at you with concern eyes. That's when Wendy took control. She finally controlled kyogre as Kyogre returned to its original form eventually. The storm disappeared instantly, the night sky is back its normal state with the breaking dawn appears in sight.

It must be dawn already. The sun rising in the east, the chilly air that surrounds the area. The dead bodies, frozen bodies, destroyed buildings, icy ground and the people are stone cold. This place had mixed up emotions and it's a total disaster.

Steven ran towards you and held onto your helpless cold body. Wendy ran towards you as well, a frown grew on her face. As for Archie, he was down for now. The two of them are cold as ice, but you're colder than liquid nitrogen.

"Y/N," Steven cooed, "Are you still with me?"

"Ssstt-evan," you cooed.

"Y/N! I'm so sorry y/n," Wendy cried. "I know we barely knew each other and-"

"It's alright," you interrupted, your voice is hoarse and weak. "This is a tragedy that we cannot avoid. I knew that someone must sacrifice for you, so I accepted this. I wanted to help you in the first place."

You placed your cold hand onto hers.

"Wendy, use your powers for good. Always remember that you're unique. Never believe that you're a monster to anyone. Keep in mind and promise me to be happy on my last breath," you said. Wendy nodded as she wiped a tear.

"Wallace, I-"

"You were brave. Challenge my gym or not, your bravery will be our remembrance in this city," Wallace said with a soft smile on his face.

Your eyes flickered to Steven, his eyes were watery.

"Hey," you cooed as you placed your cold hand onto his face. "Such handsome face, don't ever let those tears fall. I've chosen this path in the first place so I have to deal the consequences of my action."

Steven placed his free hand onto your wrist in a grimace.

"Y/N, you stubborn girl," he said, his voice cracked.

"Steven," you breathe, "I'm sorry if I have to go so soon. I'm sorry if I can't keep the promise you told me to keep."

Barely breathing, vision blurring, you were starting to lose yourself. The leftover strength you have, you used it to speak once more.

"" that's when you had your last breath. Your eyes remained open, your face was dreadful with icy shards on your features. The last breath you had was a puff of cold air out of your mouth.

Steven embraced you closer, tears streaming down from his icy blue eyes.


In the end, they were restoring Sootpolis city back to its state though the people who lost their lives in the city can't be restored. In Sootpolis city, many graveyards were placed on the ground.

The members with the leader of team Aqua are finally caught. The orb is placed back to its spot. Wendy used her powers to take care of Hoenn.

As for you, you were placed inside a safe coffin under Evergrande city. No matter what they do to you, you were irreplaceable. Steven would go to your coffin everyday to see your resting face that would attract any other man in the region.

This story may not end as perfect as what you seemed, but the most important thing you want most is meeting the man you love.

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