Chapter 8

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The next day, you woke up in the sofa bed. Steven was just standing near the sofa bed, wearing a grey sleeveless shirt with sport shorts. You were surprised that he's only wearing flip-flops.

"Good morning y/n!" Steven greeted.

You blinked for some seconds and smiled.

"Morning Steven, you seem early. What's with the normal wear?"

"Mostly, I can't sleep properly honestly," Steven admitted and chuckled. "Don't judge me with my outfit, I can't always wear something fancy all the time."

"I'm not judging you, you look fine," you answered, "Maybe I should take a bath." you let out a long yawn.

"I'll wait for you outside." Steven stated as he heads out of the door.

You grinned and got up from the sofa bed. You streched your arms, getting your bath towel and clothes as you head to the bathroom.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Steven sat on the bench, waiting for you outside with his cup of coffee. Mudkip hopped onto your shoulder as you lock the door of his house, of course, not forgetting your shoulder bag. You rushed outside, finding Steven around Mossdeep city.

Today, you'd wear a black sleeveless crop top, designed in an elegant style. It only reached until your whole breasts area, which is pretty revealing to your body. On the bottom, you'd wear denim shorts with black boots on the feet. You just combed your hair with a little make-up on your face.

"Steven!" You yelled, breathing heavily, trying to catch your breath.

"I'm right here!" Steven shouted, you didn't even noticed that he's behind you.

You awkwardly turned around and saw Steven enjoying his cup of coffee on the bench. You let out a nervous laugh, Steven chuckled at you, his smile and voice made you blush. Then Steven looked at your outfit and style, he couldn't get his eyes off you. Steven had slight blush on his cheeks as he shakes his head to stop the blush, you cleared your throat and started.

"Sorry about that, I was just locking and-"

"Don't be, I should've stand outside my house as I wait for you. I got bored so I bought a cup of coffee for myself." Steven said.

You sat down on the bench beside him, smelled the aroma of the coffee he's drinking.

"What's the flavor of the coffee?" You asked curiously. The coffee he's drinking is somehow familiar to your taste.

"Mocha." Steven simply replied.

That flavor of coffee he's drinking is your most favorite flavor. You pouted at him, he gave you a puzzled look.

"Why didn't you give me some?" You whined.

"I didn't know you like mocha coffee. This coffee is somehow my favorite flavor, I'd always go to the Pokemon Center to get this." Steven replied sheepishly.

You pouted playfully, Steven gave you an apologetic look.

"You know what? I'll get you some of this as well." Steven said as he stood up from his seat. Before he goes, you grabbed his wrist, shaking your head.

"Steven okay! I forgive you and I know I haven't tell you that. You don't have to do this just because of my childish behavior." You said, stuttering every words you say.

Steven didn't say a word, but unexpectedly, he pulled you close to him. You were shocked, his icy blue eyes locked onto your sapphire eyes. For a brief moment, the two of you stared at each other. That moment felt like a dream to you because it was perfect, Steven placed his arm on your shoulder, you blushed and looked away.

"I insist." Steven simply replied, you looked into his eyes again and sighed.

Mudkip popped in between the two of you, snuggling at you with affection.

"Oh Mudkip stop!" You said, being tickled by your own pokemon.

"Mudkip really likes you huh?" Steven said, looking at the two of you in awe. "I bet, you'll be a wonderful trainer. Just work hard and you'll make it."

"Thanks Steven, me and Mudkip are getting along since yesterday." You replied sheepishly.

"That's great to hear, let's have some breakfast in the Pokemon Center." Steven stated.

The two of you headed to the doors of the Pokemon Center, the doors automatically opened as the two of you entered inside.

The two of you went to the cafeteria area, choosing what food to eat on the menu.

"Already know what to eat?" Steven asked.

"Nor sure what to get." You replied, thinking what you'd get on the menu.

"I know what you can eat, try their Chansey soup." Steven suggested.

"Chansey soup?!" You blurted. "What is that kind of food anyways?! Are you guys eating Chansey?"

Steven hushed you, you stopped and gave him an apologetic look.

"The egg of Chansey is used as a secret ingredient. It's a very new recipe actually, they said that it's very delicious. Of course we don't eat Chansey's parts of the body literally, they only used it's egg," Steven explained as he chuckles. "Don't say that peculiar topic out loud next time."

"Sheesh, are people in here judgemental these days?" You mocked as you crossed your arms.

"Not really, it's just very odd for them to hear that kind of thing." Steven replied. You nodded, understanding what he means.

You pouted playfully and at the same time, you grinned at him. You enjoyed talking to him and you've never felt more open with other people before. Steven is such a gentleman with his words, personality and appearance. His voice, his scent and his presence, somehow made you fall deeper for him.

Then your grin turned into a frown somehow. You looked down on the table, thinking about that question. Steven noticed; he gave you a concern look.

"Something wrong y/n?" Steven asked.

You looked up at him, he seems very concern from his facial expression.

"It's nothing," You lied.

Steven still kept his gaze on you, his eyes are still full of concern.

"If this is about your family back on your world, we can talk about it later if you like," Steven said, giving you a small smile on his face.

Not exactly what you have in mind right now but, you missed your family as well. Imagine that you'll never see them again because you're stuck in this world, this world where mythical creatures exist in your very eyes.

You sighed and smiled back.

Finally, the food is served. You smelled the aroma of the chansey soup that somehow makes you hungry for it.

You slowly got some soup from your spoon, blowing the soup softly then you took a sip. The soup was definitely delicious you'd say. It's texture, flavor, and even how it's made. It somehow makes you relaxed and happy.

"Delicious isn't it?" Steven asked.

"Very." You replied, relaxing yourself on your chair.

"Uh Steven?" You started.

Steven hummed in response, enjoying his chansey soup.

"Are you gonna say something?" Steven asked.

"Nevermind." You replied.

"Don't be hesitant, you can tell me something that's bothering you," Steven said.

"Well do I say this? I dearly miss my family," You answered. Not exactly the truth that's bothering you, but it's true that you miss your family.

"I understand it's hard y/n. I relate," Steven said, his voice was soft.

"You do?" You asked.

"I'll tell you when the timing is right," Steven stated.

Instead, the two of you just finished your soup and head outside after.

The two of you headed outside. Steven tossed a pokeball high in the air, sending out his Skarmory.

Skarmory's steel like feathers are sharp and shiny. Its body is steady and strong that somehow impresses you.

"Skarmory is so cool." You said.

"Skarmory is a dear friend of mine." Steven replied as he goes behind Skarmory's back.

You did the same, helding onto Steven's shirt tightly. This is gonna be some ride that makes you scared, especially when you might fall on the water. Last time, you fell into the water by the London Bridge. That kind of incident somehow frightened you, you were very scared to look at the sea's glistening view.

"Umm..y/n?" Steven interrupted.

"Yeah?" You nervously replied.

"Are you okay? You seem tense." Steven asked. He's not looking at you, but he knows that you're scared, the way you held to his jacket and your rapid breathing.

"Well...." you trailed off.

Before you answer his question, Steven placed your arms around his waist as he held to his Skarmory.

"Mt. Pyre go!" Steven shouted. Skarmory flew off instantly.

You screamed as the two of you flew high in the sky. You tightly wrapped your arms around Steven's waist, hoping that you wouldn't fall.

"Are you alright there?" Steven asked, his voice was a bit shaky and cheery.

"Please tell me this will be over!" You cried.

"I'm afraid this is the beginning." Steven joked. "Let's go faster Skarmory!"

Skarmory nodded and dived in the sky as Skarmory increases its speed. You screamed so loud, holding onto Steven as close as you can. Your long dark blue hair is flying over the place. Then Skarmory soared high in the air, keeping its balance in the air steadily.

You fixed your messy hair, removing the other hair on your face.

"Why does this hair have to be long?" You thought.

You looked at the sky, inhaling the fresh air. The sky is so beautiful and nice, the Swellows, Taillows, Swablus and all other flying type pokemons are flying happily in the sky. This is one of the most amazing sights you've ever seen in your whole life.

"Still scared?" Steven asked with sarcasm.

"Steven, are you seriously gonna give me a heart attack?" You asked as you pout.

"Why would I give you a heart attack? Your heart's too prescious sweetheart." Steven joked.

You blushed bright red that made Steven laugh.

"Okay okay, I was just kidding." Steven stated.

"Are you into flirting or something?" You asked, cupping your face to conceal the blush. But, the blush is also on your neck that Steven still can't stop laughing.

"What's flirting?" Steven questioned. "Never heard that kind of word before."

"What you're doing right now is called 'flirting' okay?" You explained patiently, your thumb and pointer finger performing a circle while your three fingers stand, doing the "okay" sign.

Steven gave you a puzzled look, trying to do the sign you're doing. Then he did the sign and said.

"Okay, thanks teacher." He joked.

"Yeah yeah." You murmured.

"Mud!" Mudkip chimed happily.

Finally, the two of you made it to Mt. Pyre. The two of went down on the ground, Steven returned Skarmory back to its pokeball. Mudkip stayed by your shoulders, nuzzling in your hair.

"Ready to head inside?" Steven asked.

"What if I tell you I'm not ready?" You joked with a smirk on your face.

"Then I'll leave you and Mudkip, bye." Steven replied with sarcasm.

"Hey don't do that! That was one amazing ride on Skarmory and you're just gonna leave me?" You retorted.

"Sheesh, you're so sensitive. I asked you if you're ready to head inside with me, but you're joking with me. Whenever I make a joke, you'll pout." Steven pouted.

"Fine, I'm so-"

Steven wrapped his arm around you, smirking at you.

"I forgive you." Steven simply replied. "Let's get in."

As the two of you head inside, Mudkip popped in between the two of you. The two of you let go of each other and headed inside the entrance.

The place inside is a cemetery where people and Pokémon rest in peace. A dark and dreary place where other people would visit. You frowned at the sight of it, seeing other people visiting the place for their love ones at rest.

"Why are we here? Is there someone important to visit?" You asked in a soft voice.

"I'll show you." Steven replied, without looking back.

You nodded as the two of you walked towards the second floor.

As the two of you reached the second floor of Mt. Pyre, there are more graves than you expected. As the two of you walk, you saw a grave that has says "Sylvia Stone," which caught your attention.

Steven went towards that grave, brought out a small but beautiful flower from his pocket. Steven kneeled, as he closed his eyes to pray.

You kneeled beside him, looking at him in concern.

"Is this your mother?" You asked with an apologetic look.

Steven stayed silent for a brief moment and replied.

"She is. You know? My mother loves flowers. She'd always gets the flower part, instead of the stem part."

You looked at the grave, looking at the details on the tablet.

It said:

Rest in Peace
Sylvia Stone

Born on: August 11, 1968

Died on: February 22, 1998

There were other words below the grave, but you decided to not read them.

"What happened to your mother?" You asked in a whisper.

Steven frowned, he took a deep breath and gave a small smile.

"My mother used to be a great champion before. She's the first female champion of Hoenn, that many other people looked up to her, and many people are inspired to become a strong trainer like her." Steven explained.

"But what happened to her?" You asked curiously.

"An outrageous pokemon awakened two decades ago, who brought up drought to the whole Hoenn region. I was just four years old, of course, I was very young that time. When I was young, I'd always love to travel around various regions here."

You nodded as you listen carefully in Steven's story.

"You mean Groudon?" You asked.

"Exactly." Steven answered. "Groudon, of course represence land. Long ago, the leader of team Magma managed to get the red orb, waking the sleeping pokemon. When Groudon woke up, it was somehow upset. Groudon casted the whole Hoenn region drought, causing destruction everywhere in Hoenn."

"So when your mother find that out, she managed to stop Groudon?" You said.

"That's what happened. Groudon was in its primal form so it was very difficult to stop it. My mother, together with the formal elite four fought together with all of their pokemon, in order to save Hoenn from destruction. Unfortunately......"

You gave him a concern look, his mother's death wasn't easy to forget. He hesitated from telling his story.

"Hey, you can tell me. You said once that you'll be there for me, I'll be there for you as well. And..I'll help you," You simply replied, patting his back to make him feel better.

"While my mother battled Groudon with her six pokemons, unfortunately, my mother died from that cataclysmic battle. The former elite four retrieved back the red orb, returning it back to where it's from. When me and my father found out that mother died, I cried a lot."

Steven had tears stinging his eyes, one tear fell on his cheek.

You felt bad for him, some tears fell on his cheek as they slid downwards to the collarbone.

"Steven, I'm so sorry for you."

He wrapped your arms around you eagerly.

He needed this hug.

You thought as you embraced him in open arms.

"It may be a long time ago, but I'll never forget that day. There was never a day that I'd stop thinking about my mother," Steven continued, your heart felt broken from seeing his soft side.

"Steven, it's not your fault. You were just young, I believe that she's with you all the time." You stared at his eyes, that icy blue colored turned dull.

"Maybe your mother is very proud of you when you became champion of Hoenn. I believe that she can see or hear you right now," You said thoughtfully.

Steven pulled out from the hug, his frown turned into a smile.

"Thank you y/n," Steven simply replied.

"You're welcome Steven," you cooed, "Don't ever think of anything bad. Always go on the good side. Promise?"

"I promise," he answered, "When I became the champion of Hoenn, I promised myself that I'll protect the people around Hoenn. I want to fulfill that dream for my mother."

"Can you handle the pressure?" You asked in concern.

"Let's just say that I'm the man of steel." Steven said with sarcasm.

"What are you iron man?" You scoffed.

"Hey, was that line bad?" Steven asked as he stared at you.

"No, but it was funny for me," You replied, trying to keep yourself together from the laughter.

"Silly girl." Steven lightly pushed you that you almost tripped.


Steven laughed, "Apologies."

The two of you had some small talks until noon.

Before the two of you left, you heard some people.

You gasped, as you identified those two grunts.

Team Aqua, they had something in their hands. It was a blue orb. You secretly hid yourself from, going to eavesdrop them.

"Finally got the blue orb, Archie is sure gonna be proud." The first grunt said.

"Once we use the blue orb, we'd wake up that Kyogre to bring back terror in Hoenn." The second grunt said.

As you listen carefully about a certain topic, Mudkip jumped on your right shoulder. The way it jumped on you was a surprise, you were stumbling, trying to find your balance on your feet. Team Aqua heard something from afar, they seemed tense about it.

"Do you think we'll get caught from this?" The first grunt asked the second grunt.

"We're not sure about that, let's hurry now." The second grunt replied.

You felt someone touching your shoulder as you flinched.

"No you can't have my body you rapist!" You blurted as you closed your eyes.

"Ummm...y/n? It's me." Steven replied.

You stupidly blinked for some seconds, trying to make sure that this is reality for sure. You checked the grunts, but they vanished.

"What was that all about?" Steven asked curiously.

"Sorry about that, I was kinda imagining things." You stuttered.

"And.....what's rapist?" Steven asked curiously.

"It's nothing, o-"

"Is that word used in your world or something?" Steven asked.

"Well how can you tell?" You questioned.

"It seems to have meaning," Steven replied.

"How are you sure about that?" You questioned once more.

"To me, it's inappropriate to say," Steven said.

"Well kinda like that, and it's not a good place and time to explain that word," you beushed off his remarks as you went to the exit.

"Okay?" Steven awkwardly replied.


A week later, you and Steven had to part ways for your journey in Hoenn. The past week, the two of you have been training hard and the two of you got to know a lot about each other. That made you two, very close friends.

On your journey in Hoenn, you'd wear a white sleeveless tank top with denim shorts, on the feet you wear white sneakers and white socks. You had your white sachel bag with everything you need. Your hair is tied in a high ponytail.

"Best wishes on yout journey y/n" Steven said. He's not on his suit, he's just wearing simple clothes.

"Thank you Steven for everything," You said gratefully.

"No problem, call me sometimes about how your journey went," Steven added.

"I will, I'm gonna work hard to beat Roxanne," You said with full courage and determination. Mudkip is on your shoulder, looking at you with determination.

"Bye!" Steven baid you farewell as he walks away. "Call me if my father is looking for me or something."

"I will!" You yelled as you bid him farewell.

That past week was fun, you got to learn more about Steven and that makes you happy. You trained with him and Mudkip is getting a lot stronger. Parting ways with Steven is not easy, but this is a chance you shouldn't forget.

This is the chance when you can live again and do whatever desires you. You learned that you shouldn't be greedy about being reincarnated into this world.

This is the chance of a new adventure in your new life.

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