Chapter 24

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After the police had finally left, Dani found herself pacing back and forth in Jax's living room. Once she had seen the note left by the Maestro, any lingering feelings of safety she had were long gone.

"I think you should take me home now. I have to get to work," Dani said.

"Have you forgotten that you may have the Maestro after you?"

"Forgotten? How could I forget?" Dani suddenly stopped and turned to Jax. "Do you have any idea what I'm going through right now? Normally when I wake up, I get a break from the nightmares. But now it's like my reality and my dreams are merging. I don't get a moment's rest. Not one. And you expect me to do what exactly? Sit still and wait for you and your partner to catch this guy?"

"That's not what I'm saying," Jax said.

"No? Then what are you saying? What would you do if you were me?"

He took a moment too long to answer and Dani turned away.

"Jax, I appreciate the concern, but you can't stop me."

He cursed before answering, "You're right. I can't stop you but I can go with you."

"I don't want you to."

"Dammit Dani, I'm not giving you a choice on this."

"I'm not Vivian, Jax."

"What?" he grabbed her elbow, causing her to flinch, and he immediately let go. "Sorry. I know you don't like to be touched."

"I'm not Vivian."

"I know that."

"Do you think I'll dream of her tonight?" Dani asked softly.

"You're taking this conversation into too many directions," Jax sighed.

"Stop acting like you don't understand. I'm talking about Vivian. Do you ever stay up late at night because you're dreaming of her? The woman you loved. The woman you couldn't save. I'm not her. I don't need you to hover over me like I'm some kid that needs to be watched."

"You don't think so? I have a brick through my window that says otherwise. Dani, I get that you're not Vivian. I also understand that you want to pretend things are normal but they aren't. As much as you want to believe they are...they aren't. It isn't safe. I'm going with you."

"So you can help me like you helped Vivian?"

The words stung and Jax visibly flinched, "What did you say?"

"You couldn't help her. What makes you think you can help me?"

"I know you're angry but you're stepping over the line of what can and can't be said."

"You couldn't protect her. You didn't even try to catch her murderer. Why should I trust you?"

"Partner rule number six."


"Rule six. You have to trust your partner," Jax said.

"Then I guess I can't be your partner," Dani said softly.

"It's too late. We're partners and I'm not letting you go. Get used to it."

"Why do you care so much?"

Jax scratched the back of his neck, "I'm not sure why but I do. Is there something wrong with that? It's not a bad thing...having someone care about you."

"You care about me?"

"I do."

"Do you consider me a friend?" Dani asked.

Jax looked at his watch, at the taped off window, at anything but her before answering, "I do. Don't you consider me...a friend?"

Dani shrugged, "I don't know. We haven't known each other that long."

Jax grinned, "I thought you said it was about quality not quantity. I'm your friend, right?"


She walked to his car and waited for him to follow. He knew that was her way of agreeing for him to accompany her but something about her answer didn't sit well with him.


After driving to Dani's apartment, they walked up the stairs to pick up her waitress uniform. Jax tapped her shoulder, "What's with you? I've been talking to myself for the past thirty minutes."

Dani's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, "Sorry. When I'm distracted, I tend to zone out. Faces become blurs and words become jumbled. I guess I sort of retreat into my own little world."

"Faces become blurs?"

"Yeah. It's kind of embarrassing. Just the other day my coworker told me I was like a zombie. I guess I had been too distracted by Billy's disappearance. She said I had ignored my regulars. I didn't even acknowledge Belcher and Freddy. I still can't believe Belcher is the Maestro. It's not for sure yet, is it?"

"No, we just want to check out this lead. Does he have any siblings? You said in your dreams that the Maestro had a brother named Jackson."

Dani shrugged.

Jax's cell phone rang and he quickly answered it since it was his partner Roberto Montoya. Roberto was straight to the point, "I got some background on this Billy Gearson."

"What did you learn?" Jax asked.

"Parents are Rhonda and Marvin Gearson. Has a younger brother. Lives with Derek Bombay. Attends school locally. Last phone call was to a woman named Tammy Owens."

"I got it. Did you contact this Tammy Owens woman?"

"Yes, she's coming to the station. That's all I have so far. The officer in charge of the case will have to fill you in on the rest.

"Thanks Roberto. I appreciate it."

"I know he's your girlfriend's friend. By the way, did she tell you anything about this Belcher guy?"

Jax filled him in on what Dani had told him. He hesitated before continuing, "I know that woman said he was the last guy June Danvers spoke with but I still feel like we're missing something."

Roberto agreed, "We need something solid to link him to the murders before they'll issue a warrant. Don't worry, we'll find something."

"I'm not worried. We've come this far. I just want to make sure we stop him before we have another victim on our hands," Jax said.

"How's your girlfriend? She must be pretty shaken up," Roberto asked.

"Surprisingly, she's handling it all pretty well."

"Yeah? That's good. If a serial killer sent me a personalized note, I'd probably be crapping bricks right now," Roberto sighed. "No pun intended."

"My Panda Eyes is made of tougher stuff."


"Forget it. Listen, call me with any updates. I want to stay close to Dani just in case our guy decides to contact her again," Jax said.

"Will do. And Jax?"


"You be careful. If the Maestro's been watching your girl, he's probably been watching you too."

Jax disconnected the call and started the car. Dani would be safe. He'd stake his life on that.

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